• Published 24th Oct 2019
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Tales from the NightMare Crypt - Wildcard25

The Girls, Spike, the Young Six, the CMC, and their friend Chetgeki Chan Gecko get together on NightMare Night to spin tales of ghoulish stories.

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The Pony Phantom of the Castle

“For five straight nights, the Princess was unable to sleep because of strange spooky and unearthly noises coming from somewhere in her castle.”

In bed, Princess Twilight tossed and turned and she could not sleep cause of the unsettling noise all around. Frustrated, she woke up and called out to Spike.

“Spike! SPIKE!!!” Twilight shouted.

In an instant flash, Spike came flying through Twilight’s door, turned on the lights in her bedroom, and landed right on her bed.

“Whats the matter, Twilight?” Spike asked.

“Spike, those strange, spooky unearthly noises have got to stop! They’re keeping me from sleeping!” Twilight being firmed on the matter.

“Oh, sorry about that. I won’t stay up reading the words from my comic again.” Spike apologized, while feeling a bit sheepish.

“No, Spike, I don’t mean you reading your comics at night,” Twilight corrected him while starting to feel a bit more scared, “I meant there are other things out there making that noise!”

“You, you don’t mean….” Spike shuttered to answer.

“Yeah I do,” Twilight still feeling scared and winced, “Things that go bump in the night.”

Music again for third time started to play out and Twilight began to sing.

Those scary noises in the night
Surly are a dreadful fright
Those spooky sounds have got to go
So search the palace high and low

Let’s go and find those scary sounds
They’re coming from the underground
They surely are dreadful fright
Things that go bump in the night

(The two got up and started to cling onto each other)

We’ve got to get some sleep somehow
So go and find those noises now
They’re really strange and heardly too
And I can’t sleep until we do

It’s not that I’m a scaredy cat
But I must sleep and that is that
They surely are a dreadful fright
Things that go bump in the night

As Twilight finished singing and the music stopped, Spike snapped his claws as an idea just came to him.

“Twilight, I think I have the solution to our problem!” Spike cheered, as he rushed off for a moment.

“Would that be to search every nook and cranny of the Castle until we find that strange, spooky unearthly creature that’s making those awful noises?” Twilight guessed as Spike then returned.

“Um….close,” Spike then held up items in his claws, “I got some earplugs, so that we don’t have to go near that strange, spooky unearthly creature that’s making those awful noises.”

“Earplugs?” Twilight asked in confusion, “Spike, I don’t think that is the solution.”

“On contraire, my dear Twilight, with these bad boys, we won’t be able to hear the things that go bump in the night,” Spike explained, as he and Twilight started to put the plugs in their ears. As they did they then spoke to each other in loud voices.

“THERE! YOU SEE!! YOU CAN’T HEAR A THING!!” Spike shouted.

“WHAT?” Twilight asked in shout.

“WHAT?” Spike asked in shout response.

“WHAT?” Twilight asked again.

“WHAT?” Spike asked in shout response again, until he remembered as he pointed his ears, “Oh right the earplugs!”

“WHAT?” Twilight asked in shout response for the third time as she then started to take out her earplugs.

“I SAID TAKE OUT YOUR EARPLUGS!” Spike shouted but did see Twilight taking off her earplugs

“Spike!! You don’t have to shout!! I’m right here!” Twilight yelled, causing Spike to trampled.

“Oh, sorry, Twilight! But as you can see, with these in our ears we’ll be able to sleep again!” Spike shouted in response.

“Spike, take those out!” Twilight getting irritated ordered.

“WHAT?” Spike asked in shout.

Twilight rolled her eyes as she used her magic to forcibly pulled the plugs our of Spike’s ears, causing him to shout in pain. He rubbed them.

“Spike, this is ridiculous!” Twilight responded, “Earplugs don’t solve the problem, they hide the problem that there’s a strange spooky unearthly creature down in the catacombs!”

“The Catacombs!!!” Spike gasped in fright.

“Meow!! Were you looking for me?” said a voice causing the two to turn around and see another creature with a silly cat face. It then poof to what revealed to be just the Master of Chaos himself, Discord.

“No! I said catacombs as in spooky underground passageways beneath my castle, not cat, Discord!” Twilight replied in annoyance, “What’re you even doing here in the middle of the night?”

“Oh, I was just taking a midnight stroll and just happen to stop by,” Discord replied with a sly grin on his face, "But can’t help from overhearing your sleeping problem and thought I could offer my assistance.”

“We appreciate that, Discord, but I don’t think it’s not gonna do us any good. No pony has ever dared to go down in the catacombs at night.” Spike spoke in fright.

“Then perhaps let a cat be your guide through the catacombs.” Discord replied, once again turning his face into a silly cat, as he then laughed.

Both Twilight and Spike saw that there was no other option but to let Discord help them guide through the catacombs.

They began leaving the bedroom, and through the halls following the noise. For a while the closer they followed the noise the louder it got. They came upon the area where the noise was the loudest. They searched the area until Twilight felt one of the candle holders a little loose. She pulled it and a secret passage opened and revealed the way to the catacombs. Twilight then used her horn to light the way, as they all proceeded with caution, not knowing whatever creature is down there, making all this nightly ruckus.

As they walked down through the catacombs, all around the hallways were covered by thousands dust and cobwebs, making Spike feeling more unease with his fear on whoever made all these cobwebs. Twilight was also looking a bit unease as they searched around where they are.

“Spike, are you scared?” Twilight asked in a whimpering voice.

“Oh, come on, Twilight,” Spike laughed at first but then switched to being terrified as he then clung onto Twilight, “Not much!”

“Well, we should be cause I’m getting a feeling we’re going to be stuck down here cleaning up this place for the next year.” Twilight spoke in her tone voice.

“Now that should make a couple of very large fuzzy purple pony eaters!!” Discord appeared out of nowhere between the two. He then laughed at that pun intended as the two gave him deadpan looks.

It did not last long until that unearthly noise kicked into high gear and echoed all along the hallways, making the group feeling more uneased than before.

“Wha? What was that?” Twilight shrieked.

“Um…that’s my cue to exit!” Discord shrivled in fright, “It’s been nice knowing you!”

Discord then magically unzipped the fabric of reality, making a passageway and went through back to his home and then zipped up the fabric of reality.

“Wait, Discord, don’t go! We don’t know our way around down here!!” Twilight pleaded before the zipper magically disappeared. This in turn got Twilight furious, “Uugghhh!! That Discord!! I can’t believe he ditched us!! If I ever get my hooves on him, I….I..”

“Uh, Twilight, I think we got bigger problems on our hands right now.” Spike spoke in realization on the situation at hand.

“You're right, we need to find out whose making all that noise.” Twilight sighed, as she calmed herself, knowing Spike was right as they then proceed onward.

The further they walked though the catacombs, the louder the noise kept on playing through their ears, making them have to cover it too. Twilight was becoming more and more impatient.

“Do you see anything on where that noise is coming from?” Twilight asked in annoyance while searching around the corner entrances.

“No, but by the sound of it, I would say its sounds like it’s coming from a pipe organ. Almost similar to the one at the Castle of the Two Sisters.” Spike responded and shuttered as he recalled their first time at the castle.

“Listen, it keeps on getting louder.” Twilight shushed him as they proceeded slowly.

“Yeah, it’s getting louder alright, but it’s also getting catchier,” Spike listened as the music started to change a little bit, there by causing him to move to the beat, really liking it, “It fact, that’s Polka Music!”

Twilight then smiled as she too listened to the beat and moved her head at first and then her body. Looking at each other, they decided to dance to the beat. Started with a bow and then danced in that spot. At first they laughed and enjoyed it, but it didn’t last long when the sweet music switched back to the unearthly tone. Causing Spike and Twilight to stop and clung onto each other in fright once again.

“Oh Spike. Spike. I know it’s scary, but we got to find out whose making that music,” Twilight pulled Spike together as she then started to look tough, “Come on! Follow me!”

Twilight then proceeded onward with Spike still clinging onto her, refusing to let go, following the music which was getting louder and louder. Before long, they came upon a chamber entrance, peeked from the side and what they saw absolutely shocked them. The chamber contained many candles lit all around, filled with fair amount of cobwebs.

What the two saw next, even more shocked them and could not even believe their eyes, for there was a shadowy figure sitting with the pipe organ playing in such a grim tone. The two looked at each other as they started to speak.

“Wh-What d-do you t-th-think that is? The P-Pony of S-Sh-Shadows again?” Spike whispered, as he stuttered in fright.

“I don’t think so Spike,” Twilight whispered in response, as she examined the shadowy figure, “He looks more like a Phantom.”

“T-T-Th-The P-P-Pony P-P-Ph-Phantom of the C-C-C-Castle!” Spike stuttered even more. For they were right, the shadowy figure turned out to be a Pony Phantom dressed with a black cape with old ball gown garbs and wearing on the face, covering it was a white mask, as if he was hiding something.

Twilight examined with curiosity, knew what she must do, “I’ve got to find out whose under that mask!”

Twilight then went over to the Pony Phantom who continuing playing the music and doesn’t even know the two are there. Spike tried to stop Twilight from going, but Twilight used her magic to push Spike away as they got closer enough to try and reach over a few times. Until finally she used her magic to pull the mask off. Result of it the Pony Phantom shouted in a more gruesome grunt. He turned around to the two revealing his more frightful, gruesome face with a few wrinkles, terrifying eyes and huge mouth with only half his teeth showing, got up as he was ready to attack the two with thunder and lighting commencing in the background. Twilight and Spike realize what they must do next, none other than to run away and scream in panic, leaving the chamber and exiting out of the catacombs as quickly as they can farther away from the Pony Phantom.

The Phantom was only puzzled at first to why they left in such a hurry, shrugged his shoulders, sat back down, flipped the switch, and started playing a different music, one that seems to be in a more jazzy tone, as he continued to enjoy what he does in the dark chamber.

But sometimes late at night, you can still hear the sound of organ music, drifting out somewhere behind those Castle walls!

The scene cuts back to reality as Rarity concluded her scary story, leaving the whole group petrified and in horror after hearing the whole story. Everyone looked over to the three and noticed that once again Fluttershy, Scootaloo, and Ocellus who really felt calm throughout the whole story.

“Man, that story seems a bit too extreme.” Sandbar spoke while trying to calm down.

“You said it.” Yona agreed.

“Oh, come on, you can’t honestly believe that whole ‘Pony Phantom’ nonsense.” Gallus replied while mimicking the Pony Phantom routine. The group laughed at that as Sweetie Belle also calmed herself down before speaking.

“Good story, sis,” Sweetie Belle pulled herself together, before looking over to Fluttershy, Scootaloo, and Ocellus who were giving her a deadpan look, “Oh come on! You three can’t tell me that wasn’t a scary story!”

“Well to be honest with you Sweetie Belle, I thought the story was even more sillier than the first one,” Scootaloo replied her opinion as Fluttershy nodded.

“Yeah, come on a Pony Phantom?” Ocellus spoke in annoyance, “That’s something only for little ones during their bedtime.”

“Well, Spikey-Wikey doesn’t seem to agree with you three,” Rarity pointed over to where Spike was sitting only to see he was under the blanket shivering in fright.

Twilight used her magic to pull the blanket off of Spike with a smile on her face, “Come on Spike. That story was not scary. I’ll tell you a real scary story that will make your scales all shrivled up.”

“I appreciate that very much, Twilight.” Spike sarcastically replied before Twilight began her tale.

“This is a story of three pegasi, tropical gecko, and a hare,” Twilight spoke as she pointed out towards Chet, Fluttershy, Rainbow and Scootaloo, who were surprised that they’re in this one, as Spike then tossed the blanket over to Fluttershy, before proceeding Twilight’s tale, “Who learned a terrible secret of….the WereHare!! Half Hare, Half Monster!!”

Author's Note:

Chapter was based off another scene of an episode from Adventures in Wonderland (A Wonderland Howl-O-Ween)