• Published 20th Jun 2020
  • 9,895 Views, 318 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls and the Crimson Thief - Wildcard25

The Turtles and Rainbooms join forces with the Crimson Thief Carmen Sandiego to foil VILE's newest scheme

  • ...

Remembering Old Lives

Out in New York one night, the turtles, Rainbooms, April, Casey, Karai, Shini, Keno, and Fugitoid led Zack, Ivy, Carmen, and Shadowsan who were both dressed in their casual clothes to a familiar noodle shop.

“Here we are,” April began, “Welcome to 24/7.”

“Unique name.” Carmen said.

“And you're sure the owner here won't have a problem with the guys and Fugitoid?” Ivy motioned to the five.

“At first we were concerned, until April mentioned the chef was blind so we wouldn't have to worry about any freak outs.” Leo explained.

“Turns out, he knew what we are and he was totally chill about it.” Mikey added.

“And this is where you first fought the Purple Dragons?” Zack asked.

“Yeah. Back when they were just a three man gang.” Donnie replied.

“Can ya really call it a gang if there was only three guys?” Ivy asked, as they all shrugged.

“Come on, let's eat.” Rainbow said, as they went inside.

As they entered, they noticed Murakami behind the counter, “Hey, Mr. Murakami.” April greeted.

“What up?” Mikey asked.

Murakami hearing the voices answered, “Ah, April-chan. It's good to hear you again. And I sense you brought your friends.”

“Hey, Murakami.” Sunset greeted.

“Hello, Sunset Shimmer. It's good to have you here, and the rest of the Rainbooms.”

Karai nervously spoke, “Um, hi, Murakami...”

“Hello, Harmony.” he greeted.

“Harmony?” Zack asked.

“That's what my name means in English,” Karai explained, before speaking to the chef, “Look. I never got to tell you this, but I'm sorry for the trouble I caused in your shop those two times. I was being stupid and an idiot.”

Murakami smiled, “It is quite alright, my dear. The past is in the past. But the future always remains bright.”

Karai smiled, “Thank you.”

Murakami listened, “And it seems you brought more friends as well.”

Shini spoke up, “Konichiwa, Murakami-san. I am Shinigami.”

“And I'm Keno. I'm a delivery boy for Antonio's. I hope that won't be a problem for you.”

“Nonsense. It doesn't matter what food chain you work for. We are all people here... In a sense.” he joked, as Mikey laughed.

Carmen spoke, “Nice to meet you, Mr Murakami. I'm Carmen. And this is Zack & Ivy and-”

Shadowsan spoke up giving a formal greeting in Japanese before finishing in English, “My old friend.”

Murakami listened and gasped, “Suhara? Well, this is a surprise.”

“Huh?” the group asked in confusion.

“You guys know each other?” Casey asked.

“Your name's Suhara?” Pinkie asked the former Faculty member.

“Indeed. I met Murakami many years ago, back in Japan...” Shadowsan began, “He was the apprentice to the local chef in my home village. Despite his disability he proved to be very talented when it came to preparing food.”

“That's for sure.” Mikey agreed, only to get hushed by his brothers.

“Murakami was also a very generous soul. He had often given me various free meals when I could not afford them.”

Murakami nodded, “It was Suhara that inspired me to come to America and set up my shop.”

Shadowsan looked around impressed, “And you have done well for yourself, old friend.”

“Dōmo arigatō, my friend. How is your brother Hideo?”

At the mention of that name, Shadowsan looked remorse before answering, “He is doing well.”

“So shall I make the special?” Murakami asked.

“You know it.” Mikey confirmed.

“What's the special?” Ivy asked.

“You'll find out.” Twilight replied.

As Murakami started making the food, Fluttershy noticed Shadowsan still looking down, “Shadowsan, are you ok?”

“Forgive me, it's just terrible memories.”

“Does this have anything to do with your brother, Hideo, was it?” Rarity inquired.

“Unfortunately,” Shadowsan admitted, “When I was just a child, it was just me and my older brother Hideo. He was the scholarly type and possessed discipline, while I did not.”

“Ah, a rebel.” Rainbow smirked.

“Every family's got one of them,” Keno replied, before turning to A.J and Rarity, “Better hope your sisters aren't like that.”

“Oh, that I needed to think about.” Applejack replied sarcastically.

"Now I'll never stop worrying." Rarity sighed.

They piped down, as Shadowsan continued, “Hideo was content on living on a scholar's wages, while I was not. I always believed I deserved better. So I chose my path into a life of crime. To earn my stripes I boasted of stealing something of great value. So I made it my mission to steal the Daisho.”

“Daisho?” Casey asked.

Leo explained, “It's the term for a pair of traditionally made Japanese swords worn by the samurai class in feudal Japan.”

Shadowsan nodded, “Upon doing so I realized I made a profound error in judgment. My brother who was the curator stopped me and I was only able to make off with one of the swords. By separating the two halves of the Daisho, I separated the two of us.”

“Whoa.” The Rainbooms gasped.

“It was many years later, while we were on a mission in Japan I took this as a chance to redeem myself by returning the sword I stole.”

“Once we had to keep VILE from stealing the other one, which was their way of drawing Shadowsan out since he betrayed them.” Carmen said.

The adult continued, “Afterward, I returned the katana and apologized to Hideo. However, Hideo said nothing and left me. I fear he will never forgive me.” he looked down sadly.

Mikey was slack jawed, “Dude! That's so deep!”

“That is so sad!” Pinkie cried.

Fluttershy hugged him, “I'm so sorry, Shadowsan.” Shadowsan smiled at the girls kindness.

Donnie looked to April who nodded, and the smart one spoke, “You know, I've been where you are. You see, my brothers and I once hijacked a Kraang ship that was full of mutagen canisters. But then we had a little mishap and accidentally spilled all the canisters all over the city.”

“One of them hit my dad and mutated him into a bat.” April added.

“For real?!” Ivy gasped.

“That's messed up.” Zack said in shock.

April nodded, “When I found out the Turtles were the one's responsible, I was so mad that I ended my friendship with them and said that I never wanted to see them again.”

“Really?” Carmen asked.

“Yeah, and that broke Donnie's heart.” Mikey noted.

“So how'd you all make up?” Ivy wondered.

“That's kinda because of me,” Karai admitted, “Back when I was still a bad girl, I wanted to prove to the Shredder I could handle things while he was away. So I used a new robot the Kraang built to catch April hoping to lure the guys out.”

“Yeah, and it almost worked,” April admitted, “But thanks to some shared words by Donnie and Casey I realized that some things are beyond our control. And when Karai confronted me, I called for their help. And later I made amends with them all not wanting anything to come between us again. So, if I can forgive the Turtles for their mistake, then I'm sure your brother will forgive you in time.”

Murakami overhearing them spoke, “I agree. Time heals all wounds. And your brother will find it in his heart to forgive you.”

“Quite right,” Fugitoid agreed, “Take it from me. I made a big mistake that ended up costing two worlds.”

“That black hole generator device?” Carmen asked.

“Yes. I was haunted by this great mistake for a long time. And when I confessed I nearly lost the trust of all my new friends.” Fugitoid looked down in remorse.

“But you made up for it, Fugiotid.” Leo assured him.

“You gave your own life to save us all.” Applejack added.

“And you eventually came back to us.” Fluttershy smiled.

“I know,” Fugitoid replied looking happy, before turning to Shadowsan, “So just give it time. Things are bound to get better one of these days.” Shadowsan smiled with renewed hope.

When the food was served up, Team Carmen looked the dish over, “What do you call this?” Ivy asked.

“Pizza gyoza.” Mikey answered.

“A little something Murakami created on his own.” Sunset explained.

“As long as it doesn't have fish, then I'm open to try it.” Zack said, as he, Ivy, Carmen, and Shadowsan picked one up with their chopsticks and took a bite.

“Wow,” Ivy gasped, “This is amazing!”

“I'm impressed.” Carmen added.

“Once again, Murakami, your creativity knows no bound.” Shadowsan commended him.

The guys looked to Zack who froze, “Uh, Zack?” Rainbow asked.

“Are you ok?” Karai asked.

“I... have... tasted... heaven!” Zack cheered.

“I know what ya mean, bud.” Mikey said.

And so they enjoyed their food, until someone unexpectedly entered the shop and spoke in an Australian accent, “Noodles, please.”

“Coming right up.” Murakami answered.

Carmen paused, as they all looked to see former VILE operative Crackle, “Graham?”

“Carmen?” the young man asked, before smiling, “Well, this is certainly a small world, eh?”

The turtles and Fugitoid looked nervous, and were about to leave, until he spotted them, “Hey, you guys.”

They froze, as Leo spoke nervously, “Look, sir. I know we may seem different. But I promise-”

“Wicked cosplay.” he commended them.

“Cospl-” Mikey was cut off as Raph clamped his mouth shut.

“Yeah. That's right. Cosplay. We're totally cosplaying.”

Graham took noticed of the Rainbooms and whistled, “Didn't know there was a cheerleader convention in the city.”

The girls felt sheepish, while Rarity giggled, “Oh, such a charmer.”

“So who're you?” Casey asked.

“Graham's the name. Nice to meetcha. So, Carmen, ya gonna introduce me to your friends?”

“Right. Graham, this is April, Casey, Karai, Shinigami, and Keno.” April gave him a smile, Casey gave him a smirk, Karai nodded, Shinigami winked, and Keno smirked, “The 'cosplayers' are Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello, and Raphael.”

“You may call me Fugitoid.” the cyborg greeted.

“Wild. And who're these lovely ladies?” he eyed the Rainbooms.

“These are the Rainbooms,” Carmen continued, “Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy...” Spike barked as he jumped into her lap, “And this is Spike.”

Spike panted happily, as Graham playfully pat the pups head. Leo spoke up, “So, uh, Graham, how do you know Carmen?”

“I actually met her in my home country of Sydney Australia. I work at the Sydney Opera House as a Junior Electrician. We got to talking and I asked if she'd meet me at my favorites cafe. Unfortunately, she didn't. But it's all good. I met up with her again some time later when she needed me to come with her to New Zealand to do some 'work' if you will. Afterward we finally got that coffee she promised me back in Sydney.”

“Really?” Rarity asked, as she eyed Carmen who kept a professional look.

“So what're you doing here in New York?” Carmen asked.

“Just doing a electricians job here in the city. How about yourself? More of your special work?” Graham raised his brow.

“Something like that.”

“Here you go. Thank you for waiting.” Murakami sat down a bowl of noodles for Graham.

“Mm. Delicious.” Graham started eating.

When he finished, he paid for his meal and spoke, “Well, I gotta get going. It was nice meeting you all.” he took his leave.

Twilight spoke to Carmen, “What was that about?”

“Graham was actually a former VILE classmate of mine code-named 'Crackle'.”

“Former?” Raph asked.

“Why's that?” Donnie asked.

“Because he was compromised on a mission,” Shadowsan answered, “In VILE it matters not if you fail your mission. Getting caught however is intolerable and puts VILE itself at risk. To ensure nothing compromises us, any student or faculty member that is captured by the law is extracted and have their entire memory of VILE or anything related to it erased from their minds.”

“They really do that?” Sunset asked in shock.

“Well, that's better than any other alternative.” Raph said feeling they could do worse.

“So how did 'Crackle' get compromised?” Leo inquired.

“On one of my previous missions awhile back, Crackle caught up to me and planned to take me in. But I pulled a fast one on him leaving him for the authorities.” Carmen answered.

“And this job he talked about with you?” Keno asked.

“I needed his skills as an electrician to break into someplace and thwart VILE.”

“And he has no memory of being part of VILE at all?” Karai asked.

“None at all.” Shadowsan confirmed.

“Which is just as good.” Ivy said.

“Yeah. Last thing we want is him crawling back to VILE.” Zack added.

Everyone agreed, as they continued to enjoy their food.

Meanwhile at Stockman's lab, the mad genius was speaking with Dr. Bellum, while the three mutant operatives stood off to the side.

“Wait a minute. You mean to tell me one of my former allies was a student of yours?” Stockman asked Bellum in surprise.

“Yes,” Bellum confirmed, “Anton Zeck was one of my top students. But he betrayed VILE.”

“Well, at least he still did what you helped train him to do.” Stockman noted.

“He swore loyalty to VILE when he was brought in,” Bellum replied sternly, “But he broke that vow when he escaped. And now I hear he has become a hero who fights crime?”

“Surprised me too.” Stockman admitted.

“Well, I intend to make him pay for his betrayal. But I also wish to capture the two specific girls I've been told about.” Bellum showed Stockman her laptop that had a split screen featuring both April and Karai.

“April O'Neil and Karai.” Stockman said.

“Yes. The redhead is said to possess psychic powers and this one can turn into a mutant snake at will.”

“Correct. Though the second one is because of me. Long story.”

“If I can find a way to harness their abilities and replicate them just imagine the operatives we could train at VILE.” Bellum imagined.

“That would be very beneficial, Doctor,” Stockman admitted, “So we need to bait those two away from the others.”

“If it's a diversion you want,” Tigress began, “We'd be more than happy to provide one.”

“We do have a score to settle with those girls and turtles.” Le Chevre added.

“And a chance to break in these new mutant bodies as well.” El Topo put in.

“In that case take my robots with you. After all there are safety in numbers.” Stockman noted.

“Agreed,” Bellum confirmed, before thinking, 'Anton, I hope you're ready for a little teacher student reunion.'