• Published 24th Oct 2019
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Tales from the NightMare Crypt - Wildcard25

The Girls, Spike, the Young Six, the CMC, and their friend Chetgeki Chan Gecko get together on NightMare Night to spin tales of ghoulish stories.

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The Invitation

Twas the day before Nightmare Night, at Ponyville, all residents were preparing for the big spooky festivities with decorations hung up, pumpkins carved into frightful faces, at every store more and more brand new costumes and sweet new treats being made, displayed and purchased for all to enjoy. The fillies all around town practicing their Nightmare Night phrase for when they go to gather treats from door to door. Even Nightmare Night is being celebrated at the School of Friendship with pony and creature students embracing the old tradition with a mixture of their own. Walking around and viewing all being displayed was none other than the tropical ninja detective friend, Chetgeki. With him were both the Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle and her faithful and loyal companion, Spike.

“Gosh, everything so far is coming together nicely.” Spike shared his thoughts.

“Mhmm. There isn’t a time anypony has not got anything mixed up during Holidays like these.” Twilight replied.

“I am impressed that you all have a spooky themed Holiday during this time of the year. Back on my island, we hardly had leaves falling off the palm trees, due to fact that its always summer over southwest of Equestria. Aside from knowing what HeartsWarming was all about during the Winter season, I am curious what this NightMare Night’s all about.” Chet being curious.

“Well, originally, NightMare Night is a very spooky tradition when after Luna became Nightmare Moon and when Celestia banished her to the Moon, the residents of Equestria decided to make a national holiday whenever we enter the Fall Season, and the Autumn Moon blooms bright,” Twilight explained, “Legend has it that on NightMare Night, they say that Nightmare Moon’s spirit would return to gobble up anypony if no treats were given in front of her Statue, placed in the Everfree Forest.”

“Hold up, I know that you once told me about Nightmare Moon’s return and when you girls defeated her, she turned back into Luna yes?” Chet asked.

“Yes, although Luna did have a hard time trying to fit into our modern time, even tried to be a part of Nightmare Night.” Twilight confirmed.

“That is if not for Twilight’s help, Luna would still be not accepted and left out,” Spike pointed out, as Twilight glared at him, “Right not helping.”

“All that aside, everything did work out for NightMare Night.” Twilight spoke.

“Yeah, until the following year when Fluttershy finally had the guts to scare us during the Corn Maze.” Spike mentioned as he was still feeling creeped out from that time.

“Ah, I remember you telling me that story,” Chet replied, “Still find that hard to believe that some pony afraid of her own shadow ended up terrifying you all.”

“Yeah,” Twilight sheepishly giggled, “But then afterwards, she decided to spend the rest of NightMare Night at home with her animals in her little safe house.”

“And so this year she is doing the same deal, yes?” Chet inquired.

“Mhmm.” Twilight nodded.

“Fraid so.” Spike sighed.

The three kept on walking for a little bit more, until suddenly and idea popped into Chet’s mind.

“Hey! I just have an idea.” Chet spoke

“What is it, Chet?” Twilight wondered.

“Well, for on thing, I never told you about one of my other traditions we have on my island at this time of the year and it’s related to NightMare Night. All the residents of my village create a bonfire, roast food, and even tell terrifying tales, myths, and legends that is known to our world,” Chet explained, “How about we do this for NightMare Night tomorrow night and invite the girls along with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and some of our students from the school to join us and experience my Holiday tradition.”

“I think that’s a great idea,” Twilight spoke, “I’m always curious to know what other traditions you have on your island, as much as wanting to experience some.”

“Wait a minute, are you suggesting we skip out on the trick or treating part in our costumes of NightMare Night?” Spike asked in shock.

“No no, we can’t forget about that,” Twilight explained, “I think we what we can do is get our candy early, still wear our costumes and just meet up for the bonfire and experience telling Spooky Tales.”

“Exactly,” Chet also shared his thoughts, “In fact to show the Spirit of Night Mare Night, I too shall dress up as we proceed the Bonfire Tales.”

“Question being, who are you gonna be?” Spike asked in curiosity.

“Ah, you will have to wait and see tomorrow night, my little purple friend.” Chet replied with a sly grin on his face.

“Well I say let’s do it.” Twilight declared.

“Yeah!” Spike cheered.

“Agreed.” Chet spoke.

“Lets go ahead and find the others and tell them what we’re planning to do,” Twilight spoke.

“Hold on, I think there’s one that might not want to come.” Spike pointed out, with he three realizing that Fluttershy might not want to join.

“Not to worry Spikey boy,” Chet replied, “Leave her to me.”

The two nodded and trotted off to tell the others while Chet set off to Fluttershy’s cottage to try and persuade her to join.

Meanwhile, not far from Ponyville at the cottage of Fluttershy, she herself was in a rush mode like a scared rabbit getting everything all prepared for the terrible night to commence tomorrow night. All curtains were closed quickly, doors and windows locked and barricaded, and she even got her secret safe house all prepped and ready, courtesy from her animal friends.

“Phew. Once again I am all set and ready for tomorrow night. This time a little early. Thank you all for your help my friends,” Fluttershy thanked all her friends embracing them in gratitude before turning to her pet bunny, Angel, “And I haven’t forgotten about your stash. ”

Fluttershy showed him the stash that is full of carrots as he requested once before. With that Angel hopped on her back and got close to her head and nuzzled her, much to Fluttershy liking it.

With all accomplished, Fluttershy felt at ease, until she heard something knocking on her door. Feeling her usual shuttering, she fluttered over to her door and spoke.

“Wh-who i-i-is i-i-it?” Fluttershy trembled.

“It’s just me Flutters, Chetgeki.” Chet called from the other side of the door.

Fluttershy unlocked the locks, opened the door, and without hesitation, quickly grabbed Chet, pulled him inside and then re-locked everything. Took a few second for Chet to regain himself from that quick force.

“Sorry about that, Chet,” Fluttershy went over and tidy up Chet's trench coat, “I’m just in one of my scared modes.”

“I know Fluttershy. Because of this NightMare Night Holiday tomorrow night,” Chet replied as he continued to brush off, “I’ve been told of this.”

“Then you know that every year whenever NightMare Night comes, I get too scared to even set foot outside with all spooky things occurring out there at night.” Fluttershy reminded with the facts.

“Yes, I recall, except the one year when your pet bunny wanted you to go get more carrots and then further on when Spike suggested that you joined up with the others?” Chet asked.

“Yes. Angel, little stubborn, refused to eat any other veggies in his stash, forcing me to go out on NightMare Night,” Fluttershy stated while feeling a bit shaky, “And when Spike said that, it got me thinking that maybe it would do me some good to join my friends on this Holiday. But things just did not work out. I tried to host a haunted tea party but none of them were scared or seem to be enjoying that. I wanted to try to step it up with the scare factor with a little help from Angel. We ended up doing that at the Corn Maze at Sweet Apple Acres. But it ended up getting way out of hand when my friends were really scared and feeling they were danger. I couldn’t bear to watch them in their frightful state. Over all, I just don’t think I’m cut up with NightMare Night,” Fluttershy explaining the story while feeling a bit guilty, “But I’m fine with that and my friends understand that.”

“As do I,” Chet replied, “But I think you might change your mind after hearing what I have to say.”

And so Chet explained the same way he told Twilight and Spike with after doing their usual traditions on NightMare night, they would then have a get together at their usual spot for afternoon picnic days with a campfire, and sweet treats, while trying to save the spot stories as a surprise. At first Fluttershy wasn't really sure or fond of the idea taking place on NightMare night, but when she looked at her animal friends, they believe it was a splendid idea and urged her to join them.

Fluttershy looked at Chet and spoke, “I’m not really fond of having campfire picnics at night, especially on (gulps) NightMare Night, but I know our friends will be there. You really think it will be different this year if we do this on NightMare Night?”

“I assure you, sweet Fluttershy, not only our friends will be there, but our students and the Cutie Mark Crusaders will join us as well. They’ll be very pleased that we do something different this year,” Chet replied, “Besides it’s not like we will be doing this in the Everfree Forrest, which I know it is not safe for any of us at night anyway and nothing dangerous will happen. And if you do get scared, you can either head home to your safe house, or another option, you can sit close to me if you need to cling onto something.”

“Well, I suppose I could give it a try,” Fluttershy started to feel a bit better after hearing more details, “And I think I’ll try to stay as long as I can as long as we’re not being in real danger.”

“You have my word Flutters.” Chet promised

Fluttershy then went over to Chet and nuzzled him, “Thank you Chet. I’ll come tomorrow night.”

“Excellent. Will look forward to tomorrow night,” Chet replied, “Now I must go and get everything arranged. I will have some pony come and escort you to the spot once their Trick or Treating is done. I’ll see you there.”

“See you there too.” Fluttershy waved as Chet took his leave to prepare for tomorrow night.