• Published 24th Oct 2019
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Tales from the NightMare Crypt - Wildcard25

The Girls, Spike, the Young Six, the CMC, and their friend Chetgeki Chan Gecko get together on NightMare Night to spin tales of ghoulish stories.

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The Swamp Beast of Ooey Gooey Lagoon

Pinkie began narrating, “These four explorers set out to explore the mysterious, enchanted Ooey Gooey Lagoon. No explorers who have ever entered the lagoon have ever been heard from again!”

As from what Pinkie started the story, a group of ponies, two earth and two unicorns, strangely looking like Applejack, Applebloom, Rarity and Sweetie Belle, were on a boat with a lantern lighting the way through the dark lagoon.

Applejack was busy guiding the boat through the lagoon mush, Sweetie Belle is taking in the sites through her binoculars, Rarity polishing her hooves and horn while trying to ignore the icky environment, and Applebloom was busy writing in her journal.

“So, Applebloom, what you writing today in your official explorer’s journal?” asked Sweetie Belle as Applebloom responded in her Captain’s Log impression.

“Captain’s Log, lagoon date 54 21.2, my sister, my close friends, and I have been making our way through the lagoon for 19 days now. So far all we’ve seen is a lot of mud, a lot of alligators, and one really bad rest stop.” Applebloom read.

“Oh, and Applebloom darling, be sure to put a warning for future explorers. Stay away from the food it has. They are just ghastly (Blech)!” Rarity spoke in her disgusted tone.

“Aw, come on now, Rarity, the food didn’t taste all that bad.” Sweetie Belle replied in defense.

“Sweetie’s right Rare, y’all really need to get into outdoors more often,” Applejack spoke, “That there might actually do ya some good.”

“It hasn’t even been doing some ‘good’ to my complection!” Rarity said, as she then sniffed the air and tried to get that away with her perfume, “Eeewww, talk about some serious swamp gas!!”

“Well, one thing is for certain, we certainly haven’t spotted…..the Creature of the Ooey Gooey Lagoon!” Applebloom spoke with a spooky tone.

“Now that because there ain’t one sugarcube.” Applejack chuckled and snorted as Applebloom and Rarity joined her.

“Yeah, probably just some tall tale the locals share to other travelers just to keep them away from the Lagoon.” Applebloom spoke in between laughs.

“Yeah only to just hide something valuable deep within the Lagoon waters.” Sweetie Belle shared more info.

“Indeed Sweetie, it could mean that there might be some buried treasure full of glamorous hunks of gems, diamonds, and all sorts of splendid Divine crystals that I simply must find to fashion up new lines of wear at my Boutique!” Rarity gleamed in excitement with images of diamonds in her eyes. It suddenly changed when a fly was buzzing around her and then see smack it her face, much to her disgust. She then quickly whipped it off and cleaned it in her usual way, “Or perhaps it might be a bottle of extreme bug repellent, I simply cannot take much more of this!”

The three girls laughed as then Applebloom spoke in disappointment, “Actually I’m kinda disappointed that we didn’t find the Lagoon Monster.”

“Don’t be, little sis, I recon it still just an old wives tale.” Applejack spoke as she continued to steer the boat.

A moment of silence was placed for a moment, until Sweetie Belle broke that silence

“I think I know why we haven’t seen it,” Sweetie Belle spoke, “Probably just getting some beauty sleeping deep within these muddy waters.”

“So…..let’s wake him up!” Applebloom grinned.

Once again music started playing, only in a swampy theme. As the three sang, all Rarity could do is just listen and felt even more disgusted by it.

Swamp Stomp.
It’s the thing to do
Swamp Stomp

They tell me something in the swamp
There’s crater doing the stomp
But I don’t believe it
Cause I sure haven’t seen it

Sleeping in the goop
Wearing feet instead of shoes
But I don’t believe it
Cause I sure haven’t seen it

Its big as a tree trunk

It drips with icky gunk

But I don’t believe it
Cause I still haven’t seen it
Swamp Stomp

Get out of the goo

Swamp Stomp

It’s the thing to doo

Together (As they got out fishes from their sides and tossed them in the swamp):
Swamp Stomp

Get out of the goo

Swamp Stomp

It’s the thing to doo

Swamp Stomp
Swamp Stomp

As the music stopped, the three once again laughed at the silliness. That is until Sweetie Belle spotted something in front of the boat.

“Hey, there’s another boat over there.” Sweetie Belle pointed in that direction.

They all looked at the other boat in front of them only to see that it has been abandoned, with holes and covered in moss, just floating alone in the misty fog of the Lagoon.

“Or what’s left of that there boat.” Applejack replied.

“What you recon happen to the ones who own that?” Applebloom asked.

“I’m not quite sure, but one thing is certain, they will be having terrible vacation spots.” Rarity guessed as the girls giggled as little.

“Wait a minute,” Sweetie Belle pondered,“You don’t think that has anything to do with the Lagoon Monster, do you?”

‘”Sweetie Belle, don’t be ridiculous,” Rarity denied the fact, “You heard what Applejack said, it is nothing but a myth.”

“Maybe you’re right.” Sweetie felt a little relief.

As the girls laughed and calmed themselves, unknown to them something rose from the mist of the water. It was two swampy hands with a few seaweed wrapped around the hands as they grabs hold of the boat and began to pull itself up.

The girls then stop laughing and started to grew a little worry as they then saw the mist becoming more thicker and foggier.

“I can’t see a darn thing,” Applejack confirmed, as she tried to start the boat again but for some strange reason it would not start, “And the motor here ain’t working fro some strange reason. I’m starting to think something is preventing us from proceeding through.”

Applebloom spoke, “Ya know, there still is something fishy going on round here. I’m still getting a feeling that we’re not alone in this lagoon.”

“Yeah me too, even the mists are becoming thicker around us.” Sweetie Belle share the fear.

“Oh, listen to you two,” Rarity still denying, “Here we are lost in the misty lagoon, singing a song about a silly fish monster that does not really exist and now you’re worried that an actual fish monster is responsible for these unfortunate events?”

As Rarity was busy rambling, the three looked behind her a saw the slouchy figure standing behind Rarity. The three started to shake in fright.

“Uh, Rarity, ya might want to change yer physician on that,” Applejack spoke in fright, “Look behind ya!!”

Rarity gave a glare to Applejack, but suddenly changed to a shocking look when she then heard a growl, slowly turned around behind her, she saw at first scaly fins and slowly started to look up. She saw the full body scale from feet to the face, seeing that it was a monster with slimy scales and a terrifying fish face with very sharp teeth, bugging red eyes and sea weed all over his body. That monster was indeed confirm to be the Monster of the Ooey Gooey Lagoon! The beast does indeed not only look terrifying, but also looks hungry!

The girls then let out a loud scream as the monster moved towards them only leaving a dark shadow upon them and it cuts to black. Only sound was heard was a big gulp and everything fell into silence.

“And to this day, no pony knows what ever became of the four explorers. Their boat remained empty and floating alone floating in the middle of the Lagoon. As for the journal, it was found at the edge of the lagoon. Curiously, the last entry was written by a different hoof writing!”

The story ended as it refocused on Pinkie finishing her story, ”And so goes the legend of the Ooey Gooey Lagoon! Fact or Fiction? I don’t know I never read that much anyway!”

Pinkie ended the story with a squeaky grin on her face. After hearing the story, most of everyone started to giggle a little while feeling a little scared.

Chet then looked at Fluttershy, Scootaloo, and Ocellus, “There, that didn’t really scared you three too much did it?”

“It did a little bit, Sensei.” Ocellus shared her thought.

“Y-yeah.” Scootloo felt a little at ease.

“Actually, not at all,” Fluttershy confirmed, “In fact I thought the story was just so…silly.”

This in turn earned a surprise look on everyone around the campfire, even Pinkie was shocked with her jaw dropped to the ground after hearing Fluttershy’s thoughts.

Fluttershy noticed and spoke, “Oh no offense Pinkie, but I hardly think any pony would be scared by some silly fish monster, don’t you agree Rarity? Rarity?”

The group looked over to Rarity who only saw a blanket lump being shaken all over in fright.

Pinkie leaned over to that and spoke in a sly grin while pointing, “Looks like somepony was really scared by my fish story!”

“I….(ahem) I am certainly not scared,” Rarity winced and cleared her throat and noticed what Pinkie was doing, “And didn’t your mother teach you it was rather rude to point at others?”

Pinkie noticed, gasped, and slapped her hoof to stop from pointing. After that Rarity passed the blanket over to Spike and cleared her throat again.

“Now then, that was certainly not a scary story. I know of a story that will give quite a terrifying fright.” Rarity then began telling her story.

“A long long time ago, in a kingdom far away, there lived a Princess and her right hand dragon,” Rarity looked over to Twilight and Spike who looked at each other in excitement knowing that they are in it.

And so Rarity proceeded onto the next story.

Author's Note:

Chapter was based off from another scene of an episode from Adventures in Wonderland (A Wonderland Howl-O-Ween)