• Published 23rd Aug 2012
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A Change in Plans - Blank Page

Scout 159 returns for yet another accident-prone adventure.

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Chapter 1

Scout Number One-Five-Nine, report to the Queen’s chamber. The monotonous voice of the hive mind interrupted my thoughts as I was strolling through the corridors. I repeat: Scout Number One-Five-Nine, report to the Queen’s chamber.

“Oh, dear…” I muttered. I had a feeling this wasn’t going to be our usual chat of my clumsiness. With the recently failed invasion, the Queen wasn’t in a good mood. In fact, she was in such a bad mood that she hadn’t said a single word since that spell fired us out to the middle of nowhere. Sure, all that happened a few days ago, but that was the most important moment in changeling history and we blew it. I would be surprised if she was calm.

Scout Number One-Five-Nine, report to the Queen’s chamber. Was I imagining it, or did the usually calm hive mind have a hint of agitation?

“I’m coming, I’m coming!” I said worriedly. Every changeling knew something was wrong if the hive mind suddenly used emotions in its messages. I galloped through the corridors as fast as I could. Other changelings along the way jumped out of my path to avoid being run over. I was nearly at the chamber entrance when a familiar group of Worker class changelings stood in my way to "greet" me.

"What's the rush, 159?" Worker 074 asked sarcastically. "Are you running late for another 'meeting' with the Queen?"

"Yeah, are we in your way?" Worker 106 chided. The back of his head was soon met with 074's hoof.

"Hey, I can do this myself," he snarled at his companion. "Why can't you be more like 131 over there?" he pointed a hoof to the silent worker of the trio.

"But... But I thought I could help with the..." 106 whined, suddenly losing his earlier gusto.

"But nothing!" 074 snapped. "I don't need you to echo everything I say." The small corridor had suddenly become dangerously awkward. I cast a glance behind them where the Queen was waiting for me.

"Well," I said, "I'd sure hate to come between this perfect chance for the both of you to bond, but I'm afraid I'm needed elsewhere." I dashed around the two and slammed headfirst into a black wall of chitin. As I massaged my pounding head, the black wall, also known as Worker 131, closed in on me.

"Don't think you getting away that easy," his deep voice grumbled.

"Yeah," 106 piped up. He was thoroughly smacked across the back of the head again by an annoyed 074. "What did I do that time?"

"Can it," 074 barked. He turned to me with a scowl on his face. "Look, we never got the chance to properly... 'thank' you for collapsing that tunnel and making us miss the invasion." A crowd of changelings gathered. I could see their faces light up eagerly with anticipation for a fight.

I gave a nervous chuckle. "What? You can't possibly pin that little screw-up on me. Besides, maybe if the support beams the Workers built were stronger, it wouldn't have..."

SMACK! A strong hoof connected to my face. I leaned up against the cold stone wall for support as my vision blurred. A green aura surrounded my body as i was dragged up to 131.

"Don't you dare tell us how to do our job," he snarled. He drew his hoof back for another blow.

"Hey!" a feminine voice called out. The trio of workers looked around curiously.

"Who said that?" 074 asked.

"Who cares? Just listen to her!" I gasped.

"Move it! Coming through. Gain way!" Changelings in the crowd shuffled to avoid whoever was advancing on us. Worker 230 soon broke through with her eyes locked onto the three changelings around me. Her wings began buzzing in an agitated fashion. "Put. Him. Down," she growled.

The green aura around me instantly vanished, causing me to fall hard on the ground. The three workers hesitantly backed away from me.

"If I so much as hear you plan to do anything to Scout," she warned as she put herself between me and the crowd, "I will personally make you incapable of performing the one job you were given. Do you know how the Queen reacts to those who can't perform their duties?"

The trio simultaneously gave an audible gulp. Of course they knew what the punishment would be. Every changeling did. Any changeling incapable of performing his or her duties was to be either put to death or thrown away to rot outside of the hive. Most would prefer to be put to death rather than the alternative; it was a much quicker way to die.

"Come on, 230. You can't seriously be sticking up for this guy," 074 nervously chuckled.

"And why not?" she challenged. 074 was at a loss of words. I could practically see the gears slowly turning in that empty shell he called a head as he tried to come up with a good reason. "My thoughts exactly," 230 continued. She helped me up and walked with me to the Queen's chamber. Behind us the crowd released a sigh of depression. They really must have wanted to see me get my abdomen kicked.

"Um, thanks," I said.

"Anyway I can help," she replied. "So I take it you got a message, too?"

"What do you mean 'too'?"

"I got a message to go to the Queen's chamber. When I saw you back there I figured you got one too." A wave of relief flooded me. For a while I thought I was about to be punished for something. But if she was sent here too, then that probably meant it was just something else.

The guards at the chamber entrance stiffened as we walked by. That was unusual. Normally, when I came by, they would groan or make a snide remark. Inside the room, Queen Chrysalis sat in her royal throne with bandages covering her torso and forelegs. Nurse changelings were tending to her wounds.

"Sit," the Queen commanded. We immediately obeyed. "Scout Number One-Five-Nine, Worker Number Two-Three-Zero," she greeted.

"Your highness," we simultaneously answered as we bowed.

"Do you know why you're here?"

"No, your highness."

"You are here because I have chosen you to take part in the next invasion." My ears perked up at the statement. Another invasion? Now? After the recently failed one and while she was in this pitiful state?

"Forgive me, my Queen, but did you say the next invasion?" I asked.

"Yes, Number One-Five-Nine. I have been thinking about the previous invasion ever since we returned. It was foolish to attack the heart of Equestria while it was strong. But I do not intend to make the same mistake twice," she slammed her hoof on her throne. She winced as pain shot up her holey leg. The nurses tending to her rushed to soothe the pain. Chrysalis quickly shooed them away, trying to show that even in her broken state she was still strong. "Before the Canterlot invasion, I created a new breed of changelings." 230 and I struggled to hold our surprise. A new breed? Such news was revolutionary in the hive. Waves of questions flooded my mind. How would the other changelings react? What was the purpose of this new breed of changeling? What was going to make them so special? Would another Class become inferior and therefore exterminated due to this change? "This breed," she continued, "was initially created to be placed into settlements and slowly replace the indigenous population after the main invasion. I call them the Interloper Class."

"Excuse me, Queen Chrysalis," 230 spoke up. "What exactly are you planning?"

"I am planning," the Queen said with a mischievous smile, "to take over Equestia from the inside out. Starting with the small settlements on the outskirts and working towards those closer to the heart. As I said, this breed is fairly recent, and has yet to be properly tested. I want you to escort a small batch of ten to the pony of 'Appleloosa,'" she struggled to say the strange name, "to test it. If all works according to plan, you shall be greatly rewarded and you shall have the honors of controlling the settlement. Any questions?"

Many rose up to mind. If they had never been tested before, then they have no experience on the field; which meant we would have to teach them. I didn't like the sound of this 'Interloper Class' either. Their job description sounded a bit too familiar with that of the Scouts. A fearful thought crossed that I might be helping my own replacement.

"When can we start?" 230 eagerly asked. She obviously didn't understand the intensity of the situation.

"Tomorrow at dawn. A nurse and guard will be accompanying you along with the new Interlopers. I recommend you get your rest."

"Yes, your Highness," we said in unison as we backed out.

As we made our way back up to the resting chambers, 230 was skipping in delight. A very odd thing for a changeling to do.

"I can't believe it," she said excitedly. "My very first small invasion or whatever it's called."

"Reconnaissance," I corrected. "Why are you so happy? These things are serious! Besides, I can't be the only one worried about this whole 'Interloper' business."

"Oh, you're just scared that they're going to overthrow the Scout Class changelings," she laughed.


"Quit your worrying. Look, we have a big day tomorrow. Let's get some rest, report for duty tomorrow, and get this 'reconnaissance' thing over with. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about," she coerced. I let out a deep breath.

"Alright, alright. I guess i am just overreacting a bit," I finally said. We reached the intersection where our paths would soon split. "See ya in the morning."

"See ya," she called out. I was halfway down the corridor when she hollered for me again. "Hey, Scout. You said you were near the Queen when that magic wall pushed us out of Canterlot... Any idea what put her in such a mess?"

I froze in place as I went through a flashback.

The Queen and I were next to each other for the entirety of the fall. After asking for my old position of Scout back, we started to lose our momentum. The ground soon started to draw closer. Out of pure luck, a random gust of wind blew me to the side before the ground had a chance to catch me. I landed on something relatively soft compared to the unforgiving earth. Something softer... and much blacker. Through my dizziness I could hear the Queen shouting in pain. I suppose I weighed much more than I thought.

"Um, nope. None whatsoever." I darted down the passage, leaving a rather confused Worker 230 behind.


Scout Number One-Five-Nine, report to the Hangar. I woke up to the hive mind bombarding my thoughts. I was never so relieved to wake up to that voice in my life. I was having the worst nightmare about the mission ahead. Visions of the new Interloper class hindered me from having a good night's sleep. I groggily got up as the hive mind repeated its dull message.

230 met up with me along the long walk to the hangar. She was absolutely delighted. Ten nymphs soon followed us. They didn't show any facial expressions, emotions, or personalities. They weren't even roughing around like other nymphs usually did. I didn't like it.

"Hey," I said as I turned to face them. "I don't know or care who you are or what you want. If you're trying to pull some prank than you can just forget about it. I have places to go and I don't need a bunch of nymphs stalling me, got it?"

The leading nymph stopped and cocked its head to the side in confusion. Its solid blue eyes stared straight into mine. Something was definitely wrong with these nymphs.

"Order unrecognizable," the lead said in a monotonous voice. "Please offer another command or translate previous in a more recognizable fashion." Its voice sounded too familiar to that of the hive mind.

"Scram!" I barked. The nymphs instantly scattered in all directions. I glared at where they vanished, daring one of them to show their faces.

"159, what was that about?" 230 nervously asked.

"You heard that too, right? That was completely strange and unnatural!"

"Yes, but they were probably just pulling a prank like you said. There was no reason to snap at them like that."

"I don't know. They just seem... off," I said.

We continued our journey to the hangar. When we arrived, Queen Chrysalis was patiently waiting with a guard and a nurse. The latter was tending to her wounds. Chrysalis looked up and beckoned us closer.

"You sure took you time getting here," she remarked.

"Humblest apologies, my Queen," I bowed. "We ran into some trouble with a group of nymphs."

"A likely story," the Queen replied. Her horn lit up in a vibrant green.

Interloper Numbers Zero-Zero-One through Zero-One-Zero, report to the Hangar immediately. I covered my ears as the hive mind pounded my head. It was strange to receive a message that wasn't meant for me. At the end of the order, Chrysalis' horn faded away.

The ten nymphs from before entered the hangar and bowed before the Queen. These were the Interlopers? I thought. That was absurd! They were nymphs for crying out loud!

"Good, now that you're all here it is time to let the siege to begin," she said. Chrysalis started pacing before us. "I cannot send you directly into an inhabited area due to the possibility of being instantly spotted. Therefore, I have decided to transport you to an abandoned train station. A train should be passing by shortly that is heading towards your destination. I recommend you find a way to get on board to hasten your arrival time. Once you arrive at the settlement there will be no turning back. Such actions will be considered treason and shall be punished with banishment from the hive. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, my Queen," the thirteen changelings and I shouted. A shiver ran up my back at the sound as the ten monotonous voices of the nymphs hollered in unison.

"Very good," Chrysalis said with a pleased smile. "Before I send you off, I wish to inform you of a few traits of the Interlopers." The guard, the nurse, 230, and I turned our heads as the Queen halted before the nymphs. "As you are well aware, they are, in fact, still nymphs, but they are the only successful prototypes that passed my test to become the forerunners of the Interlopers. They are to be handled with care. If I am to find out that one of you either do or plan to do something that would hinder their development, I will personally crush you into fine powder from the bottom up and feed you to the next generation. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, my Queen!"

"Excellent. Now, there is something important you should know about the Interlopers. They are not capable of mimicking a target on sight. They, require a DNA sample; whether it is hair, skin, saliva, or blood. They have already been programmed with an alternative form, but in order for the test to work you are going to have to give them a host. Once they have their sample, they shall become a perfect mimic of the host in mind, body, personality, and everything in between. I cannot stress it enough how valuable they are. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, my Queen!"

"Perfect. Now, off you go. It would be a shame for you to miss your train." With that, the Queen's horn lit up and a ring of green fire circled us. It grew higher and higher into the shape of a dome. Once the fiery dome was completed, the ground seemed to melt under our feet. The nurse, guard, and I were fairly calm throughout the process because we were familiar with the process. This was the only way to enter and exit the hive. 230, on the other hoof, was visibly straining to keep her cool as the liquefying floor began swallowing her. As soon as we were fully submerged, our heads resurfaced. We were lifted out of the ground again by an invisible force with the dome. I took in my surroundings as the green flame died out.

The cavernous stone hanger was replaced by an old, rotten, wooden train station. Cobwebs were clustered in the corners. An old ticket booth with shattered glass stood in what I supposed was the back. A warm breeze blew through the tattered windows. In the distance, the sound of a train's horn blared.

"Alright, changelings," I said. "It's time to get to work."