• Published 24th Aug 2012
  • 541 Views, 11 Comments

Poisonous - WendytheCreeper

Ashley Dusk and friends' move to Ponyville push them into unexpected events...

  • ...

Chapter 3

As dawn cracked in Equestria, sunlight lit up the scenery outside. Mountains lined the sky, and some of the really large ones had snow on top. Also, animals were starting to wake up as the birds started to tweet their morning wake up song. The flora of the forests and fields also came into view as the sun came up, showing the world their leaves and blossoms. It was truly a sight to behold.

Sadly, Ashley Dusk had no time this morning to behold such a sight since she was busy getting herself ready for the trip to Ponyville that would start soon because she had overslept. She was brushing her brown mane so she could look presentable. Her mane was pushed to cover her right eye, and she added a green bow to it to complete the look. Satisfied, Ashley went to check her luggage to make sure she had everything.

"Oops! Almost forgot!"

The unicorn went to her pet McDuff's cage and opened it up. When the bird jumped out, it landed on her head, but she used her telekinesis magic to place him inside his kennel for the trip. McDuff started to chirp loudly when he realized that he was caged again.

"It's okay," Ashley cooed to the little round bird, "It'll only be for the ride."

Despite her efforts of calming down her pet, McDuff continued to chirp loudly, and Ashley Dusk decided to give up.

Noticing the time, Ashley Dusk rushed down the stairs and out the door with her luggage and kennel so she could get to the train station in time.


"There you are Ashley! What took you so long?"

Fawnette was looking at Ashley Dusk expectantly after inquiring about her abscence. The latter's formerly neat mane had been messed up in the rush to the station, and she was panting really hard too.

"Wow," started Flora, "Look at that mane. Here, let me fix it for you!"

The earth pony soon had a brush in her mouth, and she procceded to style Ashley Dusk's mane. When she finished, the result was a tall, ridiculous looking mohawk.


Ashley was bewildered at the oddity that her mane had become, but Fawnette soon restyled her hair back to normal.

"Flora! Don't do that!" exclaimed Fawnette after she had finished fixing the unicorn's mane.

"Hmph," retorted Flora. "I saw no problem with an edgier look."

"Yeah, but you could've asked her first!" replied Fawnette.

"So what? She needed it!"

"Needed? Who asked you for fashion advice?!"

"Since when was this fashion? 'Cause I can bet that I could be more fashionable than you!"

"Oh yeah? Well let me tell you! I've been queen of the Pony Prom before! Beat that!"

"Well, I've been queen—"

"The train! It's here!"

For that whole time, Windi was silent until the train had arrived.

"Come now!" Windi said. "Stop your bickering and board the train!"

"Who said we were bickering?" asked Flora, with a hint of a sneer in her tone.

"C'mon guys," said Ashley Dusk. "We'll be late if we don't get on. Besides, Windi got us the first class car."

"Fine," replied Fawnette. "But let's just hope that somepony doesn't decide to screw things up again." The pegasus's eyes shifted to Flora.

"What do you mean, 'screw up'?" retorted Flora.

Ashley and Windi rolled their eyes at them and boarded the train, with Fawnette and Flora following close behind.

When the mares got seated on the train to Ponyville, their ride started to move forward, and the scenery started to pass by them. Green trees on the side of the tracks were accompanied by shrubs and flowers, giving the landscape a fresh, natural feel. Ashley was napping on the train while Windi was silently staring out the window, for she prefered a quiet train ride to capture the scenery. With no one paying much attention, Fawnette and Flora started to chatter among themselves.

"So Flora," started Fawnette, "Do you think that Colorful Sound will be...you know, a snob?"

Flora looked at Fawnette with confusion and asked, "What? A snob? Ha! I doubt that, 'cause she's friends with a normal pony like Ashley!"

"I know, but she's known Ashley Dusk since she was a nopony. What if she's changed since she's gotten famous, and doesn't actually care about the normals?" said Fawnette.

"Well," Flora said, "If this is normals we're talking about, then I guess that Windi won't count here! She's loaded, and so is Colorful Sound! They'll be top celebs!"

"I regret to tell you, Flora, that I'm not famous."

Flora turned to Windi, who had suddenly broke her seemingly interminal silence.

"Huh? How could you not be famous?" asked Flora.

Windi replied, "Money does not always equal fame. The family I come from, while well known among the elite, is fairly obscure compared to the likes of Filthy Rich. If I were famous, then everypony would be talking about me and such."

"Haha, I still think you and Colorful Sound will get along, since you're so rich!" said Flora.

"Flora, do you really think that Colorful Sound is so superficial that she would only like Windi for her money?" asked Fawnette.

"Whatever, money is money," Flora said while yawning. She closed her eyes and started to nap.

The train was slowly winding down the tracks, taking its grand old time getting to Ponyville. With Flora asleep now and Windi being the only mare awake on the train, Fawntte decided to attempt to talk to her.

"Umm...hey Windi?" asked Fawnette.

Windi turned to Fawnette and said, "Yes?"


It was generally hard to start a conversation with Windi without it being awkward at first.

"How's the scenery out there?" asked Fawnette, trying desparately to find a subject she would be interested in.


Fawnette sighed and decided that it would be useless to talk to her. Following the actions of Ashley Dusk and Flora, Fawnette fell asleep on the train.


"Thank you for riding the Neighway Express. We have now arrived at Ponyville."

Ashley Dusk and her friends woke up as they heard those words spoken by the conductor.

"Ahhh..." yawned Ashley, "I had the craziest dream...a blonde-maned mailmare took over Equestria and turned it into a muffin factory..."

"That's weird," said Windi, who was awake for the whole ride. "Why don't we get off the train? My legs have fallen asleep."

The four mares nodded in agreement, and got off of the train. A stallion took their luggage off the train as well.

"Here you go ladies," said the luggage stallion.

"Thanks," said Ashley Dusk. "Come girls! We need to go find Colorful!"

"Already a step ahead of you, Ash."

The mares turned around to see a pegasus with a peach-colored coat and a red mane. Her cutie mark resembled an odd mashup of a double eigth note and a rainbow. Surrounding her were a couple of stallions, presumably her bodyguards.

Ashley Dusk gasped and exclaimed, "Colorful! You're here!"