• Published 28th Apr 2019
  • 8,554 Views, 282 Comments

Equestria BatGirls - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and their Ninja Allies from New York are thrown into another dimension with their enemies the Kraang and must join forces with the Dark Knight to stop them and return home.

  • ...

Battle At Arkham Part 2

Pinkie Pie, Mikey, Huntress, and Fluttershy faced against Scarface, Two-Face, and their thugs. Avoiding their gun shots.

"That's right! Dance, monkeys!" Scarface laughed, before he looked at Two-Face, "No offense."

"None taken," the Harvey Dent part of him said, before the Two-Face part growled, "You're lucky I don't burn you to the ground you dang dirty doll!"

"Hey, puppet dude!" Mikey asked, as he dodged the gunfire, "How come you're not mutated like your ventriloquist buddy?"

"That's cause I prefer my natural good looks, yah stinkin' reptile!" Scarface answered, before his tommy gun was knocked from his hands and he was grabbed at the suit by Pinkie Pie

"Mutant or no mutant, you're still gonna pay for shooting my cupcake!" She glared.

"I don't think so, sweetheart!" Scarface rebuffed, "Cause we got a surprise for yah's."

"What's that?" Pinkie Pie asked, curiously.

"Me!" Then before the party girl knew it, she was knocked away by a mallet. When she sat up, she saw Harley Quinn grinning down at her, "Hiya, Pinks!" She said, grinning.

"Quinn!" Pinkie Pie growled.

Harley then pointed at Fluttershy and Huntress and called out, "Get'em, Boys!"

Then Bud and Lou ran at the two, firing their acid guns. The girl and heroine dodged and ran, with the hyenas on their tail. While Pinkie tackled Harley Quinn and they rolled away fighting. Unfortunately, this left Mikey all alone with the thugs.

"Let's see you fight without your friends backing you up!" Two-Face said.

"Ah, sewer pickles!" Mikey frowned, but he rushed at them shouting, "Booyakasha!"

As they were running and dodging the acid blasts, Huntress spoke to Fluttershy, "I don’t suppose you could stare these guys like last time?"

"I don’t think it'll work this time." Fluttershy answered.

"No it won't." Bud confirmed.

"And we're gonna enjoy getting payback for that!" Lou added.

"Not if we have anything to say about it!" Huntress rebuked.

Then, aiming their crossbow and blow pipe at a wall on each side, they fired an arrow and dart that bounced and ricocheted off the walls and knocked the guns from the hyenas claws. The guns were still spraying when they hit the floor, the acid made two holes that the guns fell through before Bud or Lou could grab them.

Bud and Lou looked down after them, before they looked at each other in worry, "Uh oh!" They said in unison.

"Uh oh, is right!" Huntress said, as she and Fluttershy leapt at them. But at the last minute, the two hyenas pulled out two baseball bats and whacked them away.

"Didn't figure we'd have backups, now did yah?" Bud said, as the hyenas stood over them.

"Too bad you think of that!" Lou added, as they raised the bats to strike again, "Now, about that payback?"

"Actually, I did think about backup." Fluttershy smiled, slyly.

Then before the hyenas knew it, two batarangs swung in and knocked away their bats.

"Ow!" Bud called.

"What the-?" Lou said, in confusion.

Then they both looked up on a terrace and saw Bathound staring down and growling at them.

"Bathound?!" The hyenas exclaimed.

As they were distracted, Fluttershy and Huntress knocked them out with sharp kicks. Bathound landed by them and nodded at Fluttershy.

"Thanks." the shy girl said.

Huntress then noticed that Pinkie was struggling with Harley. The clown woman turned dog had the girl pinned to the floor, banging her head against it, while the pink girl was pushing the dog's head back as they struggled.

"Fluttershy, is there anything that makes Pinkie angry?" Huntress asked.

"Well, she gets really upset when somebody breaks a Pinkie Promise." Fluttershy noted.

"Hmm?" Huntress smirked, remembering when Harley blabbed Joker and Subprime's operation to Pinkie and got an idea. Then she called out, "Hey Harley!

"What?!" Harley growled, still struggling with Pinkie. "Can't yah see I'm busy here?!"

"Didn’t you promise to turn yourself in a week ago?" Huntress inquired.

"Oh please!" Harley scoffed, "You know I never keep my promises!"

"But that time, you Pinkie Promised!"

The second she heard that, Pinkie's eyes shot open and she gasped deeply. Then growling in anger, she slowly turned her head to face the mutant dog.

Harley looked back at the girl in confusion, "Hey what’s with you?" Then Pinkie kicked her right off, sending her flying onto her back. Harley sat up, shaking her head, and saw Pinkie Pie seething with rage.

"YOU?! BROKE?!! A PINKIE PROMISE?!!!" She roared, her eyes burning orange and steam billowing from her ears.

"Yeah, I did," Harley confessed, standing up, "And what are you gonna do about it?!" Then she was bombarded with Pinkie's sprinkles, distorting her. When she shook off the dizziness, she was suddenly wrapped up in Pinkie's chain weapon. "What the?!"

Then Pinkie Pie swung Harley Quinn around and around, making her feel a little sick. Then just as Bud and Lou got up, she collided into them and they were spun around with her.

Mikey had just beaten Scarface and Two-Face's goons and was backing up, swinging his chucks, as the two advanced on him.

"Got you cornered, turtle!" Two-Face said. "Any last words?"

Mikey glanced off to the side and gave a smug grin. "Yeah, head's up!" Then he ducked onto the ground.

"Huh?" Scarface was confused. "What're you talkin' about?"

The Ventriloquist looked over and became alarmed, "Uh, Mr. Scarface?!"

"What is it, Dumm-eeeee!" Scarface was cut off as Harley and the hyenas were slammed into them and Two-Face and they all crashed straight into a wall.

"Nobody breaks a Pinkie Promise!" Pinkie Pie stated in a huff.

Rarity and Black Canary were once again battling against Mr Freeze.

"You will pay, vain one, for interfering with my plans and destroying my walker!" Freeze growled, as he fired his ice gun.

Rarity flipped to avoid the blast, "And you’re going to pay for freezing me then!"


"If you really believe the Kraang would keep their word, you are a bigger fool than before, Victor!" Black Canary stated, dodging more ice blasts.

"And how do you think she would feel knowing you doomed humanity just to save her?" Rarity challenged, "Would she still love you then? WOULD SHE?"

Mr. Freeze stopped firing as he was taken aback, "No- I- SILENCE!!!" He was about to fire his freeze blast again, when something jumped onto him from behind, making him miss his shot. It was Mikey and Pinkie Pie.

"A polar bear with an ice gun, Pinkie!" Mikey said, "How cool is that?!"

"Yeah!" Pinkie Pie agreed.

"You want cool, Turtle?" Growling, Mr. Freeze grabbed the two and threw them off and onto the floor and aimed his gun. "I'll give you ICE COLD!" He fired another ice blast, but Rarity's diamond shield blocked it off and got frozen instead.

Then Mikey and Pinkie Pie kicked the frozen shield into the polar bear's face, making him back up roaring in irritation.

"And he's got the lines and everything!" Mikey continued.

"Inferior Reptile!" Mr. Freeze aimed his gun to fire again, until Pinkie Pie suddenly jumped up in the air behind him.

"Surprise!" She shouted and threw down her sprinkles, distorting him.

Then Black Canary hit him with her scream blast, knocking him down and making him drop his gun. He tried to grab it, but Huntress kicked it away.

"It's over, Freeze!" She said.

Freeze stood up and roared in anger. And just as he was about to attack, Mikey and Pinkie wrapped their chain around him.

"Gotcha-whoooaaa!" They cried, as Mr. Freeze ran on all fours, dragging them away. When he stopped, they crashed into a wall.

"Bad Ice Cream Kitty. No cake for you," Mikey said, dazed.

Pinkie Pie had mini cupcakes floating around her head, "Excuse me, tiny cupcakes, do you have the time?"

Freeze retrieved his gun and was about blast the two, when he was knocked back by Rarity's disk.

"You certainly have no care of who gets in your way, do you?" She chided him.

Freeze attacked Rarity, blasting an ice beam, making a frozen puddle of ice, "Nothing matters, do you understand!" He managed to knock her back with a swing of his arm, "Nothing but my Nora!" Before he could blast her, he got kicked in the back by Canary and fell over, making him look at the reflection of himself in the frozen puddle.

"Look at yourself, Victor! Look at what you've become!" Black Canary said, "Is that the face you want your wife to see when she awakens? Her husband who went so far just to save her?"

"She might be able to see past your mutation," Rarity put in, "But do you really think that she'd look past the things you've done? Or the people you hurt?!"

Freeze looked at himself, realizing that they were right, "I- I just want to save her." he said, in remorse.

"Oh, you poor poor man!" Fluttershy cried, as she gave Freeze a big comforting hug.

"I know, but this isn't the way," Black Canary advised, "The mutagen won't work, it might as well make things worse."

Rarity laid a hand on the mutant polar bear, "Subprime was never going to live up to his end of the bargain. You must know this."

Mikey got up, still dazed, "We got retro mutagen to de-mutate everyone. Problem is, we only have enough for one bad guy." Then he collapsed on the floor again.

Freeze contemplated on the situation, before he said, "If you can get your antidote to the main sprinkler system, you should be able to cure every mutated inmate inside the Asylum."

"Wow! That's brilliant!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, "Why didn't we think of that?"

"Wait," Rarity interjected, "But what about the turtles?"

Fluttershy gasped, "You're right, the retro mutagen will de-mutate them too!"

"Then I would suggest you keep them protected and away from the antidote." Freeze said.

"Thanks Victor," Black Canary smiled proudly.

Soon, everyone had regrouped.

"Donnie, we know how to give the retro mutagen to everyone!" Rarity said.

"You do? How?" Donnie asked.

"That polar bear with the ice gun said how!" Mikey stated.

"Wait, you mean Mr. Freeze?" Applejack asked, incredulously.

"You can't trust him!" Raph accused, "He's one of the bad guys!"

"Well, as me and Black Canary said, he became that way because he was trying to cure his wife." Rarity noted.

"And Poison Ivy wanted to protect plant life and look how she turned out!" Rainbow Dash pointed out.

"Still, Freeze has let his wife help him do the right thing at times." Nightwing said, from experience.

"It's the best chance we got." Batman stated.

"I agree with Batman," Leo said, "If we're gonna de-mutate the villains, then we'll have to take Freeze's word."

"But what about you guys?" Twilight Sparkle asked, "If we send the retro mutagen through the sprinkler system, you guys will be de-mutated too!"

"That's a good point!" Donnie agreed in worry.

"Freeze also said we'd have to find a way to keep you guys safe." Black Canary said.

"I think I know!" April spoke up, "Rarity and I can use our shields to protect them."

"That should work!" Donnie stated.

"Good, cause I ain’t going back to a glass bowl anytime soon!" Raph said.

"Or eating pellets for the rest of my life!" Mikey put in.

"We need to hurry and find the sprinkler system!" Leo said.

"But before we can de-mutate any of the inmates, we have to stop Nygma and Tetch!" Batman noted.

"Where are they anyway?" Sunset Shimmer looked around, realizing that the two Arkham inmates had been absent from the fight.

Suddenly, there came a rubble and smashing through a wall was Riddler, driving a mech suit! And he was soon followed by an army of smaller robots.

"Surprise, surprise!" Riddler chuckled, "Did you think I would let you win so easily!"

"Riddler!" Batman glared.

"Where'd you get that mech suit?" Donnie asked in surprise.

"Oh, this? Just a little something I made using the Kraang's technology," Riddler explained, "As well as these robot drones! Pretty cool, don't you think so, kiddies?!"

"Eh, we've seen better." Pinkie Pie waved off.

Riddler huffed, "Teenagers. Always expecting more! It’s time someone teaches you brats some manners!" He rushed at heroes and tried to smash them, but they quickly scattered into two groups.

One group was Donnie, April, Batgirl, Rarity, Black Canary, Mikey, Rainbow Dash, Huntress, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie. And they all started to fight Riddler's mech as well as the robot drones.

The second group was Batman, Leo, Twilight Sparkle, Raph, Sunset, Nightwing, Casey, Applejack, Robin, and Keno. They were about to help the second group, when they heard a voice...

"Well, a merry happy unbirthday to you, Batman!" It was the Mad Hatter, "And to your Ninja friends as well!"

"Tetch!" Batman said.

"Is that a mutant rabbit?" Keno asked.

"So you're the Mad Hatter!" Leo stated.

"Indeed I am." Hatter confirmed.

"We heard about the trouble you gave our friends!" Sunset Shimmer frowned.

"And now, you're gonna pay for sicking that cop and sports dude on us!" Casey patted his hockey stick.

Mad Hatter just chuckled.

"Didn't know getting your butt kicked was funny." Raph said.

"You all seem to have forgotten one crucial element." Hatter noted.

"Oh, yeah?" Rainbow Dash asked, "And what is it?"

"Uh, where is the staff?" Robin asked, noticing all the security guards and doctors were no where in sight.

"Right here... Minions attack!" Hatter shouted. Then the heroes found themselves surrounded by the Arkham staff, each of them was holding clubs, pipes, tasers and other makeshift weapons, "Well, I'm waiting. Show me what you ninjas have! Oh, and do try to be careful with these people. After all, they're not in their right minds."

The Ninjas, Batman, Nightwing, and Robin dodged the attacks, until one of the security guards tazed Rainbow in the back.

"Ow! Hey, that hurt!" She chided.

At the fight with Riddler, he saw April and Batgirl tag teaming against some of his drones, "I’m beginning to regret helping you two settle your argument!" He muttered to himself and fired missiles at the two.

Batgirl saw them coming, "Look out!" She shouted, and tackled April out of the way.

"Thanks." April said.

"Just returning the favor." Batgirl replied.

Then they were grabbed by the mech's claws.

"You know what what they say," Riddler stated, "Friends who stick together..." His mech then smashed the two into each other before throwing them aside, "Fall together!"

"April!" Donnie exclaimed.

"Oh, I haven't forgotten about you, Donatello!" and he fired two lasers from his mech.

"Aaahh!" Donnie screamed, and dodged by flipping away.

Back with the staff, one staff member tossed Sunset like a rag doll, before she was thrown upside down against a wall.

"Robin wasn’t kidding when he said people are stronger under his control." Sunset moaned, as she slid to the floor.

"That’s it!" Raph called. "Rabbit seasons opened!" He jumped at Hatter only to be grabbed and thrown next to Sunset, by another staff member, "Okay, bad idea..."

"Banzai!" Keno shouted, leaping at the staff member. But in a whack, he too was knocked next to the two, "Yep, bad idea!"

Rarity was getting overwhelmed by Riddler's bots and formed a shield around herself. While it kept them off of her, it began to crack by the bot's hits until finally it broke. One of the bots was about to strike her until it was pulled away by a whip and was thrown into other bots, wrecking them in the process.

"Huh?" Rarity was confused.

"Excuse me, darlings?" A sly female voice called out.

"OOOHHHH, NOOOOOO!" Rarity exclaimed. She remembered that voice.

Everyone looked up. Crouched on the rafters was none other than Catwoman. She flipped down and landed before them.

"This a private fight? Or can anybody join?" She asked.

"Selena..." The Birds of Prey frowned.

"That's Catwoman?" Mikey asked.

"Right you are, turtle boy," Catwoman said. "Now, excuse me." Without turning, she flipped over a droid that tried to sneak attack her and knocked it down.

"Whoa!" Pinkie Pie said. "She’s really good."

"Yeah," Rainbow Dash agreed.

Soon, with Catwoman's help, they all managed to destroy all the bots. The thief had just kicked a robot part aside when...

"YYYOOOOOUUUUUU!!!" Rarity stood behind her, seething with rage.

Without even looking at her, Catwoman closed her eyes and smiled in amusement, "A pleasure to see you again, Rari- Aagrh!" She turned around and was met with Rarity's fist, knocking her back a bit.

"Ouch!" Pinkie Pie winced.

"That had to hurt." Rainbow Dash cringed.

Rarity lunged at Catwoman, only for Black Canary to hold her back.

"Whoa! Rarity, calm down!" She said.

"You, Thieving! Scoundreling! Lying! Crook!" Rarity shouted at Catwoman.

"Like I said, a pleasure to see you again, Rarity." Catwoman said, dryly.

"If you think for even a moment that you'll get your claws on any of my jewelry again, you are sadly mistaken!!!" Rarity continued to chew out the thief.

"Not going to let that one go are you?" Catwoman tilted her head to one side, "Well, sweetheart, you're lucky I don't scratch you for punching me in the face. Because the last person who got that kind of cheap shot ended up regretting it."

"I should know. That person was me," Batgirl admitted. Everyone but Birds of Prey look confused, "It's a long story," Then she looked back at the thief, "But why are you here, Selena?"

"I'm here to help." Catwoman stated.

"A likely story!" Rarity accused.

"She's telling the truth," April said, while holding the side of her head, "For now at least."

"Well, at least one of you has some decency." Catwoman said.

"Don't try me!" April warned, "We're all mad at you for messing with our friend."

"Mm hmm!" Fluttershy nodded.

"Why do you want to help, Selena?" Huntress demanded, "You're only out for yourself."

"Like I told Canary and Drama Queen the last time, I've already been mutated before and there is no chance I'm letting some disgusting aliens do it to me again," Catwoman explained, "And word on the street was something involving those aliens and the Gotham villains at Arkham. Not sure what it was, but I was interested in finding out."

"So we're just supposed to believe that you came here out of your own free will just to help us?" Rainbow Dash asked skeptically.

"I'm a thief, not some derange psycho," Catwoman stated, "I don't want to see the city taken over by freaks and aliens."

"Right," Batgirl said, "That way, you can't steal in it."

Catwoman frowned, "You want my help or not?"

"Fine," Black Canary relented, "But when this is over-"

"When this is over, it's up to Bruce." Catwoman cut her off.

The ninjas were confused.

"Does she-?" April started.

"Long story." Batgirl and Black Canary answered in unison.

"I'm not sure I want to know." Rarity said.

Huntress got in Catwoman's face, "Fair warning: You try anything, and I can assure you that my punch will be ten times harder than Rarity's!"

Suddenly, there was an explosion and Donnie was thrown past them.

"Donnie!" April and Batgirl cried.

Then Riddler came lumbering toward them and fired his lasers and missiles. Everyone dodged the blasts and scattered.

April hurried to Donnie, "Are you okay?" She asked.

"I think so," Donnie said, "But MAN that hurt!"

Just then, Riddler towered over them, "Then perhaps I should show you the best cure for your wounds. Your demise!" Riddler aimed his blasters at the two before Batgirl hits them with her batarangs, "Why you!"

Before he could do anything, however, April hit him with a huge psychic blast knocking his mechanic suit down.

Riddler glared at the red heads, "I detest you two so much!"

Batman, Leo, Twilight Sparkle, and their group were struggling to keep the Arkham staff off of them without having to harm them.

Raph was about to hit one of the staff faculty in the face but was stopped by Nightwing, "What the?!"

"Don't hurt them!" He said.

But right after he said that, they were both sucker punched by the staff member.

"Tell that to them!" Raph said.

"Any idea - Agrh - how to keep these guys - Argh - from beating us to a pulp?" Casey asked, as two staff members held him down and one punched him in the gut.

"We might have a chance if someone had some kind of special talent for these kinds of situations." Nightwing stated.

"Yes, someone who possesses an ability in the category of telekinesis." Batman added.

"Someone who has, oh, I don't know, a magic necklace that gives her that very exact power." Robin noted, as he stood back to back with Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight was confused, before she realized they were talking about her, "Oh..." she said, sheepishly.

Then she used her magic to levitate the staff away from them long enough for Sunset to throw one of her kunai at Hatter's hat to destroy it.

"My hat!" He exclaimed, and tried to hop away, only for Nightwing to throw one of his batons, knocking him down.

With the staff free of the mind control, Twilight released her hold on them, "We've freed you all," Then she pointed out dramatically, "Come on, with the combine forces of our numbers, we will be able to beat the inmates and stop Subprime before he has a chance to-" she looked back and noticed they were all running out of the building, "Wait, where are you going?!"

"Running away!" A male staff member shouted in fear.

"We're just doctors, not fighters!" A female staff member added, "You're on your own!"

"Yeah, sure thing!" Leo said in sarcasm, "It's not like we just saved you or anything!"

"What did you expect?" Nightwing asked, rhetorically, "They have to deal with these guys every day. You really want them to fight them as mutants?"

"Fair enough." Twilight rolled her eyes.

Then they gathered around Hatter.

"It's over, Tetch!" Batman said.

"I'm afraid not, Batman!" Hatter retorted with a grin, "For you see, that wasn't my real attack! He is.."

Then suddenly a large figure landed behind them. It was a man dressed in a tactical armored suit.

"Slade!" Nightwing gasped.

"Deathstroke!" Batman frowned.

"That’s him?" Leo asked.

"Yeah," Nightwing confirmed, "He’s the one who I saw you as under Scarecrow's fear toxin."

"How in the world did you get Deathstroke?!" Robin asked Hatter in disbelief.

"I'll never tell!" Hatter replied with a laugh, "But what I will say is, Deathstroke, destroy them!"

"As you wish, master!" Slade drew his swords and positioned himself into a stance.

"Quick question: How dangerous is this guy?" Leo inquired.

"He's the deadliest assassin on the planet," Nightwing noted, before he cried, "Scatter!"

He, Batman, Robin, Casey, Applejack, Keno, and Twilight all dodged as Slade ran at them. Unfortunately, Leo and Sunset couldn't react in time and Slade hit them both with a sharp kick, sending them flying into a wall.

"Thanks for the warning." Sunset groaned.

Raph charged at Slade and clashed his sais against his swords, but Slade eventually smacked him down. Then just as he was about to stab Raph, Applejack tackled him. Casey tried to taze him from behind but Slade broke out of Applejack's hold and jumped out of the way, and he ended up tazing the farm girl instead.

"Uh... sorry, A.J!" Casey said, before Slade sliced off his taser, "Come on!" Then Slade punched him off his feet.

Robin ran at Slade and managed to nail him in the head with his staff, but Slade deflected more hits with his swords before he kneed Robin in the chest and kicked him back. Then he whipped around and deflected batarangs right before Batman knocked him back with a kick. Slade ran at Batman swinging his swords, while the dark knight dodged and blocked the strikes with the spikes on his gauntlets until they reached a grapple. But then, Slade was lifted off the ground by Twilight, who used her magic to slam him into two walls and then finally the floor. But then Slade pulled out a gun and shot at her. Twilight quickly froze the bullets in mid air, but Slade then took out his energy lance and fired a laser, blasting her off her feet.

"Twilight!" Leo called, and rushed at Slade, who pulled his swords back out and clashed against Leo's katanas.

The two fought evenly matched, until Slade head bashed Leo, knocking him down. Just as he was about to cut the turtle... Raph came out of nowhere and blocked his swords with his sais, before kicking him away.

"Back away from brother," he shouted.

"Thanks, Raph!" Leo said.

Then the two fought Slade together, clashing their weapons against his swords. Until he managed to disarm the two and punched them both to the ground in one hit. But just as Slade aimed one of his guns at them, a kunai landed in the canon causing it to blow up in Slade's hand. Then Sunset came flipping in and threw more. Slade deflected them all with one of his swords and kicked Sunset away. Then he was tacked by Nightwing as he and Robin took him on.

Riddler pushed a few buttons as the mech suit rises back up.

"Oh, come on!" April groaned, "After all that?!"

"Nice try!" Riddler rebuffed, "But I’m afraid it’ll take more than your precious powers to outsmart the Riddler!"

"Riddle this!"

Riddler turned to see Pinkie throw a pie in his face. Meanwhile, Huntress and Fluttershy fired darts and arrows at the mechs joints and causes it to stiffen.

"NO!" Riddler growled.

"Now let’s see you fight on equal footing, Eddie!" Catwoman challenged.

"It’ll take more than you to outfox me!" Riddler stated, as his mech shook it's limbs loose.

"Outfox this!" Rainbow Dash ran circles around him.

Riddler chuckled, "Typical!" Then timing it just right, he had his mech's leg kick Rainbow Dash, sending her tumbling across the ground.

"Booyakasha!" Mikey jump tackled Riddler only to be thrown aside.

"You'll have to do better than that, Turtle!" Riddler noted.

"He’s too smart and strong!" Fluttershy stated in worry.

"He keeps picking us apart!" Pinkie Pie added.

"Then maybe we need a better approach." Black Canary suggested, as they soon began dodging the mech's attacks.

"You're running out of time, my little ninja and bat friends," Riddler said, "Perhaps if you all surrender, I might consider sparing you all?"

"How graciously generous of you, Eddie." Catwoman commented.

"For once, I actually agree with Catwoman," Rarity said, "So I'm afraid we'll have to decline."

"Very well, you've all sealed your fates!" Riddler said. Then his mech charged at them, and tried to slam them, but they dodged and Rarity used her diamond discs to damage the one of the arms.

"You-You tricked me!" Riddler realized in anger.

"And here comes the treat!" Donnie used the blade on his staff to pierce the arm, causing it to break.

Riddler tried to fight with the functioning arm, but gets held by Mikey and Pinkie’s chains while Catwoman whips it, breaking it as well. Riddler then response by engaging missiles but Fluttershy and Huntress shoot in the holes causing the launchers to blow up while Batgirl and Rarity sliced off the launchers. Then Black Canary used her voice combined with April's full psychic blast to send Riddler's mech flying to a wall, finally shutting it down.

Riddler crawled out of the mech and growled, "You ignorant, little!" Screaming, he rushed at them, only for April and Batgirl to punch him across the face, knocking him out.

"Booyakasha." Mikey and Pinkie cheered.

"What?" Catwoman asked, in confusion.

"It's their catchphrase." Batgirl answered.

Catwoman rolled her eyes, "Teenagers."

As Nightwing and Robin fought Deathstroke, they were quickly assisted by Batman. The three vigilantes fought against the mercenary, throwing everything they got at him. While they managed to land considerable solid hits, Deathstroke also managed to land multiple hits of his own. As the three pushed away from the assassin to take back their breath, the fight taking its toll on them, they began to formulate a plan.

"Running out of steam here." Nightwing panted.

"Same," Robin chimed in, "And Deathstroke could keep up all night."

"How can Tetch still control him?" Leo asked in confusion, "We knock off his hat."

Twilight Sparkle suddenly had a thought, "Unless..." she watched as Keno took Slade on, but he too was overpowered and knocked to the curve. She did however notice that there was something attached to the back of Slade's neck, "He's using a Kraang control chip!" She exclaimed, pointing.

"How right you are, my dear!" Hatter spoke up, before ordering, "Deathstroke, finish them!"

"Yes, master," Slade replied. He raised his swords, when suddenly two gunshots broke off the blades. Slade turned around as he and everyone else saw a figure standing in the shadows, holding a gun.

"Now now, Slade," The figure came into the light to reveal that it was a young man with short black hair with two white bangs, and red mask around his eyes. He wore a black suit with a red bat logo on it, and a light brown motorcycle jacket, "Play nice with the other kids."

"Jason?!" Nightwing gasped.

"Red X?!" Leo, Twilight, and Sunset exclaimed.

"Figured you rookies could use some help! And also..." He took out a red face helmet and put it on, "It's Red Hood!"

Slade attacked Red Hood who blocked his moves, then the two matched each other by gun. When Red Hood tried landing some hits on Slade, the assassin hit him with a sharp kick, knocking him toward the others.

"I forgot how tough he is!" Red Hood groaned.

"You!" Raph was about to pounce on him when Red Hood aimed his gun at his face to keep him still.

"If that’s how he thanks me for help, I hate to see how he punishes those who deserve it," Red Hood said, "Nice outfit, though."

"Cool it, Raph!" Applejack said.

"Cool it?!" Raph repeated, angrily. "He kidnapped me! Humiliated you guys! And he's got a gun jammed at my face!"

"We know!" Applejack replied, "But if he's here to fight the Kraang then we'll need all the help we can get."

"Well well well," Red Hood mused, "Maybe you are able to sense honesty."

"Don’t sass me!" Applejack snapped, "I'm still mad at you for last time."

"Man, and I thought Bruce had a hard time at letting things go," Red Hood said, then noticed Batman by his side, "Speaking of which, how you doing old man?"

"Jason." Batman began.

"What’s the matter?" Red Hood asked, in amusement, "You look like you've seen a ghost."

"Shut up and fight!" Batman pointed to Slade running at them.

The group dodged to each side before Slade could nail any of them. Then he took out two poles, connected them into a staff, and began twirling it around as he rushed at Leo, Twilight, Sunset, and Keno. The four dodged and clashed with their weapons against Slade's staff. The assassin managed to knock them back, one by one, with a few good hits and kicks. When Slade kicked Leo down, a blade popped out of one end of his staff and he raised it up, ready to stab the turtle.

"NOOO!" Twilight Sparkle blocked the blade with her spear and spin-kicked Slade away from Leo.

Then Slade and Twilight fought, clashing against each other's weapons. Until Slade disarmed her then whacked her across the face with the other end of his staff and swept her legs, knocking her to the floor. But before he could do anything...

"Hey, one eye!" Slade turned and was tacked by Raph, causing him to drop his staff.

Raph then battled Slade one on one. As they fought with their weapons, they both eventually disarmed the other than moved to hand to hand close quarter combat. While Raph gave out a good fight, Deathstroke superior prowess managed to overcome the teenage ninja and he lifted him up by the throat while strangling him with one hand.

"Aw man, this guy is like Batman, but stronger!" Raph strained, while trying to break free from Deathstroke's grip.

"Hang on, Raph!" Sunset Shimmer called.

"We have to get the device off!" Twilight Sparkle stated.

"Everyone, pile on!" Leo ordered.

Slade dropped Raph as he saw the group running. While he tried to strike them, they managed to immobilize him as Twilight got on his back and attempted to remove the mind control device. However, Wilson managed to break free of everyone holding him and threw them off.

Then he ran toward Twilight, who was beginning to get up, and leap up, ready to crush her with his fists. But Twilight Sparkle glanced back with a smirk. And as Slade slammed his fists down, Twilight back flipped over him then leap back over, using her magic to pull out the mind control device.

As Slade was on one knee regaining his mind, Casey tasered him with one of Nightwing's batons and the shock caused Deathstroke to pass out.

Casey looked at the baton before giving it to Nightwing, "Now I know why you use these things, they're awesome."

"How is this guy so strong?" Raph asked, as Sunset helped him up.

"Long story." Nightwing said.

Meanwhile, Mad Hatter had seen everything, "Oh dear! Time for me to Hippity hoppity-" he tried to hop away, only to get hit behind the head by one of Nightwing's batons.

"Sleep," Nightwing finished.

Soon, everyone regrouped again.

"We got Riddler." Donnie said.

"And we just beat Mad Hatter." Applejack stated.

"The inmates won't stay down for long." Nightwing noted.

"So we need to de-mutate them fast!" Leo added.

Before long, the group found the main pipe for the sprinkler system.

“That leads to Arkham’s sprinkler system!” Batgirl pointed to a pipe.

“I’m on it!” Twilight was near the pipe before narrowly dodging Harley and her mallet.

“No you're not!" she stated.

“Come on, Harley! Give it a rest already!" Huntress exclaimed, losing her patience.

“Uhh, no.” Harley simply said before attacking the group.

While avoiding the hammer swings, Twilight lost her grip on the canister and it went flying, "No!" She shouted.

Mikey used a batgrapple to swing in a catch it. "Got it!"

"And I got you!" Harley leap at him, her mallet held high.

"Head's up, D!" Mikey threw the canister to Donnie.

Donnie grabbed it and tossed it to April, "April!" He shouted, before he was hit with the mallet.

April caught it and swung it to Rainbow Dash, who zipped around until Harley got the drop on her and smacked her away with her mallet, causing her to drop the canister. But at that very moment, Catwoman snared it with her whip.

“Don’t say I didn’t give you nothing.” She muttered as she tossed it to Rarity before barely dodging Harley's mallet.

Rarity tried to defend herself with her diamond shield only for Harley to smash it after a couple whacks, “Applejack!” She tossed it to the cowgirl.

“Huntress!” Applejack threw the canister to the Huntress, who fires arrows at Harley, who deflected them with her mallet. Huntress then threw the canister at Black Canary.

“And Ollie wonders why I don’t like football.” She told herself as she passed it to Fluttershy.

“I’m gonna flatten you all!” Harley shouted before a cable wrapped all around her, binding the mutant dog.

Everyone looked to see the one who bound her was Batman who glared at Harley saying, “No. you won’t.”

Harley, while still wrapped by the wire, charged at Batman to try and bite him. Batman used a bola to wrap her mouth shut and then shot a net bullet that nailed Quinn to the wall.

"We have got to get one of those." Raph said.

"Fluttershy! The sprinkler system!" Batman called to the shy girl.

Fluttershy quickly opened the sprinkler system valve and emptied the retro mutagen into it and turned it on. Then, the villains all woke up and began to close in on them.

“Everyone! Defense position!” Leo cried as everyone gathered.

“Defense position? How long were you holding on to that one?” Raph sighed.

“No time to criticize!” Nightwing declared.

Then the Ninjas and Bat Family gathered together and Rarity and April pulled up their diamond and psychic shields.

"Your shields will not save you from us!" Bane growled, cracking his fists.

"We're not shielding ourselves from you ruffians!" Rarity corrected.

"We're shielding ourselves from that!" April grinned, nodding upwards.

Confused, the villains all looked up, just as the sprinklers showered the retro mutagen all over them, blanketing them in an orange cloud. They hollered and screamed as they were being de-mutated. Then one by one, all the villains stumbled out of the cloud and collapsed on the floor, all were human again and weakened from the fight.

“No. No! NO!” Harley whined. “Now my fun is ruined!”

“Venom,” Bane coughed. “Need....venom.”

“What have you DONE?” Poison Ivy hissed.

“Retro mutagen,” Donnie declared. “It undid your mutations and you’re all back to your previous selves.”

“Or as normal as you’re all gonna get,” Robin said. Harley ripped out her net, “I GONNA!” She was about to pounce on Batman when she was whacked and knocked out by Pinkie Pie wielding the crazy clown lady's mallet.

"That felt good!" Pinkie smiled.

"And in case any of you get any ideas," Batman then spoke through his comlink, "Now!"

The GCPD burst in and surrounded the villains, aiming their guns. Seeing no point in fighting back, the villains held their hands up in surrender.

"Get these maniacs back in their cells!" Commissioner Gordon ordered his officers as they began escorting the villains away.

“Let’s go!" Batman said to his team, "We've gotta shut down the portal!” And they all headed to the portal room.

As they ran, Rarity noticed Mr. Freeze crawling on the floor, trying to head to his own cell, coughing wheezing for air. After seeing that most of officers were busy with the other inmates, the fashionista walked up to the walking snowman.

“Please! Help....me,” He panted, “Cannot.......survive....outside.....cold.”

Rarity grimaced, the nerve of the villain begging for his life after mercilessly freezing her. However, she remembered when Black Canary told her how he was trying to save his wife. So she scooped Freeze up and carried him to his refrigerated cell.

“I’m doing this because you want to help your wife.” She muttered. Soon, they arrived to his cell. Freeze then willingly walked in and breathed in the cold as Rarity locked the door.

When he could breath again, Freeze spoke, “Thank you. Now go. Help your friends.” Rarity nodded before taking off to catch up to the others.

Meanwhile, over by the portal, three of the droids were working on it, when suddenly, one of them was hit with a bullet. The two remaining droids looked at the droid then they looked up a saw Alfred, aiming a shotgun at them.

"Hands in the air, at once!" He ordered, and the two droids held up their hands as he backed them away from the portal.

Dr Khan rushed to the device and began working the controls and the portal started to close.

“Kraang orders, one known as Dr Kahn, to get away from, that which is known as, the portal!” A Kraang droid tried to stop him before Alfred knocked him down with his rifle.

But then one of the droids took out it's blaster and shot the rifle out of the butler's hands, "Give, that which is known as, up!" It said.

"Fraid not, old chaps!" Alfred rebuffed, and held up his fists. The droid he knocked down, got up and tried to blast him, but Alfred dodged and knocked away the blaster with a kick and punched it back.

The other droid put away it's blaster and raised it's fists, then it and Alfred engaged in old fashioned fisticuffs.

“Hurry, Doctor! I cannot keep them at bay for long!” Alfred called, as he dodged the droid's strikes.

“I’m in!” Dr. Kahn cried before he was smacked away by a large shadow. Alfred had knocked down the droid, before he turned to see it was Kraang Subprime.

“Get away from my portal, you morons!” He glared.

“How rude.” Alfred muttered before he tried to fight Subprime, but he was grabbed and was thrown into a wall next to Dr Khan.

“No one, and I mean NO ONE, is going to stop Kraang this time!” Subprime picked up both of the droids blasters and was about to fire before they were destroyed by a couple batarangs. He looked to see Batman standing before him, “Joker was right: You are anything but mere."

The entire group caught up to Subprime at an entrance to the room with the portal. The entrance closed, but Batman managed to get through in time.

"Oh man!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, "What are we supposed to do?!"

"I'm sure I can find something to keep you all busy!" Hissed a voice.

Then without warning, the Turtles, Rainbooms, April, Casey, and Keno were grabbed by a large snake tail and dragged them off.

"Guys!" Shouted Nightwing.

"April!" Cried Batgirl.

"Come on!" Black Canary said.

But before they could follow, the entire army of Kraang droids appeared, surrounding and aiming their weapons at the Bat Family.

"You are, that which is known as, not going anywhere!" A droid said.

"Great." Huntress deadpanned.

"You know, I was actually wondering where these guys were." Robin noted.

The ninjas were then thrown to the ground.

"Alright!" Raph growled, "You picked the wrong-"

The ninjas gasped when they saw who it was that grabbed them.

"Turtles and Rainbooms!" Joker hissed, "What a delightful reunion!" He laughed maniacally.

"Oh, boy!" Applejack gasped.

"Well, Rainbow Dash, you wanted something." Pinkie noted.

"That was not what I meant!" Rainbow Dash retorted.

“When did the Kraang mutate you?” Fluttershy asked.

“You think the Kraang gave me this face lift?” Joker laughed his head off.

Donnie immediately caught on and gasped, “You mutated YOURSELF?!

Everyone gasped.

“Okay. That is without a doubt the craziest thing I ever seen!” Keno stated.

“Why so serious?” Joker grinned maliciously, "After all, this shouldn't be anything new for you kids, aye? So, how do you like my new look? Stunning, isn't it?" He chuckled, before he suddenly shouted, "BOO!" The ninjas jumped back, screaming. Then Joker laughed, "Get's 'em every time!"

Keno pulled out his sticks. “C'mon, guys! We gotta take this clown if we wanna get back home!”

But the ninjas didn't move. Instead they just stood cowering in fear.

"Guys?" Keno asked.

“I c-can’t move.” Donnie shivered.

“Look, I get it! Joker nearly got you guys last time, but you guys need to not let that hold you back!” Keno then charged at the snake.

“Keno! No!” Leo cried.

“Ooo, goody! A volunteer!” Joker smirked.

Keno leap at Joker and tried to land a kick, but Joker slithered to one side, causing him to miss. Then the vigilante swung his sticks, as Joker kept dodging his swings.

"Such spunk you have," the mutant snake commented. When Keno tried to double stick attack him, he dodged the attack and stuck his joy buzzer on the vigilante, shocking him. While Keno was dazed, Joker grabbed his legs with his tail and body slammed him back and forth before throwing him across the room, "So predictable!"

“Alright! Who’s next?” Joker began to slither to the petrified ninjas.

“P-please! Don’t come any closer!” Fluttershy whimpered.

“Don’t hurt us. Please!” Pinkie pleaded.

“Mercy!” Mikey begged.

“Y'know. You wouldn’t believe how many people I murdered begged for mercy. It would almost be funny if you all weren’t so pathetic!” The Joker smirked, “Oh what the hay! I’ll laugh anyway!” He laughed hysterically before Fluttershy shot a dart on his forehead, “Ouch!”

“Booyakasha!” Mikey shouted as he kicked the Joker away. Then, Pinkie threw some sprinkles down Joker’s throat before they exploded in him.

“Now that was a spicy meatball,” He groaned as smoke spewed from his mouth. "You all just baited me, didn't you?"

"Pretty much." Donnie replied.

"As my brother would say, Eeyup." Applejack said.

"Oooh! Oooh!" Joker playfully gasped, "Clever ninjas!"

"That's right!" Sunset said.

"Just because you're a snake mutant doesn't mean you're going to win!" Leo stated

"Yeah, we ain't falling for your tricks again!" Mikey declared.

"Oh, I figured as much," Joker waved off, "Good thing I got some new ones." Then he suddenly spit acidic venom at them but they quickly dodged it, as the venom hit a crate, instantly dissolving it.

"He's a spitting cobra!" Donnie gasped.

"How right you are, my good turtle!" Joker said, "Now the real fun begins..." And he lunged at them!

Meanwhile, Batman and Kraang Subprime were duking it out.

“You had no right to interfere with our business!” Subprime glared, slashing at the Dark Knight with his blades.

"You invaded my city, mutated the Arkham inmates, and teamed up with the Joker!" Batman rebuffed, as he used his gauntlets to hold back Cyber Shredder's blades, "That's plenty of right." When Cyber Shredder tried to strike him, but the Dark Knight noticed and dodged the swing before he grabbed Cyber Shredder's arm and threw him over his shoulder.

Cyber Shredder spin-kicked Batman back, "For the record," Subprime began, "It was that stupid orange turtle's fault we wound up this city in the first place!"

“And I assume you also blame Michelangelo for your acts of betrayal?” Batman declared, leaping up to avoid another swing and throwing some batarangs.

“What?!” Subprime hissed, deflecting the batarangs away.

“The Turtles and Rainbooms told me everything," Batman continued, as he threw punches and kicks at the Kraang while the alien's Cyber Shredder droid blocked and deflected each one, "You were once an Utrom named Knight before the Kraang came along and you chose to betray the Utrom and joined the 'winning side'!”

This got Subprime really steamed and he kicked Batman back, “THE UTROM WERE WEAK! KRAANG IS POWERFUL! KRAANG IS THE FUTURE!”

Batman was not amused, “Those are the words.” He smirked. “Of the superstitious and cowardly lot.”

“I'LL SHOW YOU COWARD!” Subprime charged at Batman.

Author's Note:
  • Riddler attacks the ninjas and Bats with a mech suit like in Arkham Knight.
  • Raph saving Leo from Slade's swords is based off him saving Leo from Shredder's blades in the 2014 live action film.
  • Harley Quinn pins Pinkie on the floor just like how Mercy Graves did to her in the animated Batman and Superman movie.
  • Twilight frees Slade the same way Mikey freed Silver Sentry from the 2003 TMNT episode "The Unconvincing Turtle Titan".