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Chapter 9: New life

1 week had passed and each of the girls of the Mane 6 had find a place to live and a job. Rarity learned that Sunlight was working for a designer and proposed to be his assistant. Sunlight, who needed help, accepted the offer and hired Rarity and together, they made 30 dresses in a week. Fluttershy found a work in an animal pound where she was recruited like assistant. Pinkie Pie joined the cheerleader squad of Metropolis home team. Applejack, her, was working at the Kent farm at the joy of Superman. Rainbow Dash accepted a job as a delivery girl (with her super speed, that job was made for her) and Twilight joined the Star Labs scientist team like assistant. The 6 heroes were all living in the same building than Sunlight and Sunset.

For the artifacts and costume of the rest of the Mane 6 gave by Discord: Applejack got a pair of super gloves which were able to multiply by 100 her strength and super boots, which could create little to medium seismic attacks and by used to kick enemies. Her costume was a black, grey and silver metal armor, thin but very resistant to blows. She decided to call herself Mighty girl.

Pinkie Pie, her, received a long magic steel hammer (like Harley Quinn’s one) which could break almost anything, change of size, and a magic Hula-Hoop which could be used as a magic portal (like the Boom Tunnels) or a weapon if thrown on the opponent (s). Her costume was based on Harley Quinn, but with dozens of shades of pink and red. She decided to call herself Pinkie Quinn (She can break the 4th Wall, guys, in any universes, sure she heard of Harley Quinn, who is like a R rated version of Pinkie Pie.)

Rarity received a beautiful necklace and fancy earrings. The necklace gave her unlimited stamina when she used her magic (She didn’t felt fatigue anymore) and the earrings gave her the ability to shape other type of gems, like shields made of ruby or black diamond (which have their own special effect). Her costume was what she called a combat dress, combining elegance for the look and convenience while fighting. She called herself White Diamond.

Twilight, her, didn’t received magical artifacts, but instead a sort of battle armor combining the best of technology and magic, coming from the future of another universe. The armor was made for a girl and feminines features were visible on it. The armor was light purple, pink and dark purple. It was able to tank a lot of attacks, magic or not, and was full of gadgets waiting to be discovered. She called herself Dr. Magic. Now, in the present, the whole team of young heroes was reunited at the Hall of Justice. Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern Hal Jordan, Aquaman, Cyborg, Hawkman and Martian Manhunter, were also present.

“I reunited you here, today, said Superman, to told you that we have new members in our League, they are young and will need mentoring of experimented heroes, like you. With the help of my friend Bruce, we determined the pairing.”

“I begin by myself, said Batman. You already know i trained you, Sunlight, But i think i can help someone else. I thought about you, Pinkie. I analyzed your psyche and i think it can benefit to both me, Gotham and you.”

“I knew it!! Said Pinkie Pie. Do i will have a bat costume?”

“No, he answered. But i can modify yours to gave it a bat-like shape. Deal?”

“Deal!!” said Pinkie Pie.

“Diana, you already had formed Sunset Shimmer, he said. But now, i want you to do the same with Applejack. She have a lot of similarities with you.”

“Hum, okay, she said. I suppose i can always do that...”

“Flash, said Batman, you will be paired with Rainbow Dash. She is a speedster and you are the specialist in this domain. You had students before, i am sure you can have one more”

“Ypu can count on me, Batman!!” he answered.

“Sorry, Flash, you can consider yourself awesome, but i am 20% cooler!” she answered.

“I already like her!” said Barry to Batman.

“Hum, Martian, said the billionaire, i want you to train Sunset Shimmer. She have psychics powers and you are our specialist in this domain. Can i count on you to learn to her how to master her psychic abilities?”

“Yes, Batman, he answered. I will be her mentor if you order me so”

“Good, now, said Bruce, Aquaman, you will train Sunlight to master water magic, then i will ask Shazam next so he will learn him to master thunder. Teach him water magic and how to fight underwater and yes, before you ask, he can be underwater.”

“Thank to this magic pearl, said Sunlight. I don’t have much to learn on fire magic, but i terribly lack of experience in aquatic and thunder magic. You are the water specialist, and i want to master this magic.”

“Fine, said Arthur. But promise me you will do everything i ask you to do and address me as king once in Atlantis. I will train you in fighting underwater, but Mera will be the one who will teach you hydro kinesis”

“I promise, said Sunlight. But what about the thunder magic? I am not sure if Shazam is able to teach anything to someone...”

“I know someone who will be able to train you for that part, said Batman, Black Lightning!! He pass his time to teach and he is like you. You can absorb fire and heat and him, he can absorb electricity. Also, Zatanna told me that she knew someone who could teach you Wind magic, Earth Magic and Nature magic. You should visit the Mystery House when you will be available”

“Cool!! Count on me” said Sunlight.

“Rarity, he said. Your powers have similarities with the solid constructs of the Lanterns. So, i want Hal to be your mentor. Is that okay for you two?”

“I am okay with that, said Rarity. I like his costume, this green is so perfect and that mask, elegant!!”

“Hum, i didn’t teach in a while, answered Hal, but i can restart to do it!”

“Hawkman, said Batman, you and Hawkgirl will be Fluttershy’s mentors. She have awesome powers that only you can help for. I will also ask to Vixen to also train her.”

“Seem fine to me, said Hawkman. I always wanted to be someone mentor!! Hawkgirl will be so happy to have a student!”

“Yay!” said Fluttershy.

“So, now, that only let one last pair, said Batman. Cyborg, i count on you to teach her how to use this Hi-tech/Futuristic magic armor. And please call Raven too, she will train Twilight for the magic part.”

“Alright, Batman, he said. I am honored you ask me to train someone...”

“On my side, said Twilight. I am a passionate of science and technology and Cyborg is unique in that genre. I always wanted to study cybernetic!!”

“Good, said Batman. So now, the training will begin next week. That mean you can all return doing what you were doing. I will call you, Pinkie, when i will need you”

He disappeared like by magic. Pinkie Pie was impressed.

“I’ll see you next week, Dash!!” said Flash.

“Yeah, sure!” she said.

Flash disappeared at the speed of light. Green Lantern also left after telling Rarity he’ll saw her next week. Then, the rest of the league did the same. When everyone had left, except the Mane 7, Sunlight and Superman, this one told her to also return home.

“You are free to leave now, said Clark. You certainly have things to do, me too i have things to do.”

Superman left the Hall. Then, the group also finally left it to go home. On the way, Sunlight had a thought for his family and his old friends from Equestria. For the first time since he arrived in this world, he never had that kind of thought.

“Why am i feeling like if i had a void in my heart? He said to himself. I have wonderful friends, i am officially a superhero, i have a good quality of life, i have these powers, so why i feel this void?”

While he was walking, Sunlight saw many couples passing beside him, happy and laughing.

“Look at them, he thought. They are happy, even without powers, money, friends or super identity, they all smile and laugh. I guess the are happy cause they have love. Do i really need a love interest to be happy in life? I refuse to believe it! I just need to find more things to do!! I don’t need a love interest!! Not now!!”

While he was walking, he didn’t seem to realize the outside world, lost in his thoughts. Then, Sunset arrived to join him, coming from the sky. She landed in front of Sunlight, who didn’t noticed her, lost in his thoughts. Sunset used her mind reading powers to read his thoughts. What she perceived in his heart and mind just make her feel sad for him. His brother was feeling the same emotions as her, 6 months ago, when she was with the Teen Titans. But that was not for the same thing, Sunlight was feeling lonely, he was lacking this little spark of happiness called love.

“Poor, Sunlight, she thought. I can’t let him be sad like that, i have to help him find a love interest!!”

Then, she saw her brother pass the entrance of the building in which he ranted a chamber. She stopped him by sending him her thoughts by telepathy.

“Hey, Sunlight, she said to him. You missed the door!!”

“I know, he said by telepathy. That was not my destination...Please just let me alone, Sunset.”

“No, she answered. I know you feel lonely and depressed, but...”

“There is no but, he answered. I just want to be alone for a moment.”

He disappeared using teleportation.

“Like you want..., she said, shook by his attitude toward her. I just hope you will feel better later.”

She return in her chamber, bored and depressed, like her brother. Sunlight, meanwhile, was at the top of the highest tower in Metropolis. ( Lex’s Tower), still moaning. He his joined soon by Supergirl, who was returning home too. She landed next to him.

“What are you doing at the top of Lex Luthor headquater? She asked. Do you know this is the most dangerous place to be?”

“Thinking about how boring is my live, he answered. And i don’t care of its his tower, i just wanted to find the highest building on which to moan”

Supergirl took his arm and landed off the top of the tower, bringing Sunlight with her.

“Isn’t that great to by at this height in the sky?” she asked to him.

Sunlight activated his rocket boots and removed Supergirl’s hand from his arm.

“Meh, he answered. You will need more than that to make me feel better...”

“Feel better? She asked. I...Have an idea!! Just follow me!!”

She flew in the direction of the south alone, but come back when she saw Sunlight was flying in the opposite direction.

“Oh no, you come with me!” she said, grabbing his arm.

Sunlight teleported away from her, disappearing once again.

“Oh... I really hate teleportation!!!” she said.

Sunlight reappeared this time in an underground, dark tunnel, then, he continued to walk.

“They don’t understand that i don’t need attention right now!! He said. I am just asking to feel better, but i can’t!! If only i could fight 24/7, that would keep me entertained.”

While walking in the tunnel, Sunlight is suddenly triggered by a shiny rock stuck in the tunnels walls. The stone was black and shiny. It was emanating an aura of darkness and despair. Without even thinking, he removed the shiny gem from the wall and gave a look at it, then put it in his pockets and continued to walk. Suddenly, the stone began to glow and he heard a voice in his head. He ignored it and continued his way. He finally returned home and opened the television. Then, Kara smashed his door and entered in the room.

“You are going to pay for this door?” asked Sunlight to her.

“I am still mad you ditched me sooner!! She said. I was just trying to help you and you, you just left like a savage!!”

“And that justify you breaking my door?” said Sunlight.

“I...Uh...Yes!! She said. But if you do this to me once more, you are the one who’s going to get smashed!!”

“Well, i am sorry, he said. But when i am in a bad mood, i need to be alone.”

Kara left the room, Sunset passed right after and saw the door smashed against the floor. She saw Sunlight laying in his bed, watching the television.

“You are already back? She said. I thought it would took longer to calm down”

“What do you want, apologies? Asked Sunlight. Well, i am sorry. I feel way better now!”

“No, you are not, said Sunset. I still sense sadness in you.”

“And soon, i will be more than just sad if you don’t let me alone!” said Sunlight, starting to get mad

“Okay, Fine!! Said Sunset on the same tone. I will come back later in that case!”

She left his chamber and Sunlight continued watching the television. In his pocket, the black stone was still glowing, with more intensity. Sunlight suddenly felt bored and shut the television. He put his hands in his pockets and took the black gem in his hand. He looked at it for a moment. The gem suddenly floated above the ground and glew brighter. After a moment, a spirit appeared from the stone. It had human appearance and revealed to be a girl.

“Uh...What just happened? Asked Sunlight. Who are you, no, what are you?”

The spirit floated around him, allowing Sunlight to have a closer look on the ghost. He saw the black gem at the place of her heart. She had long and black hairs, an elegant thin body. Shiny red eyes, was wearing a white silk dress, had a smooth greyish skin and a beautiful face.

“You can call me Midnight Madness” answered the spirit.

She stop floating around him. Sunlight suddenly felt his anger, sadness and negative emotions get sucked into the stone.

“What is happening, said Sunlight. What are you doing to me!?”

“Nothing, just feeding on your negative emotions” she answered.

Once she finished sucking Sunlight’s dark emotions, her body started to become real. After a few minutes, she completely transformed in a living being, with flesh and bones.

“Finally, she said. That was since a long time i didn’t feel that alive.”

She looked at Sunlight with a devilish smile.

“Thank you for freeing me, she said. Thank to your negative emotions, i was able to get enough power to get my physical body back. But i won’t be able to keep this form for long if i don’t continue to feed on negative feelings. However, there is for me a way to get a physical body permanently...”

Sunset suddenly came back.

“So, are you feeling better now?”she asked.

She saw Midnight Madness, who turned into a spirit and about to possess Sunlight’s body.

“Who are you!!? She asked. Leave my brother alone!!”

Sunset’s anger made Midnight Madness more powerful.

“You, i love your body, she said. Would you mind if i borrow it from you?”

Midnight Madness entered in Sunset’s body and fused her soul with her body.

“Sunset!!!” shouted Sunlight

Sunset was beginning to transform. Her hairs turned Black and Red, her skin became grey and her eyes turned red and black. A pair of black, magic glowy wings appeared on her back, her armor turned to black, white and red. Her Cutie Mark turned red and black, her sword was longer with a red glowing blade.

“Ah, the perfect body for a perfect being” said Midnight Madness with a demonic voice.

“Sunset...No... Said Sunlight. I’ll make you pay!!!”

He charged at the villain, enraged. Midnight immobilized him easily.

“Oh, you are mad? She asked. Good...Your rage will just make me stronger”

Sunlight calm down and broke her spell. He then blast her with a ray of white magic.

“Dang it, she thought, He is too powerful for me. I need to get more power...”

She disappeared like by magic.

“No!! Said Sunlight. Dang it!!”

Supergirl arrived in his room

“Where is Sunset? She asked. I heard her scream and i heard you shout of rage. What happened!!?”

Sunlight looked at her with sadness and rage.

“First, get everyone here, he said. Then i’ll told you”