• Published 26th Apr 2020
  • 1,577 Views, 26 Comments

Twilight's Really Bad Day - Bigwig6666

Twilight Sparkle finds herself caught in a time loop, and races to discover it's source and free herself.

  • ...

In Which Twilight Begins Her Investigation

"GOOOOOOD MORNING CANTERLOOOOT! This is not a test, this is ROCK and ROLL! Time to rock it like the music in the treetops or the music in the vale! Hey, is that a song already? Dingdingdingdingding we have a winner! That one's from Ponyville's very own Ponytones--Bum, bum, bum-ba-da, ba-da! Is it too early to be this loud--Whoops too late! It's currently oh six hundred, what's the 'oh' for? OH CELESTIA IT'S EARLY-"

Twilight Sparkle shot up in a cold sweat, once again in her own bed as the radio prattled on once again. She felt around her midsection and wiggled her back hooves. She breathed a heavy sigh of relief as she realised they were still attached, and the nightmarish end to yesterday just a mere memory--like a hazy fever dream. She shivered and lay back down, pressing the button on the alarm to turn it off. She lay and stared up at the ceiling in silence.

"Why is this happening?" she muttered glumly. This time she didn't get up and rush her teeth and step in the bowl of fries. Her ear twitched as she had an idea. Instead, this time she grabbed a nearby parchment and pen, and began to furiously write down everything that would happen, at least up to eight in the morning.

"Canterlot... cart..." she murmured as she wrote on her scroll. "Dangerous!!!" She underlined it several times to add emphasis. She thought back to yesterday, and how Discord also sniffed the tea and didn't find anything unusual with it.

"But the tea wasn't poison then, so what do I do? Do I-" She paused. A grin played over her face. "It seems I just wake up no matter what, so why don't I try something?" She raised a hoof up and pointed at the ceiling, tracing an outline of a shape as she mumbled to herself. "if the tea is truly poison, I have to go and try it." She flexed her legs. "Time for an experiment."

She swung her legs over the bed and marched straight to the door. She wrenched it open and stared at Starlight with a wild look in her eye.

"Oh! Twilight, I was just-"

Twilight cut her off. "Sorry, Starlight, I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain. I've got something I need to do." She marched off, her mane still uncombed and her breath still honking of morning breath. She passed pennyworth in the corridor, who paused and made to greet her.

"Sorry, Pennyworth, tell Discord Ill be along soon." She spoke before he could, causing his eyebrows to raise in question.

"Of course, your highness, but-"

She had already marched away before he had a chance to respond. She followed her nose to the royal kitchens and burst through the large white doors. She sniffed and breathed in the freshly cooked vegetables and smiled.

The chef of the Royal Canterlot Court, a grizzled pony with one eye and a wooden leg clapped his hooves together and welcomed her. "Princess Twilight, what an honour it is to be graced by your presence so early in the morning. Did me fresh cooking wake you up?" He winked at her. His voice was deep, and tinged with an unusual accent that sailors usually have.

She smiled and nodded. "You bet! But I was hoping I could get some tea first." She looked around at the serving ponies, hoping to spot the oh so familiar one she didn't recognise at first. Her eyes finally found him and she pointed a hoof towards him. "I want him to make it though."

The chef nodded and stomped his hoof. "Sweet Sorbet! Front and centre!"

A young looking, orangey pink pegasus scrambled forwards and bowed before her. She nodded to him in kind.

"Sorbet, me boy! The princess here wants you to make her some tea. Perhaps that new batch that came in this morning?"

He nodded and saluted. "Yes sir, one cup of tea coming right up."

Twilight watched him carefully. "This new batch," she murmured to the chef. "Do you know who dropped it off?"

The chef shrugged. "Sorry, your majesty, The supplier just delivers it, doesn't say where it's from or who sent it out. We get a lot of ingredients delivered." He gestured to some delicious looking boiled carrots nearby. "Can I tempt ye, miss?"

Twilight chuckled and shook her head. "Just the tea for me today please, Chef."

He nodded and bowed. "As ye wish, your majesty. Now, beggin' your pardon but I must get started on the day's meals. Today's menu is out front, if ye care to have a look. Sorbet will be along shortly as well."

The princess nodded and trotted away from him. Her mind was racing, her heart jumped up into her mouth. This was going to hurt if it was indeed poison, but she was determined to put her theory to the test. As she passed through the kitchen she emerged into the lavish dining room, she took a long look around the room. It seemed to stretch for miles, she had no real reason to use it so she barely saw this part of the castle these days. Not that she saw much of them in the old days. She sat at the table nearest the door and waited for her tea.

Sweet Sorbet shuffled out holding silver tray. He smiled a Twilight as she waved him over. "So tell me, Sweet Sorbet," she said as he poured her tea for her. "How did you come to work in the Canterlot castle?"

"Oh my friend Flash Sentry put in a good word for me." He cheerily replied.

"Oh really?" Twilight asked with wide eyes. "I know Flash, he's a good friend of mine. He's up in the Crystal Empire now isn't he?"

Sorbet beamed as he poured the tea out. "Yeah he is. He was my best friend here in Canterlot, when he left he managed to snag me a job at the palace here. Just the kitchens though I'm not brave enough for anything else, heh." He chuckled nervously as the princess watched him intently.

Twilight's mind ticked over as she listened to him. Was this pony really an assassin? He seemed genuinely nice. But a close friend of one of the guards would be a good cover, especially one that's no longer in the country. She narrowed her eyes and lifted the cup to her nose. "Smells good," she murmured.

He nodded. "It smells good when making it."

It smelt just like ordinary tea, if it was indeed poison it had no unusual smell or taste to it. She closed her eyes and exhaled slowly. This was it, truth or bust.

"Can I ask you something, Sweet Sorbet?"

He nodded again. "Anything, princess."

Twilight looked ta him and smiled wetly. "Would you mind joining me for a drink?"

Sorbet's cheeks turned bright red and he stammered. "Uh, okay, p-princess. I, uh... sure." He fumbled for a chair and sat down opposite her. He made to pour another cup out for himself, before Twilight stopped him and poured it herself. She watched as he nervously fidgeted.

"Something on your mind, Sorbet?" she asked quietly, watching him for any signs of a tell.

"No, miss, it's just I the kitchens were busy this morning, Chef will be wondering where I am." He winced as he caught her gaze. "But I guess he wouldn't mind if it was on princess's orders."

"I'm sure he wouldn't." She smiled coyly at him, thinking about how clever she was. If it was poison he wouldn't dare drink it, surely. "So I've heard this tea is quite nice," she continued, "but the aftertaste? To die for."

Sorbet frowned. "Are you feeling alright, your highness?"

"Hmm? Oh fine, just..." She paused, realising she might have gone a bit overboard so far. "I love tea."

His eyebrow raised in suspicion and he mouthed an okay. He raised the small cup up with one of his hooves and smiled. "Cheers, princess."

She raised her own cup up and smiled at him. "Cheers." With a clink, their cups touched. How clever she was, she thought. If it was truly poisoned he wouldn't dare drink it himself, lest he expose his treasonous nature-

And then he gulped it down heartily and smacked his lips together when he was finished. He released a satisfied sigh and murmured quietly to himself. "Oh that was nice." he smiled at her. "Thank you, princess,

"Wh-whaaat?" Twilight stammered and fumbled her own cup, spilling some slightly.

Sorbet's eyes widened as he stared at her. "Diiid I do something wrong, princess?" He looked down at the cup and noticed some tea remained at the bottom. He swung it back and radnk the dregs of the cup, causing Twilight to start forwards and reach a hoof out.

"Stop don't drink more!"

Her eye twitched. If it was poison then he just drank it. He must have given himself a weaker dose, or none at all. Maybe it was something he put in before he gave it to her the other day? But then he would have had to do it when she was there and obviously he couldn't-

And then he started to clutch at his chest and gasp for air.

Twilight watched in horror as he doubled over and gasped for air. His eyes bulged and he began to twitch. Finally he lay still, and the princess was left with a dead body at her table. She shakily stood to her feet and opened her mouth to scream for help. She stopped herself and thought for a moment.

If he was the assassin why would he poison his own tea? She cocked her head and thought some more. Perhaps there was something wrong with the batch? Maybe... She gave his body a wide berth, feeling terrible as she had essentially sentenced a young pony to death for seemingly no reason, and f there was a plot against her she had no proof. The town would be in uproar, nay, Equestria would lose faith in their princess. What kind of message would that say? Be her friend, or make friends or Twilight Sparkle will get you?

Twilight grimaced and shivered as she strode through the kitchen. "Chef!" She called.

The head chef of Canterlot hobbled out to her from the walk in freezer. he looked worried, and his mane was messy. Stress lines had creased his face tenfold. "Your highness!" he cried as he saw her, and hurried to shut the door behind him. "I trust Sorbet satisfied your needs?"

"Yeah." She glanced back at the door to the dining room, lost in her own thought. "Sort of. Listen, I need to know where that newest batch of tea came from. There might have been... an issue with the supplier and I just want to make sure...

Chef's eyes widened. "Of--of course, your, uh, highness, right... this way. Let me get the boy first-"

She felt flustered as he started towards the dining room doors. "Um, Sorbet said he would come back later... he had a..." She thought back to her excuse for young Juniper Bug and grimaced. "Allergic... reaction to the tea..." She didn't feel like a good princess, or pony for that matter right now. Lying. Murder. Lying again. Her stomach churned, thankfully not from anything she had drank today though.

Chef's eyebrows skyrocketed. "Oh..." he fell silent for a moment, sadness welling up in his eyes. He rung his hooves together and mumbled something. She noticed and cocked her head, and realised he was almost haggard looking now.

"Is everything alright, Chef?" she quietly asked.

He said nothing and gestured to come closer to him. She did, curious as to what he had to say.

"I'm afraid, princess, that the newest batch of tea that came through…" he swallowed hard and looked over her shoulder. her ear twitched as she hard a faint sobbing from deeper in the kitchens. "Well... it was contaminated, and we've... had a death..."

Twilight's eyes widened. It was her turn for her eyebrows to skyrocket. "A..."

"Aye, your highness. One of the chefs, he just..." He shrugged and rubbed his hooves together. "He just ate a leaf, just one leaf, and in a minute or so he keeled over, gasping for air and clutching at his chest." He looked at her with sudden realization. "Thank Celestia you didn't have any, your highness."

Twilight's blood ran cold. She swallowed hard and spoke quietly. "I need to see that tea, Chef."

He nodded solemnly. "I understand, princess. This way."

She followed him through the kitchens, and the sobbing grew louder. She heard hushed voices arguing, and as they rounded a corner she spotted the other chefs and serving ponies in a huddle. They saw her and instantly dispersed. Chef waved his hoof at them and nodded, making silent gestures at them. He glanced at Twilight and mumbled an apology. "They're afraid, princess."

"As am I, Chef," Twilight mumbled back as they kept walking. Silence deafened them, and she swore she could hear her own heartbeat in her head.

"Here." He stopped at a cupboard. "This is where we keep the fresh deliveries, only one bag was opened but who knows what's been contaminated now..." He waved a hoof around sadly.

"Chef, I need to inspect this. Alone. would you mind-"

"Not at all, princess." Chef opened the door and stepped aside for him. "I'll keep watch, make sure nopoy disturbs you. Just... don't try one of the leaves,. Please."

Twilight nodded and entered the cupboard. She saw the bag in question, knocked over. Usual looking green leaves spilled out from it, she noticed as she carefully approached it. Could this be the assassin? Just contaminated tea leaves? She couldn't help but feel relief wash over her, and an incredible sense of guilt followed it.

As she sniffed the bag, she noticed no particular smell, other than that of regular tea leaves. She used her magic to hold one up to the light and inspected it. She saw nothing, and to her and seemingly everypony else, it was just a normal tea leaf. Could such a little thing truly be so poisonous? She bit her lip, knowing what she had to do to make sure for certain, and to possibly save more lives tomorrow.

The princess took a deep breath and popped one of the leaves into her mouth and swished it around. Her tongue poked and prodded it, searching for something. An unusual texture, an unusual taste, anything. She spat it out and waited for a minute. Her spirits rose slightly as she realised there was nothing wro-

Then her insides began to feel like they were on fire.

"Oh yeah there it is..."

Twilight brought a hoof over her mouth as she fought to keep from being sick again. She gasped and groaned as her chest began to tighten. Soon she couldn't breathe at all, and an all too familiar and unwelcome darkness enveloped her vision.

She fell into silence once again as the blurry images of the store cupboard faded from her sight



She opened her eyes and stared a the familiar ceiling once more. Without a word, she swung a hoof at the alarm and turned it off, then grabbed a quill and parchment from nearby and scribbled something down. The scratching sound of the quill filled the heavy silence as she wrote.

Tea = Poisoned leaves. No assassins. Plus one good point.

Runaway carts in Canterlot = still dangerous.

She placed the parchment down at her bedside and looked back at the ceiling for what felt like eternity. She sat up and forced the sun to rise as a knock came at her door.

"Twilight, it's Starlight can I come in?"

"Sure Starlight," Twilight called. The door swung open and her friend smiled at her. The purple unicorn looked around at the mess and sighed.

"Another late night, princess?" she chuckled softly and smiled.

The princess glared at her and stood up. "I need to leave, Starlight," She said. She knew she had to act fast if she was to prevent any of the serving ponies die from the poisoned tea leaves.

Starlight balked and froze mid-step. "Oh. Okay... Sure, Twilight, I guess-"

Twilight rushed past her. Her wings spread as she flew down the corridor at breakneck speeds. She saw Pennyworth out the corner of her eye raise a hoof to catch her attention. "A Mr Cord waits for you ma'am-"


The old butler scowled as she whizzed past. He harrumphed and strode down the corridor in the other direction.

The princess burst through the doors to the kitchen and frightened half the staff to death. "Sorry, everypony," she gasped as she felt air return to her lungs. "Where's--Chef?"

The head chef strode forwards, hooves outstretched as he welcomed her. His one good eye looked her over and he grinned from ear to ear. "Morning, princess. Did something nice catch your nose?"

She shook her head and stumbled over ot him. "Chef, we need to talk. Now."

His face fell as he saw the look in her eye. "Very well, your highness. This way." He gestured to one of the backrooms. Twilight spotted one pony hauling a heavy looking crate into one of the storerooms out the corner of her eye as they trotted past. She whipped her head around as she saw a single tea leaf spill out from the top of it. "Chef," she asked quietly. he stopped and tilted his head to her. "is that the newest batch of tea for this morning?"

He nodded. "Tis, your highness, what-"

"Excuse me!" she called, a touch too loudly as panic seeped into her voice. Both Chef and the pony hauling the crate, an earth pony with a large moustache and wearing a uniform of a delivery company, started back and almost dropped it. She spread her wings and levitated the crate off of his back. "I'm sorry but this crate is contaminated. You are to take it outside and dispose of it--safely!"

Chef stood and watched in total bewilderment. "Princess I-" he started. She rounded on him and stared with wild eyes. He gulped and nodded to the delivery pony. "You heard the princess, get rid of it."

The pony grumbled and his moustache bristled in annoyance as he lugged the heavy crate back where he came from.

Twilight slumped to the floor in relief. "Phew," she mumbled.

Chef stared at her and coughed politely. "Far be it from an old sailor like me to question your highness, but... what was that?"

The princess straightened up and dusted herself off. "I'll explain everything, Chef. But you must listen to me carefully." She looked around. Is there somewhere we can speak more... privately?"

He nodded and gestured to the store cupboard where the tea was going. "It's as private place as any."

Once inside, she closed the door and turned to him. She began explaining everything, from yesterday and the day before, how she had died twice and then a third yesterday as part of her investigation. He listened and nodded, remaining surprisingly calm throughout.

"Which leads me to now."

Twilight knew she sounded crazy and silently begged him to believe her. She pleaded with her hooves as her wings bristled, waiting for his accusatory tones. Her mane remained messy and a strand draped over her eyes. She brushed it away and continued to stare at the chef.

He scratched his chin and shook his wooden leg as she finished recanting her story. "Well, princess," he murmured. "I've heard some old mares tales in my day, especially on the high seas in me youth, but never anything like that." The grizzled pony hummed to himself as the princess watched in despair. To her complete surprise, he nodded and smiled at her.

"I believe you, your highness. What do you want to do?"

Her legs buckled as relief washed over her. "Oh thank you so much, Chef, you have no idea-"

A loud bang came on the door. "Chef! We need you out here!"

Their faces drained of colour as Chef quickly unlocked the door and strode out. "What's the matter, lad?" h asked as Sweet Sorbet pointed with a trembling hoof.

"Th-th-th-" he stammered. His face was white as a sheet, like he'd seen a ghost.

"Sweet Sorbet me boy I'll tan your hide of ye don't-"

"Chef that's enough," Twilight mumbled as she raised a hoof in horror. Chef followed her gaze and grimaced.

The delivery pony from just a few minutes earlier, lay as dead upon the ground. His face twisted in pain, his hoof stretched up towards his throat, clearly a sign he had been struggling for air before he died. Chef cast glance at the princess, who backed up slowly. Their gaze met, and he nodded silently, before looking down at the handful of tea leaves in the pony's hoof.

"Alright lad, help me get this pony some dignity. Princess perhaps it's best if ye head off. We'll keep quiet, won't we lad?"

Sorbet nodded as he looked on in horror.

Twilight started backwards, bumping into the wall slightly and apologising to it. She turned as the kitchen staff began to gather. "Ponies!" she addressed to them and spread her wings, obscuring their path and vision as best she could, while she heard Chef and Sorbet behind her. They froze and stared at her as she cleared her throat. "There has been a terrible accident. All I can say is right now do not under any circumstances, eat any of the newest batch of tea leaves that arrived this morning."

She eyed them all as they silently nodded. One craned her neck to see over the princess's wing and gaped as she spotted the chef and his assistant moving a large black, pony shaped bag. She covered her mouth and stifled a scream as her gaze rested on Twilight's face, who stared back at her and inclined her head an inch forwards.

The princess ushered them backwards with her wings and took a deep breath. Without another word, she strode out of the kitchens, back up towards her bedroom. She opened the door, surprised by the tidiness and neatness of it all. She crossed the room, admiring Starlight's--she assumed--handiwork and mustered up enough energy to raise the sun, getting the timing well off this morning.

Then she collapsed on her bed, and began to loudly sob. Her body heaved as tears streamed down her face. "Why..." she mumbled through the tears. "Why is this happening? Why does somepony always have to die?" Her thoughts turned to the filly she had saved yesterday in exchange for her own life. Yesterday? The day before. She covered her face in frustration and curled up into a ball. Her heat leapt into her throat as she realised this filly might die today if nopony pushed her out the way, but then whoever saved her might also die.

She gazed up at the sun, it's golden rays shining down at the world. "Oh Celestia... I wish you were here."

A knock came at her door. She wiped her eyes and straightened up, and gave her nose a gentle rub. She paused to breathe and regain her composure. "Come in," she weakly called.

The door swung open, revealing an irritated looking Discord. She sighed and looked at him as he strode towards her and complained about being kept waiting in the lobby for ages.

He stopped when he saw her eyes and rushed forwards. "Oh my goodness, Twilight, the dramatics aren't necessary, really. It's no problem, I don't mind that I was waiting that long, I was just jesting!"

As tears welled up in her eyes again she thrust her small frame into him and gave him a hug, something with both startled and sent a shiver of fear through the old trickster. He awkwardly patted her back as she sobbed into him. "There, there, Twilight," he mumbled and patted her wings as they fluttered.

Eventually, she leant back and rubbed her eyes again. "Oh Discord I'm having a horrible day," she mumbled.

He nodded. "I can see that, Twilight. Why don't you tell me about it?" He snapped his fingers. As a moment passed in silence, he grunted in frustration and grabbed a chair and began to drag it over. "I've lost-"

"Your magic, I know."

He gaped at her. "How? Did you take it?"

She laughed for what felt like the first time in ages. "I wish. Maybe I could get out of this mess then." The princess sighed and looked at him sadly. "Discord, have you ever... been caught in a loop? Like the same day repeating over and over?"

He scratched his chin thoughtfully. "Hmmm, I can't say I have Twilight." His ears cocked forward as he listened to her, for the second time today, explain. Perhaps he could shed more light on the matter than the old chef could, however.

Twilight winced as he leant back in his chair, absorbing her words.

"What are you thinking, Discord?" she gingerly asked.

Discord puffed out his cheeks. "That you, my dear Twilight… are in as much of a pickle as me."

"You don't say?" she deadpanned asked him and rolled her eyes, red and sore from crying so hard so suddenly. "How insightful."

"Oh come now, Twilight I'm trying to help." The draconequus tutted and turned away. "Don't know why I should if you're going to be like that." He stood to leave as she started forwards and reached a hoof out to him.

"Wait, Discord... I'm sorry." She hung her head as he looked down at her. "I'm just... frustrated."

Discord chuckled softly and tousled her mane. "Have no fear, Twilight. You still have your friends. Friendship can solve anything, you taught me that."

She lookd up at him in awe. "Discord that's... you're right! I'm sre my friends can help me with this!"

He nodded. "I'm sure they can. While you're at it, do you suppose you can-"

"Look for your magic? Yes of course Discord, thank you!" She wrapped her hooves around him and gave him a right hug. Again, he awkwardly patted her back and blushed somewhat.

"You're welcome... Twilight," he mumbled. He coughed loudly and straightened up as she released him. "But a princess can't go out looking like that,." He handed her her hairbrush and smiled. "Here."

She took it and thanked him. As she brushed her mane she realised her breath still stank. "Oh sorry, Discord, I should-"

"Brush your teeth? Yes I can smell you from here." Discord grinned as she scowled. This was more his pace, more of the antagonising nature than the comforting nature. "I'll wait here if you wish to freshen up."

She thanked him again and entered her bathroom, closing the door behind her. She squinted at her reflection in the mirror as she grabbed the toothpaste. "I look terrible," she muttered and forced a smile out. She glanced upwards as she began to brush, using the correct toothpaste first try this time. She thought abut how she would get that lightbulb sorted today, or tomorrow perhaps. Or the day after. or one of the many yesterdays that were to come. Her head began to swim as she thought about it. She spat and rinsed her mouth out, gargling some water for good measure.

She felt dread as she gazed down into the sink, watching the last of the water drain away, and imagined what fresh horror would await her now. What she would see, and what would happen to her if she involved herself. She swallowed and opened the door. She glared at the old draconequus as he lounged on his chair, dozing lightly and a small trail of drool poured out of his mouth onto her carpet.

She slammed the door behind her, startling him awake. "Oh sorry did that wake you?" she chuckled.

"That was mean, Twilight." he scowled at her and settled himself. "What did I ever do to deserve such shabby treatment from the Princess of Friendship?"

"You mean besides impersonate Grogar to gather the three of my worst enemies to take over Equestria? Oh gee I don't know."

Discord mumbled something inaudible. "Rassrfrassr. You make one mistake and that's all you're known for." He cupped his head in his paw and glumly looked out of the window.

"More than that Discord, if you'll remember," Twilight continued, "you also turned against us and joined forces with Tirek, and threatened to turn Equestria into a world of chaos and disharmony, and try and turn me and my friends against each other."

The old jokester grumbled and huffed. "Well when you put it like that sure it sounds bad but-"


"Alright, fine." He straightened up and yawned. "You know what, I think I'll stay here for a while. You go on and meet your friends, Twilight." He picked up a book and glanced over it. "I'll stay here and think about my own problems. Not that I'd be of much use without my magic anyway..."

Twilight rolled her eyes and placed a hoof on his shoulder. "I do value you as a friend, Discord. I'll get the rest of friends and we'll search for your magic together, I promise."

He looked into her eyes and smiled. "Okay, princess." He rose out of his chair to bow dramatically before hoping into her bed. "I shall await your return, my fairest prince."

The princess rolled her eyes and chuckled as he batted his eyelashes at her and tucked the covers to his chin, resembling an old fairy-tale. "See you soon, Discord."

"See you soon, Twilight. Watch out for accidents."

She glared at him before leaving her room once again.

The Princess strode through Canterlot's streets and gulped as she saw the ambulance pegasus brigade flying overhead. She hoped that wasn't the filly and felt sadness wash over her. Every sound, every single thing that caught her eye she watched intently before whipping her head around and looking at the next one as she made her way toward the train station. Thankfully, her short trip was without event, and she boarded the train quietly as it rolled up into the station.

She sat down in one of the oh so familiar carriages and breathed a sigh of relief. The train was practically empty, save for the workers of course. A tall pony with finely trimmed mutton chops and a watch as his cutie mark trotted by her, giving her a nod with a smile.

"Hullo, princess," he said cheerfully as he passed by. "Another lovey morning, eh?"

She nodded and smiled back at him. "You're too kind." She looked around and chuckled. "Ponies aren't getting the train much these days are they?"

He shook his head and laughed. "Afraid not, miss." A voice came from the overhead speaker, completely inaudible and unintelligible to those who don't understand trainspeak. The pony grimaced and gave her another nod. "Excuse me, princess." He turned and hurried out, towards the front of the train.

Twilight turned to look out of the window as he left. She sighed as she gazed out at the countryside and reminisced about the good old days, of her and her friends always rushing about trying to save the world. Darkness swallowed up the train as they passed through the mountain and she turned away.

"Good old days," she snorted with a laugh. "It's only been a year since I ascended the throne." She leant back and stared at the ceiling. Had the trip always taken this long? She supposed it was because she was usually with her friends. Light soon burst around her, and she glanced out of the window once again. She could see Ponyville across the river not too far away now. How she missed her friends, but she knew everypony had their own responsibilities and she needed to-

She surged forwards as a horrific screech filled the air. She landed on the seat in front of her with a crunch, and groaned in pain. "What now?" she muttered as she held her nose. She felt blood trickle down towards her mouth and tilted her head back.

The princess stumbled forwards as the train continued to screech. She glanced out of the window and felt dread rise up inside her. Now she was closer she could clearly see what the issue was. The bridge was out.

"The bridge is out..." she murmured as her ears plastered to the back of her skull.

The door to her carriage burst open, revealing the train worker from earlier. "Princess, you must hurry!" he cried as he fought for balance as the train continued to screech to a halt. "The bridge is out!"

She nodded and glanced out the window again. "I saw," she muttered as she held her nose.

The worker furrowed his brow. "What ever happened, princess?"

"Train stopped so suddenly I banged my nose off the seat."


She stood and unsteadily made her way to the back of the train. She fumbled with the door and called to him. "This door is locked, do you have the key?""

The worker nodded and attempted to stride towards her. He took several steps forwards and suddenly began to float almost. Their eyes widened as the train took a nose dive, into the river. The windows around them shattered

Water surged upwards, engulfing the worker as he floundered and gasped for air. Twilight spread her wings and tried to hover in place and reached down for him, before the rest of the train crashed down on her. She opened her mouth to scream, and only bubbles emerged as her head was submerged. Shattered glass floated in the water, cutting her legs as she lashed out. The worker pony floated silently towards her.

With a horrid realisation, she knew this was how this pony was 'supposed' to die today. She stopped thrashing and gently reached out to him as he floated within distance of her. She closed his eyes for him and looked up. The sun shone brightly on the water above, and down she sunk, encased in her metal tomb.

She felt panic swelled up inside her once again. Every instinct in her told her to kick, and get herself out of the water. She twisted herself towards a broken window and pushed herself through it with her wings. She felt a sharp pain and blood trickled out around her, appearing like a thin red mist from her cut wings and legs.

She never thought she would die by drowning today as she kicked her legs out and desperately made for the surface, so tantalizingly close.

Her lungs began to burn. She grew desperate for that sweet taste of oxygen, and wished she had just stayed in bed that morning. Her mind raced as she kept thinking she could breathe, but she knew deep down she simply couldn't. Her front hooves held up to her throat, her back legs still kicking weakly, and the pressure of the water made it feel like she was exploding. Eventually, her lungs gave out, and she took a deep, deep breath, desperate for satisfaction.

She gazed up at the bright sun, reaching out as far as she could. Had she even moved? Was the river that deep? She felt the weight of the water clog up her orifices, weighing her down and preventing her from acquiring that sweet Equestrian air.

As she inhaled more and more water, she began to feel dizzy. The sun began to darken as images flashed through her mind, growing up in Canterlot, Spike, her brother, her cutie mark exam, becoming Celestia's student, rising through he classes, going to Ponyville for the first time, meeting her friends.

Their faces smiled at her. Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy.

She felt like she was floating, unaware of the pressure of the water on her body now. Her mouth opened. No bubbles emerged. Death no longer worried her.

Twilight felt like she was drifting off to sleep, and watched as the sun grew darker still. It's warm glow so close yet so far.

Then silence.