• Published 20th Jun 2020
  • 9,921 Views, 318 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls and the Crimson Thief - Wildcard25

The Turtles and Rainbooms join forces with the Crimson Thief Carmen Sandiego to foil VILE's newest scheme

  • ...

Dock Battle

As the turtles, their allies, the Rainbooms, and Team Carmen had taken both the Shellraiser and Party Wagon, they were on their way to the dockyard.

In the Party Wagon, Zack was at the wheel with Donnie in the passenger seat, “Hey, thanks for letting me drive, Don.”

“Well, you could use the experience in driving a vehicle you're not usually accustomed too.” Donnie admitted.

“Though I wish you'd let me drive the Shellraiser.”

“We'll work our way up to it.” Donnie replied, before calling Sunset, “Hey, Sunset, we all good?”

Sunset who was in the Shellraiser being driven by Leo, answered, “All good ahead, Donnie. No signs of any followers.” she looked to April who gave her the thumb's up.

Carmen who was also in the Shellraiser spoke, “Look alive, people. We're closing in on the docks.”

Twilight who was on her phone spoke, “Mondo says he and the rest of the Mutanimals are closing in as well.”

“Remember, team, we're dealing with mutated super thieves,” Leo began, “Not to mention we have to rescue Julia.”

Eventually they arrived at the docks. They exited the vehicles, and started creeping around. Carmen motioned Zack, Ivy, and Shadowsan to wait, as she took the Rainbooms, the Turtles and their allies ahead.

They proceeded with caution with the ninjas looking ready to draw their weapons at the first sign of danger.

“Perimeter's quiet.” Donnie noted.

“Yeah, a little too quiet.” Twilight agreed.

“Keep on your toes, guys,” Carmen said, “The Faculty's around here somewhere.”

Suddenly spotlights shined on them from all around making the group quickly draw their weapons. They looked up and saw standing on a bunch of loading crates were the Faculty, “Much closer than you think.” Maelstrom began.

“That's all of them?” Leo asked Carmen.

“Yeah, the entire main VILE Faculty.” she confirmed.

“With a little addition.” Maelstrom said, as Stockman stood at their side next to Bellum.

“Stockman!” the Ninjas gasped.

“Surprise!” Stockman sneered.

“I gotta say, Stockman,” Raph began, “Seeing you next to these guys is not pretty picture.”

Stockman frowned, “You'll think differently when this is over.”

“Alright, talk!” Carmen ordered.

“Where's Julia?” Sunset demanded.

“Right here.” Coach Brunt said, as they panned down to reveal Julia still tied to a chair and gagged in front of the bottom crate, with Tigress, El Topo, and Le Chevre standing guard.

“Take her, if you can.” Cleo challenged her.

“I'll get her!” Rainbow offered.

“Rainbow, wait!” Twilight called, as Rainbow activated her speed and zipped over planning to bypass the mutant trio and grab Julia.

Unfortunately, about half way close she ended up slipping on a slippery moist substance causing her to slip and slide on the ground.

“What the heck was that?” Rainbow got up and noticed the substance on her jacket, “Gross!”

“Forgive me, but I kinda left myself all over.” came a familiar voice.

The group saw stepping out from the shadows was Neal, who had in fact been mutated into a mutant eel.

“Neal?” Carmen gasped.

“Oh, that's disgusting!” Rarity said in repulse.

“How do ya like me now, ladies?” Neal asked, “Now I really am 'Neal the Eel'!”

“And he's not the only one.” came a girl's voice as something swooped down and almost nailed the ninjas with flying projectiles.

The group dodged before noticing they were ninja stars made of paper, “Paper Star.” Carmen frowned, as they saw perching on a crate was Paper Star, who had been mutated into a mutant crane.

“More like Paper Crane!” Pinkie gasped.

“Hmm, has a nice ring to it.” Paper Star admitted.

Suddenly an aroma hung in the air, Applejack turned to Rarity, “Rarity, are you nervous or something?”

“What're you talking about?”

“Did you just cut the cheese?” A.J accused.

Rarity gasped deeply, “Applejack! How dare you accuse me of doing something so unladylike!”

Keno sniffed the air, “Oh, man. I smell it too!”

“Phew, something die or something?” Casey asked.

Dropping in before them was Mime Bomb who became a mutant skunk, “Mime Bomb?” Carmen gasped, as the Mime smiled.

“More like Gas Bomb!” Mikey gagged.

“So your three field agents get mutated and now you decide to give the others the same treatment?” Carmen questioned the faculty.

“Indeed.” came a voice, and who should step out from behind a crate was Dash Haber who had been mutated into a mutant ferret.

“Haber.” Karai scowled.

“And he's a weasel?” Mikey asked.

Dash frowned, “Actually, I'm a ferret. And despite my look I still think I look rather dashing wouldn't you say?” he raised his brows.

“Not the word I would use.” April replied.

“Marvelous, aren't they?” Bellum asked, “Combining mutagen with our operatives has given us a new band of thieves.”

“With their new abilities we will be able to steal so much more than ever.” Cleo added.

“You're welcomed to be a part of our little family.” Maelstrom offered.

“This ain't a family I wanna be a part of.” Applejack frowned.

“Me neither.” Fluttershy agreed.

Maelstrom sighed, “You ninjas have so much potential and you squander it on these heroics and crime fighting. You do know ninjas are meant to be assassins and thieves right?”

“Maybe in ancient times, but in this day we ninjas use our skills for the greater good. That's what our father taught us.” Leo explained.

“Us too,” Sunset spoke up, “And we won't dishonor him by using our skills to help people like you!”

Cleo sighed at their refusal, “Teenagers.”

“Don't worry, Countess,” Brunt replied, “They just need a good tough love to get them to see things our way.”

“Agreed.” Stockman nodded, as he pressed a button, and coming out from hiding were Stockman Bots, Mousers, and Tricera-bots.

“Robots like always.” Rarity sighed.

“Even I'm bored with facing them so much.” Fugitoid voiced his opinion.

“Then how's this?” Stockman asked, as he activated another button and the various storage crates opened up to reveal more VILE operatives turned mutant.

The operatives mutated forms ranged from various animals such as lions, wolves, gorillas, hippos, eagles, hawks, elephants, bears, badgers, hyenas, leopards, cheetahs, vultures, and more.

The heroes were in shock, “Wow, I've never seen so many mutants gathered in one place before.” Twilight said.

“Doesn't matter how many they have. We can take them.” Leo told her.

“Attack!” Malestrom announced.

“Get them!” Leo ordered, as the two sides clashed.

Leo and Twilight were dealing with a few mutant wolves with each one displaying a different fur color from dark fur to pure white fur.

“Sit, boys!” Twilight ordered, as she jabbed and swatted her weapon at several of the mutant mutts.

Rarity was using her shield to block an elephant mutant from ramming her, before Raph swung in and knocked it to the side.

“Thanks.” Rarity said.

“Heads up!” Raph called, as a vulture mutant swooped down to try and grab her.

Rarity however leaned back avoiding the talons before punching it right in the stomach. The mutant vulture wheezed before crashing onto the ground.

“Blasted buzzard.” she said.

Pinkie was bouncing around dodging the mutants, while throwing sprinkles around distorting them, “Come and get them!” she cheered.

“Don't mind it I do!” Paper Star swooped in and grabbed her by the arms carrying her off.

“Let me go!” Pinkie struggled.

“I wouldn't struggle if I were you. It's a long way down.” the paper ninja warned her.

Pinkie realized she was carrying her high, “Uh-oh.”

Paper Star smirked, “Oh, what the hey.” she released Pinkie who plummeted screaming.

“Pinkie!” The Rainbooms cried.

As Pinkie was dropping all looked lost until, “Hee-hee!” zipping in on his energy streams was Bebop who caught her.

“Bebop!” Pinkie cheered.

“This ride's gonna be a lot smoother than your last one,” Bebop answered as he dropped Pinkie safely onto a crate, before zipping up and landed on the crate where Stockman and the Faculty stood, “What up, teachers?”

“Anton Zeck,” Maelstrom smirked, “Look how much you've changed.”

“And yet you're still as scrawny as ever.” Brunt crossed her arms.

“Hey, I may not have muscle like you, but I still got style!” Bebop snorted.

“Please,” Cleo dismissed, “That hairstyle went out decades ago.”

“Don't diss the hair, County!” Bebop warned her.

Cleo turned to Bellum, “How did he become your star pupil again?”

“Don't worry, I got him.” Stockman said, as he summoned two Tricera-Bots to them who looked ready to pound the mutant warthog.

“Oh, snap!” Bebop gasped.

Suddenly diving right down and smashing the two bots was Rocksteady who stood by Bebop's snide and snorted at the Faculty, “Zdravstvuyte, Faculty! Is good to see you again." Needless to say the Faculty was surprised at his appearance.

"Do we know you, horn nose?" Brunt asked.

"Da! You all do..." Rocksteady pointed to his glass eye.

That was enough for the Faculty to realize who he was. And they were shocked, "Ivan Steranko?!" Maelstrom exclaimed.

"Steranko?!" Countess Cleo gasped.

"You have got to be pullin' mah leg!" Brunt said, in disbelief.

"Our old arms dealer?" Dr. Bellum asked, "That was unexpected."

"That is right, and now you may call me, the Rocksteady!" The mutant rhino proclaimed.

“I got him!” Brunt ordered, as she stood her ground as the Faculty got behind her.

Rocksteady roared, as he charged and grappled with Brunt who was putting her whole being into holding him back, “Gotta say, Ivan, this is one bizarre sight of you!”

“And you strong as ever,” Rocksteady admitted, “Takes you back to those arm wrestles we used to have.”

“Yeah, good times!” Brunt struggled.

The Faculty and Stockman looked, as Stockman gasped, “Incoming!”

They looked to see one of the VILE operatives mutated into a lion was thrown in their direction. This caused the brutish fighters to break their grapple and back away.

“I think it's time we brought out our own secret weapons, right, Faculty?” Maelstrom asked, as his fellow members nodded.

Suddenly dropping in were robotic versions of the Faculty who got into defense positions, “What is this?” Rocksteady asked.

“A little something Stockman whipped up for us.” Cleo began.

“Cybernetic replicas ten times as strong as we are.” Bellum explained.

“That we control through our thoughts, with these.” Maelstrom said, as they reveal they were each wearing a computer ship on their foreheads.

“Now we don't have to get our hands dirty.” Cleo said.

“Even though I don't mind getting down and dirty.” Brunt sighed.

“Let us do battle.” Maelstrom said, as the Robot Faculty attacked the mutant duo.

Back on the ground Mime Bomb spotted Karai, Shini, and Leo, before turning his backside towards them and lifted his tail up.

Twilight noticing this shouted, “Move!”

The three noticing this jumped away, as Mime Bomb unleashed his stink spray at some of the mutated operatives who's eyed widened and started filling with tears before passing out.

“Thanks, Twilight!” Karai called.

“Can you imagine the tomato juice baths we'd have to take if that hit us?” Shini asked.

Fugitoid was opening fire on some Stockman Bots, destroying them. When he saw he was getting close to Julia, he knew he had to help, “Hang on, miss!” he tried to help her, only to be blocked by Neal and two more mutants being a Beaver and a Woodchuck.

“Boys, chew through him.” Neal said., as the two mutants readied their buck teeth.

“Oh, dear.” Fugitoid gasped.

Before they could lay a hand on the professor, Fluttershy slid in and opened her eyes giving them a stare down. The two started to back off and hide behind Dash.

“Hey, what's the matter with you two?” Dash demanded, only to get punched by Fluttershy making the three crash on the ground.

“Bad animals!” she huffed.

Carmen and Casey maneuvered around attacking the Stockman Bots and Mousers, until Bebop and Rocksteady crashed down by them.

“What hit you guys?” Casey asked.

“That!” they answered while motioning to something incoming.

The two saw the Robot Faculty drop in, “Oh, great.” Carmen sighed.

“I got this! Goongala!” Casey tried to tase Robot Cleo, only for Robot Maelstrom to grab his arm and throw him aside.

They attacked Carmen who dodged for her life, until Robot Brunt grabbed her from behind in a bear hug.

As Carmen struggled to break free, the robots went back up to their masters, as Maelstrom spoke, “You've put up an admirable fight, Carmen Sandiego, but it's over.”

“Just look around you.” Cleo motioned to her new friends and allies still struggling against her enemies, with Paper Star flying around launching more paper stars at Raph and Pinkie. Dash was throwing his buzz saw hat around trying to nail Sunset, Rainbow Dash, and Donnie.

“But you know, Lambkins, this can all be over if ya just stand down and come back with us.” Brunt offered.

Carmen frowned, “I'd never join VILE again.”

“No matter, because we can always reprogram you.” Bellum said.

“Any last words?” Maelstrom asked, as the Faculty smirked at her.

Carmen with only one word on her mind answered them, “Booyakasha!”

“Huh?” they asked in confusion.

Suddenly as if on cue, the Shellraiser and Party Wagon came barreling in with Zack finally handling the Shellraiser and Ivy working the Party Wagon.

“Booyakasha!” they announced, as readying their weapons.

The Shellraiser fired sewer lids nailing an Elephant and Gorilla mutant, while the Party Wagon launched stink bombs at more of the mutants that released the smelly content. This caused several VILE mutants to pass out, including Mime Bomb.

“Inconceivable!” Maelstrom gasped.

“You said bring all our allies,” Carmen reminded him, “Well, that's just what we did.”

Arriving on scene was the Mutanimals, Muckman, the Dazzlings, and the Foot. They arrived to back the ninjas and Rainbooms up.

“Oh, man, you started without us?” Bandit asked in a faux disappointed tone.

“Well, better late than never.” Hokum replied.

“Let's get busy.” Mona said, as she tossed some tranquilizer guns to the Foot ninja.

“Come on!” Slash announced, as they joined in the battle.

Leatherhead barreled through the mutants and robots before finding Julia. As he got closer, the three mutants grabbed onto him, “This is for scaring the daylights out of me!” El Topo called.

“Get off me!” Leatherhead roared, as he tried shaking them off.

“I got ya covered!” Hokum jumped in and kicked the three off.

Leatherhead reached Julia, and used his claw to cut the ropes freeing Julia. She removed her gag and breathed in air, “Thank you.” she said.

“My pleasure.” Leatherhead answered, before Trieca-Bots surrounded them.

“Oh, no.” Julia gasped.

Suddenly the Tricera-Bots were surrounded by swirling garbage, until Rocksteady rammed them.

Both he and Muckman gave Leatherhead and Julia the A-Ok. Leatherhead nodded before scooping Julia up and carried her off to safety.

“The prisoner is escaping!” Stockman called to the Faculty.

The Faculty saw Julia escaping with Leatherhead, until Rockwell floated in and used his psychic powers to make Robot Brunt let Carmen go, “Thanks, Doc. Now how about dealing with them?”

“My pleasure.” Rockwell used a psychic blasts to push the Faculty and their robots back.

Carmen looked down and saw the cavalry was taking it to the mutants. She jumped down and joined in, “Hey, guys. How about showing me more of that magic you got?”

The Turtles and Rainbooms smiled, “Sure thing.” Rainbow agreed, as she once again zipped around the VILE mutants confusing them, leaving them wide open for a powerful punch courtesy of Applejack.

“This evening's forecast, typhoon!” Leo said activating his magic and unleashed a gust of wind blowing the Flying VILE mutants out of the sky and crashing onto the ground.

Donnie activated his own magic and used a thunder clap to knock more mutants out and destroy several robots. Raph activated his heat magic and upon touching some Tricera-Bots caused them to melt.

“Don't trip now, boys!” Mikey activated his magic and slammed his foot on the ground causing a quake knocking some mutants off their feet.

Twilight while destroying two Stockman Bots, used her levitation on a knocked out Elephant mutant and threw it into a few more mutants, “He could stand to lose a few pounds.”

“That can be arranged.” One of the Foot Ninja said, as he fired a tranquilizer dart of retromutagen into the mutant causing him to become a regular VILE operative again.

“It really works.” Carmen gasped.

Shadowsan appeared at her side wearing a ninja mask, “Yes, now let's make it easier for our friends to not miss a target.” they joined the fight taking out some mutants leaving them wide open for the Foot Ninjas to de-mutate them.

The Dazzlings entered the fray and started attacking the Stockman Bots, “Keep it up, girls!” Adagio ordered, as they broke the robots to pieces.

Suddenly a bear mutant was about to come at Aria from behind, until it was nailed by a cannon ball of compressed garbage. Aria saw this and looked over seeing Zack who gave her a wink making her blush.

“Aria, come on!” Sonata nudged her, snapping her out of it, and they hurried to help their friends.

As Sunset defeated some Mousers over by the edge of the pier, she saw the mutant trio cornering her.

“No where to run, Sunset. Time for you to pay for causing our mutations!” Tigress growled.

Instead of looking concerned, Sunset smiled, “You know what? You're right.”

“Que?” Le Chevre wondered, as the three were confused.

“In a way I am responsible for causing your three to become mutants. Which is why I have these...” she reached into her vest and pulled out retromutagen light bulb containers.

She threw them at the trio getting covered in it. The trio groaned and cried, as they started losing their animal features. And before they knew it were their regular selves again.

Le Chevre felt his face and gasped with joy, “Oh! Oh-ho-ho!”

“What the?” Tigress looked herself over.

“We are-human again?” El Topo asked Sunset who nodded.

“You changed us back?” Le Chevre asked.

“Pretty much.” Sunset shrugged.

The three got up, as Tigress spoke, “Thanks. But don't think we're not still gonna fight you!”

“It is orders, you understand, si?” El Topo asked.

“Yeah. I figured.” Sunset answered, as she threw down a smoke bomb, with the trio coughing.

“I really do not like that.” Le Chevre coughed.

“I can't see!” El Topo stumbled around through the smoke.

“Where'd she go?!” Tigress demanded.

“I'm right here!” came her voice.

The trio whipped just in time for Sunset to knock them all off the pier, with a three way kick, and into the water with a splash.

“You're welcome!” she called down, before dropping three lifesavers down to them.

The three each grabbed a lifesaver looking soaked, “Well, at least we won't have groom ourselves like animals anymore.” El Topo told his partners who just rolled their eyes.

Back on the dock one by one the robots were getting busted, and the VILE mutants were being turned back into people, including Dash, Neal, Paper Star, and Mime Bomb.

Stockman and the Faculty watched from above with Brunt not looking happy, “That's it! I'm gonna tear those turtles right out of their shells!” she jumped down to assist her robot duplicate.

As Brunt pushed and slammed several Foot Ninja away that tried to attack her, the turtles noticed her, Leo whistled to his bros, “Wishbone crunch on two! Hutt, hutt, wow!” the four turtles surrounded the muscular woman, while activating their medallions again with their respective colored markings appearing over their bodies.

“Alright, shell backs. Time for a little Mama Bear hug!”

“Pass on that, how about a shell shock instead?” Mikey asked.

Before Brunt could respond, the turtles turned their shells to her and slammed into her hard. Brunt groaned as she fell over, causing her robot to temporarily go offline.

“Ouch!” Carmen groaned.

“Just like with Joker.” Raph smirked.

The Faculty Bots got down to help Brunt up. She regained her senses and control of her robot. She rejoined back up with the Faculty and Stockman. They looked seeing all their operatives were turned back into humans, and their robots turned to scrap.

“This cannot be.” Maelstrom gasped.

“All those mutants and robots, and we're losing?” Bellum asked in outrage.

“That's because you don't know us well, Doctor.” Sunset answered, as the Rainbooms and Turtles stood together.

“You underestimated us like so many before you.” Leo added.

“No matter what army you bring be it robot or mutant, they'll never stand a chance against all of us.” Twilight said.

“Because we have something you don't have. Friendship.” Applejack added.

“And our friendship is a lot stronger than you guys could ever comprehend.” Donnie put in, as the group was surrounded by a magical aura and started levitating up.

This surprised Carmen and her team, along with the Faculty, “What is this?” Cleo gasped.

“This is what the power of Friendship is when you have something worth fighting for and to protect!” Leo announced.

“Light it up, ninjas!” Pinkie cheered.

“Booyakasha!” they announced as they send a magical blast right at the Faculty robots that got caught in it.

The robots were torn to pieces, and the microchips the Faculty used to control them shorted out. Stockman spoke, “And now's the time to take our leave!” he said, as they made a run for it.

Carmen and Shadowsan tried to go after them, only for Stockman to launch a flash grenade blinding them. When their visions cleared they saw their enemies were gone.

They watched as the Rainbooms and Turtles touched down. Zack and Ivy rushed over, “That was awesome!” Zack cheered.

“We know.” Rainbow smirked.

“Guess there is something magical about your friendship.” Ivy admitted.

“Well done, everyone.” Carmen commended them.

Mondo looked around, “Hey, where'd all the operatives go?”

“They must've came to and made off like the Faculty.” Carmen suspected.

“Hey, look what I found.” Bandit said, as he brought over a VILE communicator.

It turned on to reveal Maelstrom, “Ah you found our communicator. Just wanted to tell you we commend you on such a magnificent performance. You ninjas truly are a wonder. Just such a shame you squander it.” he said in disappointment.

The group scowled, as Leo spoke, “Consider this your only warning, Maelstrom. If you or any of your agents cause trouble in our city, you'll answer to us!”

“Duly noted. But before we sign off, I would let to inform you that we left a parting gift. And with that being said, we bid you adieu.” the transmission ended.

“Uh, what did he mean by 'parting gift'?” Mikey asked.

Then they all heard a creaking sound and looked up to see a crate opening up to reveal a large bomb! And it was counting down from ten!

“Of course.” Carmen sighed.

“Run!” Leo shouted, as they ran for it.

The bomb exploded knocking everyone forward and down by the shockwave. The explosion destroyed part of the pier, but luckily no one was hurt.

“I really hate running from explosions.” Rarity said.

"Just like when the Joker tried the bomb stunt on us." Donnie recalled.

“Everyone here?” Carmen asked, as everyone was present and accounted for.

“We all made it.” Karai confirmed.

Carmen turned to Julia, “You ok, Jules?”

“I am now, thank you.” she answered.

“Come on, let's get out of here.” Twilight suggested, as they hurried off.

Meanwhile on top of Stockman's lair, a VILE chopper driven by the Cleaners was picking up the Faculty. Stockman spoke to the group.

“So about my place in the Faculty?” he asked hopefully.

The Faculty looked to Stockman with frowns, as Maelstrom answered, “Don't call us. We'll call you.” they got in the chopper that started taking off.

“Is that a 'yes'?” Stockman called from below, “No? Maybe?” he hung his head down with his arms drooping and sighed, “Great.”

As the chopper flew off, the Faculty still looked displeased, as Maelstrom crossed off Stockman's image on his tablet, “And he came so highly recommended.” he said in disappointment.

“So maybe Stockman wasn't worthy to become faculty after all,” Bellum admitted, “At least I managed to get some good robot parts from his Stockman Bots. I can actually make use of them for perfecting my robot robbers.”

“The one you've been working on for years?” Maelstrom asked.

“I'll need to remind myself to head to my Himalayan laboratory to continue.” Bellum told herself.

“Which you won't get done because you'd be distracted by those other toys you have there.” Cleo replied with a roll of her eyes, making Bellum give her the stink eye.

“Alright, knock it off,” Brunt ordered, but clutched her side, “Dang, that really hurt back there.”

“Chin up, ladies,” Maelstrom said, “You know tomorrow is always another day.” he smirked.

Later the group arrived at a rooftop with the Foot Ninja returning to base to rest up. After Julia sent a message to ACME with her phone, Zari arrived to give her a replacement communicator pen.

“And as you can see, everything's cleared up.” Julia said finishing her report to Chief.

“Good new, Agent Argent,” Chief smiled, before turning to the others, “And thank you, Carmen Sandiego, Ninja, Turtles, and Rainbooms. ACME owes you a debt of gratitude.”

“Just doing what needs to be done, Chief.” Carmen replied.

“And it's who we are.” Leo added.

“Being awesome!” Rainbow pumped her fists.

“And looking out for each other.” Sunset added to make Rainbow's claim sound less immature.

“It still is such a shame, we weren't able to apprehend anyone from VILE.” Chief said with a sigh.

“There's always next time.” Julia assured her.

“Right. Well, I hope you all enjoy your victory. You've all earned it. Agent Zari and Agent Argent. Time to return.” Chief said, as her hologram vanished.

Zari started walking before looking back to Julia, “Argent?”

“You go on ahead. I'll be right with you.” so Zari went on ahead. Julia looked to her saviors, “Thank you all so much. I'd hate to imagine what might've happened to me if you hadn't come.”

“Try not to think about it.” Carmen replied.

“And it's what being friends is for.” Fugitoid added.

“Got that right.” April agreed.

“If we ever cross paths again, let's hope we won't have to be doing any rescuing.” Raph said.

“Of course.” Julia blushed before taking off.

Leo spoke to Carmen, “Well, Carmen, we did it. We stopped VILE together.”

“We sure did.” Carmen agreed, as they shook on it.

“Even though VILE will return and strike elsewhere, they now know never to underestimate those who're willing to fight them.” Shadowsan said.

“As should no one.” Twilight said.

“Come on dudes and dudette's!” Mikey began, “Let's party!” the group cheered, as Shadowsan playfully rolled his eyes.