• Published 20th Jun 2020
  • 9,889 Views, 318 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls and the Crimson Thief - Wildcard25

The Turtles and Rainbooms join forces with the Crimson Thief Carmen Sandiego to foil VILE's newest scheme

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Ambush Abduction

After enjoying their meal at Murakami's, the group was relaxing on a rooftop looking up at the clear sky.

“Nice night, isn't it?” Donnie asked the group.

“It's lovely.” Rarity marveled.

“It sure is.” Carmen agreed.

“It's really good to take a moment to stop and take a breather.” Rainbow admitted.

“Ya got that right.” Applejack agreed.

“I couldn't get enough of that pizza gyouza,” Zack admitted, “If only they came microwaveable.”

“That would be perfect.” Mikey said liking the idea.

“Then it wouldn't be so unique.” April noted.

“She's right,” Sunset nodded, “If they came microwaveable then Murakami wouldn't be able to sell them as much.”

“Just a suggestion.” Zack said.

Suddenly they heard alarms go off, “Oh, terrific.” Ivy sighed.

“Let's go.” Leo instructed, as they followed the sound.

They landed on another roof top and looked down to see Tricera-Bots carrying bags of cash while two cops were laying up against their squad car knocked out.

“Up for turning robot dinosaurs extinct?” Raph asked the group.

“You know it.” Rainbow smirked.

“Come on!” Sunset said as the ninjas made their way down, as Carmen dawned her coat and hat, looking ready to join in.

They landed on the ground confronting the robot dinosaurs, “Drop the money!” Casey aimed his hockey stick at the robots.

The Tricera-Bots just lifted their blasters up aiming them at the group, “Not what I was expecting.” Casey said nervously.

“Did you expect them to actually listen?” Karai asked rhetorically.

“Scatter!” Carmen called, as they spread out before the robots opened fire.

“Take out the blasters!” Twilight ordered, as she went forward and disarmed one of the robots of its blaster before dodging its attack.

The turtles, Rainbooms, and Carmen attacked the Tricera-Bots, while avoiding their blaster shots. Carmen kicked one robots blaster making it shoot another blaster out of another robot.

“Good one, Carmen!” Zack called, before almost getting shot, and ducked behind a car.

As April disarmed one of the robots, she used a psychic wave to push the robot back making it crash into another. She smirked, before sensing something else.

“Sunset, look out!” she called.

Sunset suddenly felt something tackle her, and pinned her against the wall of the bank. Sunset looked and her eyes widened as she was face to face with Mutant Tigress.

“Oh, no!” she gasped.

“Hello, Sunset.” Tigress smirked.

Carmen spotting this called, “Let her go, Tigress!”

“Yeah, back away from our friend, Tigress Claw!” Mikey ordered, after he took out a Tricera-Bot.

Tigress responded, “Sorry, but I got a score to settle with her. And all of you. Oh, boys!”

Before the Turtles could react, Le Chevre rammed Leo and Raph with his goat horns into a wall, “Bonjour!” he greeted them.

As Donnie and Mikey looked in surprise, something tunneled around them, and both fell into a sink hole. They got up to see El Topo.

“Èxito! El Topo is victor!” the mutant mole declared.

The Rainbooms and their allies suddenly saw approaching and surrounding them were Stockman-Bots, with Stockman flying above them on his rocket boots.

“Evening, ninjas!” Stockman laughed.

“Stockman.” Keno squinted.

“The young operatives wanted a chance to break in their new bodies, so I made sure to give you a reason to come out and play.” the scientist explained.

Donnie and Mikey got out of the sink hole as Leo and Raph got themselves up, “Looks like round two.” Raph said.

“So let's make this round a victory as well.” Leo said, as the group resumed fighting the new arrivals and Tricera-Bots.

Tigress threw Sunset to the ground and tried to nail her with her claws, but she flipped out of the way and onto to her feet.

“I'm sorry you got mutated, believe me, I don't feel good about it!” Sunset tried to reason, as Tigress roared and swung her claws, but Sunset dodged them, “And in my defense, I did try to warn you!”

“I don't care!” Tigress roared, as she continued attacking Sunset who kept dodging the claw swipes.

The mutant VILE agent kicked Sunset down. But just as she about to claw at her, Zack and Ivy charged at Tigress and tried to tackle her like they did in Africa, but when they did, Tigress didn't budge.

“Wow! Really thought that would've worked again.” Zack said awkwardly.

Tigress threw the two off, growling in annoyance, “And just what was that supposed to be?” Right after she said that, she was knocked down by a flying kick from both Carmen and Shinigami.

“A distraction!” Ivy answered with a smirk.

Shini twirled her hypno ball, “Get ready for round two, tiger!” Tigress growled, as she attacked Shini and Carmen, as Sunset got up and joined them.

Meanwhile Donnie and Mikey were squaring off against El Topo who was swatting his clawed gloves at the turtles.

After swatting El Topo back, Mikey spoke, “You know, Dirtbag, you seem a lot less bitter about being a mutant than your two teammates?” he jumped back avoiding the claws again, “And not mad at Sunset.”

El Topo paused and explained with a smile, “This is an experience. And El Topo hates no one.”

Donnie looked confused, “Even though you're basically a pawn for VILE?”

El Topo still keeping his smile up continued, “Carmen one asked the same thing. But, we are all pawns in a... bigger game.”

Donnie blinked, before looking to Mikey, “Huh? That's an insightful outlook.”

As Stockman watched from above he spotted Karai and April each facing off against some of his robots. What the two kunoichis didn't know was the robots were actually backing them away closer to each other. Stockman looked around the corner of the block smirking knowing the two girls were playing right into his trap.

As April and Karai were side by side, they were about to attack the Stockman-Bots together, only for Boris and Vlad the Cleaners to grab them from behind putting rags dabbed with chloroform to their nostrils making them inhale the content knocking them out and dropping their weapons. The Cleaners looked up at Stockman nodding before dragging them off. Stockman himself took his leave as well as the others were distracted.

As the ninjas and their allies were about finished with the robots. Applejack dug her claw gloves into a Tricera-Bot before activating he magic strength to lift it up and toss it into a few Stockman-Bots finishing them off.

“Oh, yeah!” Mikey cheered, “They're down and out now!”

Tigress smirked, as she backed away, “Down, yes. Out? I don't think so!”

The group was confused, “What are you talking about, we just beat you guys!”

“Did you?” Tigress asked with a sneer.

“You look like you're missing some friends, no?” Le Chevre motioned behind them.

They all looked and saw April and Karai's swords laying on the ground and the kunouichi were no where in sight.

“Karai!” Shini cried.

“April!” Donnie shouted.

Leo frowned and spoke to the mutant operatives, “Where are they?”

El Topo answered, as he and Le Chevre stood by Tigress' side, “Dr. Bellum was very interested in the señoras.”

“Dr. Bellum?” Carmen gasped.

“No!” Shadowsan gasped in equal shock.

Applejack frowned, “If that mad scientist lays one hand on our friends!” Tigress cut her off.

“Your threats won't do anything! I believe our work is done.”

“Au revoir!” Le Chevre said, as El Topo dug an escape hole, and the two jumped in making their escape through the tunnel he created.

The group was in shock, as Mikey spoke, “You know what Dirtbag said about 'we're all pawns in a bigger game'? Maybe this is like an example.” his brothers gave him a dry look.

“We have to go after them.” Sunset said.

“With El Topo's enhanced abilities thanks to be a mole now he'll be too far ahead for us to follow him.” Carmen said.

“So we do nothing?” Rainbow asked in outrage.

“Not necessarily,” Donnie replied, as he pulled out his T-Phone to reveal a moving beacon on the screen.

“Is that?” Ivy asked.

“I snuck a spy roach on El Topo while we were fighting. Just in case.”

“Clever.” Carmen admitted.

“We better hurry and follow the trail.” Shadowsan instructed, as Donnie led the way.

Meanwhile, Bebop was skating around the city via his energy streams looking around, “Dang, looks like a quiet evening tonight. Maybe I should get back to base. But I should bring back some take out for Rock.” he was prepared to head back before his goggles caught some familiar signatures.

He looked down at a moving van, and two familiar signatures coming from it, "Ain't that Karai and April? But who's got them?” he zipped after them while making sure to stay out of sight, while getting closer to see who was driving.

When he got close enough he saw the two men driving the van, “The Cleaners!” he squealed in shock, “Oh, no. They got! I gotta!” he tapped the communicator in his goggles, “Yo, Leo, ya there?”

I read you, Bebop, what's up?” came Leo's voice.

“I just spotted April and Karai. The Cleaners got them!”

The Cleaners?!” came Carmen and Shadowsan's voices.

“I'm trailing them right now.”

“Stay on it, we'll be there soon.” Sunset ordered.

“Gotcha!” Bebop answered before ending transmission and followed the van.

As the ninjas were also following the operatives trail, Pinkie cried, “Not the Cleaners!” she whispered to her friends, “I have no idea who they are.”

“But we do,” Carmen answered, “The Cleaners are supposed to be VILE Academy's janitorial team.”

“Janitors are supposed to be dangerous?” Raph asked in disbelief.

“Do not be fooled by their title,” Shadowsan warned him, “They are also trained agents in covering things up that could compromise VILE. They're dispatched to extricate members who've been caught after failing their missions and make sure any trace of that operative is scrubbed clean from all law enforcement records.”

“They're that good, huh?” Rainbow asked.

“The Cleaners are diligent. They work quickly, quietly, and without complaint. And they know no fear.” Shadowsan finished.

“Then we must hurry and keep on the trail.” Fugitoid instructed, as they pressed on.

As Bebop continued to follow the van he saw it pull up outside a familiar location, “Stockman's lab?” he saw Boris and Vlad get out of the van, open up the back, and carry the still unconscious girls inside, “Looks like I'm goin' in.”

Bebop activated his invisibility field and slipped into the lair before the doors closed. The Cleaners carried the girls into the lab area where Dr. Bellum was waiting. When she saw the two she clapped joyfully, “Ah my two subjects are here. And in good condition. Well done, boys. Strap them in.”

The Cleaners strapped Karai and April on separate tables with a helmet being placed on April's head. Bebop while still invisible kept off to the side out of the way and waited for the right moment to make his move.

Soon the girls regained consciousness and saw they were in a lab, “What the? Karai, are you ok?” April asked, as she turned her head to see Karai in the same position as her.

“I think so,” she answered, before noticing they were strapped on the lab tables, “What the?!”

“What's going on?!” April struggled.

“Do not bother struggling. Those restraints were made specifically for you both,” the two saw Dr. Bellum approach with Boris and Vlad, “Namaste, April O'Neil and Hamato Karai. A pleasure it is to finally meet you.”

“Who're you?” April asked.

“Ah, yes, allow me to introduce myself. Doctor. Dr. Saira Bellum. At your service. Though I assume Black Sheep and Shadowsan have already informed you of me?”

“Yes. And so did your trophy student!” Karai replied.

“Ah, Anton Zeck. He was my best student,” Bellum sighed in nostalgia, before sounding bitter, “I was very disheartened when he left the island.”

“No offense, but you don't sound very disheartened.” April noted.

“Looks and sounds can be deceiving.” The Faculty member answered.

“Carmen and Shadowsan also told us you and the VILE faculty want mutagen. What for?” April questioned her.

“Well, if you must know, at first, it was just to study it to see if it could be beneficial to us. But after seeing what it did to Tigress, Le Chevre, and El Topo, we had a change in plans.”

“What plans?” Karai asked, as Bebop listened in.

“That is for VILE to know and no one else.”

“So why are we here?” April demanded.

“What do you want from us?” Karai inquired.

Bellum smirked, “Well you see, I was informed that the two of you possess very unique abilities,” she touched April's forehead, “You have a form of psychic telepathy,” she turned to Karai, “While you can change your body into a snake at will.”

“Let me out of these restraints and I'll show it to you up close and personal!” Karai threatened her.

Bellum ignored Karai's threat and continued, “Being a woman of science, I had to study them. But to do that, I had to require help.”

The girls gasped as it suddenly dawned on them, “That ambush from the VILE mutants...” April began.

“You sent them to attack us just to get to me and April!” Karai realized.

“Correct,” Bellum nodded, “Just think, if I were to harness and replicate such abilities, I could genetically improve our VILE operatives.” she smirked.

“I'd rather not!” Karai voiced her disapproval.

“But first, I must learn what makes you tick.” Bellum said before walking off to a tool chest.

April suddenly got nervous, “Uh, tell me you're not gonna do what I think you're going to do!”

“Yes, I'm afraid I'm going to have dissect the two of you.” Bellum turned around while holding a mini buzz saw, before chuckling darkly.

Karai and even Bebop gasped at what the mad doctor was planning, while April was in total shock, “No...”