• Published 24th Aug 2012
  • 541 Views, 11 Comments

Poisonous - WendytheCreeper

Ashley Dusk and friends' move to Ponyville push them into unexpected events...

  • ...

Chapter 1

A/N: I feel the need to put an author's note here about the origins of this fanfic. The story I'm writing here was originally written(in comic format) by my friend Ashley, but she didn't feel like continuing it. She didn't get very far in the story, and she didn't even introduce the enemy yet(which I'm changing because it seemed too much like a ripoff). Anyway, she let me continue the story(I have permission from her). Also, I'm not indenting because it looks weird like that. Please Enjoy!


It was an average day in Canterlot. Ashley Dusk, a white colored unicorn whose talent was in drawing, didn't have much luck in art sales that day since she only sold 2 out of her 10 drawings. As the sun started to set, she closed up shop and made her way to the pet hospital where her pegasus friend Fawnette worked. Fawnette was working late that evening, so Ashley decided to keep her company throughout the late hours.

The unicorn had just barely left her shop when she was assimilated by a cream colored pegasus with a white and green colored mane.

"Hi Ashley! Are you going to visit Fawnette?"

Ashley Dusk jumped back in fear, but recovered shortly after realizing that it was just her other pegasus friend, Windi.

"Windi! Oh my Celestia, don't do that!" the unicorn said. "Sorry about that. You scared me!"

Windi's ears drooped. "I'm sorry about that...I didn't mean to..."

"Hey there now," started Ashley Dusk, "It's okay. If you want to, you can come with me and see Fawnette."

With that said, Windi landed next to her friend and said, "Okay. We shall go, though I'm not too fond of hospitals."

The two ponies were silently walking towards the hospital, passing trees, houses, and the like, when the unicorn asked,"Wait, how'd you know that I was going to see Fawnette?"

"Since Fawnette is working late tonight, it is only logical that her friends would come and keep her company and such. That is, unless if she is performing an operation such as neutering. In that case, she would need full focus, and we can't distract her," replied Windi. She was doing hoof gestures throughout her speech.

Ashley looked at her reluctantly and said, "Err...yeah."

For the rest of the walk, they chattered about meaningless things such as how their day went and what they think Celestia eats for lunch. Various scenery passed them, and the sun was getting lower and lower in the sky. As it got darker, the street lamps flickered on to light the way. In a matter of minutes, they reached the pet hospital and entered the big doors in front. In the main office there were several chairs and a reception desk. The pony at the reception desk called out to Ashley Dusk and Windi.

"Hello Miss Ashley Dusk and Miss Windi! How may I help you today?"

"Hi Flora. We'd like to know if we could see Dr. Fawnette," said Ashley Dusk.

"Oh yes, she is in examination room 13A," replied Flora.

"Thankies," said Windi.

Ashley Dusk and Windi made their way to room 13A uneventfully, and then they knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

They went into the room and saw Fawnette holding down a pure white colored bunny while a nurse was giving it a vaccination. Windi's wings became stiff as she cringed at the sight in front of her, while Ashley saw nothing wrong.

"There you go, Fluffy," Fawnette said to the bunny. "Now all of your vaccinations are up to date!"

The green colored earth pony that was waiting paitently in the corner walked up to her pet bunny and said,"Oh thank you! Now that I've taken care of her checkup, I can go to Ponyville for the upcoming music festival! I hear it's opening act is going to be performed by Colorful Sound!"

Ashley Dusk's ears perked up at that name, and then she said, "Colorful Sound? I know her!"

"Wow, really?" asked Fawnette. "That's pretty cool!"

The green pony jealously said, "Awww...you're so lucky to have a personal relation with her!"

"Haha...I've known her for a while now," Ashley said with a nervous laugh. "I remember when she was just starting out...Struggling to get known by the higher ups, endless conversations on the phone by record labels that won't pick her up..."

In the midst of Ashley Dusk's story about Colorful Sound's career, Windi asked, "I have never heard about Colorful Sound before. Care to enlighten me?"

The whole room gasped at that comment, and the green pony looked at Windi with surprise.

"You don't know Colorful Sound!?" exclaimed the green pony. "She's a superstar! 10 hit singles on the top 5 and counting! What do you live under, a rock?"

"I guess I do live under a rock," remarked Windi. "Well, it's nice to hear that you have a superstar as a friend."

"Yeah, sweet right?" replied Ashley Dusk. "Maybe I should contact her about it once I get back home."

As if Celestia wanted the ponies to go home, the clock struck 9, signaling the end of the work day.

"Looks like it's time to hit the hay, huh?" remarked Fawnette. She hung up the doctor's coat she was wearing on the coat rack, exposing the rest of her pink coat and her cutie mark that resembled a stethescope. "Shall we go?"

Windi yawned loudly. "Yeah. I am feeling tired and I want to go to bed."

The four ponies left the examination room and passed the reception counter. Fawnette stayed to punch out, and then joined the group. Since Flora was a roomate of Fawnette("A tenant of Fawnette", as she likes to call it, but they share the rent of their apartment), she joined the group as well. They traveled down some 2 miles of road before they reached a crossroads.

"Okay, I have to go my way now since my house is just down this road," Windi said. The ponies said their good-nights, and then Windi flew away.

"Hmph. Calling her residence a house is an understatement," Ashley Dusk remarked.

Fawnette noticed the shift in tone of her voice and then asked, "So I'm assuming that buisness was slow today?"

Ashley sighed and said, "Only 2 of my drawings got sold today, and I'm running short on surplus money to pay for more supplies."

"Why don't you advertise more?" asked Flora.

Ashley Dusk asked, "Huh? What do you mean?"

"You know, get your name out there! You'll never get any buisness when nobody knows you exsist! Think about it: if you do a largley seen piece, then everybody well know who you are, thus generating more buisness!"

With Flora's comment in mind, the artist unicorn hatched an idea that she would execute once she got home.

"Thanks for the tip, Flora," Ashley said. "I'll keep it in mind."

The trio reached the unicorn's house and shop, and then they all said goodbye to each other. Ashley Dusk walked into her house to execute her plan.

When Ashley was in her humble abode, messy with trash and papers, she sat at her desk and started to write, "Dear Colorful Sound, I'd like to visit you soon at the music festival, and make some promotional art..."