• Published 14th Dec 2011
  • 1,287 Views, 9 Comments

Equestrian Grand Knights - Athlon2736

With war coming, Celestia makes a tough choice to save her country and possibly the world

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Chapter 6: Hopes, and Despairs

Twilight woke up with an abrupt start as Spike shook her wake.

“I’m up. I’m up,” she says sharply looking around, seeing Lyra standing next to her assistant, “Oh yes, I’m sorry I should have been up sooner.”

“It’s okay,” she replied, letting Twilight get up from her couch, “Spike helped me with getting breakfast. Thanks for letting me rest the night here.”

Twilight nodded and rose from the couch, groggily going to the kitchen with the other two and grabbing a cup of her lovely coffee, drinking it slowly. Last night was a rough night for Lyra, and she intend to make her day today far superior to her previous night. She quickly threw herself some hay browns together and downed them, grinning as Lyra talked with Spike about walking on her hind legs.

Good old Lyra and her human thoughts.

Eventually she looked at the door as Weihe arrived and entered, removing his cap, looking around the library. She could only assume that he was here for Lyra, but as she began to get mad at him, in stepped another two ponies.

“I don’t know why I am here, Junior Commissar,” a voice rose up said as he looked around, “I should be with the colonel finalizing the list of agreed enlistees. I shouldn’t even be in this building again.”

“Oh hush Major, its only for a moment,” Weihe sharply replied, walking to the center for library and waited, Twilight coming out quickly and greeting them, “I was curious if you would like to attend the day with me, Major Richter and Mr. Candy-Apple?” Carmel, waved weakly at Twilight, slightly embarrassed to be there, his face flushed slightly.

‘Must have been dragged into this to help Wiehe out with this little problem related to Lyra,’ Twilight thought, looking at Richter quickly, glaring at him, “I’m fine with Carmel, but I am curious why you brought him?”

“Major Richter is... required because of personal reasons. I’m not as experienced with these situations as I may make it seem,” he said, his face flushing with embarrassment.

“It’s his first assignment with an actual military unit and I was chosen by my great and glorious commander to help him mingle with the locals,” Richter corrected, scowling at the mare, who grinned.

“So you’re babysitting,” she replied, floating a pair of scarves to Lyra and herself.

“I am doing no such thing. The colonel as asked me to assist him. That’s it.”

“Alright babysitter,” Twilight mocked.

“Pardon me from interrupting,” Weihe stated loudly looking between the two, “But what is a babysitter?” he asked them. Richter suddenly coughed and turned away, going back out the door. Twilight just stared at him, surprised by his question.

“You’ve never been baby sat before?” she asked him, Lyra and Carmel following her questioning gaze at him.

“No. I actually have no idea what you are talking about.”

“Let’s go to Carousel Boutique, get Lyra a dress or something to help with Bon-Bon,” she said, leading him and at the other two out.

_ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _

The walk was brief, the two officers falling in behind Twilight, Carmel and Lyra. The Galastrians were quiet for the most part; only speak when their opinion was asked for by Lyra or Carmel. Twilight spoke for the most part suggesting that she could convince Rarity to let her pay for it while Lyra only had to focus on how she was going to mend things between Bonbon and herself.

Upon arriving at the Boutique, Carmel held the door open for the two mares and officers, and was greeted by Rarity coming down the stairs to inspect the noise.

“Oh hello Twilight,” she commented smiling at the librarian, “What can I do you for dear?”

“We need a makeover for somepony, and-” she started to explain, before Rarity put her hoof up, smiling at her.

“Don’t say another word darling, I make him look quite handsome,” she said grinning, walking forward and pulling Weihe forward from the group. He looked at Twilight with an surprised expression, “Now, let’s get these clothes off and see what I have to work with~.”

Her sing song voice caused the junior commissar’s expression to change from a surprised one, to one of distress, as Rarity took of his cap off, grinning at the short mane he had, before he grabbed the hat with his magic and replaced it back atop his head.

“Forgive me ma’am, b-but I am not the one who is in need of a re-dressing in any sense of the word,” he explained quite rapidly, taking a quick step back, “We’re here to gi-”

“None sense, your clearly the one in need of help since your dressed in those drawl and disgusting colour of a coat, mind you,” she said, opening up to see the commissar uniform beneath the coat, “This gold accents your eyes perfectly, while the reds clash with the colour of your hair and mane.”

“Rarity, Lyra is the one who needs a dress to help win back Bonbon before she leaves town, not Weihe,” Twilight spoke up as she stepped between the two ponies, causing Rarity to gasp and look over at Lyra eyes wide with surprise.

“You two broke up? Impossible. I will mend the situation with my magic,” Rarity said, a sparkle appearing in her eye, before glancing back at Weihe, grinning, “And after which, I will deal with-”

“No you won’t,” he said, turning for the door his only escape route out of the building.

“I have seen the day that a commissar is scared of somepony, though admittedly it’s for good reason,” Richter said, grinning gently.

Rarity just watched as he left, staring at door for a few minutes. When she finally did speak up, she spoke firmly to Richter and Carmel, requesting they let the ladies have their time to work something’s out. The pair nodded, heading out the same door as Weihe did. Rarity coughed softly, and sorted herself out.

“You know, he’s quite handsome, besides being so rude,” she commented, floating some materials up to Lyra, judging them against her coat.

“Rarity, please, don’t do this,” Twilight said softly, rolling her eyes, “They’re only here for a few days, before going to back to wherever they came from.”

“Well he is handsome; you have to say that about him. He looked only a few years older than us Twilight. I mean, he’s clearly strong, probably stronger then Applejack and maybe even Mac,” she started to prattle off what she thought about the junior commissar. Twilight almost immediately tuned her out, looking at the door, where she assumed the three stallions were standing waiting for them.

Rarity worked as she talked, moving from topic to topic, offering advice to Lyra about her situation with Bon-Bon, before switching to the idea of going to Galastria to see it fashion, to even the news with the war, much to Twilights surprise.

“I mean, Prance is a great country, with its luscious landscape and beautiful cities. I love its fashion and artisans, and to hear that it’s kicking Galastria out of Zebrica and any other country they may be in. It is quite terrifying if you think about it,” she came too finally, starting to draw out a dress for Lyra, while the mare herself stood quietly, letting the clothe float past her in all directions.

“Well, I see it as something more of an over boiling point. I think after Prance’s lose to Galastria twenty-seven years ago, they would be looking for another round they think they can win; especially since there’s a new leader at the head of the country,” Lyra pointed out before ducking under a large spool of a cloth.

Rarity nodded slowly, placing may of her materials in a chaotic stack, preparing a model for the beginnings of a dress, “But then again they are being quite cruel. I mean, the Solarwind cruise liner airship was shot out of the sky near the coast of Zebrica apparently by the Prench Fleet!” she exclaimed with fear, “There were no survivors and the council is calling for all ships to return docks. My parents told me they were upset they didn’t get to go on their planned cruise this year because of this request.”

“That is terrible. I mean, why would they attack a ship that is unarmed and carrying civilians?” Twilight asked, Lyra adding to the question of when it happened.

Rarity shrugged her shoulders, looking at the pair, “All I know is that it was shot down two days ago, with all hands lost. Terrible incident; hopefully it one of only a few in this war, one I am also hoping is brief.”

“I agree,” Twilight said, nodding to the Rarity, “I mean think about it, it’s a war, what’s really to gain from a war? Land at the cost of lives?”

“Well whatever comes from war, it not worth it in my opinion,” Lyra added, getting down from the little pedestal she was standing atop.

“Agreed. Though I think a fine group of stallions like those two out there in uniform is absolutely fantastic! Imagine how a large group of these stallions look; they must be a marvelous sight for those who behold them,” Rarity said smiling at the thought, “All dressed up, clean and well kept, standing in organized patterns, chests pressed out and they look so heroic~! Oh I say I would love to go to Galastria to see these imperial soldiers standing in parade squares as they must do from time to time.”

“You could ask to come along to visit Galastria you know right?” Lyra said, waggling her eyebrows at Rarity, only to have the fashionista shake her head no.

“I have enough trouble with the stallions here in Equestria, let alone I have at least a dozen projects to finish before I can even think about going there to see it fashion sense,” Rarity said, picking up some sketches from around her and floating them about, “Is it alright if you come back later Lyra? I mean, I do owe you the dress but I need some time to work out the sketches alittle more. I can show you may be around six or so this evening, if that’s okay darling?”

“Of course, I think I could get the courage to talk with Bon Bon for some time,” she said with a nod, “I hope we weren’t much trouble Rarity, and thank you again.”

Rarity took the gesture happily, thanking her for coming by; hoping the dress would help her feel much better with her situation. Twilight thanked Rarity again, offering to pay but she was declined, being told it was simply a gift to a friend in need of a pickup. With a solid nodded, the two mares left.

As they left they noticed their entourage of stallions was joined by a fourth, another galastrian clearly from how he was dressed. He spoke with great concern in his voice, shaking his head roughly from side to side and spitting out words to Wiehe and Richter in rapid fire. Twilight approached, only to hear them speaking in Galastrian, sharp and correcting tone from the commissar, sounding far more commanding then he was with Twilight, while Richter’s tone shifted from firm to understanding back to firm with each statement. Whatever it was they were talking about, it must have been incredibly important for them to know immediately.

“Whats wrong?” Lyra asked coming up besides Carmel, who shurged.

“He came running up to us, panting and speaking in their language, panicked about something,” he answered looking at the two, “Got what we came for?”

Lyra nodded, starting to explain her little plan to him; while Twilight watched the three continue their fierce exchange. It continued for a good minute before the new stallion saluted and rushed off, towards the train station. Richter sighed looking at the other, flicking his eyes between the three.

“Done? Cause we must head to the station as soon as possible,” he stated, floating a smoke to his mouth and lighting it with a spark, “We have a problem that we have to attend too.”

“One more thing, but if there’s a problem back at the station we can go there first,” Lyra said, looking at Twilight.

“What is the problem?” she asked, “Because it seemed to have caused a large ruckus for you and Weihe.”

“There’s a battle raging in Zebrica and it’s been getting pretty bad. A few of us have good friends over there, and we’re hoping for some good news when we get back to the train,” Weihe said, turning to walk away.

“A battle, but you said this group of ponies were going to be parade, nothing more.”

“For us, we like to keep up to date on our friends in battle. And from what we were just told, many may not be coming back,” Richter said, motioning for the group to follow. For a few painfully quiet minutes, they walked towards the station, Wiehe leading them.

“Twilight! Hello!” said a cheerful and happy voice, Derpy landing before the group and trotting up to them, “Hi Lyra, Carmel, Mr. Kirin, and hello pony I haven’t spoken with before. How are you all this fine morning?”

“Cold, but pleasant,” Richter answered, bowing slightly, “Do tell miss Hooves, what brings you to us today?”

“Well I have mail for Twilight,” the mail-mare said, rummaging into her mail bag, several letters falling out of it.

“I get my mail through Spike, so who sent it?” Twilight asked, floating up the dropped mail to her.

“I don’t know, but here why don’t you find out,” she answered, talking the fallen letters in exchange for single one. Twilight nodded and popped it open carefully reading the title.

“Oh it’s from my parents! Wonder why they just didn’t send it through Spike,” she said aloud starting to read.

“So Miss Hooves, is Mr. Whooves packing up for the trip?” Richter asked, causing Twilight to look up at them.

“The Doctor is going with them?” she asked, surprised by the news, looking at Derpy. She nodded softly.

“Yep! He’s going to see the country as well as the sites, since they won’t be fighting,” she said, smiling happily, “They said it would okay if we could come along at times, so the family won’t be separated for long periods.”

“Oh really? That’s interesting. I never knew thought he would take them up on the proposition,” Twilight said looking back at the letter, “Any pony else you know is going Ditzy?”

“Big Mac, and R-” she started, only to have the librarian jaw drop, “What? Applejack is fine with it, as well as Fluttershy. He talked with them both about it. And then there’s Rainbow Dash, and a few others.”

“Rainbow too?” she growled, her hoof slapping her face quite hard, “I would expect so.” Richter chuckled softly, “What so funny?”

“She jumped at the chance to go with the Wonderbolts,” he said, a toothy grin plastered on his face causing Twilight to groan quickly followed the impact of her hoof slapping into her face again.

‘The Wonderbolts, Rainbow, Mac, Whooves, Carmel and Lyra. Who else that she knows is going with these imperials? Why would they even consider that offer? They all had lives, so why would they jump at this?’ Twilight thought to herself, before sighing aloud.

“Let’s just go to the station and see your friends,” she grumbled out. Richter smirked at her and nodded, “It’s too cold out to for all of this news.” Derpy smiled, and took off, saying her little farewell to each of them before heading north, most likely to deliver more letters. Twilight fell in beside the imperial officer, glaring at him for a moment.

“That’s how you do it isn’t it?” she asked him with spite in her voice.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“You give them this idealized hope to get them to join you, don’t you?”

“No. We give them fact’s that are in the most likely case scenario, whereas giving them idealized hopes would get them blindly leaping at the fact of service. We need Miss Harpstring as a musician for the marching, so we offered her a set of lyre’s as well as study’s with some of the Imperial Guards finest musicians,” Richter replied, Lyra supporting his statement with a nod, “With that, there’s a higher pay rate that is considerably more present then the militia or regular orchestra’s. The others, such as Mr. Whooves, is just looking at it for extra money to be sent to a more important cause, such as his wife, is daughters schooling, and his shop.”

“Well what about Macintosh? What did you offer him?” Twilight asked.

“Nothing. He just agreed. Same with most of the Apples.”

“Most?” Twilight asked, eyes widening at the statement.

“Yes. Most Apple family members, as well as other farmer families had a member who agreed without hesitation,” he said with a matter of fact tone. He glanced a head, towards where they were heading, “It’s nothing like Galastria, but it is still surprising to see such devotion to ones country like they have.”

“Well still, you offered things you can’t completely come through with, and I don’t care if you offered all me the knowledge you had in your royal archives, I still wouldn’t take it,” she said smugly, looking at her letter from her parents, ending the conversation on that note.

The letter itself was written a week ago, not surprising her with how it came to her, as her parents they had won a prize for a cruise liner, and they were to leave a few days after sending the letter. She smiled at the news knowing her parents, though not wealthy, did deserve a vacation like any good parents. She continued to read, smiling now at the name of the cruise ship they were going on.

The Solarwind.

“No, that cannot be right,” Twilight said speaking up. She read the line over and over, think it was some stupid joke, “No that’s not right at all.”

“What is the matter Sparkle?” Weihe asked, looking back at them.

“What was that ship shot down by the coast of Zebrica?”

“The Solarwind,” he replied, “Why?”

“No, that cannot be right at all. The letter says they were aboard it, which is impossible. They won’t be on a cruise liner like that in a million years,” she said.

“You’re parents?” Lyra asked looking at the distraught Twilight.

“Yes. They say they had won a contest to be on the ship, and its date appropriately but, it can’t be true,” she started shaking gently, a shiver from the cold.

“Miss Sparkle, calm down, I’m sure their fine, there must be survivors from that ship and-” Richter started, stopping when Twilight started shaking her head.

“Rarity told me there were no survivors. None. Zero,” she was shaking more visibly now, realizing what that statement meant for her parents, “They’re in Canterlot. Yeah, that’s where they are, Canterlot.”

“Right,” Richter said, nodding, “Let’s not worry about this, since they are in Canterlot.”


She nodded softly, continuing to follow them to the station. The rest of the trip was silent.

_ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _

Weihe nodded to the two guards at the cars entrance, each saluting him as he and the major walked into car, being greeted by the other officer in the car listening to a radio sullenly. Twilight followed while Lyra and Carmel stood outside waiting, idly talking and making plans to surprise Bon-Bon, uneasy as she saw the number of ponies in the car. The radio spat out a garbled mess of Galastrian words mixed with a faint glow of static behind it. She glanced around, seeing all the stallions and mares dressed with the same green drab uniform, and all carrying around a sheath for a weapon. The majority seemed to be listening to the near hypnotic voices coming from the radio; the few who weren’t were discussing something with the leader of this little band, who was currently walking in Twilights direction.

“Miss Sparkle,” Jager said, giving a slight bow, “What draws you here today? Come to take me up on my offer or for another matter entirely?” He smiled at her, and fixed his peaked officer’s cap atop his head, “If it is the latter, please make it a brief. I have to be off to find a certain zebra that we have heard about in this town.”

“You mean Zecora? Because if that was what your two partners were worried about; they have their fear misplaced as she is quite peaceful, like most of Ponyville,” Twilight answered with a soft nod, making him glance at her sharply.

“You know where she is?” he asked, receiving another nod from Twilight, causing him to smile again, “Well, is there a possibility that I might have you lead me there?”

“If you going to recruit her as well; then no I won’t lead you to her home,” she replied frowning at him. He smiled and shook his head at her, answering the question.

“Just delivering a letter for a friend of mine, that is all,” he said holding the envelope for her to glance at, “Unless that’s too much to ask of a librarian to allow an old stallion like myself to deliver something?”

“Well I don’t see a reason why not. Though I hope you’ll let me accompany you on your errand, since she is my friend and I would like to make sure she’s safe,” Twilight answered, letting him out of the train car, “Though I have to ask; what was the emergency that brought Weihe and Richter back to the train?”

“Something has come up relating to all of us in the train,” he said looking back over his shoulder at door of the car, “Something very disheartening for them.”

“What was that?” Lyra piped up, walking over. The colonel smiled at her, giving a slight nod to her and Carmel.

“I’ll explain on the train ride to Canterlot tomorrow evening,” he answered, looking back at Twilight, “Would you be so kind to guide me to Miss Zecora’s home?”

“Yes, Carmel can you help Lyra with that last item and I’ll meet up with you when I return at the Boutique,” Twilight stated, pulling her scarf tighter around her neck. He gave a slow nod and motioned for Lyra to follow him, exiting the station as they talk about several types of chocolates they could buy for Bonbon. Twilight glanced back at the colonel as he looked at her with a grin.

“You know, you sounded a lot like an officer there,” he said with a grin. She gave him a glare, ignoring the warmth in her cheeks from the statement. He tossed his head to the right and started walking, “Come on let’s get this over with so I can get out of your hair.”

Moments later, after giving him a cold stare, Twilight followed.

_ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _

“Why did you say that back there?” Twilight finally asked, leading him into the Everfree Forest. He glanced at her lightly, adjusting his hat with his dull red magic, before smirking at her.

“I’m a colonel, Miss Sparkle. If I cannot make a good call when I see one then I should not be in command of fifteen ponies, in any way, shape or form. I always call them as I see them,” Jager answered, looking at the forest, continuing to smirk, “Like this forest, The Everfree Forest as you call it, is much like one near my home town. It is brutal, uncaring and willing to kill anypony who should stray into it unprepared for its wrath and anger.”

“Really? I thought the Everfree was the only forest of its kind.” He shook his head no, stopping and placing his hoof on a tree gently rubbing its bark.

“The Twisting Woods,” he muttered softly, “Completely untameable, and it falls to the ponies of Huckerburg to tame it and control it. Ironic really.”

“What it like?” Twilight stopped, watching him rub the tree slowly.

“Oh it’s a wondrous place, even if it’s trying to kill you. The trees twist unnaturally about, with red and white flowers blooming on them in the spring and summer before bringing about fine fruits. As you walk deeper into its hold, the darkness hides you away from the world beyond, blcking the sun out and give the feel of a moonless night. Its then you feel serenity with the forest and begin to hunt,” he said, his eyes slowly glazing over while looking back to his forest, “Then you would come to a clearing, see a dark liger, and within an instant you’d either live or die, depending on what you did.”

“Sounds like a story. Care to share it,” she asked softly motioning for him to follow her.

“It was, if I am remember correctly, my eighth summer and I thought I was old enough to disobey my father, mother and the woods-masters command,” he said, starting to follow her again, “I went past the boundary point of the forest with a knife and wood cutters axe. I wanted to be like my father, and be a woodsman at the time, and decided the way to get my wood cutting cutie mark was to chop down the biggest tree I could find.

“Before long I was deep in the forest, in the darkness that could rival the moonless night and began to fear I was in over my head. I thought myself fortunate that I stumbled into a clearing, and laid down resting for a moment,” he said before grinning, “That’s when I learned the forest doesn’t let you rest without a test, and a dark liger appeared out of the darkness, stalking towards me. I had two choices, run or fight, and I knew I wasn’t faster than a fully grown liger. I could only fight.” He paused briefly, faintly chuckling, “Needless to say I won, and I got my cutie mark.”

“Oh gonna hide the good parts of the story are we? That not fair you know?” Twilight teased him, causing him to give her a firm and smug smile.

“Some stories are better to hear more than once, especially when you learn more the next time you hear or read them,” he answered. She nodded, and pointed up the path.

“Zercora’s home is just up this path here.”

As they approached the hut, Zercora’s voice filled the air as she sung a sweet melody to the world around her. Twilight started to smile as she started to walk in pace with the tempo of the song, though Jager walked past her with a sweet smile on his face. They stepped up to the door, Jager gently knocking against the wood, before backing away from the door, and bowing down gently.

“What are you doing?” Twilight asked him but the door opening to reveal the herbalist Zebra to them. Her hair was tied back, making her look far younger than what Twilight was used to seeing, and a faint aroma flowed out form her home. Her turquoise eyes look at Twilight; bring a smile to her face.

“Ah Twilight, what a pleasant surprise, what can do you in the evenings reprise?” she asked her before seeing Jager bowing gently to her. She froze, eyes locking onto him, “You come here now? What does he know?”

“He asked to come see you, he was looking for a Zebra to deliver a letter to,” Twilight answered, tracing her line of sight to his head. He looked up from below the bill of his cap, before standing back up right and taking a very formal pose before her.

“You come here now, but what does he know?” Zecora asked him sharply, stabbing her hoof into his chest, “Last time we spoke was after-”

“The evacuation of the Grand Palace, I know. Back then I was a lowly captain, and I now stand before you a colonel. And I come to deliver a letter from an old friend to you,” he said, voice shaking as he fought back emotions. The letter floated up into sight for Zecora to see, but she continued to glare at the stallion.

“And what if I don’t accept the letter?” she asked. Twilight looked at her surprised, seeing Zecora mad at somepony. Never once that his occurred before in all the time Twilight knew her, and it shocked her even more when Zecora batted the letter away with her hoof, “You cannot simply hope for my acceptance, and why should I accept your audience?”

“Zecora, what’s going on?” Twilight asked, Zecora looking at her sharply.

“And you lead him here. I want you to disappear,” she spat at her, shocking the librarian even more, causing her to take a step back from Zecora. She started to sputter a response back, but Zecora iron gaze made her cave in and sulk away.

“I’ll meet you at the edge of the forest Jager,” she spoke softly, but only received a nod.

Author's Note:

I thank anyone still watching this and I hope to have the next chapter up soon
I promise that since I've got inspiration again.