• Published 13th Jul 2019
  • 7,058 Views, 243 Comments

Son of a Dragon - The Bricklayer

Adopted by a dragon couple instead of by the Sparkle family, Spike's life was set to take a very different course indeed...

  • ...

15: Recovery

Thorax let out a soft moan as the light returned. No no, Pharynx. It wasn’t time for everybug to wake up yet. Wait wait wait, this wasn’t the hive. And oh… Oh dear Hivemother there was a frog in his bed! An actual frog!

Okay okay, where was he? Okay, so he was in a castle, he knew that much. There were sounds around him, swamp sounds. Crickets, frogs, and… wait, was that singing? Oh, that was sorta hypnotic wasn’t it? It was almost like… oh by the Hivemother it was! A siren, an actual honest to Hivemother siren! Wait wait wait, back up a bit. Spike said he knew a siren, so that meant…

Hum, okay then. So he was at Spike’s, wherever that was. Dragonlands? Probably. Where exa… okay, so he mentioned a swamp. A swamp with a magical enchantment over it where everybody spoke in haikus.

“Infested castle
A sweet changeling awakes
in spite of the frogs…”

Ah, okay, yes, there it was. There was one of the haikus Spike had mentioned. Okay, up and at ‘em. Was that the saying? Okay, slow steps forward. Regain your balance and… oh, there we go. There we go, floor’s coming up fast! Annnnnnnnnd darkness again.

A few moments pass, or was that a few hours?

Awake again, okay then. So, a bit too love-starved to be really up and moving about for the most part. Regain your strength, and then and only then do you get out of bed. All skin and bones right now. Even spending time in the Crystal Empire, alight with love as it is, was basically pointless if nobody lets you have some of their love. You could take it, sure, but that’s not you is it?

It’s… cruel, it’s wrong. It’s basically violating someone! And you know all about being violated, don’t you?

“He’s traumatized, I know that much,” Spike said over a potion call later that morning. Nearby, sheep’s meat cooked over a fire pit. The crackle of the flames provided an odd tranquility, which Spike needed as his thoughts raced. They worried over Thorax, and what possibly could have been done to him. Him and his people. “He’s quiet, nervous, and fairly skittish. When I first met him, Thorax? He looked ready to bolt.”

“Well, to be fair, you are a big dragon,” Cynder pointed out, grinding her blade up against a millstone. Sparks flew and the sound of pounding metal was heard in the background along with the crackle of flames. “Changeling or no, anyone would be scared of you at your size.”

“Changelings?” Eldrid said waddling into view, the elder dragon carrying a potion in hand. What he was doing there, Spike could only guess. Probably providing his mom more of those exploding crystals that she liked so much. Agh, it really wasn’t any of his business anyhow. He had more important things to ponder. As ever, Eldrid was… excitable. In his own unique way, he brought a bit of levity to an otherwise worrisome situation. “Oh, I’ve always wanted to study changelings. See what makes them tick? Like, how do they… well, change. Is it a conservation of magical energy type of thing, or is it something more?”

Cynder quickly shoved Eldrid off. “I’m quite sure poor Thorax doesn’t need you poking and prodding at him, you big green galoot!” she barked before turning back to her son. “Listen, just take it slow okay? I can’t imagine spending time under Queen Chrysalis is good for anyone’s psyche…”

“I… I gathered. Thanks, mom,” Spike said before closing the call and taking a deep long sigh. “So Thorax, what do I do? How can I help you? Please, just let me help you. What did Chrysalis do to you?”

He, for a brief moment, wondered if he’d bitten off more than he could chew. No, no, Spike corrected himself. Thorax needed his help, and so he would give it. Just leaving him hanging like that… that was just as bad as leaving him with Chrysalis.

He sighed again. How could a ruler even do that to their own people, just ration off the very thing they needed to survive? No, it was more than that. Chrysalis was hoarding all the love for herself. It was simply amazing her hive wasn’t dying on its feet already. Or maybe it was, and Thorax wasn’t telling the whole story. Oh, okay. One problem at a time. Help Thorax first, then worry about a tyrant in need of deposing.

Was it even his place to deal with Chrysalis, Spike wondered. Was it a good idea to even get involved? Helping Thorax was one thing, but he was talking about invading another nation entirely. There would be a political shitstorm of cataclysmic proportions if he didn’t handle this right.

Spike was amazed he had thought this through this much to begin with. Thorax was just a friend, yeah he was in need of a helping hand but this… This was different. Invading another nation entirely was going a bit beyond just helping a friend. The dragons certainly had the manpower to do it, but would they want to get involved? Would they want to risk their own hides for a nation they were barely even aware of? The ponies certainly wouldn’t. They would, at best, think Thorax a one-off. The black sheep -haha!- of his hive and that would be that.

More than that, he was a father to be. He had eggs on the way. He couldn’t just drop everything to help Thorax’s people. He needed to think realistically here. Chrysalis hadn’t stood unopposed for decades without reason. She had anti-dragon measures in place most likely. Lady Tiamat, for all he knew she knew the same spell as Gnasty Gnorc. As soon as Spike or anyone else for that matter breached Changeling airspace, he could turn into a gem, drop like a stone and shatter to pieces.

Spike slid back against the castle wall. Tiamat, what a mess!

The hive could hardly be described as a friendly place, if anything it was the exact opposite. Calling it a dog eat dog world was hardly inaccurate. It was like a maze, actually, constantly changing. Constantly twisting and turning and remaking itself. That was the true horror of it, and exactly why it had never been conquered. Not once.

After all, if you were an invading army that continuously got separated, how could you destroy the hive? No, it would be all too easy to separate you from your comrades and then cut you down to size. Rooms that could seal themselves off, gravity that seemingly took a mind of its own. Bridges that crumbled beneath. Remnants of an ancient sorcerer’s dark magic, stolen and repurposed.

It would only be if you had a changeling as your guide that you would make it through this maze alive. And that was, of course, presuming you knew how to face Queen Chrysalis in her own domain. Because if you somehow made it to her throne room, there was no guarantee you’d leave. Assuming she didn’t flay you alive, and string you up, chances are you’d probably get repurposed as her own personal sex toy. She was like that. The sex toy option was generally considered a more merciful fate.

For a small given amount of mercy anyways. After all, you couldn’t even say you were treated well if Chrysalis considered letting you live. It was you being tossed in a cell to rot and being called for when you were needed. A girl had to get her kicks somehow, after all!

As for Thorax, well he knew his way around the hive by heart. As every changeling did. He had long since resigned himself to his fate. He was born here, and he was going to die here.

Chrysalis was in an unusual amount of fury today. Even more so than usual. Every changeling in the hive knew why, though none dared to voice the exact reason. She had been defeated, humiliated even. By six ponies and to add insult to injury the very power of love she sought to steal! The plan had nearly gone off without a hitch, aside from one small bookworm she’d dismissed as inconsequential.

Thorax would have laughed had he not known Chrysalis was probably listening. Turns out, failing to research your targets led to consequences. After all, if the pony you posed as just so happened to be the personal babysitter of Celestia’s personal student… well then! Should Chrysalis have been so surprised that she recognized her for what she was?

Thorax found himself called to the throne room. His brother, Pharynx, gave him a look of pity, or was that perhaps envy? Thorax’s heart sank, he knew exactly what he was in for.

There she was, laying on her throne. Chrysalis, queen of the hive. Queen of all that was.

“Well, good to see you know how to follow orders, drone 3756,” Chrysalis said, slinking towards him like some large cat. Thorax knew that she knew his name, she just cared not to mention it. “Now perhaps you can follow these. Attend to me…”

She leered at him with a predatory grin, and pounced.

Thorax woke up in a sweat, his heart pounding like a drum. His eyes darted right and left just to check and see if Chrysalis was there, waiting in the shadows. He took several short sharp breaths. He was fine, he was safe. This was not the hive. This was Spike’s castle, the home of his friend.

Memories, that’s all they were. Memories of a life he’d left behind.

“She’s a monster…” Thorax thought to himself as he slowly, but steadily rose to his feet. Casting the sheets aside, he was surprised when he didn’t fall flat on his face. Then he noticed it, the pink mist shimmering faintly in the air. Eyes widening briefly in realization, Thorax knew what had happened.

Perhaps subconsciously, he had been stealing Spike’s love from him. He… he had violated Spike’s trust in him! He had… Again, Thorax took several short breaths to calm himself. It was okay, this was okay. It wasn’t something that could be helped. This house was a home, it was filmed with warmth and light. It was filled with what could only be described as a great love. A tenderness. Spike cared for his mate just as he cared deeply for him.

Love… yes, love. Thorax wasn’t quite sure what he felt for Spike just yet. Before, he had been swallowed in darkness. He felt like he was drowning, with no way to claw himself back up to the surface. Then came a light in his life, Spike, who was so willing to share his great love for his friends with him.

Huh, friendship. That was something Thorax had never known before. He decided he’d liked it. He’d always wanted friendship back in the hive, but he could never really know it. At best, his fellow drones could only treat him like an acquaintance.

Now he was somewhere different, where he was loved and accepted. But… but what would Spike think of him if he knew? What would he think of him if he knew how he was unable to fend off Chrysalis. That he, at the very first chance he got, turned and ran from his hive -his family!- like a coward. Oh Hivemother, his family. Pharynx… He’d simply left him there to Chrysalis’ advances.

Then again, Pharynx seemed to like it there. ...Didn’t he? Didn’t he? But then again, he may not have known there was a life outside the hive walls. Did a slave truly know he was a slave if he was enslaved?

And it was slavery for the changelings. Chrysalis -he would never call her by her title, not again- saw them as pawns. Nothing more than tools of conquest. Not that they knew this, and frankly? That was the most frightening thought of all.

In any event, Thorax found himself wandering through the keep’s hallways, frogs croaking out their songs in the background, strange creatures calling out of the gloom. The floorboards creaked underneath him with every step, torches lighting up on their own. Thorax had heard rumors of a wizard once taking up residence here before he had been ousted by Spyro in his quest to free the Forgotten Realms from the evils of the Sorceress. Evidently, traces of his magic still remained in the air.

It was different compared to that of her magic, less vile to the taste. There were still hints of evil, but little by little they’d begun to fade. Thorax knew this was due to Spike and his mate taking up residence here, filling the air with more positive Beast Makers magic.

He could almost taste it. The sound of sizzling meat caught his attention, and Thorax followed the sounds. He found himself in what could only be the kitchen, a truly massive leg of lamb cooking over a fire pit. Green flames roasted it on a spit as it slowly turned.

“Bit much for breakfast isn’t it?” Thorax asked as Spike continuously added to the flames every now and then, walking around the firepit dressed in an apron. “I mean, I know you dragons eat a lot but… It’s a bit much isn’t it?”

“I’m a growing drake!” Spike said in an almost whiny tone of voice before Smolder peeked her head in. She was a little bit pudgier than normal -not that anyone was going to mention this- for fairly obvious reasons.

“No, you’ve grown enough,” Smolder said, having yet to take notice of Thorax. “There’s only one dragon allowed to snag a bit of extra food off the table and that’s me. I’m sharing this body now, remember?”

“Still doesn’t give you an excuse to be a pig about it…” Spike muttered, and Smolder twitched. Evidently, she had heard him.


Spike nervously -and perhaps wisely- backtracked. “Hey Thorax, have you met my wife?”

“...I’m still recovering my hearing from that shout of hers, so yes,” Thorax deadpanned, his wings buzzing idly. “D-Do you mind not doing that again? It… it reminds me of her.”

Smolder looked confused for a moment before she facepalmed. Of course. She walked over to her new castle mate and put an arm around the bug-pony. In a rather uncharacteristic show of warmth, she said: “It’s okay, you’re safe here. She can’t touch you here. As soon as you arrived, I had a friend put up anti-changeling wards. The only way one could get in is if they were invited, like you.”

Thorax’s eyes were wet with tears, wiping them away he embraced Smolder in a hug. “T-Thank you!”

“She’ll never be able to touch you again…” Smolder soothed, stroking Thorax’s chitlin and holding him close, letting him soak in her love. And little by little, Thorax felt his strength begin to return…

Love, true love of any sort was of an absence in the hive. Thorax knew this. They all knew this. Any love found was stolen and hoarded away by Chrysalis. Everyone had to scrounge what they could, taking routine little ‘excursions’ into the pony lands, under disguises. They disguised themselves as loved ones, and just lived a life for a few days.

They lived another life for as long as they dared, and then bolted. Everyone in the hive knew of this, but they all agreed not to speak of it. At least not to Chrysalis, otherwise she would steal that love for herself.

So Thorax found himself living a lie, as the pony Roseluck in Ponyville. If her spouse, Lily of the Valley AKA Lily Valley took notice of any differences in her ‘spouse’s’ she didn’t say a word. Thorax was amazed he’d kept the lie up for this long, really. Lily was one of those anxiety-ridden ponies.

But she was… charming, a bit of a dork with her comic books actually. Just for a moment, a single moment, Thorax could lie to himself and believe he was living this life with her. But he knew in a few short days, he would have to leave and probably live another life and go through this same pain again. And then again, and then again. But for now, he was at peace.

Here he lay on her bed after a very nice home-cooked dinner and reading a comic book with her curled up under the covers. Supermare, the strange visitor from another world. And yet despite being so different to other ponies, he was so kind.

“...Dreams save us. Dreams lift us up and transform us into something better. And on my soul, I swear that until my dream of a world where dignity, honor, and justice are the reality we all share, I'll never stop fighting. Ever.”

Thorax wished he had a Supermare in his life. Someone who wouldn’t stop fighting for him. But who? Lily certainly wouldn’t, not if she knew the truth. Pharynx might fight for him if he wasn’t so caught between his loyalty to the hive and caught between his love for his brother.

Thorax didn’t know when, or how, but he knew he eventually would break free of Chrysalis’ control. He just had to. He had to have that hope and that dream.

That was then and this was now. Now he had someone to fight for him, at least that’s what he wanted to believe. But what would they think of him for being so weak? He allowed Chrysalis to take control over his life, and then… and then, Thorax thought, he fled like a coward.

“You alright Thorax?” Smolder asked in a concerned tone.

“Sorry,” Thorax mumbled nervously, shuffling his hooves. “It’s… yeah, I was just lost in thought for a moment or so there.”

If Smolder believed him was another story. Looking at Spike, well, Thorax was almost certain that he didn’t. Hivemother, he was such a damn mess.

“He’s lying,” Spike said to his wife later that night, as they took a stroll through the swamps. “He’s in pain, Smol.”

“Yeah, I sorta picked up on it myself,” Smolder admitted. “But give him time, Spike. When Thorax is good and ready, he’ll tell us everything. Roam wasn’t built in a day, and frankly, I’m amazed he trusts you so much already.”

“Well, saving him from starving to death might helped…” Spike admitted. “The way I see it, Thorax has been searching for a friend for so long that… as soon as he got one he latched onto me.”

Smolder let out a growl, and slammed a fist into her outstretched palm. Small blasts of flame jetted out from her nostrils. “Damn that bitch. Damn her to hell. Spike, you better try and stop me from storming Chrysalis’ gates, because I swear I will…”

Spike laid a calming hand on her shoulder, and another on her belly. “No, not yet,” Spike said. “Not today.”

“I can still fight!” Smolder snarled.

“But can they?” Spike pointed out looking pointedly at her belly. Smolder looked ashamed of herself and then took several deep calming breaths.

“You’re… you’re right, Mate of Mine. It’s just…” Smolder said. “Tiamat, it makes me so angry that… that mare is oppressing her own people and we can’t do a single thing about it. Not unless we want to navigate a political minefield! So we’re just supposed to sit here on our asses and just basically twiddle our thumbs!”

“I know…” Spike said holding her close. “I know…”

Again, Thorax found himself wandering the halls. Aimlessly this time, with no real sense of purpose aside from getting the lay of the land if you will. Not for the first time, Thorax couldn’t help but observe how completely different this keep felt compared to Chrysalis’ hive.

The castle was dark and sorta dank but wasn’t completely oppressing. Thorax simply couldn’t get enough of how much of a light there was about the place. He didn’t know how else to put it, really. He felt like he finally had a home.

The corridors got warmer, and Thorax raised an eyebrow in curiosity. He hadn’t felt something like this since… Oh. Oh. Ohhhhhhhh… Of course!

Walking into the room confirmed his suspicions. Sure enough, a nest had been built out of mud, leaves, and whatever else Spike and Smolder could find. A perfect little nesting ground to raise their kids. Thorax could feel the sheer love about the room, it was nearly overwhelming. He hissed out of habit, a forked tongue flicking out of his mouth like that of a snake’s.

“Oh yeah, sure, that’ll make people welcome you into their home,” Thorax thought in self-derision. “Have a snake-tongue. Though granted, I have heard certain types are into that sort of thing so… Your mileage may vary, right?”

And so there he sat, soaking in whatever love he could. His mind turned back to the Hive, and his last days in it…

Thorax knew he had to leave soon, just looking Chrysalis in the eye was becoming nearly unbearable. It… yeah, he couldn’t do it any longer. His stomach churned and he felt sick with himself.

The way she touched him, he knew it was wrong. He visibly shuddered at the reminder. But where could he go? Out there, into the wilds? He would hardly be welcomed in any town, and he could live a life for a few days but eventually… he’d be found out. He’d be chased from that town with pitchforks and torches assuming they didn’t kill him outright.

He had… he had… Again, Thorax took several deep breaths to calm himself. No use in having an out and out panic attack in the middle of the hive for all to see. He’d be seen as weak. Well, weaker anyways. He was already thought to most as Pharynx’s runty little brother. Hell, Thorax was half certain that Pharynx was ashamed of him for almost never contributing to the hive’s overall food supply.

But how could he? Just stealing love from others, it was… it was wrong!

He cast a glance out to his fellow changelings, going about their day to day lives. Blind, perhaps willingly so to just what they were doing. What they were standing for. And he couldn’t hate them for it, he could only pity them. For the first time in what felt like ages, Thorax felt like he had his eyes opened to what a horrible position his people were in. His mind was made up. He needed to go out and find help. Get away from this place.

He needed to be careful about this though, Chrysalis could never know.

So under cover of darkness, he gathered what little things he owned and while everyone was sleeping… he fled. He fled through the corridors and fled to the outside world. He could taste it, freedom.

But just as he passed the final guardpost, he heard a voice.

“I should have known this was coming,” Pharynx’s voice rumbled and Thorax’s heart nearly stopped. This was it, then. Pharynx was going to report him and it would all be over. And he was so damn close too!

“...guess you’re going to report this, right?” Thorax mumbled. “Chrysalis never liked deserters.”

“No, she doesn’t. Neither do I for that matter,” Pharynx rumbled and Thorax’s heart sunk. Of course. He should have known, as ever Pharynx’s loyalty to his Queen won out. “But neither do I tolerate my brother in distress.”

Thorax’s eyes widened.

“I have been paying attention you know,” Pharynx said. “It took me a little while to figure out where I stood, but… but I watched you. How you could barely meet my Queen’s eyes. It… yeah, I didn’t know how to process this. On the one hoof, you should be honored. Having sex with the Queen.”

“I should be honored!?!” Thorax roared. “She raped me Pharynx!”

“Exactly, and that cannot stand. I hadn’t realized it until recently, or maybe I just didn’t care. For whatever the reason, I… yes, Thor. Get away from here. You’re too good for this place. It shames me to be a party to what goes on in those chambers. I… I should have spoken up earlier.”

Pharynx was nearly crying now. “I don’t deserve my title as your brother.”

“You couldn’t have known,” Thorax said.

“But I should have. Maybe for the first time ever, we're seein' it eye to eye,” Pharynx went on. “I’m… trapped, brother. Between my loyalty to you and my loyalty to my hive. Maybe that’s why I tried to deny it to myself, what my Queen did to you. Hivemother above, and may she forgive me, I can’t believe I’m still calling her that. You need to get away from here, Thor. Run! Run like the wind!”

And so Thorax did, and he never looked back…

The present again. Thorax shook himself clear of those memories. He was free, he was free from her. Chrysalis could never touch him again. He had a home now, for however long it lasted.

He looked back to the nest. When it was filled with eggs, when it was a proper clutch he would protect it to the best of his ability. These kids would grow up with a proper family, a proper older brother. He’d failed his family back in the hive, he would not fail this one.

Huh, okay yeah that was new. His wings… they were glittering now. That was new. How could they… Was Spike and Smolder’s love for him changing him? Changing him into something new?

He needed to know, this bore further investigation.

“Affectionate nest
A poor, warm changeling cares
in spite of the past…” Thorax said with the haiku coming as naturally as flying to him. He could stand to live here. He really could.

“Ooooooooh, shiny wings!” a feminine voice babbled and Thorax nearly jumped out of his skin. He looked to his left and saw this massive serpentine creature peeking through a window. Her flippers rested on the windowsill. “So you’re a changeling, right? I’ve heard gossip from the fireflies that Spikey and Smol took in a new roommate. I was hoping to meet them like I seriously was! Cause I got questions! Is this like a harem kind of thing? I’ve heard dragons hoard gems, so do they hoard mates as well?”

So this was Sonata, Thorax realized. Who else could it be? She was… peppy. Infectiously so actually. In spite of himself, Thorax found himself grinning. It was hard not to when around her.

“I’m… no I’m not sure if dragons form harems or not. I’m just a friend, I think,” Thorax stuttered out nervously, trying to ignore the big sharp teeth in Sonata’s grin. “A-And anyways, not sure Spike even swings that way!”

“So you’re saying you hope he does?” Sonata asked with an all too innocent to be actually innocent sort of expression.

“I… I didn’t say that! So stop putting words in my mouth!” Thorax stammered out.

Sonata rolled onto her back, still smiling.

“Anyways, pleased to meet you, Thorax,” Sonata said. “Oh my goodness, you have no idea how nice it is to have someone to talk to besides Spike and Smolder. The fireflies won’t talk to me, not sure why really…” she said, giving a small little shrug.

Thorax declined to mention how it was maybe the fact that she was a massive sharp-toothed sea serpent. That might have had something to do with it.

“Listen, I’m going to give it to you straight,” Sonata said, looking Thorax directly in the eye as she rolled back onto her belly. That odd little red gem on her chest was glowing intensely. “We sirens, we can sense emotions like no other creature can alright? You get me?”

Thorax gave a nervous little nod of confirmation, having a feeling where this was going. “Y-Yeah?”

“I know you’re in distress, Thor,” Sonata said kindly, running a flipper along the side of his face. “You can’t keep this stuff bottled up inside, I know how much it’s hurting you.”

“H-How much do you know…?” Thorax asked worriedly.

“Just enough,” Sonata said. “Whatever happened to you… nobody deserves to go through it alone. Healing can only start when you talk about your problems. But… what do I know, eh? I’m just a girl, sweet and petite. Not like you have to listen to me, eh?”

With that, Sonata vanished back into the waters leaving only silence to reign once again.

But Thorax just knew she was right. His healing could only start once he talked to his friends -his friends! His heart simply fluttered at the notion- about all of this. He was scared to do it, yes, but he was more frightened of facing the future without his friends by his side.

“No more…” Thorax decided making a declaration to his former tormentor. “No more will I let you rule over my life… You hear me!?!”

He found Spike and Smolder sharing lunch and nervously stepped into the room. From the look on his face, both dragons knew it was something serious.

“I… I have to speak to you about something,” Thorax said, hoping to the Hivemother that his words didn’t catch themselves in his throat. It was all he wanted to do, to just turn and run and never explain any of this. But that would be letting her win wouldn’t it?

“Take your time Thorax,” Smolder said kindly. “You don’t have to explain it all right now.”

“But… But I have to, otherwise… she’ll win. You don’t know what it was like back in the hive, do you? No, of course, you don’t,” Thorax babbled his wings buzzing nervously, all senses still telling him to run for it. But he stood his ground. No more running. No more running, he told himself. “But… I’ll try and help you to understand.”

He wasn't okay, not yet. But he was getting there.

Author's Note:

Okay, so yeah... This is a dark chapter. Like, it seriously is. I had to be exceedingly delicate during all of this and well... not sure if I handled some of this correctly but I gave it the good old college try.

I wanted Thorax to feel ashamed, disgusted with himself. Like it was his fault that Chrysalis took him. That he failed the hive. Honestly, I'm not sure how many fics go into Thorax's pre-metamorphosis psyche and I wish there were more that did so. And yes, I did quote Eye to Eye in this chapter. I feel it works for this story overall, really.

Not sure how to classify Thorax, Smolder, and Spike's relationship, and really you could read it however you want. Is it familial love, or something more? Does Thorax have a one-sided crush on Spike or is it reciprocated? Honestly, I'd like to hear your thoughts on this. hint hint

Final thing I should note is why Sonata's so nice, well you can assume with her away from Adagio's influence things might have changed really.