• Published 14th Dec 2011
  • 1,287 Views, 9 Comments

Equestrian Grand Knights - Athlon2736

With war coming, Celestia makes a tough choice to save her country and possibly the world

  • ...

Chapter 4: Chaotic Courtss

Chapter 4: Chaotic Courts

The two leaders walked down a hall of ship to the boarding hatch, the guards following behind the two. Frostmane was quiet and looked around at the stallions and mares standing at attention as she walked past the doors, nodding gently, before sighing gently as she exited the door. They had spent a day and a half on the Firedancer and she wanted to spread her wings and fly happily to the Imperial Palace and just rel-

“Empress Frostmane,” A voice came that made her look forward and face-hoof roughly. There was standing a blue dragon, which was standing straight up, a worried look on his face. She knew who he was too, Blu, Grand-Magister Fury-Flare’s personal dragon, who was known for getting into a lot of trouble in the Imperial Palace with the grand-master of the Blessed Angels, Hopes Kiss.

“Yes Blu? What does the grand-magister desire of me now,” she said with a groan, receiving a look form Celestia, who had a question in her eyes.

“There’s a situation within the Courts that demand you immediate attention,” he said bowing slight, “Sky Admiral Wishing Rain speaks of revolution against yo-”

The little blue dragon didn’t get to finish as the Empress raced out, wings flared open and forgetting the group behind her. This situation was bad.

Celestia stood there blinking then looked at her Captain and his remaining guards, “Shall we catch up with her?”

Wind-cutter nodded slowly, and with that they rushed out with a quickened pace, taking off and flying after the speeding Empress. From here, Celestia could see the capital of Galastria, as long iron piers reached out from the side of a large mountain while below hundreds of thousands of buildings littered the city with different colour roofs, and sizes. To the north of where she was she could make out for large air ships with massive blimps, while below them stood a massive fortress.

The fortress itself was quite on the sky line, built into the mountain with a intimidating look while welcoming for its form and structure. Extending out and around the city was a long wall, which from here looked exceptionally well built that, seemed ever growing, with the walls breaking the city into section by gating them off at junctions. Probably just from the city expanding over the centuries, much like Canterlot.

Celestia’s eyes finally looked to where Frost was flying too, and her mouth began to open in awe at the massive and grand palace, the domed roof with the court yard that could hold a two Grand Galloping Gala’s or the entire Royal guard for Canterlot. As she drew closer, she could make out dozens of ponies and other beings rushing to where the Empress just landed, while the detail within the court yard was growing to become more defined and powerful, images of ponies, griffons, dragons and other beast being placed with stone imagery.

Celestia landed right behind Frost, who was yelling at a pair of griffons, their armour more worn and seemed more feral, while two unicorns rushed up to the guards that surround Celestia, gruff looks on their faces.

“I don’t care if you have to protect me, we have to get the cour-” she was yelling, the griffons nodding quietly.

“We agree with you, em-” one started, Frost taking off again, this time Celestia and her guards dashing after her with the griffons chasing them. Celestia gained up to Frostmane, hearing her grumble in anger and with rage in her eyes.

“What’s wrong?” Celestia asked with ease, looking at the sky blue pegasus.

“Wishing Rain has been a pain in my flank for the last ten years of my life,” she growled, “And now he tries this, on the eve of war.”

“He may not be-”

“He is. And he always has been. He’s a wretched coward and a traitor, and I have no idea how he came to be sky admiral, but I intend to correct that error,” she said taking ahead again. Celestia kept just behind her, her guards just barely keeping the pair.

Several seconds passed and the group landed, Frost and the Royal Guard panting from the speed, while Celestia gracefully smiling at the group. They walked for a moment, turning a corner to see a black and white unicorn leaning up against the door of the main court room, a peaked cap rest over his eyes, and dishevelled uniform barely making the stallion look a guard. Frostmane walked up, nudging the stallion, only to receive a grunt form him before he began to speak with a groggy voice.

“Courts been in session for two and a half hours ma’am. It’s pretty bad in there right now,” he said, moving his shoulders slightly as he got comfortable again. Frostmane could only sigh before twisting her neck around to glance at Celestia.

“Can I count on you?” she asked her, Celestia looking at her with a worried expression, “I need some external support to my reign to look, well, legit. Which is the opposite of what Wising Rain wants?”

Celestia nodded slowly, seeing the point that Frostmane meant. Sometimes the outside views of another country could help solidify a leader into power, as well as securing the current leadership battle into a stalemate. Or in this case, a victory.

She looked at the door to the main court and sighed slowly, before opening the door.

She was met by a roar of anger and violence, as the court seemed to be on the verge of internal war for itself. The grand-master of the knights order were standing surround a single individual while the generals barked out in anger at delegates, who responded in kind. The grand-magister, quite surprisingly was drinking a cup of tea, dodging a clump of paper that was thrown through the air.

In the center of the speaking area stood Wishing Rain, who grinned menacingly at the room’s disorder and chaos, while the two clan-leaders boomed with their strong voices, demanding silence, and receiving none. On one side lords waved their hooves about in anger, some in support, other against while directly across from them the lords and nobles argued with themselves. The two guards-ponies at the door looked at the Empress and her fellow leader, snapping to attention. Then the guards called out, causing the room to fall silent as Frostmane began to look around, eying the groups of lords as they stood more appropriately. The knights moved away from the individual, the head of imperial intelligence, Lord Von-Kindle. The room slowly dimmed to a whisper, while the one lone admiral looked over to her.

“Empress Frostmane Sudderspark. What a pleasant surprise to have you arrive. I was just giving a statement to have you removed from power,” he commented coldly, sliding over the floor as though it were simple ice, “I suspect you will stand against me with guards and sword? Like true tyrants?”

“I am neither a tyrant nor will I take you by steel and blade,” she replied stepping forward. She raised her head up and smirked at him, “But of course you only wished that to, as you would say, appear as a tyrant. I am not you.”

“Nor am I you,” he commented, “Shall we begin this?”

“Indeed we shall,” she replied.

“Guards remove the Goddess of the Su-”

“You will not do that for I have invited her to enter the court to watch and learn, to understand our traditions better,” Frostmane interjected, stopping the two guards, giving a confused look.

“This is true, and I wish to remain. On that I do not believe my guards or my Captain will agree with you if you try,” Celestia said. The two guard ponies looked between each other, before moving her over to where the knights were sitting presenting her the seat next to the Imperial. The admiral began to protest only to be silenced by the Frostmane.

“You will take it or leave it admiral, or should I call you chancellor or emperor or something along those lines?” she asked walking slowly and gently around him, eyeing him. He shot a look back at her and moved away.

“Lords. Generals, Dukes, Fillies and Masters, Clan-masters and clan-leaders! I implore to have your ears lent to my voice to show you why the leader of our country show be dropped from power, whether by sword or otherwise,” he began, looking at the council with stern eyes.

“As do I my fellow ponies, griffons and dragon-kin. I wish to implore you in great and grand wisdom to let me continue the reign for the good of our great and noble country,” Frost replied, beginning the duet of the argument.

_ - _ - _ - _ - _

Twilight slumped down on her bed roughly, mind racing at what going on. The royal guard had assigned her to the group with Rainbow Dash, Big Mac, Lyra and Doctor Whooves, and told everypony to be ready for a long day the next morning. But for now, sleep eluded her all night and now it was growing increasingly close to morning.

She lay on her bed, eyes semi shut to the world around before a worried grunt escaped from her, though Spike slept soundly at the end of the bed, his small but cute snores.

She hummed an annoyed sound at one moment looking at the moon outside, sighing softly. It was slowly dropping from the sky, and the gentle blue night highlighted every white speckle in the sky that tinkled and winked at the world below. She wondered if she was ever going to have a peaceful night like this that she couldn’t get to sleep for the idea of personal worry.

Finally the sun arose slowly, surprising her that it was raised slowly and elegantly, as if the Celestia, her teacher, was distracted. She got out of her bed, not having slept a wink, groaning as she walked down the stairs to the kitchen groaning at each and every step.

Before she could even sit down with a hot cup of coffee, there came a loud knock at the door, causing Twilight to sigh roughly walking over to the wood frame and open it slightly looking out to the pony there.

It was Rainbow Dash, who was looking around and not paying attention to the door in front of her. When Dash did look back at the door, a smirked before snicker was what Twilight received from the pegasus.

“Nice mane Twi,” she said happily while Twilight groaned as she began to fix her mane while Dash let herself inside.

“What do you need at this time of day Rainbow?” she asked, following Rainbow over to the center of the room. Rainbow looked up at the wall of the room, scanning for something.

“Research actually.”

Twilight stopped and blinked then gave Dash a long strange look, the pegasus ignoring it for the time being as she continued to walk around and scan the room.

“Are you serious? Please don’t be pulling on my chain right now. I haven’t had my coffee just yet,” she stated, Rainbow completely ignoring her friends statement as she pulled out several books and threw them on the table quietly, walking over and opening up the top book.

“You’re dead serious aren’t you?” she replied, staring at Dash who was now flipping through...

‘What was she flipping through?’ Twilight thought walking over and looking at the book, glancing into the page which rainbow was flipping through quietly. There were things about military and the Prench Kingdom, as well as leadership roles and...

“Rainbow. What are you doing?” Twilight said with a deadpan expression, Rainbow looking up at Twilight with a grin. The same kind of grin that she got when she believed one of her stupid and idiotic plans was simply amazing and awesome.

“I’m reading up on Prench culture before I go out to punch up the Prench leader and force him to call of this silly and stupid war,” she said, causing Twilight to face-hoof so hard that Rainbow felt it.

“Rainbow... WHY ARE YOU SO CRAZY!” she yelled at her, making Rainbow pull back and scrunch up her face in response.

“Crazy? I don’t want to go to war and I want to stop it before it happens before someone I know gets killed! How am I crazy for trying to prevent that, huh?” she responded, grinding her teeth against one another as she did so, before she leaned forward, pushing her for head against Twilights, “What about you? Your just gonna go along with this stupid idea of a war?”

Twilight sighed and pulled back, grabbing a chair and sitting down in it, rubbing her forehead with her hooves softly. All honestly she didn’t know what she was thinking, but she knew Rainbow Dash was an idiot for thinking that her plan was going to work so easily. What got her even more was how she didn’t seem to care if there was anything related to the idea of war going on in Ponyville so far. Sure, she didn’t want to see any of her friends hurt either, nor any pone she knew but what could be done. This was far above her and even if she did send a letter to Celestia, there was probably too much on the Princess’s mind currently to read her letter.

“No I don’t want to go along with the idea of this stupid war Rainbow. But... I don’t know what else to do,” Twilight quietly replies, “Hay... maybe Prance will just call it all off or Luna and Celestia will work out a deal, but I really don’t know. It so foreign to me that there is even a war coming to Equestria, but there still is. And even if I desired to change that fact, what good would the two of us be against an entire army?”

A pause appeared as Rainbow sat down, looking at the floor, before her chest deflated in defeat.

“I know what you mean. I wanted to do that just to stop it if I could,” Dash’s voice says, clearly hurt at what Twilight said, “I just, want to do something more than prepare for the worst.”

To that Twilight nodded, agreeing completely with the idea of that the sitting wasn’t helping her anxiety. She was helping the Royal Guards today, sure. What about in a few days, or in a few weeks for that matter.

“Sometimes that’s something we can’t really stop?” she replied. She floated the book up to the shelf form where Rainbow Dash took it from, filling the empty void with it softly. Dash eyes, now filled with defeat, looked back away from her as she rose up and started to fly around looking at other things before there was another knock at the door Twilight walking over and opening the door.

There stood Doctor Whooves and Lyra, whose eyes were blood shot with their face’s expressing their joy to be up at this time in the morning. Before they could even speak, she invites the pair inside to the warm home that she had. Upon entering into library, the pair moved to Twilight’s ‘living room’ couches and sat down, quietly waiting for the home’s owner to join them.

“Bon Bon didn’t like me getting up so early this morning,” Lyra said, her voice groggy and heavy, “She said something about owing her dinner in a fancy restaurant.”

“Does sound all that bad Lyra, since you are getting food out of it, where as my lovable mailmare woke me up to get me over here before going to do her daily route,” the dirt brown stallion spoke up grinning at Lyra, walking over to Twilight. The Doctor was an odd fellow, who spoke in ways that seemed confusing or as long rambles at times. His wife, Dizty Doo Whooves, was the towns’ mail delivery mare, who was energetic and fun loving; though at times she was quite a handful. They had been married for quite some time as Twilight had been informed of, having two young fillies. Dinky, the younger, was a bright and cheerful filly, who could never be lead astray by anyone. The elder sister, Sparkler, was a jewel and rare gem provider for Rarity, as well as an apprentice in Jewelry making.

“I mean think about it, we could have all been woken up like Twilight here, having three ponies basically barge into your home and act like it’s no big deal like what we are doing currently, which makes me wonder why she hasn’t start to get frustrated at us,” he began, Twilight floating over a large cup of coffee for both of them. Both accepted them, Lyra taking large gulps as the Doctor continued.

“With the chances of that happening, I also think it is the best we did it here. I mean, well you guys couldn’t have come to my house. Dinky would have bothered and pestered you all morning, while at Lyra’s, Bon Bon would have murdered us for getting her up so soon,” he said waving hoof around, before sipping down some of his coffee.


“And then there’s Rainbow’s home, though I wonder what she is doing her at this time. Never seen her up this early before either.”


“Anyway, her house is a collection of clouds so-”


The browns pony head twisted to Twilight, scrunching up his face at the mare as he was confused to why she had stopped him.

“What is wrong my dear? You don’t have to yell at me to get my attention,” he pointed out, matter of fact like.

“You were rambling again,” she said sitting down across form them as Rainbow fluttering over, flopping onto the couch softly.

“Well... okay you are quite right about that fact, but you didn’t have to yell,” he said smiling, sipping at his coffee, closing his eyes as the elixir of life washed into him. Lyra looked at Twilight, her face contorting to a confused expression while she mouthed out ‘What the Buck?’

With that, the four began to chatter back and forth before another set of knock came to the door. Twilight yet again got up and walked to the door, opening it to see yet another two figures. The first was the large red Macintosh, Applejacks older brother. He chewed on a piece of hay with his normal deadpan expression, though his tall and broad body was imposing though he was polite and quiet.

“Twilight Sparkle,” another voice said making her look at the other pony. He was a tall Royal guard, his armour the crisp and firm gold that they wore glinting as the sun rose to the east. Thor’s expression seemed as emotionless as he was when he stood guard back at the palace.

“Sergeant Thor,” she smiled back at him.

“Ready to go with us on a walking route to the Everfree Forest?” he asked, making everypony inside the tree look over at the door. All the eyes were wide with fear, while Twilights grumbled something, before looking back at the group who she had ‘invited’ in to her home.

“Come on; let us get this over with,” Twilight exclaimed, getting the group moving now. Thor smiled at the group, as they left told them it would be that bad.

After a while Caramel joined them, panting, having forgotten what time to meet up with the group. Thor understood, and as Carmel fell in behind Macintosh he informed him of their destination. As they proceed through ponyville, the group noticed the slow awaking of the town; besides the militia, who were going about the assigned tasks. Within half an hour, the group left the out edge of waking town, heading towards the looming forest ahead.

“We should stop by Fluttershy’s place. It’s near the forest’s outer edges and we can talk to her early, since she is most likely to be tending to critters and other such,” Twilight suggested, receiving a nod from Thor in agreement.

“I agree, let’s go there first then proceed with the parameter of the forest,” he told the group, Macintosh looking at Twilight nervously.

“Something up Big Mac?”

“Eeenope,” was the large stallion’s response, looking away from her. At this Twilight curiosity rose a bit, walking over beside him, trying to make eye contact with him. After a few moments she gave up but she intended to discover what he was hiding from her. She turned to Carmel, who had his eyes locked on the forest in the distance and was clearly nervous about venturing there. With that, added to the fact that the air was thick and heavy with worry and doubt, Twilight figured she’d have to say something to help calm everyone down.

“So um... Carmel, why are you in the militia?” she said, mentally kicking herself for asking that question. That wasn’t going to calm any pony down, let alone Carmel.

“Oh um, since Mac and I are Apples, it was what was expected of us,” the answer was straight forward, and easily understood. Except for the fact that the Apples being in the Militia.

“Wait, Apples? I thought your family was only farmers Big Mac?” she said turning her head to the other apple. He nodded softly looking at her.

“Well that’s both right and wrong. We Apples are farmers, as well as pioneers, militia, and law folk. It’s been a habit for generation for us Apple stallions to join the Militia when we are old enough to do our part for the community in any way possible,” he stated, looking back forward to the forest, “That’s why when you see an apple farm like ours, where there’s two young fillies who can look after the farm pretty well, most of the colts and stallions tend to be active in the militia, though I rarely leave the farm as it is.”

“Yea, and since Mac is the only son of his fathers, he has to remain and help AJ and AB look after the tree’s so he gets little to no time for anything related to the Militia. When he does though, he is usually helping them out,” Caramel pointed out, making Twilight turn to him again, “I on the other hand moved here from Filliesburgs and I work for my relatives form time to time, while also working with the majority of the farriery and smaller shops when not there.”

“Why?” Twilight said, not even thing, before mentally bucking herself for asking the stupid question. Again.

“I need to pay rent somehow, right?”

“Well the good for you Carmel,” Lyra spoke up from behind, “I never knew you were from Filliesburg. I heard it’s pretty nice this time of the year, right?”

Caramel nodded, “Yes, but it is not the kind of place I would live. Too busy and too big, as well as being too tightly packed together. I need open space, so I’m good here in Ponyville.” He seemed to daze of into memories as he walked behind Thor, who Twilight could see was smiling.

“I come from Canterlot,” Lyra started, “Born and raised there, like Twilight, but I only got into the school of Gifted Unicorns because my parents insisted I go to a good school, not that I enjoyed it all that much,” she moved up beside Twilight, “After Twilight left to help with the Summer Sun Celebration, I’d figured I’d follow suit and come to Ponyville...” she said trailing off.

“And?” Caramel asked, rolling his hoof as if to carry on the sentence.

“And, well, I forgot to bring bits and my school work, and since I decided to,” she stopped for a brief moment before coughing to clear her throat, “‘to drop school and move some backwater hick of a town’ as my mother put it, I was out of a place to stay for about, oh eight days before Bonbon took pity on me and offered me a place to stay.” A blush started to form on her face, “I felt bad for her having to take me in and, well, I figured I needed a job anyway, since apparently a lyrist isn’t a major route of income in smaller towns. And with that, I jumped to the Militia, though I haven’t done much other then small repairs, and helping with all manner of problems outside of disasters.”

Twilight grinned, liking the idea that Lyra had followed her here, and in doing do, ended up with a marefriend at the end of all her troubles.

“What about you, Doctor? Any special reason for you being in the Militia?” Caramel asked looking back at the clock master.

“Well yes, though it’s not as interesting as you or Lyra’s. So it’s not a good listen,” he responded with smiling softly, waving his hoof trying to avoid the topic.

“Oh come on, it can’t be that bad. Come on tell us,” Lyra said, making a set of puppy dog eyes at him, begging him to let out his secret.

“Oh no. That does not work on me. I have two daughters and they have pretty much made me immune to that sugar coated ploy to reveal stuff they do not have to know. Especially Dinky,” he commented being firm with Lyra, who chuckled at him.

“Alright then, what about you Rainbow?” Lyra asked looking up at the hovering pegasus above her. Rainbow gave a cocky smirk and landed next to the group, walking with her proud stance.

“Well, I want to join the Wonderbolts and every pony knows you need to be a god like flier, awesome and pretty radical to join them, but then again, you also need to be part of the Militia, so I jump on the wagon as soon as I could, and they tend to look at smaller communities too, choosing from those they find good with their wings,” she proudly told them, flaring her wings out and grinning, “And with these beauties, I’m a sure win to get in if they ever come by Ponyville again.”

Twilight rolled her eyes, “You also have to have finished school to have a chance at getting into the Wonderbolts. You remember that part too right?” she reminded her quietly.

“Even so, they wouldn’t pass up the chance like me to improve their team, so why would they worry about that little detail?” she added, taking off again, flying ahead, “I’m gonna get Fluttershy for company so she doesn’t freak out about seven ponies arriving at her door at eight in the morning.”

Thor nodded, and before Twilight could protest, she was gone.

“Great,” Twilight grumbled, “Rainbow rushing ahead to get something done quickly when it should take some time to do it properly.”

“Don’t worry Twilight, just means I’ll make our pace slower, so that she has to slow down to keep with us,” Thor said with a chuckle, “I figured she’d be get some energy wasted now so that she could work with us at a more comfortable pace then being on the verge of exploding from boredom.”

“I never thought...” Twilight started, before grinning, “You’re just as good as I remember you being Thor. How’s Moljnir?”

“Good, we’re getting married in a month’s time,” he proudly said, grinning like a little school filly who got her first kiss. Twilight and Lyra gasped, congratulating him on the wedding, which made Thor blush, “Beleive it or not, Moljnir was the one who proposed. She was getting tired of me putting it off, and decided to pop the question on our fifth year aniverasry...”

Lyra sighed happily, then giggled, “Maybe I’ll finally be able to convince Bonbon about that thought I had a week ago, simply by telling her this story.”

“Doubtful, but still, give it a shot,” Thor said with a chuckle. His head turned slightly, looking at the clock mechanic with a grin, “Now you have to tell us a story, okay?”

The Doctor grumbled loudly before sighing, “It it makes you happy, I shall. I met Ditzy or Derpy as you know her, when I came to Ponyville for the first time,” he began before delving into the topic of how they got close, began to date, and eventually married. Twilight listened closely, enjoying the new details of the two’s life that she had never known before. Before, Ditzy had normal eyes, and was one of the town’s most dedicated workers, though she still retained the latter.

“So how did you end up in the Militia?” Lyra asked, poking at the pony beside her softly. He sighed gently.

“About a year before Dinky was born, there was an accident, and Ditzy’s eyes became crossed. She could still work and being of assistance to one another, but, she did have to cut back her hours for quite some time,” Doctor said wincing. Twilight, falling back to walk beside him bore a worried look as he continued, “I was still able to hold up the income for the most part. Until that is, about eight months before Dinky was born. That’s when I learned we were having yet another foal.”

“That was the breaking point though, wasn’t it?” Twilight asked concerned.

“Yes it was. Normally, I would have gone to my partner but he was having his own financial problems, as well as paying for his son to go to university. I couldn’t turn to the community since, well, I was a clock repair colt. I had a constant income rate and requests. Ditzy, or Derpy as she was being referred to as now by some ponies, was working again, but I knew that was going to last too much longer, with the foal on her way and all. Sparkler, who was just starting high school, was getting an apprenticeship under Gem Eye, and though a bit of money came from there, it was not going to be enough. So I bit my tongue one night thinking of my options and well, though Ditzy didn’t want me too, I forced myself to sign up for the militia. Sure it gave me the income I needed, but it was the militia.”

“You see it as a bad thing that you’re in the Militia?” Carmel asked quietly, a confused expression on his face. The Doctor nodded solidly.

“It’s stupid really, since most ponies in it, beside Big Mac and the apples like yourself Carmel, are there because of some financial situations or lack of a job. Sure, you’re not in a standing army like the Prench or Prussian or even the Galastrians, but you can be asked to go anywhere in Equestria if it’s bad enough. I don’t want to leave my dear all alone like that...”

Twilight got his reason now, as did everypony else in the group. He didn’t want to leave his love and children behind for months on end. Twilight thought about it for a moment, wondering what it was like for her parents to do that too her when she was at the School for Gifted Unicorns, not being able to see her all that often. She wondered what her parents felt like, even with seeing her every weekend of the year.

“I can understand,” Lyra said, “even though my mother got mad at me for dropping everything and coming out here, I do really miss my parents. I’ve only been here for a year and a half, and not a day goes by I don’t think about going to see my mother and father in Canterlot, or just to get Bonbon to move with me back there, though I know that’s not going to happen.” She chuckled before grinning, “But you also got to remember, that’s the point of this. The militia is almost never called upon or used since anything major is dealt with the royal guard or the everyday pony right?”

“All except a war,” the Doctor replied sharply, before sighing, “I think I’m just in a bad mood about all this. Sorry if I’m dampening yo-”

“Nonsense,” Thor spoke up, silencing the clock worker with a grin on his face, “having that kind of opinion is a good thing. You’re worried for your family so it’s okay to share it with others. I’d rather have that then have somepony who bottles up all their problems inside them then shuns everyone around them simply because they can’t ask for help.”

“I guess you’re right.”

“Good. Now let’s focus on the task at hoof, since we are here,” Thor said, pointing to where Rainbow Dash was hovering. A butterscotch pegasus stood outside the door nodding at Rainbow Dash gently, though shied back as she saw the group of ponies arriving at the small bridge to her home.

“Good morning, Miss Shy,” Thor exclaimed as he walked across causing the timid pegasus to ‘eep’ softly and shrink back from the group as they approached.

“Oh um, hello, mister royal guard sir,” she gingerly spoke, just above a soft whisper.

“Oh please just call me Thor. Has Miss Dash informed you of what is going on?” he asked politely as the rest of the group formed a small group behind him. Twilight watched carefully, looking at Rainbow who had now landed on the group.

“She has told me about, oh this terrible, terrible situation of a war, and that you were coming, but that is all...”

Fluttershy, being as she was now backed up as she finished, trying to keep away from the group of unfamiliar ponies. Twilight smiled at her, which gave her some confidence to stay close to them, though she felt it may be futile.

“Yes, well, I have been given these ponies, under Captain Odin’s orders that we will be patrolling this area near the forest for the time being. As such, I’ll stop by once every day to check in on you and your guests as they were,” he said motioning to the group of small critters that stood in the window. Fluttershy nodded slowly, backing up a few paces again.

“Would it be alright if I left somepony here for the day though?”

She froze and stared at him worried.

“I, well, I’m not so sure about that but, I mean, I guess you ca-” she near whispered out before being silenced by Thor turning and looking at Big Macintosh, grinning.

“You are staying here with this fine young filly, Mister Apple,” he said before looking back at Fluttershy, “Now if you’ll excuse the rest of us, we should be getting to Everfree forest and any nearby residences there. Come along.”

Twilight looked at Macintosh who was trying to formulate a response but Thor didn’t seem to care about the moving mouth trying to form the sentence. He started back off to the road, with Lyra, Carmel and the Doctor looking at him confused, before following behind him. Rainbow Dash gave Twilight a shrug as she flew past her, going off to catch up with the unicorn. Twilight looked at Fluttershy, who was also fumbling for words before Thor called for Twilight to catch up. She looked between the two Pony’s who were looking for help, but she rushed away, trying to get away from the awkwardness that had been placed there.


Celestia listened to the lords and nobles banter and argue, while Empress stood holding firm on her arguments. However, Admiral Wishing Rain was just as firm in holding his ground.

It had been a good hour of arguing and proposition’s that caused many of the lords yelling out in support or disgust for the ideas. And for the most part of the ordeal, it had been a roundabout conversation.

Frostmane would suggest something to the lords, and Wishing Rain would either fling mud at her, counter with a just as worthy suggestion, or both. Lords were also beginning to bargain with one another, trying to convert others to the leader they supported.

Celestia, for being a Princess of Equestria for the past thousand years, despised politics though it was necessary. Lords were greedy, prideful, or deceiving, and on the rare occasion they weren’t any of those, they were more focused on helping the provinces they were charged with caring for.

And it was the same case here as well.

Most were more concern with other matters then the war. And those who arrived after a time from the airship were playing at the thoughts of joining this Admiral, and the few who seemed to be on the verge of leaving the Empresses support seemed more concern for their own safe keeping then for the prevention of the war.

“Now,” the stallion called, waving his hoof at where the two clan lords sat, “The two lords here, would be ever so thoughtful if you supported me, as I can promise more land and hunting rights. Respectively of course. All I ask for i-”


“A what?” Wishing Rain asked, looking at the gruff griffon, “What as that Clan lord Iron-Claw?”

“He said no, Wishing Rain, and that is my answer as well,” the yellow dragon-kin stated, smirking at the now increasingly angered pegasus. Wishing Rain sharply looked the Qilin, snarling slightly before looking at the three Admirals between them. Two of them shook their heads firmly no, while the third, his personal lackey nodded to support him.

Frostmane, much to Celestia’s surprise, had remained quiet. She didn’t offer anything to the one stallion that had supported the usurper, and even let him begin promising items of interest to the knight lords who sat beside them. Celestia looked at Frostmane, who stood quietly behind the speaking Admiral had flared her wings open, an unpleasant look upon her face. She looked to the door as it open, as did the rest of the room.

The two general’s, General Earthshaker and High-General Shadow Sword crisply entered, beginning to walk across to their appointed seats.

“Truth be told, I am surprised that anypony would support Empress Frostmane, though Imperial High-General Shadow Sword must either be a fool or a admirable fellow. Though I am surprised that the High-General is in some way in bed with the Empress,” Wishing sharply put as Shadow stepped past him. He didn’t break a step, moving up beside to the Empress and standing next to her, his eyes firm and unbroken.

“And why is that a problem lord-admiral?” Shadow inquired, his eyes locking on the pegasus.

“Well its either that she is a whore to you and some other imperial order members, or your relationship is the reason for your position General,” he replied, smirking gently, “Or is that the truth?”

“Imperial law does not allow that and the Empress would no-”

“And in what way would she be so pure to follow all the rules of the imperial code and law? No one is so pure or naive to believe that, and she most certainly not the most law abiding pony in the room. If anything, she should be arrested for breaking some of the laws,” he stated, beginning to rant at the room, some of which cause Celestia want to rise up and cry out in anger. The pony next to her who she learned was named Lord Von Kindle, put his hoof out infront of her, keeping her still.

“This is deplorable, mindless slander. It’s so childish, and we should put a stop to this,” she hissed at him. The lord, a stallion of great intelligence, shook his in disapproval.

“I agree, but it happens, and you can’t put your hoof down. It will make her seem weaker.”

It was the truth too, and as Wishing Rain continued to slander her with words of disapproval and mockery, she kept herself composed, allowing the stallion to abuse his apparent power.

The room finally looked at the Empress as she closed her wings, cause the admiral to stutter and stop.

“I implore that, out of respect, you stop your mindless slandering of the imperial orders,” she began, her voice shaking slightly, “As you have no right to assume such statements.”

“Assume? So they are not true though you and High-General Shadow Sword are often seen in the gardens together?” Wishing Rain questioned, looking back at to lords again.

“No. To assume that promotions are give based on relationships. Then again, figuring out how a weasel such as you came to such an important position is beyond me.”

Wishing Rain opened his mouth to speak before closing it again, looking back at the Empress with a sharp glare. Some of the lords began to murmur, while the imperial officers looked at the Admiral for his response.

“A weasel? Is that the best you have Frost?” the admiral began to chuckle, smiling. She smiled back, looking at the stallion.

“No, but I will contain my thoughts on a traitor for the time being,” she said looking back to the lords and cleared her throat, “My good gentle colts and fillies, if you find it as such that your leadership should be changed right now, I ask you to hesitate. If we go to war with a newly changed leader, who is a military leader himself, then we risk a loss beyond that which we’ve ever had. Galastria will be conquered by Prance.”

The room seemed to shudder for a moment, while Wishing Rain glanced at the empress, who continued, “My father, as great as he was, knew that a leader like himself could not put you through another war with Prance. He knew that you were scared and broken from the war seventeen years prior to this. He knew that, with him stepping down, he hoped you’d finally unify and completely follow your country to greater things. Yes I have not been the greatest leader.”

“She admits to the fact that she is not a good leader,” Wishing Rain growled loudly.

“But my father was, and if you had faith in him, have faith in me,” she finished looking at the lords and generals. Some were nodding, while other sat staring at their empress, dumbfounded. Finally an admiral rose from the front, reaching for his blade. His wings flared open, lifting him over the naval desk, and glared at the empress.

“I will not stand for this, my lord deserves what is rightfully his,” the Admiral stated. He began to move towards the empress, firm pace as he glared at his intended target. She looked at him, backing up as many of the lords grabbed their weapons to stop him.

It was done for them as white ropes of magic lashed out from the ground and grasped the Pegasus. Many n the room froze, looking for who had cast the spell. The front row members of the council were standing, looking at Admirals now. Shadow sword, clenched his blade in his mouth, leapt forward towards the nameless admiral. He was stopped as well, by the same spell.

“And I will not stand for any of that in these hallowed halls,” a tall qilin called from the door, stepping in followed by a dozen guards and some other personal. Celestia moved to stand only to have this new member of the court wave to remain seated, “Please don’t. You’re in the best place you can be, goddess of the sun. I promise you’ll not have to worry about a thing.”

“General Shao. What an unexpected surprise to have you arrive now,” Wishing Rain said, glancing at the red qilin, who stepped into the room slowly. He looked back at the Empress, who stared at him in distrust, “I admit defeat Empress, and you will keep yo-”

“Sky Admiral Wishing Rain, commander and lord of the Agaxian protectorate fleet, you are under-arrest,” Shao interrupted as he stepped towards him, “For conspiracy to over throw the Golden Throne of Galastria, and those under its domain and protection.”

The pegasus stopped, and looked at the General dismissively, “Oh posh, there’s no evidence of-”

Something was dropped on the floor in front of the admiral that causes him to stop and look at the general with fear. The ringing clang of metal on stone filled the room, causing some to strain to look at what was happening.

“Inquisitor Veritas found that in your study, while commissar’s Krieg and Just found this stallion trying to escape to you back store rooms of your home,” he continued, using one of his clawed hooves to wave in some additions. Two stallions dressed in crisp black storm cloaks and peaked caps with crosses sabers entered, dragging in a stallion battered and bruised. The admiral’s face turned from fear to horror as the stallion was dragged in and dropped before him, the two political officers standing on either side of him.

The stallion looked up and seeing the admiral before him as he began to weep gently, realizing what was happening.

“I do not know this stallion, I swear on my life, I do not know him,” Wishing rain began to exclaim backing up. Celestia could see that Shao wasn’t buying a word of what he was saying now.

“You were assisted by the Prench leader to over throw our Empress, and to make it easier for them to take our lands, weren’t you?” Shao pressed, causing some of the knights to stand up and growl one having grabbed his blade.

“Treacherous bastard!” A lord screamed.

In the increased fury that came from the lords, the griffon which had supported Wishing Rain took off, breaking for the door way.

“Stop him! He is guilty as well,” Shao stated, as two unicorns slammed the griffon to the ground with a spell, “He agreed to the idea of the Prench taking power, at the gain of his clan expanding in power.”

The room began to roar out with anger and disgust, having been played by the Admiral and his lackey’s, calling the lords who had supported him fools and traitors alike. Celestia watched in horror as lords began to pull at the two stallions, and griffon, who was pinned to the floor, struggled to stand as a few lords spat on it.

“Silence!” some pony called, their voiced echoing out loudly, causing the lords to fall still and silent, looking back at the qilin.

“They, and the young admiral here, are not guilty, only fooled into a false sense of belief. Do not blame them for supporting him. Though the will be punished accordingly for their belief none-the-less.”

There was a brief moment of silence before Shao released Shadow Sword and the admiral. The pegasus, locked in disbelief fell to the ground, shocked at the revelations now being shown to him. Shadow Sword grumbled something, and then looked at the Wishing Rain, still struck with horror that he and his fellow member had been discovered.

“Guards, take him to the stockade for processing, and then prepare him for his sentence in the imperial courts,” Shadow ordered, three guard-ponies rushing forward and locking him up, while other grabbed the fallen stallion on the ground, dragging him off as he screamed something in Prench.

Celestia knew it as mercy.

Wishing Rain was starting to be dragged off as well as a few guards moved up to the griffon, who flared his wings open again, forcing his way out for the spell and grabbed a nearby weapon.

“For my clan!” it screeched, diving at the Empress. She was shoved out the way by a push of magic, and the few officers standing moved to fight the assaulting griffon, only to have him stopped by Iron-Claw darting up into the air after him, causing him squawk sharply as he was grabbed by the large clan lord and thrown at the marble floor below them.

Celestia was horrified by this display, her royal guard moving with shocking speed to the flying clan lord. They fluttered around him as he flew down and stood on the griffons wings with one of his talons, with the other firmly clasped around its neck. Coughs and gasps for air could be heard as he began to choke the griffon.

“You dishonour us, traitor. You have no right to be known to us anymore. And you will parish as is our laws demand,” Iron-Claw stated, before crushing the smaller griffons neck in his talons. There was a single outcry of disgust.

Celestia turned to Von Kindle, looking for help with her horrified expression. He looked at her, and shook his head again.

“The griffon clans, though Galastrian, hold some hefty prices for murder and acts of treason,” he finally explained, the last gasps for air dying off. Iron-Claw released him shortly thereafter, before grabbing the blade the traitor had grabbed and thrust it firmly into his chest, before turning to the empress.

“Forgive me of my transgressions my lady, I have spilt blood onto the floor of the court,” he stated offering his own blade to the empress, who moved her hoof to handle and pressed it back towards him.

“You were in every right. Your laws demanded it, and I would have had it no other way,” she said quickly. Iron bowed lower, thanking the Empress, before he returned to his seat, “Now, I must ask you for the obvious answer. Do we still go to war?”

A cheer roused out of the room of lords, shooting their hooves into the air.

“And shall we fight the Prench as we have fought them before?”

Another cheer of approval came.

“Good. Very good. There is but one more matter, and that is, our lovely southern neighbors, the Equestrians, who are also in this with us,” Frost began, pointing a hoof at Celestia, “They hold almost no military, and they are in this with us. I ask you, dearly and truthfully, will we protect them and help them?”

Once more a cheer, and as it did, Frostmane Sudderspark smiled happily at their decision to fight. She bowed gently to the lords, fillies and imperial officers, before turning towards Celestia and waving a hoof for her to follow.

They left the room, a lords beginning to file out of their seats and leave, prepare what tasks they had. Celestia noted how routine it seemed for them, but still couldn’t shake the fact of the griffon being killed so brutally in the room before others. It was so wrong and unjust. Beside her, Frostmane walked, watching her with worried eyes before glancing at the floor. Behind the two leaders walked their guards, Celestia’s remaining Royal Guard, while a dozen or so imperial escorts followed behind Frostmane.

“I’m sorry,” she stated, pulling Celestia out of her world of dismay, “I should have stopped that but, it is our laws and orders. The griffon clans hold some different laws then us, as do the Dragon-kin clans.”

Celestia didn’t speak for a moment, taking in what she had just said, before looking at the small pegasus with a false smile.

“I’m not sure how to tell you this, but you did do a wonderful job in there,” Celestia stated, “and you didn’t call me forward to help you out either.”

“Well I didn’t have too, since it seemed I convinced you, who appears as a goddess to the lords in the room, to stay by my side,” Frost said matter of fact like, raising her head up slightly, “Kind of like divine intervention.”

Celestia didn’t know what to say. She was a tool for the moment, and though she had been vaguely informed before hoof, she was surprised at how cunning Frost could be.

“There is one thing I do need to ask you for though. I know I shouldn’t but it may be helpful in the long run,” Frost began, stopping at a window that viewed the city beyond the palace. Celestia stopped and looked at her carefully, wondering what it could be for, “You said you had militia correct? I need to know if you would allow us to select possible candidates and train them for war.”

The proposition was unnerving for Celestia to hear, and she knew what it could spell out for the ponies under her rule.

“Why would you want to do that?” Celestia questioned. Frostmane sighed sharply.

“The lords may not support us deploying in your country otherwise. We have offered to help, yes but it means they may look for return on their investment.”

“Political gains, though I don’t see why we can’t offer up metal and other material like that. Far more valuable is it not?”

“Yes and no. During munition and weapon shortages, yes. We have plenty though, and we do have the protectorates we defend to gain that type of resource from. What they would want it dedicated pony-power. Stallions, mares, mules, donkeys, pegasi, unicorns, and all types of ponies. Because that cannot be reclaimed or restored at any time,” Frost explained. Celestia already knew that, but didn’t stop her. She didn’t want too, but she knew why she would. War killed. She had seen it when her nation was an empire, and the army was called the Legions of the Sun, and how even with the best of resources and strategies, ponies still died.

“I will let you do it, as long as they are trained by the best, supplied with the best, and see as little as possible with the war or fronts. Those three things are my only requests.”

“I can garintee the first two. The third will depend on what the generals need or do. Or the Admirals, if they are pegasi.”

Celestia moved away from the window with Frost, starting down the echoing hallway. It didn’t matter now, since that was all that could be said. She was devoting some of her militia to Galastia’s war effort, for their protection, and because of that she was in an uncomfortable position.

“Damned if you do, and damned if you don’t.”

“What?” Celestia asked looking at Frost, who had a rather grim look on her face.

“These kinds of days, with war and all that, I guess you’re damned if you don’t, and damned if you do,” Frostmane stated, “I can understand why you were hesitant about doing that, but, sometimes that’s what has to be done, right?”

“I can understand, as your ancestor’s did 743 years ago,” she said smiling. They both looked down the hall to see the appoarching Grand-masters of the orders, causing the Empress to sigh sharply.

“They are not my ancestors though,” Frostmane said smirking, “They are different to me, and I bear only the title the same as them. I must also assume that you will make for Canterlot soon?”

Celestia nodded softly, “I do need to inform the families of the lost, as well as prepare for the worse, though I have one more thing to ask of you Frost...”

“Ask away.”

(okay sorry for the long wait their guys but I kinda got busy with life and a writers block for this. I'm sorry if theres any mistakes or stuff in here, since I got the first part of this down back in Jaunary and had a freeze up until last Thursday. I wanted to get this out before anything got to hecktic and I forgot about it once more. If there are any problems you spot, please tell me.)