• Published 26th Apr 2020
  • 1,571 Views, 26 Comments

Twilight's Really Bad Day - Bigwig6666

Twilight Sparkle finds herself caught in a time loop, and races to discover it's source and free herself.

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In Which Twilight Starts Her Really Bad Day

"GOOOOOOD MORNING CANTERLOOOOT! This is not a test, this is ROCK and ROLL! Time to rock it like the music in the treetops or the music in the vale! Hey, is that a song already? Dingdingdingdingding we have a winner! That one's from Ponyville's very own Ponytones--Bum, bum, bum-ba-da, ba-da! Is it too early to be this loud--Whoops too late! It's currently oh six hundred, what's the 'oh' for? OH CELESTIA IT'S EARLY-"

A purple hoof slammed down on the radio alarm clock as it blared noise as loud as seemingly possible. The owner of the hoof; the Princess of Friendship and Equestria, the Sun and the Moon, the First and Last Light--you get the picture--the famous Twilight Sparkle, groaned and groggily swung her legs over the bed, and directly placed a hoof into a bowl of something soft and cold. Her eyes blearily opened as she glared at the smashed remnants of the radio and twisted her face in resentment. Why she allowed Starlight to talk her into getting one of these new inventions she had no idea. She slung herself off the bed and, with giving her hoof a quick shake to wipe the remnants of whatever was soft and cold, stumbled her way through to the adjacent bathroom.

She had settled in quite nicely to being a princess, embracing her role in the daily lives of Equestria's citizens, despite being the youngest princess and sole ruler of Equestria these days. The day to day life was somewhat boring some would say, but she enjoyed it. it was a wild change from the adventures she and her friends used to have, and she was content with her new lot in life. Plus, you know, having ponies worship you as their god-princess had it perks. As she entered the bathroom, her hoof flipped the switch on the wall. Nothing happened. The princess glanced upwards and groaned at the lightbulb as it remained dim.

"I keep forgetting to have somepony come fix that," Twilight muttered under her breath.

While she had her perks, she almost constantly forgot to actually use them and sighed. Squinting through the darkness, a magenta aura lit up what she thought was her toothbrush and the toothpaste next to it. She closed her eyes and began the daily motions, remembering the strange dream she was having before being so rudely interrupted.

She shrugged and, still with her eyes shut--not that it mattered much she was still in darkness either way, began to brush her teeth. Her eyes snapped open almost immediately as a foul taste filled her mouth. She wrenched the toothbrush out of her mouth and glared at the offender, and gave it a wary sniff.

Twilight recoiled, as the extremely noxious scent of drake flakes assaulted her nose. She grunted and stuck her tongue out in disgust, desperately searching through the darkness for her own toothpaste. "Spike..." she grumbled as she began to scrub her tongue and teeth with something much nicer smelling. She always kept a tube of toothpaste for him when he came to stay, but explicitly told him to place it in his own cup so she wouldn't do precisely what she had just done.

Once satisfied the smell was sufficiently repressed by her own toothpaste, she trotted back through to her bedroom and gazed around at the mess. Her face twisted as she realised she had gone overboard last night, what with Princess Celestia no longer around to keep her out of the restricted section, all the books in Equestria were pretty much hers by default now, and she was determined to read them all, several at a time if necessary. As such, various books on any and all subject lay scattered around, open at random pages,. She grimaced as she spotted a half eaten, cold and lightly trodden on bowl of hay fries by her bed.

"So that's what I stepped in?" she grumbled as she looked at her hoof. She cringed as the cold moisture seeped into her hoof, and shivered slightly as she returned to the bathroom to wash off. When she returned, she had just started to tidy up when a knock came at her door, startling the alicorn somewhat and causing her to drop some books.

"Twilight, it's Starlight can I come in?" One of the princess's closest friends and former student--amongst a smattering of other duties--Starlight Glimmer's voice called out from behind the large, intricately designed door.

Twilight collected herself and began to pick up her books quickly. "One minute Starlight, just let me-"

The door creaked open, revealing a light purple unicorn, who smiled awkwardly. "Oh, sorry, Twilight, I heard you speak and I just…" She trailed off as she gazed around at the mess. "Another late night, princess?" she chuckled softly and smiled.

The princess glared at her before breaking into a smile. "You could say that, I've just got so much to read now it's hard to fit it into my royal duties. Maybe I went a bit overboard this time though." She grimaced as she looked around sheepishly.

The light purple pony nodded as her own horn lit up with a turquoise light and an aura of the same colour materialised around some of the books. "Well let me help you at least."

"Thanks. Oh, Starlight, have you seen Spike this morning by any chance? I need to berate him about leaving his toothpaste somewhere I can easily mistake it for my own."

Starlight shook her head. "Sorry, Twilight, I haven't seen him since the other night." She looked at the alicorn quizzically. "Say you're up early." Her eyes widened and her jaw fell open in excitement. "Oh did your alarm work? It's great isn't it?" She quickly fell silent as a cold wind blew past them and a chill ran up her spine when the princess merely jabbed a hoof at the smashed remains. "So not a fan then?" she chuckled nervously.

"Not a fan would be an understatement. Who was that anyway?"

Starlight's face lit up in happiness. "Oh that was Disc Jockey, he's great to listen to so early. He always gets me pumped up for whatever I need to do."

Twilight grumbled in response. "He seems to know he's too loud."

Her friend laughed and clapped her on the back. "Oh don't be such a grumpy pants, Twilight."

The princess just grumbled back in response and scowled as they tidied the last of the books away. Another knock came at the door. "Come in," Twilight called and shot a look at Starlight, who bashfully scuffed the floor and took the bowl of half eaten fries in her magic.

The door swung open, revealing a tall, thin pony with a light grey waxed moustache. "Your highness," he bowed. "There is currently a Mr Cord waiting for you in the lobby. He claims it is a matter of utmost urgency."

Twilight inwardly groaned as she thought about who 'Mr Cord' could be. "Thank you, Pennyworth, I'll come down right away."

The butler nodded and retreated, closing the door lightly behind him. Twilight grimaced as she caught her reflection in the finely polished crystal. "Starlight have you seen my brush anywhere- oh thanks." She sheepishly smiled as the unicorn held up a rush and raised her eyebrow.

"I swear Twilight, you'd lose your head if it wasn't screwed on tight."

Twilight waved a hoof at her and combed her mane to a presentable state. "How do I look?" she asked as she flourished her wings and turned her head to the side.

Starlight smiled and curtsied. "Like a princess, your highness. We should see what Mr Cord wants," she said with a roll of her eyes.

Twilight nodded and started towards the door. "Well if it's Discord it can't be anything good," she grumbled as her friend led the way. "What does he want this time? Or what's he done?"

Starlight chuckled nervously as they marched through the castle. "It's hard to say this time. I didn't see him on my way in."

As they rounded a corner and spotted the large crystal doors of the palace courtroom, the unicorn stopped and smiled at her friend.

"Well, I'd better just leave you two to... hash it out as it were. I've got to see to the school anyway." She bowed lightly in respect. "Princess Twilight. You will remember to visit and give your speech to the students today won't you?"

Twilight waved a hoof and reached out her hooves for a hug. "Don't be silly, Starlight. Of course I won't, I'll be there." They embraced before the Headmare of the School of Friendship trotted off, leaving the princess alone for a moment.

She took a deep breath and pushed the heavy doors open, gazing down at the familiar draconequus as he tapped a claw in impatience.

"About time, too. It's nice to know the Lord of Equestria always has time for one of her dearest friends." He sarcastically smiled and bowed low.

"Hello Discord." Twilight forced a smile onto her lips as she spoke. "What can I do for you today?"

"Well that's just the thing, princess, what can you do for me today?" Discord snapped his fingers and held his arms out. "I'm in a bit of a pickle as you can see."

Twilight looked around, expecting to be sitting on a throne of chocolate pudding, or be holding a sceptre with a goofy version of her likeness on it's face. Nothing, she realised, was out of the ordinary--which in itself was out of the ordinary for the reformed villain. She narrowed her eyes at him. "What are you up to, Discord?"

He raised his claw and paw in protest. "I assure you, Twilight, as a reformed God of Chaos and as one of your dearest friends I am not 'up to anything' today." He looked around as he approached the throne and lowered his voice to a whisper. "Between you and me, princess, I..." he touched his fingers together and blushed. "Seem to have lost my magic."

Twilight's eyes went wide. "Lost? What do you mean lost?" she demanded, her voice raising an octave in anger. "How can you lose magic?"

Discord shushed her and waved his arms around ."Please, Twilight don't say it so loudly. I woke up this morning after a--ahem--night of catching up with old friends, and realised I couldn't do any magic. It has a tendency to wander off on it's own at times, being chaos and all." He wistfully rung his hands together and rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

The alicorn stared at him, mouth agape. She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "Okaaay, Discord, let's say I believe you, what do you want?" she slowly asked, making him scoff.

"You're princess now aren't you? You can help me get my magic back, and in exchange I will leave Canterlot for a day." He held a claw out and smiled, a mischievous glint in his eye.

Twilight glared at him in silence.

His face fell. "Three days."

More silence.

"Five days? A week. A month. Six months?"

The draconequus stamped his hoof and snorted. "Come now, Twilight you're being unreasonable." He glared back at her as she raised an eyebrow, still remaining silent. He pouted and threw his arms up in the air. "Alright fine, I will leave Canterlot for precisely one year starting today, I'll go on vacation somewhere, perhaps the Bermuda triangle, they always love me there. Deal?" He held a claw out once more.

Satisfied with his terms, Twilight extended a hoof and shook it. "Alright Discord. Let's start with yesterday, shall we? What do you remember? Who were these friends of yours?" She asked as she brought a quill and parchment over to her, quietly taking notes as she listened to Discord's story. "You said it can... wander off on it's own?" She closed her eyes in frustration. It seemed her day just kept getting worse already, and judging from the moon in the sky it was still-

"Moon?" she murmured quietly

The draconequus paused his tale and looked at her strangely. "Twilight? We were discussing how to-"

She cut him off and dashed to the window. "Sorry, Discord, I need to- ugh!" Her horn strained as she cast the spell to raise the sun and lower the moon. She winced as the sun rapidly rose, and glanced at a nearby clock. "It's only seven?! Uggggh," she muttered and lowered the sun a little bit. "There. Sorry Equestria..."

She turned back to Discord as he lounged on her throne.


He grumbled at her command and slithered off one of it's arms, and popped his head up. "You're a true friend, Twilight Sparkle." His eyes sparkled as he gazed at her. "For helping me out when I need it the most."

"Yeah, yeah, so where were we?" she dismissively asked him, ad began furiously scribbling notes down, her mind racing. How could she have been so careless in forgetting the one thing she had to do every morning?

As Discord finished his story he stood and looked around awkwardly. "Um, Twilight, I must ask for one small favour as well."

"What is it Discord?" Twilight asked as she glanced over her notes, not paying him much attention. She nodded politely as a serving pony brought her a cup of tea. She sipped it lightly and smacked her lips together. "Strange aftertaste," she murmured and set the cup down as Discord spoke again.

"Well the thing is, my home, it's in the chaos realm. I can only access it with my magic." He rung his hands together and felt his cheeks redden as she looked up at him. "So could I stay here... until my magic is returned?"

Twilight flared her nostrils. "Alright, Discord." She raised a hoof at him as he rushed forwards for a hug. "But if I catch word of you doing anything you shouldn't be," she warned, and pointed out the window. "It's the dog house for you."

"Say no more, Princess." He held a claw up and crossed over his chest, and slapped into his own eye. "I Pinkie Promise you won't even notice I'm here." He clapped his hands together and beamed. "So where do we start?"


"You don't suppose I'm going to send off one of my dearest friends to search for my magic alone do you?" Discord laughed at her pained expression. "Oh come now, princess. Besides, I know where you can start searching..." he said in a sing song voice and wiggled his eyebrows.

Before she could answer, her stomach growled to life, and she suddenly felt her innards churn. She puffed her cheeks out and shoved past the draconequus. "Sorry Discord, I gotta-" She slammed a hoof into her mouth and fought to keep from the sudden urge to vomit all over her throne room. "Mmmf!" Her wings flapped weakly as she hobbled forwards on three legs.

Discord raised his hands in shock and gestured to the door. "Let me get that for you, Twilight," he murmured, thoroughly confused and befuddled as he opened it for her.

"Mmmnk ymm!" she mumble-cried as she charged past him, rushing to the nearest bathroom. She found one, and kicked the door open and thrust her head towards a toilet as she removed her hoof. Her body heaved as she vomited, her chest rapidly tightened and constricted, making it very hard for her to breath. Her thoughts flashed back to that strange cup of tea. She realised she hadn't seen that serving pony before and her eyes widened in horror. Had she just been poisoned?

She coughed and heaved again. She began to see spots and the legs holding her up suddenly gave way, letting her head bang on the toilet. She felt her strength leave her as she heard the door open. Her chest felt like it was on fire. A scream rang out as darkness enveloped her.

Then silence fell as Twilight Sparkle died.