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New Identities

1st P.O.V. Earth

“Whew,” I say, wiping my brow as I put my Xbox controller down “That was one hell of a challenge.”

“You know; Jay; why don't we try to create a pair of costumes for SDCC? I mean we have th8e tickets and money to go.”

“Troy; are you serious? What would we make in a month's time? Especially for the biggest gaming convention.”

“You could easily make Death,” he joked “I mean you literally just finished the game; on the hardest difficulty no less.”

“And I'm guessing you'd be War? You do have a better build for him.”

“Why not? I could probably put something together. Who knows; maybe we'll see if the rumors are true,” he mused “And possibly found out what happened to JP.”

“The Merchant? For all we know; those that disappeared could have had a darker fate. That unfortunately includes Jonathan.”

“We could see for ourselves,” he argued, putting a hand on my shoulder “And if; and I do stress ‘if’ it's true; I'm not going down without a fight.”

“I should slap some sense into my brother; but I suppose you have a point.”

“Good. Let's get down to business.”

I shut the Darksiders 2 game off and pulled up the internet on the system and grabbed a sketchpad. Looking at an image of Death; I began to lay out a basic idea on design. With any luck; this would be finished to wear to the San Diego Comic-Con. While we worked on the costumes he decided to start watching My Little Pony for background noise.

I used to ridicule him for watching a show designed for adolescent children; namely girls; until he pointed out adult-oriented aspects, such as an on-camera funeral. Troy and I would scour episodes to see what other references could be found and share a laugh on some of them.

After a long month we were finally ready for the Comic-Con. I decided to wear a white bodysuit with the pauldron on the left shoulder and loincloth. He decided to create the hood and armor; and although neither costume was perfect; they could be read as a vague representation of the character.

“Let's take a lap around before we see if he's here,” Troy suggested

“Great. Let's see the items you should have brought your bank account for,” I added sarcastically

“Very funny. Allons-Y,” he replied with an equally sarcastic laugh

As we looked around; quite a few booths had items that were amazing. Scale replicas of Star Wars lightsabers; helmets and even exclusive trading card boxes would have been on my list for purchase; but sadly we were only looking for a specific booth and I'd never see those goodies again.

“Over there. I thought I saw something,” he pointed out

Approaching our destination; I noticed something off. The conversations started getting quiet; as if a bubble was placed around the area.

“…see games tomorrow...”

“Yeah; we'll get lunch at…”

Wanting to test a theory; I walked backwards the way came to confirm my suspicions. Even turning around revealed the outside area to be fuzzy; similar to opening one's eyes underwater.

“That’s odd. At least I know why no one sees anything happen.”

“Come on Jay,” my brother called

“Greeting visitors. What can I do for you,” the Merchant asked

“First off; you can confirm that you are the being known for taking people and sending them to the world known as Equestria against their will,” Troy started “Including a friend of ours by the name of Jonathan.”

“You come into my realm and accuse me on baseless accusations,” the Merchant yelled “How dare you!? Had I not been the man I am; I'd send you both to the depths of Hell!”

Looking at the table in front of us; I could see four distinct grooves where his fingers actually dug into the wood. I knew I had to play peacekeeper or else something bad would happen; mainly to us.

“Take it easy; both of you. There's no use getting wound up; sir. My brother and I have read the stories and wanted to see whether or not they were true. I hope we didn't offend you too much.”

“Thank you for that; young man,” the Merchant said, calming down “Seeing your costumes gives me an idea. Perhaps I could tempt you both with your sword Chaoseater; the Harvester scythe and your mask? Maybe I'll give you some extra gifts once there?”

“I have just one request. Could you at least send me to the same world at the same time as my big brother,” Troy asked

“Fair enough. Anything you'd like to add,” the Merchant mused, looking at me

“Could the world be anthro ponies? I'd like to be able to look them in the eyes without looming too far over everyone.”

“Done,” the Merchant said before morphing into a blue demon

“Vulgrim. So; you are the merchant?”

“Not entirely. I can take the form of anything to interact with a buyer; usually based on what their costume is,” the Merchant explained “Have fun in Equestria.”

The last thing we see is a blinding flash of white light as the area fades away and we are no longer on Earth.

3rd POV Equestria

Two distinct humanoid creatures landed in the middle of the desert and found themselves buried in sand. After getting out of the mound they were in; their appearances were revealed. One was the definition of skin and bones with long purple hair and a bone-white mask covering the face. His clothing looked more like rags as it hung on his body attached with a pauldron on the shoulder. The other one stood taller than his counterpart and had a red hood covering his long white hair. Covering his body was a set of armor whose weight alone would crush a mortal man.

“Where are we,” the taller of the pair asked

“Where do you think,” the other answered rhetorically “This is what is known as a ‘desert’; War. You know what that is; don't you?”

“Do you always have to be so sarcastic; Death? We are nowhere we recognize and completely isolated from our siblings,” War answered

“Perhaps I could be of assistance,” a disembodied voice called

“Show yourself; Watcher,” Death demanded, gripping his scythe; Harvester

“I take that as an insult. I am the Lord of Chaos, Discord; not some common creature,” he replied sticking out his tongue “I'd like to welcome you to the world of Equus.”

“What are the residents,” Death demanded

“Let's see: a few thousand ponies, an unknown amount of dragons, griffins, zebras and various other creatures,” Discord answered, counting on his fingers

“Why did you come here,” War asked

“I actually came here to give you some advice,” Discord commented

“What kind of advice,” Death inquired

“I do not know who you were at home; but I do know that you are not who you claim to be. You are not War and Death of the Four Horsemen; but two normal humans sent to Equestria,” Discord replied, stroking his now elongated beard “I wanted you to know that no one but the three of us knows that fact.”

Discord walked over and placed a hand on them before removing it.


As this mess of a creature; aptly named ‘Discord’ put a hand on me; a strange feeling went through me. It felt like everything in my body was torn open all at once.


I still cannot describe what was going on. A creature just put a claw on me without meeting my blade. A feeling that resembled the shock from a lightning bolt ran through me.

3rd P.O.V

“What did you just do to us,” Death demanded

“What I just did was give you your own hammerspace. It will summon any weapon from the game your character could use,” Discord explained

“And the other abilities,” War asked

“Your Chaos and Reaper forms will not be able to be utilized for a while. Think about it in terms of the game: you can't activate the forms until you've gained enough experience first,” Discord added “And unfortunately; your portal hopping and time manipulation will not work in this world.”

“Fair enough. One more thing. Which way towards a town,” Death asked

“Ponyville is about 75 miles that direction as the crow flies,” Discord answered, pointing towards the northwest before disappearing

Just as Discord finished his ironic comment; a black crow with gold eyes appeared flew down and landed on Death's shoulder. It started squawking at its master in a conversation only they understood.

“It's good to see you too; Dusk. No the creature known as Discord was not talking about you,” Death replied “Despair; mind giving me a lift?”

“Ruin; time to go old friend,” War added

Two horses materialized from out of nowhere and took shape. Ruin was a stocky red horse with a black mane and tail with his hooves on fire. Situated on his flank was a crescent-like mark the same as War’s. Despair looked a lot like Death with an emaciated body with the skin rotting all over. A green haze was emitted from his eyes and body. Each bowed their heads in respect of their masters before the Horsemen climbed on their mounts.

As they rode off through the desert; two trails were left in their wake; one of fire and the other of a green mist. Despite the distance towards Ponyville; Ruin and Despair made it there in short order without ever tiring out. As they got closer; the Horsemen slowed to a normal trot; unnecessarily drawing attention to themselves at the same time. Most of the residents averted their eyes as they covered their children's as well. Dust gave a quick squawk before flying off as they dismissed their horses.


I suggest this is the usual reaction we get. Looking around; the architecture does seem to resemble simplistic work; although they don't seem to mind.


I cannot fathom why such a reaction is common. We did not do anything to deserve such treatment. These beings must be poor by the looks of their shoddy living quarters. A strong gust of wind would easily destroy this town; let alone Chaoseater.

3rd P.O V.

“We have company,” Death stated



A being in golden armor that was reminiscent of an Angel’s flew down and stood in front of us with a sword on her shoulder. Next to her was another dressed in black armor wielding a scythe; not too unlike my own. I do not have fear; but I honestly do not like what is going to happen.

3rd P.O.V.

“You think it wise? Fighting amongst the residents in town,” Death questioned “Casualties should be avoided when necessary.”

“Perhaps it is for the best to head there,” the one in black commented

“Very well. We will finish it there,” the other agreed “It is; after all a sacred place.”

Both Horsemen and the armored guests disappeared as they were teleported from the city. Looking around; they saw that they were inside the remains of an old castle with a dense forest surrounding that.

“What do you want with us and how did you get here,” the black armor asked

“Perhaps introductions are in order,” Death asked

“I'll save it for your corpse,” golden countered

With that; Death drew his scythe and blocked an attack from his opponent. Wanting to change tactics; he decided to allow Harvester to become a sword; much to his opponent's surprise. War lifted Chaoseater up and stood ready to charge to his brother’s aid.

“Stay out of this,” Death demanded

“If you insist,” War replied

Despite not much experience with swords; Death managed to parry his opponent's strikes. He flipped the sword around to counter a blow aimed for his back. Seeing the bigger opponent calmly deflecting the blows; the golden armored warrior started getting reckless.

“I'm going to kill you,” she exclaimed

“Many have tried,” Death replied calmly “All have failed.”

The female started to hack away at Death's sword, before the latter changed Harvester into a smaller blade. Using the element of surprise; Death managed to score one blow on the unarmored cheek of his opponent. The cut was deep enough to open a wound; revealing its owner to have golden blood.

“Why do angels inhabit this world,” Death questioned

“We are not angels. My sister and I are alicorns,” came the response


“Why are they fighting?”

“My sister believes the two of you to be dangerous.”

“What about you? Why do you not attack?”

“I don't see the same way she does. That battle is for her alone. I never did get your name.”

“War. My brother Death is the one your sister is fighting.”

“I'm Princess Luna. I am in control of the moon while Celestia controls the sun,” Luna answered

“I have never heard of a creature controlling the movement of celestial bodies.”

3rd P.O.V

Without warning; Death reached behind his back and allowed a long barreled pistol to materialize. After knocking his opponent to the ground using Harvester in its scythe mode; he pulled the hammer back and aimed directly at her head.

“Stop,” a voice cried “Don't kill my mentor!”

Death lowered the pistol; commonly known as Redemption; before stabbing his scythe into the ground. Looking at the newcomer; he noticed it was a female with purple skin and hair with a pink streak. She had on a blue blouse with a pink sweater on top followed by a black skirt. Accompanying her were five other females in various clothing that assisted the fallen opponent to her hooves.

“Twilight; what are you doing here,” Celestia questioned

“We saw you confront these two and came to find you,” Twilight answered, before turning to Death “Why did you attack her?”

“I merely defended myself. She wanted to kill me; and I wanted to stop her,” Death answered

Dust returned from his hiding place and flew back to his master. He looked around and wanted to hide again, seeing the commotion and started squawking.

“Um; excuse me. I can normally understand any creature; but I cannot with him,” a shy voice commented “Do you know why that is?”

“You'd rather not want to understand Dust. Doesn’t really have anything nice to say,” Death joked “Only two can understand him anyway; myself and a being known as the ‘Crowfather’.”

“If that's the case; then why don't we just feed it to one of Fluttershy’s animals,” a rainbow haired female commented “I'm sure Harry wouldn't mind the snack.”

“Harm my bird and there will be no place in all of Creation that will keep you safe,” Death threatened, summoning his scythe

“What are you talking about,” the rainbow one questioned “There are no other worlds besides this one.”

“Isolation brings on ignorance. There's plenty you don't know.”

“Say that again and I'll show you what I know,” came the threat

“Don't try what you can't back up,” Death countered, drawing his now twin scythes

“Put it down; brother,” War warned “That's the last thing we want.”

“I'll ask you again mister. What. Did. Your. Bird. Say,” the shy one demanded, enunciating the last few words

“You'd better answer or she's likely to use ‘The Stare’ on you,” an orange pony mused

“You don't need to know. Foul mouthed commentary of what's going on.”

“Oh my,” the yellow one squeaked, before blushing

“Why are you here,” Twilight asked “And who are you two?”

“Why we're here; we don’t know. As for who we are; that can be answered. We are two of the Four Horsemen; War and Death,” War announced

“Four Horsemen? That cannot be possible,” Celestia said in disbelief “That was a story to scare foals and fillies.”

“I assure you we mean no harm. In fact; we'll stay here,” Death added “The remains of this castle will provide adequate shelter.”

“I'd like to ask you both some questions later,” Twilight asked “It's for research purposes of course.”

“I will try to answer what I can,” Death said “Within reason.”

“What about the big guy,” the rainbow haired female asked, jerking a thumb towards “Can't he answer anything?”

“I can; but he's the oldest,” War answered “There are things he'd know that I don’t.”

“I cannot command you to do so; but I'd like you to answer my student's questions,” Celestia decided

“As I said; I will answer what I can within reason,” Death reiterated “Now; I have a question for you six. What manner of creature are you?”

“The two of us with horns are unicorns; the winged ones are pegasi and the remaining two are Earth ponies,” Twilight answered

With that; Celestia and Luna led the group of ponies out of the ruins and back to the city. Death summoned a group of undead minions using his necromancer abilities to patrol around the perimeter. They would alert him to anyone or anything that comes near. Due to the combination of not using his powers and an unfamiliar world; Death rested his scythes against a wall as he sat down. After closing his eyes for a while; War watched him jerk awake.


“What am I seeing?”

Scenes unknown to me play before my eyes. I see two humans conversing with one another without sound; although I seem to take the place (and vision) of one of them. I (the human) look into a mirror to see a very crude representation of me. For some reason; something that creature Discord said pops into my head:

‘You are not War and Death of the Four Horsemen; but two normal humans sent to Equestria’

A different scene flashes and I'm now looking at a view of myself and my siblings in the realm of the Charred Council. I now understand what happened.

3rd P.O.V.

“He was right,” Death commented

“What is it,” a concerned War asked “What did you see?”

“The truth. Us. Or; rather, all of us.”

“I don’t understand.”

“You remember what that creature Discord said? We're not who we are and he was right. I saw two humans dressed as crude representations of us before seeing the four of us with the Charred Council.”

“So we were Displaced to this world,” War asked as his brother nodded “Then between us; we will keep up the act.”

“Of course. No one should ever know except those that were there; namely us and Discord.”

“On another topic; what are we going to do about shelter? These ruins aren't waterproof,” War asked

“From what I can tell; this was the site of battle for what I'd guess was the two sisters. As for shelter; a little water won't hurt us,” Death mused


“I will not have those goody-two-hoof princesses run this country,” a voice cried “I will remove them any way possible; even if I have to summon demons to kill them!”

A spell book was removed as the owner began the ritual. Words in multiple foreign tongues were recited; as a ring of fire opened on the ground in the chamber.

“Who dares summon me,” the demon demanded “One of the commanders from Hell!?”

“It is not important to give you my name. I'd like you to destroy the rulers of this world.”

“What purpose do you have for destroying these rulers,” the demon inquired

“I should be the rightful ruler. Instead; I was defeated by a weakling thousands of years ago.”

“General slaughter will not make anyone a ruler. But of course; I'll send some demons to take over the surrounding areas just for fun,” came the response

“I'll take it. The death toll is of no consequence to me.”

“As payment for this; I will be taking your soul to Hell,” the demon promised

The demon stepped back into the portal as it closed; leaving the chamber silent.

“Insolent fool. The name ‘Tirek’ will be feared once again in Equestria. These puny ponies will regret defeating me those thousands of years ago. There is a reason I am a member of that group.”


3rd P.O.V.

Hours later; the two realized it was some time late at night; due to the appearance of stars in the sky. One of the ghouls returned as a pair of visitors drew near. Out of instinct; War had his blade readied as Death had the scythes in hand.

“Speak or else,” Death demanded

“I am Twilight Sparkle; student to Princess Celestia; here with my assistant Spike. I am here to interview you on behalf of the princesses,” Twilight said hastily

“What she said,” Spike added quickly “Please don’t kill us.”

“Put them down brother,” War said “It's okay.”

“Sorry to bother you Mr. Death,” Twilight apologized

“What do you wish to know,” Death inquired

“First off; where exactly do you live,” Twilight started, pulling out a scroll and quill to start writing

“That is hard to answer. Where we reside does not have a definite location.”

“You mentioned being two of the Four Horsemen,” she mused “How many siblings do you have?”

“That question has two answers. First: the other two are our brother, Strife and sister, Fury. As for the second part; there were thousands.”

“What happened to them all,” Spike asked

“They were eliminated,” War stated

“I don't understand what happened,” Twilight added

“One of the many names I've been called was ‘Kin-slayer’. I will let you figure out what it means,” Death said coldly

“You mean to tell me you killed them,” she asked in disbelief

“Yes. The four of us killed them.”

“Why would you do such a thing,” Spike asked

“I'm sorry to say; but I refuse to answer that.”

“I guess that's okay,” Twilight decided, changing the subject “How old are the two of you?”

“Ancient. Only the race of beings known as the Makers are older.”

“Do you have a job or purpose of some kind?”

“The four of us serve to protect the Balance under orders of the Charred Counsel.”

“What do you have to do?”

“I believe some of that information should be told to just the princesses. That information is not for anyone else to hear.”

“I understand,” Twilight said “Spike could you send this to the princesses?”

“You got it,” he said, burning the letter


I have seen many things over the millennia since my creation; but I haven't seen a dragon sending a letter by lighting it on fire before.


This is a strange world. Creatures that have multiple body parts and dragons that can somehow breathe fire to send messages are here. What did we get ourselves in to?

3rd P.O.V.

A few minutes after Spike sent the letter to the princesses; the Horsemen watched as he basically coughed up a letter.

“This is addressed to the two of you,” Twilight said, handing it to Death “The two of you have been granted an immediate audience with the princesses. All you have to do is show the guards the letter. I could teleport you if you'd like.”

“Thank you for the offer; but we'll ride.”

“Um; it's ten miles to the city of Canterlot,” Spike pointed out “How are you going to get there without taking the train?”

“Ruin; Despair,” the brothers said together, calling their respective mount


I honestly don't know what I just saw. Two four-legged horses just appeared from out of nowhere! I can't make illusions become real like they can! Just who are these two!?

3rd P.O.V.]

Twilight sat there with her jaw dropped as she and Spike watched the brothers mount their steeds and rode off from the Everfree Forest to Canterlot in a full gallop.

“What was that,” Spike asked “That's not natural. Flaming hooves?”

“I know! That's what makes it so interesting,” Twilight replied cheerfully

Less than ten minutes later; the two Horsemen slowed their pace as they approached Canterlot Castle. Standing in front of them was a wall that rose nearly twenty feet tall with a golden gate at the center. Surrounding the other side were nearly fifty guards; each in full armor and wielding spears.

“Halt! You are not permitted to enter this area,” one of the guards stated

“I have a letter of invitation from your Princess Celestia. Open up willingly or we will enter by force,” Death replied coldly

“Your destruction will be imminent if you don't heed his warning,” War added

“Hold on,” a guard said stepping forward “I am Shining Armor; Captain of the Guard of Canterlot military. You said you're in possession of a letter from the princess? Would you mind if I take a look?”

“If it get us in without any unnecessary deaths; then so be it,” Death answered, somewhat calmly

Death handed the letter through the bars as Shining skimmed over the contents.

“It bears the seal of Celestia,” Shining proclaimed “Open the gates and let them in.”

“But,” one soldier started

“Do it; or you'll find yourself court marshaled and in the brig,” Shining ordered

“Yes sir,” came the response; albeit hesitantly

Without further incident; the gate was opened as two lines of the soldiers formed upon their entry. The two Horsemen proceeded towards the castle before dismissing Ruin and Despair right at the doors. Shining had two guards open the doors before leading them to the throne room.

“I'm going to have to ask you to leave your weapons out here,” Shining said, with a hint of nervousness

“You dare ask me to remove Chaoseater,” War demanded, grabbing the handle

“Our weapons aren't leaving our possession; so just open the door,” Death stated

A very reluctant Shining opened the door for the guests to enter before closing it behind them. After doing so; Shining headed back to the barracks before grabbing a small glass of cider to try to forget what happened. Very few things could intimidate him; and the two armed creatures did that easily.

“You called us here. What do you wish to talk about,” Death asked bluntly

“First; we require privacy,” Celestia said, turning towards the guards “Leave us alone.”

Both guards standing by the thrones walked out the doors as Luna lit up her horn and allowed a privacy spell to hit the doors. The room was now completely sealed off against intruders and soundproof as well.

“Now we can get to why we asked you here,” Celestia mused

“Twilight wrote in her notes that you killed your siblings,” Luna started “Would you tell us why?”

“The four of us; Strife and Fury included; thought our race of Nephilim was too power hungry in taking over realms and threatening the Balance of Creation,” Death simplified

“And what is this ‘Balance’,” Celestia asked, raising an eyebrow

“Nephilim were born from the mating of angels and demons. The Charred Council is supposed to prevent the two races from battling each other. The four of us became their enforcers to carry out their will,” he clarified

“What exactly is this 'Charred Council',” Luna questioned

“A group of unseen beings that speak through three carved totems,” Death answered vaguely

“If you serve this ‘Charred Council’; why were you sent to Equus,” Celestia asked

“We aren't sure why we were sent here. The Council has no knowledge of us being here,” War stated

“While you mentioned it to Twilight; just how old are you,” Celestia inquired, hoping for clarification

“As compared to this world; we have lived millennia longer. The Makers were one of the first races to come into existence as they started construction on the two kingdoms. One other world I know of; the third Kingdom has a longer lifespan than Equus by nearly ten thousand years,” Death said

“You mention these Three Kingdoms,” Celestia asked before Luna added “What are they?”

“Heaven, Hell and Earth. Now I have a question for the two of you. What exactly did you mean the Four Horsemen were a story?”

“Originally; the four of you were thought to be equated to the Boogeyman,” Celestia answered

“Sister; why don't you tell the real reason,” Luna chastised “It's not right to lie to them.”

“I sensed the presence of a strong energy and though you were here to cause problems again and had hoped to stop that from happening,” came the answer

“And that would explain some of the looks we were getting from residents,” Death asked sarcastically

“It was more of the fact two beings were riding on a horse so casually,” Luna corrected

“What does that have to do with anything,” War questioned

“We're two-legged ponies as I'm sure you've noticed,” Celestia pointed out, stating the obvious “Seeing a horse being ridden isn't going to be liked by residents.”

“What did you mean by the phrase ‘cause problems again’?”

“Over a thousand years ago; my sister Luna was changed into the being called ‘Nightmare Moon’. Something had influenced or infected her to take on a much darker appearance,” Celestia started “I thought the source was possibly demonic and your energies felt similar to that.”

“What are we going to do now,” Death asked

“That was what we were going to ask the two of you,” Celestia countered

“Perhaps you could help if a problem arises,” Luna offered

“In the meantime; maybe I could be of service,” a voice called

A small blue spiral appeared on the ground as a thin demon made his way out of it. Seeing the intruder; Celestia immediately summoned her Claymore.

“Vulgrim. What are you doing here in this realm,” Death demanded

“I am but a humble merchant,” the demon replied “I can give you things you'll need.”

“Not in our throne room,” Celestia retorted “Filthy demon.”

“I will take up residence in an unused room,” Vulgrim offered “Look for my sign.”

“What is this sign of yours and what happens if a pony walks by,” Luna questioned

“A wind chime by the area and only the Horsemen can summon me,” was the demon’s answer

“I don't think we have much a choice,” Celestia added with a sigh

“If we're in the ‘giving out gifts’ phase,” a voice added “Than I have one for you both.”

“Discord; what do you think you're doing,” Luna asked

“I've already told you,” Discord answered

As he touched each of the Horsemen; a similar feeling went through them from when they were given the hammerspace.

“For you both; I've given you the ability to level up your weapons,” Discord said “You'll know how to do so.”

“War; I start with you,” Vulgrim added “A talisman to increase your weapon damage.”

“Thank you,” War commented

“And for Death,” Vulgrim continued “A set of possessed claws.”

“Thanks,” Death added “These will definitely be useful.”

“I am sorry to bother you in your chambers,” Vulgrim commented, with a bow “I will retire to the empty room.”

“In the meantime; we'll make sure to keep any unwanted visitors from the room,” Celestia decided

“Thank you again for the gifts,” Death said “My brother and I will retire to the castle in the forest.”

“I will be visiting you in your dreams,” Luna stated

With that; the two returned to the entrance before summoning their mounts for the ride back home. Upon returning; they noticed Twilight and Spike left; some time after their summons if they were to guess.

“Well; that went well,” War mused

“We have the ability to level up our weapons and I have a possessed claw,” Death added “This went extremely well.”

Wanting to relax; Death found himself leaning against a nearby wall as War did the same on the opposite side. Both eventually fell asleep; as Death entered the dreamscape. Luna looked around the Horsemen’s mind; not seeing anything. In front of her was Death himself sitting motionless in a meditative trance.

“Why is there nothing here,” she questioned

“I don't dream. I have been alive for countless millennia and have slaughtered nearly the same. I block out the memories of each one and just move on. Death is just a guarantee in life; no pun intended.”

“Your brother dreamt of your siblings. It seems he misses them.”

“As do I; but we have no idea as to how we got to this world or where they are. If we see them; than so be it. Otherwise War and I will have to adjust.”

The next morning, after getting a vague semblance of sleep; Death was awoken by a repeated pounding on his arm.

“Wake up,” the voice demanded

“What do you need,” Death asked coldly

“Finally. I've been trying to wake you for a while,” she said, with a sigh

“Who are you; and what do you need to wake me for,” Death asked again

“I'm Rainbow Dash. I was asked by a friend to summon you,” Dash answered vaguely

“That's so important? Why didn't you decide to wait until later to do this?”

“She said it was important,” Dash offered

“Is anyone being attacked,” Death asked bluntly

“No. It's something else,” she said

“Then it's not of dire need. Come back later when I might care.”

“That's it,” she decided “I tried to be nice and let you go on your own; but now I'm going to drag you there.”

Drawing back a fist; Dash punched Death square in the mask and immediately regretted her decision. Despite the mask being made of bone; it was sturdy enough to absorb the blow and unintentionally shatter her hand.

“Ow. I broke my hand,” she whined

“Let me see it,” he offered

Reluctantly; she held her out to him as it began to swell from the pain. He gently set both hands around it and allowed his magic to repair the shattered bones in her hand.

“I'd suggest taking it easy and getting some ice,” he offered

“What did you do to me,” she asked “Why? I attacked you.”

“I repaired the shattered bones in your hand. As to why; you didn't deserve to be injured for that.”

“I guess I'll be going too,” War added, speaking for the first time as he rose to his feet

“We'll walk,” Death decided “The forest is too dense to ride through.”

“Um,” she started hesitantly “Could you protect me? There are dangerous creatures here in the Everfree Forest.”

“They can't be any worse than the things we've fought,” War commented

With that; Dash reluctantly led the two through the forest before a timberwolf jumped out from a bush. War casually drew Chaoseater and sliced the head off before continuing the walk. She had to cover her eyes at the gore and couldn't believe what happened.

“We're in Ponyville,” she said with a sigh

“Couldn't stand it; could you,” Death asked

“You just killed the timberwolf like it was nothing,” she replied

“It attacked me,” War pointed out

“I know; but stuff like that never happens,” she argued, before changing the subject “Your destination is that building over there.”

After gesturing towards a carousel shaped building; both horsemen headed there while Rainbow Dash went to the hospital to get her hand looked at.

“You've finally arrived,” a voice inside called “Mr. Death; in here please.”

War looked over at his older brother and slightly shrugged. Death handed over his Harvester scythe and headed inside.

“Do you mind telling me what was important to force me here,” he questioned “Along with your name, please?”

“Considering your appearance; I thought it might be best to give you this,” she replied, gesturing to a purple lump of cloth on a chair “And my name is Rarity Belle.”

Upon picking the cloth; he noticed it fall open as a purple robe. Once it was entirely on and tucked in; the length was just above his boots but still allowed plenty of movement.

“Thank you very much; Miss Belle.”

“I did have to guess on your measurements. Unfortunately; I wouldn't be able to create anything for your brother,” she admitted sadly “I doubt I'd have cloth long enough to cover the armor.”

“I don't think he'd wear it anyways,” Death joked “It would get in the way during battle.”

“So; Death is now a monk,” War joked, as Death left

“Unfortunately this monk does not preach peace,” Death added

“Death; thank you again,” Dash said, with her hand now in a sling

“Darling; what happened to you,” Rarity asked in shock

“Broken hand; but he fixed it,” Dash answered

“It's better you don't know,” Death chimed in

“I'm glad to have found a few of you together,” Twilight said, running over

“What happened now,” War asked

“I just received a letter from the princesses,” Twilight answered “Myself and the girls; along with both of you have an invitation to attend the Grand Galloping Gala.”

“I'm not interested in attending,” Death stated “Nor is my brother.”

“She sent a second letter saying the two of you are obligated to attend,” Twilight countered “Princess Celestia would be here to force you otherwise.”

“He might have something to wear to this gala of yours,” War mused, gesturing towards his brother “But I'm staying in my armor. It's not coming off for anyone.”

“The event is tonight just so you know,” Twilight said “Would you like us to pick you up?”

“We'll ride to Canterlot,” Death decided “You get there how you'd like.”

“I can't believe we're attending the gala,” War mused

“Well; I'm going to just say that the night will end horribly,” Death added

“You really believe the pattern will continue,” War questioned

“I have no reason to believe it won't.”

As night fell in Equestria; everyone was getting ready for the evening's events. Death removed the robe he was given and handed it over to War during the ride to the castle. Twilight and company were awaiting the chariot Celestia would be sending for them. Inside Canterlot Castle; Celestia’s nephew Blueblood; the so-called ‘Untitled Prince’ was going over last minute preparations.

Unbeknownst to anyone; Blueblood had a list of names in a journal of females he'd raped over the years and planned to add another that evening. The only reason he'd gotten away with it was due to his status as a noble as nopony would dare challenge him.

To signal the official start of the Grand Galloping Gala; Celestia and Luna would fire off a series of magical blasts that would be visible for miles away. The Horsemen slowly started their ride after summoning Despair and Ruin.

“This must be a first,” War commented

“And what is that,” Death sarcastically asked

“You giving in so easily.”

“It would better to just go along. Besides; something bad will happen tonight.”

“Any guesses as to what?”

“Have you noticed this world, by any chance,” Death asked, as War shook his head “It's too peaceful and demons love worlds like this to create havoc.”

“This evening might not be a bust after all,” War mused “I'll get to have fun.”

After finishing their conversation; they had arrived at the gates of the castle as carriages were just starting to arrive. The horses were dismissed as Death put his robe back on before walking up the road to the front doors.

“Took you long enough to get here,” Dash commented, tapping her hoof impatiently

“Considering we were forced to be here; you're lucky we showed up at all,” Death countered

As they headed inside the castle; the girls went to enjoy themselves while the Horsemen stood against a wall trying not to look as intimidating to the attendees. Blueblood had also managed to convince one of the female to follow him up towards his room.

After finishing up his sexual activities with his victim; the room was cleaned to remove any traces of semen that could be traced back to him. Unbeknownst to Blueblood as he wrote his latest entry in the journal; a red portal opened on the ground as a female-like creature with horns in a bone-like outfit and twin swords emerged.

“What the buck,” he started to say as he closed the book

Having been noticed; the creature turned and used one of the swords to decapitate Blueblood. As the journal fell to the floor; the creature stabbed it with one blade and his head with the other.

“Please spare me,” the mare begged

“Spare...Lead,” the Wraith hissed

Not sure of what the creature meant; the mare slipped out the room and tried to make it back to the ballroom. The creature followed its guide to the destination. Upon entering the room; a collective hush went out as the head and book were thrown towards the crowd.

“Blueblood,” Celestia muttered

“Seriously,” Rarity chastised, picking up the closed book “Rape book? He willingly admitted it?”

“Um; isn't anypony going to care about the thing that was holding the head,” Dash asked sarcastically

“What is that thing,” Twilight asked

“A Wraith,” Death answered “And I'm guessing it's not alone.”

True to his word; more portals opened up as two more Wraiths joined the room along with over a dozen minions. As the guests started to head for the doors; a black spiked wall shot out of the ground; barring any chance to escape.

“What do we do,” Fluttershy asked frantically

“Get everyone towards a wall and form a barrier,” Death directed

“And what are you going to do,” Luna questioned

“We're going to eliminate the problem,” War stated, drawing his blade

“I'd recommend using the chain,” Death mused

Both Horsemen concentrated for a moment as everyone saw an object form on their right arms; resembling large gauntlets. With those at the ready; the brothers charged into the horde of demons. Many of the ponies had to shut their eyes as demons found themselves without torsos or heads; as blood spilled around the room.

“I hate these things,” both thought independently

“Die…Horsemen,” the Wraiths hissed

Once the minions had been dispatched; the Wraiths decided to attack. All three charged in with their blades flying through the air towards the Horsemen. War slammed Chaoseater into the tile floor as a series of spikes popped up to attack the trio. Death took the hint and summoned a trio of ghouls to assist in the fight.

War used the chain on his arm to spear into one of the Wraiths and drag it towards him; while Death summoned a skeleton hand to do the same with a second. Meanwhile; the ghouls mindlessly attacked the remaining Wraith, before finally bringing it down in defeat as the ghouls disappeared.

“Ah’m mighty glad we didn’t hav’ta join in,” an orange pony commented in the shield

“We'd only get in the way,” a pink pony replied “They make it look so easy.”

“If I'd been there; this fight would have been finished in ten seconds flat,” Dash proclaimed

“More like; you'd be dead in ten seconds,” the orange countered

“Dash, AJ; knock it off,” Twilight stated “War and Death are handling those creatures.”

“Having fun brother,” Death taunted

“Of course. I did kill seven of the minions,” War answered

“I wasn't counting.”

Death allowed a bit of his Reaper energy to manifest as two giant skeletal arms holding a much bigger version of his scythe and used it to destroy the second of the Wraiths. Not wanting to be beaten; War stowed Chaoseater on his back and summoned a near identical scythe and finished the last enemy off. With everything destroyed; the barriers by the doors retracted as the bodies disappeared. Once Celestia removed the shield; many of the guest took off in a stampede.