• Published 11th Aug 2012
  • 1,965 Views, 49 Comments

I'm Not Proud Of My Special Talent - ABagOVicodin

One mare's opinion over a talent that is... less then desirable to her.

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I remember that night. Although I wasn't a pegasus, my body certainly felt like it. My bed felt like a cloud, as those feelings moved throughout my body. It felt warming, and tiring at the same time. My eyes didn't stay open for long, but I fell asleep with the biggest smile on my face. The discovery of my cutie mark had the class congratulating me, along with Ms. Cheerilee. But I always had to lie about the question over what my special talent was. The definition of my actions last night escaped me, so if I wanted to tell them, the name wasn't available. I continually lied and told everyone that writing was my special talent, and I was capable of creating stories that would help others become relaxed. It felt terrible to be lying to the teacher who encouraged me to follow my dreams and secure my special talent. My friends believed me, and although they asked from time to time if I could give them an example of such a speech, they usually forgot about it the next day and the worry disappeared.

My actions started to become routine, as I moved through school and helped my parents clean up the house. But when Luna's beautiful stars began to dot the sky with their beauty, I laid back in my bed, exhausted from the day's activities. Every night my curiosity over a mare's body grew. I wondered about the tingling sensations that moved through my body when my hooves ran down my fur. I wondered exactly why I wasn't able to hold in these tingling feelings, and why they were making me push my back hooves against the bed sheets, arch my back towards the ceiling, and make me wish to continue. My body felt like I was being inflated by a balloon of tingling feelings, and as my hoof continued its work, more questions pooled into my head. I could never remember those questions when I reached my peak, but they would reiterate themselves in my mind when I laid back down on my bed to lull myself to sleep with my right hoof.

I began to switch chores, opting out of doing the dishes and switching to doing the laundry, probably due to the activities and smells that my recent habit was creating. My parents didn't seem to notice that their growing mare was learning how to please herself, but it was understandable. The truth was probably hidden behind a large suspension of belief. Their daughter would always be pure, she would never dare to participate in actions of that nature, and if she did, she would talk to them first, right? What a funny sentiment. I didn't want to lie to my parents, but how were you supposed to talk to them about subjects such as these? If you gained your cutie mark from pleasing yourself in bed, the implications behind it were obvious. The innocence of a teenager, especially one that my parents had raised, was delicate. However due to curiosity, the innocence slowly disappeared.

My parents didn't keep any books on my actions in the house, no matter how long and far I searched the house. Although I did find a bag of oddly shaped... things. I don't really want to talk about that, but all I know is that the outfit in the bag was too big for my mother. Changing subjects. There was nothing in my house that could provide me with the answers that I needed, so I headed outside to Ponyville. Twilight Sparkle kept a large library, I would be able to borrow some of her books and possibly answer the questions that flooded through my mind throughout the previous nights. What exactly, is stress? Ms. Cheerliee never explained it to me, although she did tell me that it was a bad feeling. She didn't want to depress me, I remember that well, so she tried to sugarcoat the feeling.

My stroll throughout Ponyville was different then a walk to the grocery stands, or a favor to ask someone for my parents. I felt awkward, uncomfortable that my desire for answers was so great. A fear started to grow, that I would be unable to handle my answers. But as my eyes scanned over the body of a light blue mare, my worries disappeared. I felt that sensation in my stomach, as it slowly moved throughout my body. It was the same feeling that moved through me whenever my friends and I shared secrets on the playground. The feeling when someone moved their muzzle extremely close to yours, and whispered words into your ear that could not be repeated. Especially when the words came from a mare or colt that you were thinking about during school. That warm breath tickling your ears, the soft voice as it echoes in your ear in order to replicate twice in your thoughts, I cannot do it justice by explaining it.

The beauty of the mare's body as I looked up to her mane, and the blue and white color stood out to me. Her curvaceous body, the fact that I was staring at her back and behind. Her name escaped me, but I wanted to ask. I had to focus, and my gaze looked away, staring at the road ahead of me so that I could avoid bumping into anything. My face was red as I trotted down the road. I had absolutely nothing in my mind at the time, since I was a teenager, slowly turning into a mare, but I could tell you now the things that I would have done to her. Whoever managed to marry Colgate was a very lucky pony indeed, because that body would have Iron Will on his knees, begging to have a night with her.

As I reached Twilight Sparkle's library, the red color had completely drained from my face and I was able to talk to her, although I didn't want to get too far into a magical subject with that mare. I remember hearing somewhere that Twilight would not be quiet when it came to the magical arts, and I'm sure that it mixed in with the inner jealousy that I had towards her. My special talent came to me from pleasing myself in my bed, and while I didn't know Twilight's talent at the time, I was willing to bet that it was way better then mine.

I knocked on Twilight's door and watched it illuminate with purple energy, as the door opened. Twilight's eyes widened as she saw me, and she closed the book she was reading. “Why hello there.” she said, smiling. Twilight's house was dirtier then most would expect. Perhaps her assistant was gone for an extended period of time, and Twilight started to clean, but got distracted.

I noticed a large pile of books on her main table in the middle of the room. I distinctly remember that table was bigger then before, so the fact that she was able to pile so many books on top of it, creating a mound that could probably suffocate me, was impressive. “Hello Twilight Sparkle.” I said, a smile on my face as my light purple eyes stared into her own. “I was wondering if I could borrow a few books from you?”

Twilight's smile only grew wider as I asked this. “Ooh yes, I would love if you did!” She replied. Her horn glowed with that purple energy, as the pile of books were raised in the air, and then set down on the table, assorted by subject.

My eyes scanned over all of the titles. “Obscure Magical History, Starswirl the Bearded: A History, A Practical Guide to Organizing Your Garden.” I read aloud. “No, no, no, no. Twilight, do you have any books on stress?”

The purple mare looked over her bookshelf, apparently having trouble since her assistant was not here to point out where every book was. “I believe I have a few books on the subject. Why do you ask? Is something the matter?” she asked. Twilight's eyes seemed to twinkle when she realized that I could have a potential problem that needed solving, and I felt myself being levitated, and then lowered on top of the table. Twilight had brought out a scroll and quill, and sat down on the stool in front of the table. “Now, you could say that the two of us are friends, right?” She asked, a smile on her face as she wrote her name on the upper right corner of the paper, followed by, “Notes on Stress Relief, the filly”.

I hesitated. The two of us only spoke a few times, so I couldn't exactly say that the both of us were friends. But, I never had any reason to dislike her, other then the fact that I felt like she was trying to coax some secret out of me. I couldn't tell her about the habit that I started to exhibit during night times, and I couldn't tell her that I was stressed. “I, yes, I believe that we are friends. For now.” I said, a small smile on my face even though I was anxious to get my book and leave. I could wait, it felt nice to sit here while I got to look down at Twilight. Her mane was interesting, blue with a purple and pink stripe trailing down the middle. Even her tail was the same. I almost didn't hear her second question.

“Are there any problems or things, major or minor, that I will be able to help you with?”

I blinked a few times, and then shook my head. “No.” I responded.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes I am sure, I just came for a book on stress.”

“But there must be a reason why you are looking for a book on stress? I, with the magic of friendship, will be able to help you if that is the case.”

“No, I'm not stressed.” I lied. Carrying around the embarrassing fact of my nightly habit was very stressful, but I usually emptied it out when I laid down in my bed anyway, so if I were to spill the beans, I would just end up worrying Twilight over nothing. Twilight seemed deflated as she rolled the scroll back up, nodding her head as she gave me the only books that she had on the subject, three books that were titled, “Stress, A Reference Guide”, “An Egghead's Guide to Stress” and, “100 Ways to Relieve Stress.” She was smiling as she gave these to me, but the lack of a letter to write to the Princess was probably saddening her. I placed my small hoof on her own and smiled as I gave her a small hug. “Thank you Twilight, I will return the books when I am done, and I promise to come to you if I have a problem, okay?” I told her.

Twilight's smile brightened back up and she nodded her head. “Okay, have a good day!” She responded, and I trotted out her door, using my magic to close it behind me.

I trotted down the road, back to my house so that these books could be read in silence and peace. My happiness over the fact that I was going to learn exactly why my name had “stress” in it was blocking the other part of my mind from interfering with my thoughts. The other part that told me how curvaceous Colgate's body was, remained silenced for the time being. My special talent, one that my teacher was too scared to teach me about, and my parents were too naive to think I would explore, was going to be answered, hopefully in these three books. I stopped when I realized what my current situation. What if my parents were not teaching me about my talent, because they didn't want me to learn more about stress? I stopped in my tracks, and looked to the right. A beautiful yellow and pink building stood before me, a green sign showing off a yellow mare, who had just let her hair go. I took a few steps towards the building, and then looked in both directions. What a perfect place to read, my parents will never find me here.