• Published 20th Jun 2020
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Equestria Ninja Girls and the Crimson Thief - Wildcard25

The Turtles and Rainbooms join forces with the Crimson Thief Carmen Sandiego to foil VILE's newest scheme

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Infiltrate TCRI

At the Turtles lair, the three teams were preparing, but also waiting for their back up. Zack spoke to Sunset, “So who exactly are we waiting for again, outside of Karai, Shini, Bebop, and Rocksteady?”

“Just some other New York allies. And trust me if you think we're a real ragtag group, they're just the same.” Sunset answered.

“What up homies?” Bebop asked, as he, Rocksteady, Karai, and Shini entered.

“Glad you guys made it.” Leo began.

“And miss another chance to bust up VILE?” Karai asked rhetorically.

“So when do we start?” Shini asked itching for some fun.

“When the others get here.” Twilight answered.

“Mutanimals here and ready!” came a voice as Slash led his team into the lair. The group of mutants spotted their Rainbooms friends, “Hi, girls.”

“So good to see you, Slash.” Fluttershy greeted, as the big turtle smiled.

“Leatherhead, my big green buddy!” Pinkie nuzzled the gator mutant.

“Always good to see you, Pinkie Pie.” he greeted.

“Hey, Ray. Hokum. How've you guys been since joining the team?” Mikey asked the stingray and hare mutants.

“All good, partner.” Hokum admitted.

“Being part of a team has been very well to both of us.” Ray admitted.

Team Carmen looked at the group of mutants in surprise, “Wow. This city really has it's array of mutants.” Ivy said in surprise.

Raph spoke to the thieves, “Team Carmen, meet the Mighty Mutanimals. Some of our greatest allies and friends here in the city.”

Slash walked up to Carmen and offered his hand, “Carmen Sandiego. The name's Slash. My team and I look forward to working with you.”

“Thanks. Looking forward to this too.” Carmen admitted, as they shook on it.

“Hey, how come he's so much bigger and stronger than you guys?” Zack asked the turtles who weren't sure how to answer.

Leatherhead approached which intimidated Zack and Ivy, “You may call me Leatherhead. And any friend of my turtle friends is a friend of mine.”

“Thank you.” Carmen replied.

Mikey leaned into the siblings, “Don't be so afraid, he's very gentle.”

“Unless he sees something he doesn't like then be prepared to shield your face.” Donnie warned the two much to their confusion.

Rockwell levitated over surprising the group, “Carmen Sandiego. I'm Dr. Tyler Rockwell. Charmed and delighted to meet you,” the mutant monkey began, before spotting Zack eyeballing him in shock, “And what, dear boy, are you staring at?”

“Sorry it's just you're floating,” Zack began, “Monkeys don't do that. So do mutant monkeys do that?”

Rockwell sighed, “Hardly. I'm not your run-of-the-mill monkey mutant. When I was human I was a brilliant scientist, until I was betrayed by my vile partner who turned me into this. For some time I had started losing my humanity. Until I was experimented on by the Kraang who not only restored my vast intellect, but gave me psychic powers as well.”

“Amazing.” Ivy admitted.

“Thank you, my dear girl.” Rockwell replied politely.

Pigeon Pete dropped in before speaking, “Hi there. Name's Pigeon Pete. I'm like a spy too.”

“Really?” Carmen asked amusingly while crossing her arms.

“Oh, yeah. I'm the eyes in the sky.” Pete boasted, before picking up a baguette and eating it.

Mondo walked up, “What up dudes and dudettes? Name's Mondo Gecko!” he started playing his skateboard like a guitar while making guitar noises.

“This guys got style.” Zack told Ivy who rolled her eyes.

Bandit spoke up, “Link Chadler, but call me Bandit Raccoon. I've also done some thievery in my time. Of course nothing on your level, but hey. A steal's a steal, am I right?”

“Indeed.” Shadowsan answered.

Mona approached, “I am Lieutenant Y'Gythgba, but you may call me Mona Lisa.”

“I'm going out on a limb, unlike these guys you're not a mutant.” Carmen guessed.

“You are correct, Ms. Sandiego. I am a Salamandrian from the planet Salamandria.”

“Wow! Alien reptiles!” Zack said getting all giddy.

Ray presented himself, “I'm Raymond Berimore. But call me Ray Fillet. Nice to meet you all.”

“A stingray? Oh, man.” Zack said feeling nauseous while covering his mouth.

“Is he ok?” Ray asked them.

“My brother's not big on seafood.” Ivy explained.

“I see.”

Hokum walked over, “Nice meetin ya. Name's Harvey Hokum. But now I'm Hokum Hare.”

“Oh, let me guess. You used to be a carrot farmer?” Zack guessed.

“Am I that obvious?” Hokum asked.

“Nailed it!” Zack cheered.

“So, Slash,” Carmen began, “Did Leo and the others fill you in on what we're up against?”

“Bunch of agents from a criminal syndicate of thieves?” Slash answered.

“More or less.” Carmen said.

“Ok, team,” Leo started, “We got a lot of work ahead.” they began mapping out their strategy.

Carmen pointed to a spot on a map of New York set up on the table, “This is TCRI. My former classmates will be infiltrating that building to hijack more mutagen to make up for the compromised shipment.”

April motioned to another spot on the map, “This is the museum the Countess will be planning to have the Bridge to Paradise stolen.”

Rarity finished while motioning to another spot, “And this is where the Fashion show is being held. Where the Countess also plans to steal some of their rare and valuable gowns being put on display.”

“Three locations. Three heists.” Bebop counted up.

“Ok, Keno, Shini, and the Mutanimals will go after the three VILE agents at TCRI,” Leo began, “The Rainbooms, Carmen, Bebop, Rocksteady, and Fugitoid and us will be at the Fashion Show, and the rest of you will head to the museum.”

“Works for Casey Jones.” Casey admitted.

“Alright, team. Let's do this!” Mikey cheered getting everyone pumped for the missions.

That night everyone was in their respective positions. Outside the fashion show building were the turtles, the Rainbooms, Bebop, and Rocksteady. Leo spoke into his T-Phone. Ok, we're in position. How about the rest of you?”

At TCRI, Rockwell spoke into his own T-Phone, “We're all here at TCRI awaiting our thieves.”

Leo nodded to himself, “Karai, are you, April, Casey, and Shadowsan there?”

“At the museum as said, Leo.” Karai confirmed.

“And we're in the getaway car like always.” Zack spoke into his phone.

“Ok, team, good luck.” Leo began, and was about to end his call until Player's voice rang.

“Hold up, Leo. Red Drone's got something on its visual.”

“What is it?” Carmen asked.

Player watched his monitor and saw a visual of a couple of Mousers going down a street, “These look a lot like those Mouser robots you were fighting that night.”

“Mousers?” Donnie asked overhearing the call.

“Looks like Stockman's on the move.” Twilight suspected.

“What do you think he's up to?” Applejack asked.

“I don't know, but he must have something planned himself.” Sunset suspected.

Twilight spoke to the mutant duo, “Bebop and Rocksteady follow the Mousers. They may lead you to Stockman.”

“What, we can't just abandon our posts now.” Raph said.

“We need all the info we need.” Twilight replied.

“I'll go with them.” Fugitoid volunteered.

Leo spoke to the duo, “Think you guys can handle it?”

“We got this, G.” Bebop assured.

“Alright, you three get going.” Leo instructed, as Bebop, Rocksteady, and Fugitoid hurried off.

AT TCRI, the three graduates were following a tunnel underneath with El Topo leading, “We should be right under it now.” The Mole told his comrades, before lifting up a vent and peeked out. When he saw there was currently no one around he gave them the signal it was clear. They climbed out of the hole and proceeded.

The opened a door and Tigress peeked out seeing the hall looked clear, until two guards started coming. She backed right into the room and waited. When the two guards passed, Le Chevre and El Topo knocked the two out and dragged them into the room.

“Come on, let's hurry!” the three hurried while taking out any security cameras they saw.

“According to the blueprints supplied by Stockman, the mutagen should be stored in a vault close by.” Le Chevre explained.

“I just hope we can carry enough in just these bags we brought.” El Topo motioned to the duffel bags they were each carrying.

“Remember, we're only getting what we can carry,” Tigress reminded them, “Stockman is making sure he acquires more from one of his secret stashes.” the two nodded.

As they busted through a door and found themselves in a testing facility. They saw a door on the other side and rushed for it, only for Night Watcher to come out from hiding and block their path.

“Excuse e moi, but I don't think this place allows visitors!” he began.

“What?!” Tigress gasped, “Who are you?”

“I'm the Night Watcher!” he pulled out his sparring sticks, “And I don't take kindly to trespassers.”

Le Chevre scoffed, “Night Watcher? That is a stupid name! Not very creative!”

“You two keep him busy. I'll get what we came for.” Tigress instructed.

“Gladly.” El Topo replied, as he and Le Chevre tossed her their bags.

The boys got into defense positions, as Keno spoke, “As a friend of mine says 'Class Pain 101 is in session'. And I'm your instructor.”

The two VILE boys attacked Keno who dodged their strikes, before tripping Le Chevre. El Topo tried scratching at the pizza boy with his clawed gloves while Keno backed away, “You need a manicure for those things!”

“Funny.” El Topo smirked.

Le Chevre jumped back to his feet and spoke, “That was a lucky move. Think you can do it again?”

“Try me.” Keno answered, as he continued to fight the boys as Tigress slipped past them and went on ahead.

As Tigress kept taking out any security cams, she made it into another room and spotted a vault, “Jackpot.” she smirked.

As she waltzed right up to her she heard giggling close by. She stopped and looked around. When it didn't look like anyone was there she stepped closer only to hear the giggling again.

Tigress growled and called out, “Who's there? Show yourself!” she suddenly heard meowing. She looked down seeing a black cat sitting before her licking its paw. Tigress was confused as to how a cat got in here, until the feline scampered into a shadow in a corner.

Suddenly coming out from the shadow was Shini herself. Tigress backed away in surprise, but frowned at dealing with another intruder, “And who are you?”

“I am Shinigami. Do you know what my name means?” she asked with a smirk.

Tigress got her claws out, “You're about to find out!” she rushed at Shini while trying to slash her.

The witch girl dodged her swipes with her slippery moves, much to Tigress' irritation. Finally acting fast enough, the VILE agent landed a rip in the witch girls cape.

Shini gained some distance and looked at the tear before frowning, “Naughty kitty!” she revealed her claws from her gloves, “I have claws too.”

So the two started slashing at each other, while trying to land some hits or kicks. Each one dodged most blows, but ended up taking a few. As Tigress tried to land another scratch at Shini, the girl backed away and brought out her chain and hypno ball.

“What's this?” Tigress asked, as Shini giggled and raised her hypno ball up.

“Watch the eye, kitty.” she said like a hypnotist.

Tigress watched as the hypno ball swung from side to side. The hypnosis started to take effect, as she started losing all feeling in her body. Shini seeing she had the thief where she wanted swung the hypno ball forward hitting Tigress in her stomach. The thief gasped deeply while clutching her stomach.

Tigress recovered and got up looking very angry, “You're going down, witch!” she attacked Shini again before getting behind her and restrained her.

Shini frowned, but was prepared, “Here's a move I learned from Tiger Claw!” she pushed backwards and smashed Tigress against a wall, making her let go and drop to the floor groaning.

Back with the boys. Keno kept fighting Le Chevre and El Topo with his martial arts skill, “Wow. Carmen wasn't kidding when she said you two weren't pushovers.”

“Getting yourself involved with our enemy,” Le Chevre scowled, “You have no idea what you just walked right into.”

“It's not as bad as the stuff I'm already involved in.” Keno answered, as he engaged Le Chevre, until El Topo came up from behind and restrained him. Keno dropped his stick weapons, as Le Chevre approached him.

“Now I will show you why you do not mess with a goat.” Le Chevre began, until something fell on his head and onto the floor. The tall agent looked down and picked up some bread much to his and El Topo's confusion.

“Bread!” came a voice from above.

Le Chevre looked up as Pete dropped in on him pinning him to the floor. El Topo was shocked at the appearance of the weird bird man, until he was grabbed from behind and being lifted up causing him to let go of Keno. El Topo saw he was held up by Leatherhead who roared at him.

“AHH!” El Topo cried, as Leatherhead threw him aside.

Le Chevre knocked Pete off and got up seeing Leatherhead, “Sacrebleu!”

“Cowabunga!” Mondo skateboard over and karate chopped the tall operative in the leg making him grip it.

El Topo got up, “What is this?”

“Buddy, this ain't your lucky day,” Hokum answered, as El Topo saw the hare mutant, “For me it's always lucky. See? Lucky foot!” he held his right foot up before slamming it right into El Topo knocking him to the ground.

The mole got up and frowned, before attacking Hokum who was slipping past him and hopping around, “Hold still!” El Topo demanded.

“Nah, mate. Don't you know you can't keep a bunny still?” Hokum mocked, as he kept hopping around before intercepting El Topo's punch and made the thief slug his own face, “That's gotta hurt.”

“What are these freaks?!” Le Chevre demanded.

“'Freaks' is such a bad word.” Bandit said, as he dropped in with Mona Lisa.

Le Chevre got up and ran to attack the alien lizard and mutant raccoon, only to stop and levitate up, “What is this?!” he saw Rockwell float over.

“That, my boy, is the power of the mind!” he flung Le Chevre into El Topo making both of them roll across the floor and land on their backs.

The two looked up and saw Slash and Ray looking down at them. Slash chuckled, “Glad ya saved some for us.”

“I was getting bored doing nothing.” Ray admitted, as both VILE agents were wide eyed and gulped.

Back with the girls, Tigress recovered from getting smashed into the wall and fought Shini who wrapped her chain around the agent and swung her around. Tigress took control and got her arm free.

“With moves like this you'd actually make a good VILE operative.” Tigress admitted.

Shini frowned, “I don't steal from others. I have honor.”

“Let's see your honor save you from this!” Tigress attacked Shini, only for the witch girl to vanish in a burst of red smoke. Suddenly from that smoke swarms o bats flooded at her.

Tigress screamed, as she tried swatting them away. Shini reappeared and kicked Tigress sending her rolling across the floor. As Tigress got up, she heard the doors fly open and flying into the room was her partners looking beaten.

“What happened to you two?” she asked.

“Tigress, we have to bail.” Le Chevre answered frantically.


“Trust us. We're outmatched in so many ways now!” El Topo added equally scared.

Tigress looked over and saw Keno enter with the Mutanimals. The sight of the mutant team left Tigress in shock.

“If you're looking to steal mutagen, then you've made a big mistake.” Slash warned the girl.

Tigress looked around hoping to find a way out, until her eyes fell on a vent in the floor. She looked back up at Shini behind her, and the group before her.

“We have other ways.” she unleashed smoke screen.

“No!” Keno called, as they saw the smoke clear and the three were gone.

They spotted the opened vent and looked down it seeing they were so far ahead, “We'll never catch them now.” Bandit sighed.

“What matters is we kept them from stealing any mutagen from here.” Leatherhead patted the raccoon boy's shoulder.

“Leatherhead's right,” Slash confirmed, “Our mission was a success. Now let's just hope our friends are just as successful.”

Author's Note:

I'm dividing these heists up by chapter and such so not to cram it all in.

Hokum Hare here was adapted into the Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics but was named ManBun. In the comics he was named Harvey Hokum, and wasn't actually their allie unlike this adaption. And it plays off his 80s cartoon Counterpart where he's actually the famed Hare from the Tortoise and the Hare story.

Hokum was featured in Easter Special story written by TMNTony:

Equestria Ninja Girls Easter Short 1

Ray Fillet became part of the Mutanimals in the Yacht story, while Hokum became part of the team in the Easter special. Both this story and the Easter special take place before the epilogue in the Yacht story. That way these two can be fleshed out more as part of the Mutanimals.