• Published 5th Jun 2020
  • 1,944 Views, 35 Comments

Secrets of the Past - CoJoThom98

After waking up in a jail cell within the Crystal Empire, Twilight finds herself powerless and the prisoner of King Sombra. However, this supposed villain holds secrets about the past that she never knew about.

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Chapter 4: Hopeless

Twilight awakens in her cell, her back aching having slept on the hard ground for who knows how many nights now. It's been hard to keep track of how many days it's been since she first woke up in this cell. If possible, she would be making marks on the wall to keep count, but crystal walls are impossible to scratch with just her hoof. She stands up and stretches her back and neck out, hoping to ease some of the sleeping pain.

She looks up at the window and sighs, the auburn clouds still cover the sky; she never thought she would ever miss the blue sky. Waking up every day to Princess Celestia's beautiful morning sky is a blessing not many ponies are aware of. It was a subtle reminder that the Princess was still the ruler of Equestria, under her everypony could prosper and feel safe. Even on the roughest of days, a pony can look up and feel a glimmer of hope for they know the Princess still reigns. As Twilight looks up at this auburn sky, at Sombra's sky, her feelings are of a polar opposite.

This doesn't make her feel secure or hopeful, a pony couldn't possibly feel like tomorrow will be a better day when looking up at this sky. Freedom is replaced with imprisonment, dread overtakes hope. Sombra's sky is a less than subtle reminder that he rules, he is in control. Twilight longs to see even a hint of blue in this sky, just one little ray of hope. But, alas, there is no blue for her to find.

Twilight walks over to the window and props her forehooves on the wall to look out the window. She looks off into a general direction and wonders of her home, Ponyville. It feels as though it's been so long since she's been home. She misses her quiet Golden Oaks Library, being surrounded by the smell of books, each one very distinct. She misses Sugar Cube Corner, helping Pinkie Pie by tasting the newest daily delight or simply sharing a laugh. She misses Rarity's boutique, she'll never forget the day Rarity offered to make Twilight her dress for the Grand Galloping Galla and being given the best dress she's ever worn. She misses the countryside, visiting Applejack at her farm or Fluttershy at her cottage. She even misses Rainbow Dash's sudden and catastrophic entries, always using the excuse of "a new trick." If her horn wasn't gone, all she would have to do is think of home and would zap herself back there. She closes her eyes and thinks of home.

Her thoughts are interrupted when a loud knock comes from her cell door. She hops off the wall and turns around. The door opens and standing before is a unicorn mare, slightly taller than Twilight, silver mane and tail, snow-white coat, and dressed in red armor with black trimmings. Her face retains a certain degree of gravitas, her eyes looking at Twilight with a cold glare. Twilight bows her head, looking down at the ground, avoiding eye contact with the intimidating figure.

"His majesty requests your presence, come with me," the guard says in a low, monotone voice. She does an about-face and walks out through the cell doorway as Twilight looks up. She doesn't follow the guard out of her cell, instead, she looks at her confusingly.

Why is Sombra requesting Twilight out of her cell to see him? Anytime he needed to talk to her, he would come down to the dungeon himself. Now, however, he's wanting her to come up to either the throne room or the royal office as if she was his guest and not his prisoner. Could this be about their conversation a few days ago, concerning her horn? While his proposal was intriguing, she never accepted his offer. Of course, she longs to have a horn again, but if this horn is from Sombra it will surely involve the dark arts. Twilight's exposure to dark magic may be limited, but she's seen enough that it can lead to many terrifying and unnatural abilities. She's seen what it can do to other ponies, she's seen it corrupt Princess Luna and she sees the corruption in Sombra, she wants no part in that kind of magic.

"It's not wise to keep the King, or myself, waiting," the guard says impatiently. She looks back at Twilight with a cold, stern look in her eyes.

Twilight walks out of her cell and is greeted by two other guards to her left. Their entire body, except for their upper legs and ears, is covered in black armor with raven mane and tail decorations. Metal spikes line down the spine, on their shoulder guards, and the helmet fangs. Their mouths are muzzled and their eyes are covered with shields except for one small slit that reveals a green glow. She's terrified by their appearance, she worries if this is her fate when she meets with Sombra.

"We best get a move on," the guard says as she opens up a swirling-green portal with her magic and walks through. Twilight is hesitant to walk through but one of the guards gives her a shove and she stumbles into the portal.

She comes out on the other side into a familiar hallway. She recognizes it as the hall that leads to many of the guest rooms and the royal office. The structure and color scheme hasn't changed, though black banners with green and purple diamond crests hang along the walls. Twilight looks down the hall and sees that the silver mane guard hasn't walked very far. She decides to follow her rather than risk any more aggressive behaviors from the other two guards, who are now coming through the portal.

They walk down to the end of the hall where they end up in front of a large, violet crystal door. The silver mane guard turns her head back to Twilight and says, "Wait here." She turns back to the doors, knocks on it three times, and enters the room, leaving the door ajar.

Twilight stands there patiently and fearfully waiting to be called. She looks up at a banner to her right and studies the crest. A long white diamond stretched out on its side with three other diamonds standing in front of it. The center diamond is colored with dark green, and the other two are a faded purple. To Twilight, the crest looks like an eye always looking at her, watching her every move. A subtle reminder that Sombra is always watching. She feels a sense of uneasiness coming over her, a feeling of her security being violated. She looks away from the banner, but she can still feel it's stare.

The double doors open wide, catching Twilight's attention. The silver mane guard walks out and stands in front of Twilight, looking down at her. "The King will see you now, alone," she says in disdain. Twilight looks past the guard and into the room and gulps hard. She slowly walks into the room, the guard eyeballing her. When she's inside, the doors behind her slam shut.

"I apologize if Captain Silver Vein was a little harsh towards you." Twilight looks to her left and sees Sombra sitting at his writing something down with his quill. "She's always been distrustful of outsiders," he says. "She never agreed with my mother's decision to form diplomatic ties, especially with Equestria." Twilight walks towards his desk and doesn't say anything, though his comment does have her intrigued.

Sombra looks up from his work and chuckles a little, "Well, I didn't bring you up here to bore you with tales of the past." He pushes himself away from the desk and walks over to a small table near the fireplace. It holds a few glasses and a large glass container of liquor. He uses his magic to pour himself a drink.

"Why am I here Sombra?" Twilight assertively asks.

Sombra sips his drink, lowers his glass, and grins at it. "Even after being locked up in that dreaded cell for days, your will is still strong." He looks over at her impressed, "That is certainly admirable."

"What's going on?" Twilight asks. "You didn't bring me up here to serve me compliments, did you?"

"That depends, is it working?" he jokes, Twilight glares back at him. He looks away from Twilight and into the roaring fire. "No, I've brought you up here for a better reason. I wanted to tell you that your room is now ready and you no longer have to stay in that ghastly cell anymore."

Twilight walks over to Sombra, she stands on the other end of the fireplace. She looks at him with suspicion, "A room, with a real bed? Are you being serious?" Twilight asks, Sombra nods in response. "You're just giving me a room? Even though I'm your prisoner?"

"Well first off, you're not my prisoner, you're my guest," he explains. "Second, I'm not just giving you a room, I expect something in return."

"I knew there was a catch," Twilight mutters loudly.

"Everything has a catch, Miss Twilight," says Sombra, he turns his head to face her. "In exchange for a room, I want you to become my apprentice."

Twilight's eyes widen in shock, she figured he would make such an offer but never expected him to be so blunt or bold in his proposal. Once she collects her thoughts, she lets out a quiet laugh of amusing disbelief. "You expect me to become your student, in exchange for a nice room? I am not so easily bought by feather pillows and fancy dresses. You certainly have underestimated who you are bartering with. "

"Perhaps I have," Sombra says as he takes another of his drink. "But you may want to consider this, refuse my offer and you will be treated as my prisoner. You will remain in your cell and my guards will be less than hospitable with you."

Twilight walks over to him and looks up at him with sternly. "Do what you can, Sombra," she says harshly. "I will never be your student. I only have one teacher that I am loyal to, Princess Celestia. I will never betray her trust or her teachings for you." Sombra doesn't say anything in response, instead, he begins to chuckle. Twilight, confused, asks, "What's so amusing?"

Sombra turns away from the fireplace and walks over to a standing mirror. "Such loyalty to a princess who sends others to do her job," he says.

"What are you talking--," Twilight begins but she's cut off by Sombra.

"Tell me, Miss Twilight, why were you and your friends sent to stop Nightmare Moon?" he asks, turning around to face her.

"How do you know about that?" she responds.

He turns back to the mirror and says to it, "Give her the answer she seeks." In the mirror, black clouds swirl around then separate to reveal that night from two years ago. Twilight walks over to the mirror and is amazed by what she sees. She witnesses her and her friends wandering through the Everfree Forrest, encountering the numerous obstacles during their trek. She sees their battle with Nightmare Moon, concluding with them using the Elements of Harmony.

"I've been studying you and your friend's many victories for the past few days," he explains. "You six are an impressive team. It seems you only fail when you are separated from each other."

"How is this even possible?" she asks both marveled and perplexed. "I only know of a single time travel spell and that only sent me back a week."

"This mirror has been in my family for generations," he says. "It's not time travel, rather it's a window that lets me see what was and what is. Recently, as I have said, I've been viewing your victories: Nightmare Moon, the sleeping dragon, parasprites, Discord, even Queen Chrysalis. While an impressive list, they all seem unnecessary." The image dissipates and shows their reflection. Sombra turns away from the mirror and walks towards his desk.

Twilight turns to look at him, confused. "What are you talking about? If it wasn't for us, Equestria would've been doomed."

Sombra stops and looks back at Twilight. "Yes, but if Celestia did her job as 'Protector of the Realm,' you wouldn't be needed. If Celestia truly cared for the security of her nation and her ponies, she would deal with the dangers herself. Instead, she endangers her subjects just to give you a lesson in friendship."

"That's not true," Twilight protests. "Princess Celestia would never be so careless with the safety of her citizens."

"Would she? When Discord returned, he flipped the world upside down with his chaos powers, not only creating problems for Equestria but for other nations around the world, yet she did nothing and left everything up to you," Sombra argues, slowly walking closer to Twilight. "When Queen Chrysalis infiltrated her niece's wedding, Celestia made no effort to snuff out the bugs. Let's not forget that she was nowhere to be found when Nightmare Moon began her brief reign of terror, throwing the entire nation into violent chaos."

"You-You don't know that," Twilight responds with shaking confidence.

Sombra walks past Twilight and up to the mirror. He tells it, "show me Canterlot on the night Nightmare Moon returned." The black clouds swirl around then dissipate to reveal a chaotic scene. Ponies panicking and rioting in the streets, looting shops and houses. The Royal Canterlot Guard quell the rioters with clubs and tear gas, violently attacking them.

Twilight looks on the scene with horror, she had no idea this had happened two years ago. She's been to Canterlot many times but has never heard a single pony talk about it. How can such brutality be forgotten? As the event plays out, her eyes focus on one particular scene. An old friend from Canterlot, Lemon Hearts, is pinned to the ground by two guards, who are cuffing her hooves with zip ties. She tries to squirm away from them, claiming that she wasn't looting. One of the guards shouts at her to be quiet and quit resisting arrest. She begs them to stop, tearing streaming from her eyes. The other guard, a unicorn, raises his club with his magic and whacks the back of her head, knocking her unconscious. Once the binds are on, the guards grab her by her forelegs and hall her away. Twilight looks away, distressed and trying to hold back her tears. It is in vain as she begins to weep for her friend.

The scene in the mirror vanishes. Sombra looks upon Twilight with sympathy and regret. Perhaps he was too cruel in making his point. He raises his hoof and, slowly and gently, places it on her back in an attempt to comfort.

Twilight doesn't know how to respond to what she just saw. She wants to lash out of Sombra, accuse him of making the mirror lie to her. It's impossible Canterlot would have descended into such chaos. Celestia would never allow her city to fall into anarchy. Yet the truth is right in front of her. Nightmare Moon's return caused more trouble than initially realized. She fears how many more of her Canterlot friends were hurt that night, and whether they were just as bad or worse than what Lemon Hearts received.

Sombra lowers his hoof, seeing as it does not an effect. He slowly walks to the door but stops mid-way. He looks back at Twilight who hasn't moved at all. He looks down at the ground, contemplating for a moment, looks back up at her and says, "You may stay in your new room for the night. You don't have to agree to my proposition just yet. I will show you to your room." He looks forward and continues to the door. Twilight looks over to him, wiping tears from her eyes. Without a second thought or hesitation, she follows him out of the room.

As they walk down the hallway, Twilight trails behind Sombra. Her head is bowed, her thoughts fixated on the scene from the mirror. Sombras looks back at her, wishing to say something to bring her comfort, but he doesn't.

After a few minutes, he stops in front of a pale purple door and opens it. Twilight looks inside to see an elegant and luxurious crystal bedroom. The purple and white crystals glisten in the auburn light from the window. The beauty, though, is lost on Twilight. She walks into the room and appearing too preoccupied in her thoughts to care about the room's decor.

"If you need anything," Sombra says, "pull the rope by the door and a servant will come up to assist you. I will leave you alone to get comfortable."

The door closes behind Twilight. She walks over to the bedroom window and looks up at the sky. Though Sombra's clouds still cover the sky, she spots something breaking through it. A single ray of sunlight breaking through the murk. She focuses on the ray of sun, longing that it may give a glimmer of hope. But she feels nothing.