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All Hell Breaks Loose

“What the hay just happened,” Applejack questioned “The creatures just attacked us.”

“Should we forget the fact that Blueblood was a rapist,” Rarity questioned, motioning to the book

“Rarity; your name was in here,” Pinkie mused, flipping through the book

“Then I say good riddance,” Dash stated “He got what he deserved.”

“What's with the chest,” Luna asked

“What chest,” Twilight questioned

“That one,” Dash retorted

All eyes turned as a chest with a scroll design for a lid emerged from a portal in the center of the room. An actual scroll manifested itself out of nowhere.


A figure in a long coat sat in a room surrounded by countless screens. On each was a view of different versions of Equestria the being had brought people to.

“Let's see,” the Merchant mused “they need a gift.”

Concentrating for a moment; the list of screens changed to show a pair of Horsemen. After watching the pair destroy a bunch of enemies; he got a devious idea on what to do. A simple letter was written along with a box to be sent into the world.


Congratulations Horsemen on your victory. As a reward, I've sent you something you might like

“Any idea what's in there,” War asked, handing back over the scroll

“No. I leave the opening to you,” Death answered

War casually slammed an arm into the lid of the chest; causing it to indent in the center and lift at the ends; before tossing it to the side.

“What's that,” a hyperactive pink pony asked, sticking her head inside

“I don't know,” War stated “I haven't even looked.”

War removed two objects from the chest. The first was a tri-barreled pistol and the second was a sword that should never have been able to fit inside. Once removed; it was revealed to be a narrow-bladed sword almost as long as Death is tall with serpentine filigree running up its center. Upon seeing the two objects; Death felt his eyes widen behind his mask.

“Discord! Show yourself,” Death demanded

“What can I help with; your Deathness,” he asked casually

“Remove these two objects. I don't care how; but they can't exist,” Death stated

“Ooh, nasty,” Discord said, looking at the pair, before snapping his fingers “Done. They have been rendered obsolete from our reality.”

“What was the problem with those weapons,” Twilight asked curiously

“They're Abominations,” Death stated

“They didn't look that bad to me,” Twilight countered

“These weapons should never have existed.”

“What happened,” Celestia asked

“Simply put; those were created from a now dead race of people. If I tell anything more; you'll have nightmares for life,” he stated

“Nightmares be damned; I need to know,” Luna argued, before correcting herself “We need to know.”

“The Grand Abominations, as they were called; were created from the bodies of a race known as the Ravaiim. The first born of our race known as the Nephilim massacred them and turned their remains for fuel for those weapons,” Death simplified

“You mean,” Rarity started “Those were alive!?”

“They were. The pistol you saw was Black Mercy; it could kill anything with even the smallest nick once fully active with blood,” Death answered with a sigh

“And the other,” Twilight pressed

“Affliction. Any wound will start to become necrotic instantly.”

“Um; what does that mean,” Fluttershy asked

“Necrotic means dead. I know of only one person to survive the damage he took,” Death answered

“Who could do such a thing,” AJ asked

“Abaddon; a former Angel. He was stabbed in the eye with Affliction, but managed to contain the damage to his eye by will alone,” War explained

“You mentioned first born,” Celestia started “I'm guessing you had some role.”

“I was one of the creators,” Death admitted

“How could you do such a thing,” Twilight demanded “Making weapons out of the dead!?”

“What's done is done,” War stated “It was long ago before this world was ever thought of.”

“What drove those things to attack us,” Dash asked

“I'd almost guess a combination of items,” Death guessed “First; this world is peaceful and demons would want to cause havoc. Second; someone may have attempted to summon a demon to actually start this.”

“Someone can actually summon them,” Fluttershy asked

“Not recommended; but possible.”

With a disastrous Grand Galloping Gala now over; everyone headed back to Ponyville for the evening as the Horsemen returned to the castle as usual.

“You were right,” War commented

“I can't believe the Merchant sent us two of the Abominations,” Death growled

“Good thing you know about them,” War joked “So; what's next?”

“I'd guess we're going to be in for hell; literally.”

“Great. A chance to level up my blade.”

Hoping the day would be uneventful; Death decided to spend some time away from War as they headed in two different directions.


Despite his age; there was plenty of things that he didn't know and decided on going to the library. Although the town's buildings were unknown; one area seemed to stand out. Hoping for the best; he made his way towards the giant tree and knocked on the door.

“What brings you here,” Spike asked, opening the door

“And where is your brother,” Twilight added

“War didn't want to partake in reading and headed elsewhere,” Death answered “As for why, I would like to study this world.”

“Come on in. There are some books about history against the back wall,” Twilight directed “I don't know how much they'll help. While you're studying that; I'd like to ask you about your weapon.”

“Harvester? What do you want to know?”

“What exactly is it, and how does it work,” she started

“Harvester was created by a race known as the Makers and are individualized to each Nephilim. As to how it works; it can take the shape of whatever I want it to,” he explained “Mostly; I just prefer the dual scythes.”

“How many have you killed,” Spike asked

“I never keep a count.”

Reading through some of the books; he found out the two princesses had fought in the same location he and War we staying. Besides that; minor attacks on the world were mentioned.

“What happened with these incidents?”

“I honestly don't know. If I remember correctly; Tirek was banished to Tartarus after attacking the town,” she answered

“Out of all the realms I've been to; I do not know of this ‘Tartarus’ you speak of.”

“It's supposed to be a prison in the underworld; or so I hear,” she answered

“I can assure you it is not part of Hell. As to anything more; I cannot be sure.”

“I'd be relieved; but it brings up more questions about why you were there.”

“I am sorry; but I will not answer that. Thank you for letting me use the library.”

“That is what Golden Oak Library is for,” she joked

“Indeed. Libraries are the best place for knowledge. The Kingdom of Heaven is said to have the best library in all the realms,” Death added

“I'd love to go there,” she said dreamily

“Unfortunately; I doubt you would ever be able to do so.”


Not wanting to be cooped up indoors; he decided to stay out and try to help with farm work. After entering Ponyville; he tried to keep towards the edge of town to find the destination.

“Care for some help,” War called

“We definitely could use an extra set of hands. Name's Applejack, by the way,” she added “Over there's my brother; Big Macintosh.”

“How do you get the apples off the trees,” War questioned

“Kicking the trunk with one leg is how we do it,” AJ answered “Before we do that; you have to be inducted in the apple bucking tradition. Follow us.”

War was led deep into the orchard towards a heavily wooded area with one lone tree that seemed to stand out from the rest. It was taller and much wider than the others.

“Here we are,” AJ declared

“So; what's the point,” War demanded

“This tree is older than most everything in Equestria,” she answered “The bark has resisted all attempts to buck it. Your challenge is to knock the apples off with one blow.”

“That's it? I've had bigger challenges in other worlds than this.”

“Well; this is our challenge. Many have tried to do this, only to fail,” AJ retorted

War drew Chaoseater much to their horror, only to drive it into the dirt. He walked over to the tree and punched it with as little force so as not to destroy the tree; but still managed to knock off every apple onto the ground.

“I never thought I'd see the day when someone managed to beat the bark,” Dash mused

“Congratulations War. You can now officially help on the farm,” AJ proclaimed

“Eeyup,” Big Mac said simply

“Two questions. Could you point me to the exact center of the orchards? And two; could you put baskets under each tree?”

“I'll have the baskets down in ten seconds,” Dash bragged

“Do what you want,” he said simply

“What do you plan on doing,” AJ asked

“You'll see.”

As AJ led War towards the center of the field; Dash had finished up her part of the offer. Once there; he concentrated for a moment to summon a different gauntlet than the chain used the night before.

“I'd recommend you not stand,” War mused

Reluctantly; both girls and Big Mac dropped to the ground between baskets as War drove the gauntlet into the ground. The force that emerged from his Tremor Gauntlet radiated outwards, striking every tree. To their surprise; every tree found itself releasing all the apples into the baskets.

“That's the fastest harvest I've ever seen,” a female elder commented, as she hobbled over

“You're welcome,” War replied


After finishing up his harvest; War decided to start heading towards the town as Death was leaving the library. Before they could get together; a pink blur grabbed them and hauled them towards a bakery.

“You two need something to eat,” she stated

“Care to give us your name,” Death questioned

“Pinkie Pie,” she answered “Here you go. A dozen specially made cookies and I won't take ‘no’ for an answer.”

Reluctantly; War grabbed a cookie and ate it as his eyes started to grow slightly in delight. Seeing his younger brother's reaction; Death slid one under his mask. In the time since the Nephilim were created; there was no time that Death was ever seen without his iconic mask so no one knew what his face looked like.

“This is the best thing I've ever eaten,” Death said

“These are beyond anything in all the realms,” War added

To Pinkie’s delight; the entire tray was finished, leaving just a few crumbs left. Before they could truly enjoy the food; screams rang out in town. Once outside; the Horsemen noticed multiple portals open as countless minions poured out along with an Abyssal Rider; armored demons, similar to the Horsemen.

“Let the slaughter commence,” the Abyssal Rider commanded

“What do we do,” Pinkie asked

“Hide. We'll take care of them,” War offered

“Growing a soft spot, are you,” Death asked with a chuckle

“I'll help,” Twilight decided

“What weapons do you have to defeat them,” Death questioned

“Magic,” she replied confidently

“No. We don't want anyone getting in the way,” War stated

Both drew their blades as the minions charged to attack. Some ponies found a stray rock or piece of wood to try to repel an unaware demon. While a few might have gotten lucky; at least two were slower and found themselves killed. Seeing this; many of the citizens headed towards the town hall and barricaded it for safety.

“Let's get rid of these pests,” a determined Dash said

The brothers started eliminating the little minions as fast as they could while Twilight and the others were attempting to use the Elements of Harmony to destroy the demons. Much to the surprise and delight of the girls; the minions found themselves fading from Equestria; leaving just the lone Abyssal Rider.

“Brother; allow me to take care of him,” War offered

“I'll get him,” Death countered “Keep watch over them.”

Despair was summoned as his master charged at the demon armed with a double bladed scythe-staff. The Rider countered Death’s attack and sent him off the horse, causing Despair to disappear.

“Done already Horseman,” the demon taunted

“Not even close.”

A second try of summoning Despair resulted in different tactics. Instead of the ‘staff’; Death changed Harvester into a lance and charged. The surprise attack against the demon brought it to the ground as Death dismounted his horse and managed to use the momentum to drive the individual small scythes into the chest; killing it.

“We did it,” Fluttershy commented

“Don't be so sure. There's more that can arrive,” Death corrected

Just as he said that; another portal opened up. Instead of a horde of minions; a lone demon crawled out. Standing taller than War; it was a bipedal creature with cracked arms that burned with magma. Rainbow Dash started to get into a running position to take down the creature.

“All of you stay back,” War commanded
“That thing will crush you easily."

“What the buck is that thing,” AJ asked

“A Gholen.”

“For once; I'd rather not know anything more,” Twilight mused

Everyone watched as the Gholen slammed one arm through the schoolhouse, causing it to instantly collapse.

“My sister Sweetie Belle was in there,” Rarity realized, rushing towards the remains

“Destroy that thing,” Death stated

“With pleasure,” War replied

As she reached the ruins; Rarity tried to grab a large piece of wood, only to struggle to lift it. Death tapped into his Reaper powers and allowed a pair of skeletal arms to manifest before tossing the wood aside. Underneath was the formerly white body of Sweetie Bell, now red with blood.

“Broken bones, possible nicked lung,” he muttered “Nearing the Well.”

“You can save her; right,” Rarity asked desperately

“I need an anchor.”

“A what?”

“Anything to keep her here.”

Rarity placed her hands gently on her sister as her horn lit up to try to connect the two together. Hoping it would create an anchor to the world; Death started chanting. A tug was felt as he realized the soul was his. A gentle nudge was all it took to return it to the body.

“Done,” he said through breaths

“Thank you,” Rarity said weakly, hugging her sister

“What happened,” Sweetie Belle asked in a whisper

“Try not to talk. You've suffered broken ribs.”

“My reflection. I saw it,” Sweetie added

“You were at the Well. That’s not good.”

“Twilight; help me heal my sister,” Rarity begged, as the latter arrived

“I've never tried to heal bones before,” Twilight replied “What is this well you speak of?”

“The Well of Souls. In simple terms; it's the gateway to the two Kingdoms,” Death answered

Seeing the demon in front of him; War started to smirk. The hordes of minions were a nice warm-up; but the Gholen was a challenge. As he charged in for an attack; the demon just raised an arm and deflected the blade with ease.

War allowed a four-barreled pistol emerge and started firing. Despite the shots not doing much in the way of damage; it did distract the Gholen long enough to attack. Sensing it was time to finish the fight; War drove his blade through the demon’s left hand, pinning it to ground before throwing a few extra punches to stun it. Finally; he jumped off the back of the demon and drove Chaoseater through its neck, killing it.

“They're gone,” Fluttershy said “What do we do now?”

“We need to carefully get your sister to the hospital,” Applejack answered

“What about the demons,” Pinkie asked

“I'd recommend leaving the town,” War mused

“We can't leave our home,” Dash argued

“Let's take care of your sister,” Death stated, changing the subject

After summoning Despair; Death gently lifted Sweetie Belle to his lap and took off towards the hospital with Rarity running along side. Instead of dismissing the horse outside; Death allowed himself to enter the building before carefully dismissing Despair to avoid further injuring his passenger.

“Get this female into surgery now,” Death demanded

“And why should we listen to you,” a nurse retorted

“She has multiple broken bones and is just above the limit. Why don’t you tell her sister you won't admit someone.”

“Get this patient into a room now,” the nurse yelled over her shoulder “What limit do you refer to?”

“If you don't help her; she will be dead.”

Once there; Sweetie was immediately rushed to a room to take of her broken ribs. Wanting time alone after dropping the two off; the Horsemen headed back to the castle as Death summoned ghouls to guard the perimeter.

“What do you think?”

“These demons have to be here as a way of wearing us down,” Death replied

“If we weren't who we are; I'd have said it was working,” War added “What happened with Sweetie Belle?”

“That Gholen bastard crushed her. She was right at the Well of Souls when I brought her back.”

“Out of curiosity; who do you think is behind the attacks?”

“You're the expert; not me. I wouldn't be surprised if it was an ancient enemy they've seen before.”

“Grogar, Chrysalis or Tirek. Take your pick.”

“That Grogar wasn't mentioned in any of Twilight’s books and Chrysalis sounds like an insect. Maybe Tirek; but he supposedly was sent to Tartarus.”

“Well, whoever did it; I have a feeling we'll be seeing them soon.”

After the previous incident with the Gholen; the pair lost count of how many more skirmishes they fought in the days afterward. With the boost Discord had given them; Chaoseater was nearly leveled up. One night saw a cloaked visitor enter town and drain the energy from a few ponies before leaving.

“Who did this,” Twilight asked

“I saw them,” Pinkie stated “They were wearing a cloak but they had four legs.”

“Anyone know who fits that description,” Applejack asked

“Check your legends,” Death offered

“What good would that do,” Fluttershy asked

“It's worth trying,” Twilight decided “It could be Tirek, Chrysalis or Grogar; but I don't know anything about any of them.”


“At least I've gotten a small bit of strength back,” Tirek mused “Maybe I'll return and repeat the process.”

“Have you forgotten our deal,” the demon commander taunted “I destroy these princesses in exchange for your soul.”

“And that hasn't been achieved,” Tirek countered “Maybe a handful of casualties; but none are of importance.”

“And what have you done,” the demon taunted “Nothing.”

“Perhaps I head back and finish them off myself.”

“I will have my end of the deal no matter what.”


“Incoming,” a disembodied voice stated

Both Horsemen saw a portal open in the middle of the city as three familiar beings exited. One was noted as having a helmet on that covered him along with two pistols mounted on his sides. The other was a red-headed female that carried a whip on her side. Both were wearing armor not too unlike War’s.

“Strife, Fury; welcome to Equus,” Death stated

“We know,” Fury countered “This thing told us.”

“What brings you here,” Twilight asked

“They're here for the same reasons,” Discord answered, before turning to War & Death “And they're just like you two gents.”

“We heard you've had a demon problem,” Strife taunted

“Nothing we couldn't take care of,” Death said “But; we certainly welcome the extra help.”

“Well; there have been a few bodies that were drained,” Twilight added

“Dead or what,” Fury asked

“Alive; but drained of their magic,” Twilight clarified

“Let's get back to the shelter,” Death offered

“Where is this shelter,” Strife asked

“Everfree Forest. It's the ruins of an old castle.”

“See you later,” Dash called, as Horsemen left

“Let's just set things straight,” Death said “We're all Displaced.”

“Isn't that obvious,” Strife asked sarcastically “We're in a new world.”

“I mean the four of us were humans that were sent to this world.”

“Damn,” Fury muttered “I don't remember anything about that.”

“I remember buying my guns and your whip; sis,” Strife said “After that; I've got nothing until Discord showed up.”

“So; what do we do,” she asked

“My brother and I have just been playing our roles for a while now,” War answered

“I guess we'll do the same,” Strife and Fury said together

“The only thing I hated was getting a chest with two of the Grand Abominations in there,” Death commented

“Seriously? I've never heard of them,” Fury commented

“It's better you haven't. Although your current persona would know about it.”

“You said we were all Displaced; right,” Strife asked

“Yes. What about it?”

“Well; why don't we each make an individual token to summon us,” he suggested

“I can't believe I'm going to say this but you're right.”

Each of them decided to grab something personal to them as they started their creed. War drew his Chaoseater and held it in his hand before starting.

“I am War of the Four Horsemen from Darksiders, for those who seek my aid, stab Chaoseater into the ground and I will come. Be warned if you try to use me to upset the Balance then I will end you.”

“I am Fury of the Four Horsemen from Darksiders. Crush my eye in your hand; but if you call me you better have a good reason to summon me. Be warned if you try to use me to upset the Balance I will end you slowly and make sure you feel every second.”

“I am Strife of the Four Horsemen from Darksiders. If you are in need of a sharp shooter or just want to shoot the shit; fire my gun while calling my name and I'll come. But I'll have to kill ya if you try to upset the Balance.”

“Your turn brother,” War stated

“Give me a minute,” Death answered while turning around

“I am Death of the Four Horsemen from Darksiders. If you have need of me to slay your enemies, wear my mask and call my name. Be warned if you try to use me to upset the Balance I will kill you and your allies.”

“I don't think I've ever seen you without your mask,” Strife mused

“And you NEVER will,” Death retorted

Having finished their oaths for summoning; each threw the respective items into the air as a portal manifested itself. A few seconds later; each item dropped back into their hands before the portal disappeared as quickly as it arrived. Death quickly replaced his mask before facing his siblings.

Growing impatient with the demons; Tirek headed back to Ponyville and drained the energy from more ponies. Over the next few days; he drained all but nine ponies. The remaining six Harmony bearers and the members of the Cutie Mark Crusaders were currently at Sweet Apple Acres discussing plans.

“This isn't good,” Fluttershy said

“We're all that's left,” Pinkie added sadly

“When I looked in the library; I found a centaur named ‘Tirek’ that was banished to Tartarus for trying to steal energy,” Twilight said

“Then we have to stop him,” Dash decided
“Agreed,” Applejack stated “We are the Elements of Harmony.”

“What about Death and the others,” Rarity asked

“Let them be the first defense,” Scootaloo offered

“That's not nice, Scoots,” Dash chastised “They're better as backup.”

“Really, Dash,” Fluttershy asked

“Why not? If we can't use the Elements; they could kill him,” Dash offered “I mean; War did kill a timberwolf not too long ago.”

The next day; Twilight and the others donned their respective Element of Harmony and headed out to the center of town to wait for Tirek to arrive. Death and the others, along with Spike agreed to hide and wait.

“Well; isn't this a first,” Tirek mused “A group of puny ponies trying to stand up to me.”

“We're going to stop you,” Dash said confidently

“I've heard that before. Your precious princesses said that before banishing me to Tartarus,” he refuted “What makes a pair of unicorns think they are any better?”

“We've got this,” Twilight stated

As the girls were getting ready to use the Elements; Tirek made the first move and drained their magic entirely. Spike quickly wrote a letter to Celestia letting her know the bad news.

“What do we do,” Spike asked himself “Everyone's magic is drained.”

“That was too easy,” Tirek mused “Before I move on; I'll allow some demons to eliminate the residents.”

“Discord,” Spike begged

“What can I do for you,” he asked

“Save the residents,” Spike answered “Please. Tirek is going to kill them.”

“Done,” Discord said, snapping his fingers “Send me a message or call me before you defeat him so I can return the people to get their magic back.”

At Tirek’s command; hordes of demons showed up and started attacking Ponyville. Other hordes decided to attack Canterlot in preparation for Tirek to completely destroy the princesses.


“Princesses; creatures have been,” a guard started

Before the guard could finish his thought; Luna and Celestia saw for themselves what he was going to say. A demon attacked and decapitated the guard before being dispatched by Luna.

“Grab Twilight Velvet and Night Light and bring them here. Have Shining round up whatever guards he can to defend the castle,” Celestia said, turning to her sister

“Bad news on that,” Shining interrupted, bursting into the throne room “I'm the last guard alive.”

“I just sent my sister to grab your parents,” Celestia said, before a scroll manifested “Oh no. Tirek is back and drained the energy from everyone in Ponyville.”

“What are we going to do,” he asked hopelessly

“You are Captain of the Guard. I don't care if we're the last group in Canterlot,” Celestia argued “We will protect this to our dying breath.”

A few seconds later; Luna returned with Shining’s parents. Two swords were summoned and handed to them as the five prepared to kill the incoming demons.


“Since they're destroying the town; let's spoil the fun,” Strife suggested

“What about Canterlot,” Spike asked

“We're just going to have to hope they can hold out,” War replied

“In the meantime; go to the castle ruins and stay put,” Death ordered

Before Spike could give a response; he ended up belching out a letter from Celestia.

Canterlot castle guard has fallen. Only remaining members are Shining Armor, Twilight Velvet, Night Light, Luna and myself. Will gladly accept any help you can give.
-Celestia,” Spike read aloud

“Strife; Fury get to the castle and help out,” Death said with a sigh

“I'm not sure about that,” Strife retorted “Firearms don't work well in enclosed spaces if you haven't noticed.”

“Take these and get going,” Death said, handing over the Possessed Claws “Fury; use any version of your weapon that's not the whip.”

“Take care of the castle and we'll take down the demons here,” War added

“Um; be safe all of you,” Spike added meekly

With that; the two summoned their horses Mayhem and Rampage and raced off to help the princesses. War and Death drew their pistols in the hope of distracting the huge centaur in front of them.


“Let's get in there,” Strife said

“Well brother; I see free target practice,” Fury joked

Standing on the other side of gate surrounding the castle was a horde of demons waiting to attack. As the Horsemen rode by; Fury’s whip was unleashed and cleared a path in front while her brother finished off any stragglers.

“Dammit,” she growled

“What is it,” he asked

“I can't change my whip into anything else.”

“Here,” he offered “Use the claws Death gave me; and I'll take my swords.”


The interior was no better with countless more patrolling the corridors. Without a map to get around; the pair of Horsemen made their way through the castle checking for any demon they might have missed. Finally; they made it to the throne room nearly half hour later.

“Looks like we came just in time,” Fury mused

“Our apologies for being late; but there was a line,” Strife joked

“How many more are there,” Luna asked

“None. As to how many we cleared out; everything save the already deceased bodies,” he replied

“Thank you for getting rid of the stragglers,” Celestia said with a bow

“What's going to happen now,” Velvet asked “We can't stay here.”

“Well; you could find shelter in the town.”

“That's where Tirek is. Are you seriously suggesting we kill ourselves,” Night Light added

“Actually; that's exactly what we're going to do,’ Celestia decided “I'll teleport us to the ruins of our old castle that way we're nearby if needed.”

“Needed; definitely not. But we'll at least be able to protect you. These demons were obviously intent on killing you,” Fury countered

“We'll teleport there and you get back as soon as you can,” Luna said

With that done; they raced back to join their brothers, hoping to get a chance to fight.


“Greeting Horsemen,” a voice said

“What does a demon like you want,” Fury asked

“Merely to help you out. This is an enemy you haven't faced before. In here are three Wrath crystals and four Health crystals,” Vulgrim answered, handing over a bag

“Thank you,” War replied

“Why only three Wrath crystals,” Strife questioned, looking in the bag

“I cannot answer that,” Vulgrim mused

“How'd it go at the castle,” Death asked

“By the time we got there; just a handful of survivors were left,” Strife answered “Other than that; we had free target practice.”


“I'm sorry; did you say something,” Death asked sarcastically

Looking over at Tirek; the Horsemen finally noticed the massive size increase of their opponent. He now stood over the tops of trees in the Everfree Forest and could have used one as a toothpick if he wanted. All three of the males drew their pistols and let loose with shots.

“And what good did that do,” Fury asked as they temporarily stopped

“Well; pissing him off always works,” Strife retorted “Unless you have a better idea.”

“Why not dodge,” she stated

Tirek brought his right front hoof sending shockwaves out; causing any structure that was still standing to finally collapse from the force. Death found himself having an unseen smirk at an idea he just thought of.

“I'm going to need everyone's help.”

“What do you have in mind,” Strife asked

“You keep him busy, while Fury is going to climb on.”

“Is that really a good idea,” War asked

“It's more than we had before,” Death retorted

“How'd you plan on doing this,” Fury chimed in

“You scale the behemoth and attack from above while War takes out the legs.”

“Give me one of those Wrath crystals. I'll use it on his back,” she decided, accepting a crystal

“I'll use one to add some assistance in taking his legs out,” War added, taking the next

“And the last will allow me to truly finish it,” Death added, taking the last

“Good luck to you all,” Strife said “I'll play medic for anyone that needs it.”

Rampage, Ruin and Despair were summoned as the plan was started. Fury had her mount gain a little more speed to avoid a hoof as Tirek attempted to squash them. Her final destination was behind his tail as her whip was used to latch onto the appendage before starting her assent.

“Ah. I'll get you for that,” Tirek howled

“Not likely,” she muttered to herself

Once at the top of the centaur and sensing an irritant; Tirek attempted to buck Fury off. In response; her whip was altered to claws and sunk into the skin to hold on. Due to his massive size; Tirek may have felt barely a pinch from the claws despite them being embedded.

“Yee Haw,” Strife called “Ride ‘em Fury!”

After believing the creature to be gone; Tirek stopped bucking. Sensing now was her chance; Fury grabbed the crystal out and crushed it in her hand, allowing the energy contained inside to flow into her. Tapping into her ability; she grew twice the size and gained a second blade. The attack began as she started to lash the centaur’s back and torso, creating major gashes.

“I'M GOING TO KILL YOU,” Tirek screamed

As he reached around in an attempt to grab her; one of the swords was swung at his hand, resulting in the amputation and cauterization of the wound.


“Is that good,” Spike whispered “The yelling?”

“I don't know,” Shining answered

“Hopefully that means the Horsemen are doing something good,” Luna offered

“Well; I always figured they would be the last line of defense,” Celestia added “Plus; they aren't afraid to kill if necessary.”


With the gashes on Tirek slowing his reactions; War decided to continue the attack and activated his Wrath crystal. After turning into a flaming creature; he started slicing into the legs to further damage the giant centaur.

“You'll pay for this,” Tirek threatened “I'll send you to Tartarus.”

“You'll be there long before we will,” Death retorted


“Should we check on how they're doing,” Spike asked

“Why would you need to do that,” Velvet asked

“When I asked Discord to save the citizens; he asked me to notify him before Tirek is defeated so the citizens can get their energy back,” Spike replied

“I suppose we should,” Shining mused “Stay behind us Spike. You're too young to see the carnage.”

“I saw plenty during the Gala,” Spike stated “I'll be fine.”

“Let's get going everyone,” Celestia said


As Strife heard movement coming from behind him; he repositioned one of the pistols behind him in case an attack was imminent.

“Don’t shoot,” Spike exclaimed “We're friends.”

“Wow,” Shining mused “You four weren't playing around.”

“So that's the power of the Four Horsemen,” Luna muttered

The group saw the decimated body of Tirek as Shining had to turn his parents away from the carnage. War had just finished hacking through the massive rear legs of the centaur as he stood on the verge of death. Before Death could finish off their opponent; a portal opened up as a demon emerged.

“What do you want,” Death demanded

“Easy, horseman,” the demon replied “I'm just here for his soul. He made a pact to destroy a few creatures for his soul.”

“Wait a few moments and you'll have it,” Death offered

“Very well,” the demon decided

“Discord,” Spike called “It's time.”

With that; Discord stepped out from a portal as the rest of the residents were brought out and landed near Celestia on the side.

“Is…that…Tirek,” Twilight asked weakly

“You'll want to look away,” Death offered

“Do you really think you can destroy me,” Tirek demanded “The others will have their revenge!”

For safety; Celestia and Luna summoned a black curtain to surround the ponies. Death removed the final Wrath crystal and used it to tap into his true nature of a bigger version of a Grim Reaper. The scythe was brought down through Tirek’s neck; finally killing him. All the magic that was absorbed was returned to its rightful owners as the demon took his soul and the curtain disappeared.

“It's over,” Pinkie asked

“That's Death,” Dash asked “He looks so cool!”

“Where are we going to live,” someone asked “The town was destroyed.”

“I'll fix that,” Discord said, snapping his fingers “All back to normal.”

“Congratulations Horsemen,” another visitor said, before changing shape to the Merchant “After the hard work you four have accomplished; I'd like to off you a chance to return home.”

The Horsemen decided to step off to the side for their discussion as the Merchant summoned a portal on the ground.

“What do you think,” Strife asked

“A chance to go home,” Fury added

“Hey girls; any of you know who that is,” Twilight asked

“We was ‘bout ta ask you tha same,” AJ countered

“We might not know the being is; but Death and the others certainly do,” Rarity added

“What do you think they do,” Fluttershy asked

“That's their decision alone,” Dash said

“Well, if they decide to stay; then I need to work on a party,” Pinkie mused, starting to run off

“Wait a minute Pinkie,” Twilight offered “Let's wait and see what happens before you run off for nothing.”

“Okie dokie Lokie,” Pinkie said, sitting down

After having made their decision; the four headed towards the gathering to reveal their answer.

“On behalf of my siblings; we're going to have to turn down the offer,” Death stated

“Very well. Good luck in this world,” the Merchant said before disappearing

“You're staying,” Pinkie asked

“That is what he said,” Strife clarified

“I'm going to get started on the cake,” she called

“How does she do that,” Fury asked

“It's better you not know,” Twilight offered “Although we don't know how it works anyways.”

“Nor do I,” Pinkie added, her head poking out from Fury’s arm

“Don't do that again,” Fury threatened as Pinkie’s head disappeared

“What are we going to do about the guard,” Shining asked

“What happened to them,” Twilight asked

“They were killed when Canterlot Castle was attacked. Mom and Dad are the only other survivors,” Shining said, hanging his head

“I'd like to have this party in the castle if you don't mind. Twilight; you and your friends and their younger siblings will join us,” Celestia stated “The four of you can get there how you'd like.”