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Chapter 6: First Mission for Sunlight and Sunset.

Two days had passed for Sunlight and Sunset, which had both succeeded to get the job they wanted. Sunset had aced the gymnastic exam and the cheering exam with a perfect score for both of them. Sunlight, him, having the advantage of being seductive, and highly skilled in persuasion, convinced the boss to choose him after showing two of his creations. (Sunlight got a lot of time to sew in his free time in the Titan Tower) At the same time new, distinguished but also modest. So, two days later, they were eating at a restaurant together in company of Supergirl.

“So, I wanted to present you my brother, Kara, she said. His name is Sunlight Blaze, i know this is a strange name, but where we came from, they are normal names.”

“That’s okay, i don’t judge you or your brother for your names, said Kara. So, you told me your brother work for one of the most important fashion celebrity in Metropolis, is this true, Sunlight. I heard the standards were insane to get here!”

“Let’s just say my opponents had no chances against my creations, said Sunlight. Since yesterday, i started working on making new costumes for an important fashion contest in 4 months. I have to make 120 of them, each one different, I already completed one.”

“You speak of it like an easy task, said Supergirl. This is insane!! How can you stay so calm?”

“Thank Batman for that, answered Sunlight. His training made me totally immune against stress...”

Sunlight and Sunset suddenly received a call from the Justice league. They read the message and immediately payed the addition before leaving the restaurant.

“Sorry, Kara, We have an emergency, said Sunset. I’ll see you later!!”

Sunlight and her hid behind the restaurant and put on their costumes. Sunset by magic and Sunlight by pushing a button on his belt made to contain it. (like the ring Flash was wearing and which contained his costume. That was his contribution to the training). They arrived at the Hall of Justice where Barry was waiting for them.

“I called you, guys, he said. I need your help: 6 powerful meta-humans escaped from Blackgate and A.R.G.U.S prisons and menace the population of Gotham City and Central City. Batman is actually fighting Gorilla Grodd and Killercroc at Gotham and i can handle Thawne and King Shark. I want you two to take on Killer Frost and Cheetah, there are their locations and the information you need to know about them. Good luck””

Flash ran away.

“I take care of this Cheetah, said Sunset. I have a score to settle with her!”

“So, i will take on Killer Frost, said Sunlight. From what i can read about her name and information sheet, she is a cryomancer, perfect for me! I mean, perfect for an opponent, since she is ice and i am fire...”

They both headed on the direction of their target. Sunlight was the first to reach one of the two, Killer Frost. She was attacking citizens while robbing diamonds in a jewelry.

“Hey, Frosty, he said. You should put some clothes on or you will catch a cold!”

“You won’t stop me, Flash” she said, shooting a beam of ice on Sunlight, who blocked it with a shield.

“I am not Flash” said Sunlight.

She turned back and see it was not him.

“So why do you talk exactly like him? she asked. You know, using lame puns?”

“That would have been too hard to left that pun unused, he answered. Beside, i am here to stop you!!”

“You? Pfft, you wish!!” she said.

Sunlight teleported in front of her, took the diamond and threw them away.

“These are not belonging to you, Killer Frost" said the hero.

“Give them back!! She yelled. Or i will freeze you to death.”

“Hey, no need to gave me the cold shower!!” said Sunlight.

She yelled and attacked him. Meanwhile, Sunset was arrived in the place where Cheetah was located.

“So, said Cheetah. I see Wonder Woman took you under her wings...He he he...I will kill you and then bring your corpse in front of her...So she can see how much i hate her...”

“That won’t be easy, Cheetah, said Sunset. I made lot of progress since the last time we met”

“Maybe, but that won’t be enough!!” said the cheetah girl, jumping on Sunset.

Returning to Sunlight, he had since 5 minutes avoiding all of Killer Frost attacks.

“Stop teleporting!!! She said. You are cheating! You can’t win if you don’t attack me.”

“You are right, he answered. I will get serious, now”

Sunlight threw at her a big ball of fire that she froze instantly with her ice magic.

“So, you are what, a pyromancian? She said. You are not the first one i fought, darling. I have a weak spot for the guys with fire abilities. Too bad i only fall on good fire guys...But 'nuff talk, give me those diamonds back!!”

She took Sunlight by surprise and create two wall of ice she used to crush him. Sunlight teleported away and Frost continued blasting him with ice blades. She finally hit him in the legs with a spear of ice.

“Got you” she said.

Sunlight pulled off the ice shard in his leg and threw it away. He teleported in front of Frost and sent her against a wall with a powerful flaming fist.

“Oh, you dare hit a lady?” she asked.

“I am for the gender equality, he answered. I won’t hold my blows 'cause you are a girl”

“Shut the hell up!!” she said.

Returning to Sunset, she had begun her fight with Cheetah and the villain had took advantage. She was faster and stronger than Sunset, but the hero had her shield and armor, which had took most of the damages. Sunset pushed her back with a powerful kick in the face.

“I love a good hunt, said Cheetah. By resisting like that, you just excite me!!”

She continued to charge on her hoping to deliver a blow who would break her armor or kill her. Sunlight, during this time, was beating the crap out of Frost, letting her no chance to counter him. He sent her again against a wall with a powerful kick.

“Should i continue or you give up?” he asked.

Killer Frost wounds healed by themselves and she got up.

“Oh, you have a fast healing factor? asked Sunlight. Meh, i was just warming up, now, time to bring the heat!!”

Sunlight created a bigger ball of flame.

“Taste to my Supernova Blast!!!” he said.

He threw the fire projectile on Killer Frost, who used her cryomancy to stop the ball. Sunlight added more power to his attack and Frost couldn't keep up. She stopped using her magic and tried to avoid the fireball. Sunlight made his ball explode and Killer Frost took a big part of the blow, projecting her against a car. She fell unconscious and Sunlight walked in her direction to arrest her.

“I think i broke the ice between us” he said.

But she open her eyes and kissed him with the intention to freeze him solid. Sunlight was starting to freeze and had to free himself for that dreadful kiss.

“That kiss will maybe help you to chill out!” she said.

Sunlight spit fire from his mouth, which burned the lips and the face of Killer Frost

“And me, I think you will need ice for that burn!” he said.

She released Sunlight. But then, she kicked him in the nuts and punched him in the face. Sunlight stroke back by grabbing her hairs and put them on fire.

“Is that me, or i smell burned hairs?” he said.

Frost started to loose her temper and attacked Sunlight without holding back. Meanwhile. Sunset was now taking the lead in the fight after she analyzed Cheetah’s attacks and fighting style and found a way to avoid and counter them. She smashed the villain against a building, then punched her multiple times while she was stunned and finished her with a powerful punch in the face.

“She was tough, said Sunset. But not enough for me!”

On his side, Sunlight decided to finish the fight with a unavoidable fire attack.

“You asked for it, Frosty the snow chick!! He said. Try to dodge this: Wrath of the 100 Blazing Fists!!!!!”

Sunlight hit Killer Frost many time with a flurry of fire punches and finished her with an epic magic uppercut. Sunlight fell on his knees to take a break; His attack costed him a considerable amount of energy. Suddenly, he is stroke by a bullet who miss his head and hit his mask. The shock sent him on the ground. He raised his hand and got up to see who shot on him. The responsible was a man with a red and white military armor, equipped with lot of guns.

“Hello, Sunblast, said the man. I was expecting you will leave your shelter one day or another.”

“Who are you? He asked. With the costume you were, i deduce you are a soldier or a mercenary...Oh....I see...”

“I am Deadshot, said the man. And yes, i am a mercenary who want your head. Luthor promised me a lot of money if i bring your dead body to him. I saw that you defeated Killer Frost, and that you also look exhausted. This is perfect for me...”

Sunlight threw at him a bolt of lightning who stunned the villain, then teleported behind him and kicked him against a wall.

“I still have enough energy to kick your ass, said Sunlight. I am not done yet!”

He grabbed the mercenary and teleported him in the sky. Sunlight then activated his rocket boots.

“Tell me, Deadshot, Can you fly?” said Sunlight, dropping him.

Sunlight let the man freefall from the sky and waited a few minutes before teleporting again on the ground. He charged a powerful beam of flames and threw it at the mercenary who couldn't avoid it and took it directly. Sunlight caught him before he hit the ground and threw the man, unconscious, against a wall. Sunlight then took Deadshot communication device and called Luthor.

“So, did you kill the target, Deadshot?” asked Luthor via the device.

“Listen to me, Luthor, said Sunlight. If you really want me, don’t sent your dogs make the work for you! I am a member of the J.L now! If you want me, do it by yourself!”

Luthor smiled

“Grr, Fine, if the best mercenaries of this planet can’t put you down, said Luthor, i will call in this case the best mercenary in the universe. Joining him won’t be easy and that will maybe take me a long time. Use it carefully, Sunlight, because soon, your life will end....Ha ha ha ha aha aha ha!!”

Sunlight crushed the communicator.

“Pfft, What an asshole” he said.

He took Killer Frost and Deadshot on his shoulders. Sunset Shimmer arrived to join him, with Cheetah on her back.

“Wait, i thought you just had Killer Frost to stop, she asked. Who is the guy on your left shoulder?”

“Oh, this is just another mercenary sent by Lex to take me down, said Sunlight. He was not so hard to beat, for now, let’s send these criminals in jail.”

Flash arrived near Sunset and Sunlight.

“Great job, you two!! He said. Killer Frost and Cheetah are two powerful and ferocious huntresses. Glad you stopped them, Wait, is that Deadshot?”

“Yep, said Sunlight. He was trying to kill me, so i just beat the crap out of him.”

“He was on the loose for 3 years, said Flash, When Batman will heard that, he will be so happy!! Well, in his own way to show it...”

Flash took the 3 criminals and brought them at Blackgate, then came back.

“Sorry if i took so long, said Flash. Thawne gave me a run for my money...He he...Get it?”

Sunset facepalmed herself and Sunlight laughed.

“And King Shark, him, well, he didn’t gave me too much difficulty, he said. But i can say he was a whale of a good time!!”

“Stop, Flash, said Sunset. And what about Batman?”

“Oh, he already defeated Killercroc and Gorilla Grodd with the help of Green Arrow and me. Anyway, thank for the help, guys!! We will call you if something happen!!”

Sunlight looked at Sunset and smiled and Sunset did the same.

“What’s next?” asked Sunlight.

“For now, i suppose we can return home” she answered.

The two flew away in the clear sky, in direction of Metropolis. But somewhere else, in the middle of a forest, the animals were scared two bodies falling on te ground.

“Guess Discord spell worked perfectly, Rainbow Dash...” said one of the two.

“Yeah, But not the lending, she said. Please, Get off my body Fluttershy! I can’t breathe!!”

“Oops!! I am so sorry, Dashie, said Fluttershy. Let me help you get up!”

She helped her friend to get up.

“We are there to find Sunset Shimmer and her brother, said Rainbow Dash. But first, we have to get out of that forest.”

“This is a job for me, said Fluttershy. The animals will help us exit of that forest.”

They began to walk in the forest, side by side.