• Published 21st Aug 2019
  • 2,970 Views, 83 Comments

Phoenix in Another World - Cheer

Sunset, after a fatal incident finds herself in a different world.

  • ...


Sunset was realizing more and more that she was not quite normal here as she watched a small winged human fly around Sanse. He swatted at the air now and again when it poked him and giggled. He didn’t seem to notice, if his grumbles of “Damn flies” was anything to go by.

She had to admit that it was entertaining to watch him get annoyed but she kept herself from directly staring at the display. But, it seemed that the creature didn’t share her wish to seem innocuous.

It flew towards her and right in front of her face. Sunset did her best to pretend to look right through it. She continued looking in that direction for a few moments before sighing and laying down on her side. Specifically so that Sanse couldn’t see her face.

It looked at her directly. Making all kinds of faces and noises. “I know you can see me” It said in a sort of song like voice. But Sunset didn’t react. She kept her face calm, bored even. The last thing she needed was to be heard talking to something others couldn’t see while already. It was pretty annoying to keep a straight face through it all. Luckily it seemed to be working as the creature looked more and more annoyed and - she hoped- doubtful about what it had just said.

But she persevered until she heard the door to the building open and the creature’s short attention span was exposed. It flew away immediately and buzzed around the new woman as she entered. It quickly flew out of the open door though. Perhaps it saw something shiny? Or someone easily annoyed.

Sunset was used to the quick glances when someone entered but this was no quick glance. The woman had focused on her.

“I do apologize about all this.” They were the first kind words Sunset had heard since she had first been locked up in here.

She shrugged “I’m an unknown. It’s understandable. But I gotta ask, are you the mayor or something? It’s a pretty big decision to lock someone up after all” She offered

The woman chuckled “Something like that. The lord over this area doesn’t often visit and the chief is an older man. Officially I’m just a receptionist. My name is Maria.”

Sanse pushed away from where he’d been standing “Officially that’s stupid. You’re the boss.” He said before leaning to where Sunset could see him “Even the chief listens to her. So you better too.”

Sunset took a closer look at the woman. She seemed to be in her mid thirties. Wore what looked like a tough dress with a few bags hanging from the waist. Made to last with a small amount of nice little details sewn into the fabric. Her red hair hung over half of her face and idly Sunset wondered if that affected her depth perception. “Well then. To what do I owe a visit from someone Sanse actually respects?”

She smirked a little at Sunset’s quip “I just had a couple of questions. I’m trying to decide what to do about you. We don’t want to keep you all locked up in a cell, right?”

“We could”

“Quiet Sanse.” She shot back before returning to Sunset. Looking at someone through bars always had a strangeness to it. She knew why of course. But understanding didn’t mean it would stop.

“I’m with her. Quiet Sanse” Sunset said with a smirk, glad to get a little more teasing out of him. Before she’d worry if he’d retaliate. But with her here, she didn’t think he’d do anything. It was possible he might later though. His sneer told her that it was certainly a possibility “It’s just a joke big guy. Come on.”

Maria waved a hand, trying to capture both of their attention “Now, now. Can I ask my questions first? Before you two fall into bickering?”

“Be my guest” Sunset said with a smile.

“Now. These questions might be odd but I want - no - need you to answer as honestly as possible.”

Sunset nodded but internally felt worried. This didn’t sound like a simple check up. “Yeah. Sounds fine.”

“Great. First question” She brought a piece of paper out of the bag on her hip “Can you read this?”

Sunset froze. One week was far from enough time to get her bearings with this language. Honestly without any idea what any of it meant she wasn’t able to figure any of it out. She sighed and shook her head “No, I can’t. Honestly I’ve been trying to figure out something with books but I’m still completely lost.”

“Thank you for your honesty. I would have been worried if you lied or pretended. Since this is absolute gibberish” She explained before stuffing the paper back in the bag, treating it less carefully now that it’s true nature was exposed.

Sunset was careful to keep her face schooled at that information. She had already figured she couldn’t read it. Probably something Yvonne said. It was her she got the books from, since Sanse probably wouldn’t help her even if the building was on fire.

Maria was still smiling as she watched Sunset’s reaction. It was calm but she could see little reactions. Little twitches here and there. She was annoyed with that question. Of course it’d be annoying for anyone to be forced to admit they couldn't read but somehow Maria doubted it was only that.

“The other question is it’s been brought to my attention that at times you lay strangely on the floor. I understand it’s a strange question but I want to ensure I have all the information I need.”

Sunset had actually been preparing somewhat for this question. The way she exposed her inability to read was one thing. She couldn’t counter that. This on the other hand was simple. “A sort of meditation. Put myself into an uncomfortable position, close my eyes and let myself simply be. I learned it quite a while ago and it goes a long way to keeping myself calm when stuck in a cell for doing nothing wrong” She couldn’t help the tensing of her teeth as she said it or the matching way she said it. She was annoyed at this whole thing. More than annoyed. Pissed.

“Ah. Yes. Again. I do apologize for that. As I’ve said I just want to keep this town safe”

Sunset rolled her eyes a little at Maria’s defense. It was a pain, but Sunset couldn’t blame her for it. It made sense after all. “Yeah, yeah.Do you have any idea when I can get out of here?”

Maria nodded softly “Indeed. It’ll take a little bit but I have to adjustments to the test you went through before. I need to… tighten it up so to speak. Make it give less vague answers. But I need someone to come by before I can do it. I don’t have the know-how or delicate touch to do it myself.

“Great. More waiting” Sunset thought as she nodded. “So, I just… what? Stay here?"

Maria nodded "Unfortunately, yes. Though I think I'll allow Yvonne to grab you a book or two for learning how to read. I think that would be a good trade, hm?"

Sunset recognized the attempt to placate her. Unfortunately, outside of breaking out herself, she really didn't want to risk anything like that. Not with how many unknowns this world had.

She let out a heavy sigh "yeah, that sounds good. At least I'll have something to do I suppose" she admitted with a shrug.

"I'll try to hurry things along but I make no promises" Maria said with a smile before she stood and left.

Sanse was wearing that sneer again "looks like you are staying in there."

"Oh, ha-ha. Laugh it up big guy" sunset bit back

"I intend to. Oh, and I'll make sure we get all the kiddie books you need so you can learn your letters"

"Oh you're eating the whole “not able to read” thing up. Great…" she groaned as she moved back to her bed, only to let out a shriek when something moved in it.

"You see a rat or something?" His tone was still mocking and sunset doubted he'd even moved from where he'd been leaning. He wasn't her focus right now.

"I knew you could see me!"

Author's Note:

Do NOT expect chapters this often. I already had this one partially written before I got inspiration for 13.

It might be a little messy since it's been redone like... five times and messed with over the course of four months.