• Published 28th Apr 2019
  • 8,577 Views, 282 Comments

Equestria BatGirls - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and their Ninja Allies from New York are thrown into another dimension with their enemies the Kraang and must join forces with the Dark Knight to stop them and return home.

  • ...

Mysterious Visitors

Author's Note:

This fic is based on Batman/TMNT comic, with some elements from the Batman TMNT adventures.

One night in a dark city, pedestrians were walking around getting to one place to another, while some were walking by a shop with multiple TVs in the window, with the news playing on all of them.

"This is Vicki Vale, of GCN, reporting to you live on the scene of a massive break in at Powers Industrial research and development laboratory," Vicki Vale turned to one of the scientists, "Ms, can you tell us what kind of tech was stolen?"

"An experimental generator valued at up to 800 million." she replied, while feeling shaken.

"And can you describe the attackers?"

"I'm not sure what they were, but... They were these strange robotic beings that were being piloted by... I don't believe it myself, but by these... brain-like creatures! And there was word they said more then anything else: Kraang. And if that wasn't strange enough, right out of nowhere, these humanoid creatures and metahumans appeared and attacked the robots! It was unheard of!"

"There you have it," Vicki Vale continued, "This marks the fifth attack on Gotham's research facilities since the abduction of Theoretical Physicist Dr. Naveen Khan. Police Commissioner James Gordon, denies that the disappearance of Dr Khan and the facility attacks are linked..."

"You're a bad liar, Gordon," said multimillionaire Bruce Wayne, as he watched the whole thing from the Batcomputer inside his lair; The Batcave.

"Another case, Master Bruce?" asked Alfred, as he walked up to his employer.

"I've hacked into the security footage from the recent attack on Powers," Bruce Wayne the Batman explained, and pulled up a video of the scientists being held at gun point by the robots they were talking about. Then suddenly, smoke bombs filled the room and eleven figures dropped in and started attacking them, "What's really peeked my curiosity, is that these creatures and meta-humans fight in a form of Ninjitsu." he went on.

"The League of Assassins, perhaps?" suggested Alfred.

"No. These ninjas are more specialized than the League," Bruce retorted, as one of figures threw a kunai at a robot. Then it noticed the camera and threw another kunai at the lens, shutting it down and ending the footage, "This isn't someone I'm familiar with, this is someone new."

"Of course, sir." Alfred replied.

"As for these robots, they've stolen five pieces of experimental military tech, but no weapons. So they must be building something," Bruce went on, "Something they aren't finished with."

"If these attacks are specifically on research and development labs, then Wayne R&D is more likely the next target," Alfred deduced.

"It is," Bruce agreed, "I'm heading there now, to see what these attacks are all about," Bruce stood up, and pulled on his mask.

"Sir, don't you think it'd be best to call in the Justice League for back up?" Alfred asked.

"The JLA have their own agendas, Alfred," Bruce replied, as he climbed into the Batmobile, "Besides, I've already called for backup."

Up on a roof top, overlooking the Wayne R&D building, stood three women. The first had wavy blonde hair and wore a black jacket with deep blue blouse. The second wore a purple pointed mask and carried a crossbow. And the third had red hair peeking out of her black bat mask and was currently looking through some binoculars.

"Anything yet, Babs?" asked Black Canary, "Not that I don't appreciate this little "girl's night out", but we've been standing here for hours; I'm gettin' bored." She drummed her fingers impatiently.

"Speak for yourself," muttered Huntress before speaking to Batgirl, "Remind me again why you dragged us out here?"

"Batman called me in for back up. Figured he could use two extra hands from two of the greatest superheroes I know." Batgirl explained, with a smile.

"Awww! You mean that?" Canary cooed.

"That doesn't explain why Batman asked for help, when it's just robots stealing tech.," Huntress interjected.

"Batman said the tech they're stealing is very specific," Batgirl retorted, "He thinks they're building something. But he doesn't know what it is yet. Whatever it is, it must be something big."

"Batman wouldn't have called for backup if it wasn't," said a voice, as two figures dropped down before them. A young man in a black suit with red shoulder guards and red bird-shaped insignia, and two metal sparring sticks strapped to his back. And a young teen boy in a red and black suit with a letter R on the side of the shirt, who carried a metal staff.

"Well, if it isn't the Boy Wonder." Black Canary teased.

"You know it." said Robin, as he stepped into the light.

"Actually, Tim. She was referring to Dick." Batgirl corrected.

"You know I don't go by that anymore," said Nightwing, stepping out as well, "If I had known you'd be bringing your friends, I would've called in the Titans."

"Those jokers, please," Huntress rebuffed, "I'd rather call on that pompous idiot Booster."

"Hey, I know they joke around, but their always there when it counts," Nightwing argued, then turned to Batgirl, "Any sign of those robots or their metas?"

"Not yet- wait!" Batgirl had spotted something. Looking through her binoculars, she saw a group of figures slipping into the building through the exits, "The robots. Bingo!"

"Right on cue," said Nightwing. He looked to Robin and the Birds of Prey "Let's move!"

"Shouldn't we wait for Batman?" asked Black Canary.

"Knowing Batman," Robin stated, "He's already way ahead of us."

Inside the building, the Kraang droids approached a scientist, who had his back to them, and aimed their blasters, "Surrender your, what is known as, Signal Amplifier to Kraang," a droid said, "Or Kraang will open fire!" The scientist didn't respond, or turn around. He just kept on working, "Kraang thinks that human has not heard Kraang. Kraang shall repeat Kraang. Surrender your technology to Kraang or Kraang will obliterate!"

The scientist stopped working. Then suddenly threw a batarang, disarming three droids. Then the scientist threw off his coat. It was Batman!, "I really don't care." he sneered. The droids that were still armed got ready to fire, when they were suddenly disarmed by more batarangs and arrows.

Then Nightwing, Robin, and the Birds of Prey dropped down next the Dark Knight, "Like I said, way ahead of us," Robin noted.

"Care to explain what you're doing with all the tech you stole?" Nightwing asked.

"That information is only known to Kraang," a droid said, "And Kraang is ordered to destroy any who stand in Kraang's way!"

"Well, that's good," Huntress smiled, pulling out her crossbow "I'm not in the mood for small talk."

"When are you ever?" Black Canary said, with a smug grin.

"Shut up!"

The Kraang droids fired their blasters as Batman and his allies went on the attack.

"Peeka-bo, I see you, Batman!" Killer Croc grinned, as he checked a small device in his hand.

"You better not be leading us on a wild goose chase, Croc!" Scarface warned.

"Uh, that might not be the case, sir." said Arnold Whisker the Ventriloquist.

"Can it, Dummy!"

"Oh, this is no wild goose chase," Killer Croc assured the wooden gangster, "Trust me. It'll be all worth it."

Killer Croc was leading Scarface & the Ventriloquist and their two henchmen, Rhino and Mugsy, as well as his own hired henchmen through the sewers, following a signal from a tracking device that someone managed to put on the Batmobile. At Croc's request, they brought tools and other equipment for working on cars. Scarface was skeptical about Killer Croc's plan but went along with it anyway, just to see how it would turn out.

"Does that piece of junk even work?" asked Rhino, doubtfully.

"I paid good money for this thing," Killer Croc retorted, "So of course it works!"

"Do you even have a plan?" asked Mugsy.

"You bet I do," Killer Croc growled, "Everyone thinks I've got leather for brains. Well they got another thing coming. I've got a contact in the black market. He said that just one small piece of the Batmobile is worth over 8000 bucks. When we find it, we'll strip the parts, sell'em on the black market, and we'll be rich!"

"That plan seems pretty sound." said the Ventriloquist.

"No one asked you, Dummy!" Scarface snapped.

"Well that explains what we're doin' with all these tools," Rhino held up a wrench, "But what I don't get is why we have move through the stinkin' sewers!"

Killer Croc looked back, "This way, Batman and his little sidekicks can't track us. Besides, they're all focused on the science lab robberies. So this is the perfect time to strike!" He checked over the device, "Good! He's parked," Croc then pointed to a doorway up ahead, "There's a manhole just through here. It'll take us right to where he parked the car. He'll never see us -- Coming?" Killer Croc stopped and stared.

"What are you gawking at?" Scarface asked, before he and his men looked out, "What the?"

As the men entered a large section of the sewer, they saw a television set sitting on top of a crate, with a video game console and a few games. A chair and work table. Three mattresses with blankets and pillows. A punching bag. And an open box of pizza with some drinks and a cupcake box, with a few cupcakes already taken out.

"All this stuff wasn't here, yesterday." Croc said, completely confused.

"Looks like a teenager's bedroom," Rhino said, "Or a bunch of teenager's bedrooms for that matter."

"Why would a bunch'a kids wanna hang out in a sewer?" Scarface thought out loud.

"Beats me?" Mugsy shrugged.

"Hey, kids! Come on out!" Croc called out, in fake sweet voice, "I promise I won't eat you. Maybe." The crocodile villain laughed menacingly.

"Do you think they heard anything we said, Mr Scarface?" the Ventriloquist asked, in worry.

"If they did, Dummy, then they're gonna have a nice friendly chat. With my tommy gun! Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" The dummy laughed and fired his gun at a random cupcake, blasting it to crumbs.

What neither he nor Croc or any of his men knew, that the "teenagers" were hiding and watching them from multiple places in the shadows. One turned to the other's and gave a signal. Before the intruders knew what was happening, smoke bombs filled the whole room, coating everything in a cloud of mist.

"What the?" Scarface looked around in surprise. Then something grabbed two of Croc's men from behind, covering their mouths, and dragged them into the shadows.

Then two more men were suddenly lifted off the ground, one of them covered in a pink substance, and pulled into another dark corner. The sound of flesh hitting flesh filled the room.

Realizing how serious the situation had become, Killer Croc disappeared into the smoke. And waited for the time to strike. Meanwhile, Scarface turned to three of the gunmen "Don't just stand there, yah mooks!" he shouted "Shoot!"

"Where?" asked one.


The three gunmen fired their guns all over the place, trying to terminate the attackers. When a bright streak of colors raced past them then the thugs noticed that they were now gunless. Before they could question, the streak came back, as quickly as it appeared, and knocked them off their feet before disappearing into another shadowy corner.

Now, Scarface, the Ventriloquist, and the remaining men had backed up, huddling together in worry. Whoever was hiding, was also taking them down one by one and they weren't taking any chances. Each of the henchmen were shifting the aim of their guns from one direction to the next.

"What's happening, Mr. Scarface?!" The Ventriloquist asked, in a panic.

"I don't know," the puppet gangster replied, before calling out, "Alright, whoever's out there, show yourselves! And just maybe we'll go easy on yah."

"Are you sure you want us to do that?" a smug young male voice asked.

"Let me make myself clear: Come out, or we'll go full lethal on yah!" Scarface threatened.

"Uh, we know your gonna do that anyway," came a raspy female voice.

"This is you're only warning! Show yourselves, or we're gonna open fire!" Scarface said "One! Two!"

"Okay, Puppet dude," came another young male voice, "But don't say we didn't warn yah!"

Then, to thugs surprise and shock, stepping out from the shadows were four giant turtles! They each wore different colored masks and had ninja weapons strapped to their shells and waists. The first had a blue mask and his weapons were a pair of katanas. The second, and the tallest, a purple mask and carried a bo staff. The third had a red mask and whipped out a pair of sais.

"What the... what the heck are you?!" Scarface stammered.

The fourth turtle, who wore an orange mask, flipped over to their right and began circling them, while whirling a pair of nunchucks. "What are we?" he echoed, "That's a good question. Maybe... we're spooky aliens!" he shot forward, startling the men "Sent here, by the supreme leader, to eat delicious humans and coat them in ranch dressing!" Then he laughed, "I'm just kidding, dudes, I'm a vegan! Except for meat and cheese and eggs and pepperoni pizza."

"Ignore him, we're not aliens," the turtle, in the purple mask said, clearly annoyed, "Although, that depends on this world's definition of "alien." We're not from this world, but we're not from outer space."

"Yeah, I don't care if you're some weirdos from a comic book convention, you're all mince meat!" Scarface face declared, and turned to his men, "Boys, turn'em into swiss cheese!"

"You got it, boss," said Mugsy "Eat lead, freaks!" All of the henchmen aimed their guns ready to fire when the guns were pulled from their hands, some were covered in the same pink substance, and floated away.

"I don't think so!" said another girl's voice.

The men looked and saw two teenage girls with the guns floating above their hands. The first girl had red hair, in a small ponytail, and wore a black jumpsuit with a yellow line down each of the sides. The second had dark blue hair, with pink and purple streaks, in a much longer ponytail. She wore a light blue blouse with purple stripes, a purple skirt with pockets, and dark blue dress shoes with pink laces.

"Didn't anyone teach you not to play with these things?" She asked.

"Guess not." said the red-head.

Then the men noticed they we're being surrounded by five more girls and a teenage boy wearing a iron hockey mask and carrying a hockey stick. The third girl has wavy red hair, with yellow streaks all over, turquoise eyes, and amber skin. She wore a black leather vest over an orange shirt, a magenta skirt, and punk-styled boots the same color as her vest. The fourth had long flowing pink hair, green blue eyes, and butter yellow skin. She wore a aquamarine dress with see-through sleeves and pink lace-up sandals. The fifth, who was admittingly the most attractive, had smooth purple hair, deep blue eyes, and white skin. She wore a light blue tutu shirt with a light purple skirt and purple high-heeled shoes. The sixth wore a cowgirl hat on top of her blonde hair, had green eyes, freckles, and peach skin. She wore a white t-shirt with green sleeves, a denim skirt, and cowgirl boots. Both her shirt and shoes had apple designs. And the seventh had poofy fuchsia hair, blue eyes, and pink skin. And she wore a white tank top, a three ruffled skirt in different shades of pink, and blue wedge sandals.

Just like the Turtles, all the strange skin colored girls carried ninja weapons. The first a kamayari. The second a bag of kunai. The third, a blow pipe and some darts. The fourth a pair of sickles. The fifth, hand claws. And the sixth a Bakuhatsugama.

"Why are there so many teenage girls here? And why are they carryin' weapons?" Rhino asked aloud. When the same rainbow streak zipped past them and their tool bags were gone. "What the?! Where's our tools?" the big thug asked, in confusion.

"Looking for these?" said the same raspy girl voice.

The men all looked to the side to see another girl standing there while holding their bags in one hand and a Naginata spear in the other. She had spiky rainbow hair, light blue skin, and magenta eyes. She wore a short sleeved hoodie, dark blue pants with a rainbow lightning bolt on each leg, and blue high top sneakers.

"What'cha doing here with all these tools?" she asked.

"I've got you're answer right here!" Rhino shouted, and lunged at her. But she suddenly zipped out of the way, at super speed, and the big man fell flat on the ground. The girl raced over to her friends with a satisfied smirk.

"Too Slow!" She mocked.

"How'd she do that?" Rhino said, in shock, as he got up.

"She's almost as fast as the Flash!" Mugsy exclaimed.

The Ventriloquist gasped, "They must be the Monsters and the Metahumans, the news was talking about!"

"Who are you calling monsters!" the red masked turtle glared at them and gripped his sais in anger.

"And what the hay is a meta-human?" asked the girl in the cowgirl hat.

"It's what you are," Scarface informed, "Metahumans! What're you pea-brained or somethin'?"

"Okay, one: we're not metahumas or whatever it is their called." the girl in the leather vest stated to the men

The turtle in the blue mask finished, "Second: we can clearly tell you're not one of the good guys."

"Especially since we heard you talking about stripping some car parts and selling them on the black market!" the purple haired girl added.

"So now we're gonna open up a can butt wooping, yo!" said the hockey masked boy, while brandishing his hockey stick.

"Yeah, you're totally out numbered!" called the rainbow haired girl, raising her spear.

"Guess again, girly," Scarface retorted "You's guys, seem to be forgettin' somethin'"

"Oh, really?" the purple masked turtle asked, doubtingly, "And what might that be?"

"Yeah, dude," the orange masked one agreed, "We don't see anybody else here!"

"Uh, guys!" the girl with the long pink hair raised a trembling finger, pointing behind the four turtles. They turned around just in time to see Killer Croc rising from the left over smoke, growling intimately. The turtles stared back in surprise, "Oh, right," the purple one remembered, nervously, "The big monster crocodile!"

Croc chuckled and pounded his fist, "I'll take care of the turtles, you guys, take care of the teens."

"With pleasure," Scarface responded, "You kids are gonna wish you never crossed--" he was cut off when the fusia haired girl threw the weight of her chain weapon, knocking him of the Ventriloquist's hand and onto the ground.

"Oh, Mr. Scarface!" cried the Ventriloquist.

"That was for my cupcake, you dirty dummy!" the pink girl fumed, and held up the remains of the cupcake Scarface had shot. The girls and the boy stood ready, the girls drawing out their weapons. The girl in the black jumpsuit pulled out a tesen and a tanto blade.

The four turtles turned to Croc and drew out their weapons, as the one in the blue mask shouted, "Ninjas, take'm down!"

"Goongala!" the hockey masked boy shouted, as he and the girls jumped at the henchmen.

"Booyakasha!" the orange masked turtle yelled, as the turtles leaped at Killer Croc.

An arrow pierced through the Kraang droid's head, shutting it down. The Kraang creature climbed out of the cockpit of it's droid, only to meet Huntress' foot, and was kicked into another creature as it too was climbing out of it's cockpit. The creatures screeched and crawled away with the other Kraang that left their droids. After that, Huntress joined up with others. Almost all the Kraang droids were now laying all over the laboratory, some missing some body parts, and others were in heaps, their body's emitting sparks. Batman and his team had made short work of the Kraang droids and he now had one pinned to a wall, "Tell us who you are!" he demanded.

"Kraang is, what is known as, Kraang," the droid answered.

"We gathered that." Nightwing said, crossing his arms.

"What are you doing with all the tech you stole?" Batman continued to question.

"Kraang is building, that which is known as, Trans-mat Portal device."

"Trans-mat Portal device?" Robin looked at the others, confusingly. They only shrugged.

"Kraang is trying to, what is known as go home," the droid continued, "And leave enemies of Kraang, that which is known as, stranded."

"Enemies?" Batgirl wondered aloud.

"Are you talking about the metahumans?" Batman inquired.

"Metahumans?" Black Canary looked at Batman, "You didn't tell us there were metas involved."

"Kraang has no knowledge of metahumans," the droid denied, "Kraang is only informed of the ones known as the Turtles and the Rainbooms."

"Turtles?" Batman echoed.

"Who would call themselves the Rain--" Huntress stopped, mid sentence. She whipped around and fired her crossbow. The arrow whizzed through the air before a strong fist grabbed it and snapped it in two.

Everyone else turned around and saw standing behind them was a tall man, who looked anything but friendly. But then again, this was Gotham City and almost nothing was friendly here. The man had dark red bandages wrapped around his feet and hands, all the way up to his arms. He wore a front piece chest armor and on each of his arms, he wore a gauntlet. He wore a metal samurai helmet with a face piece that only showed his eyes. And there was something very intimidating about him. But Huntress wasn't fazed.

"Lucky catch," she admitted, "Can you catch these?!" She fired more arrows but, in the blink of an eye, long sharp blades extended from the man's gauntlets and he chopped up the arrows in three swift motions, "Apparently you can. But let's see how well you fight." And she rushed at him.

"Huntress!" Batman called, but it was no use. Huntress fought the man, throwing her best moves at him, but he blocked and deflected every one of them. Then he struck her in the face and other vulnerable spots, before sharply kicking the surprised heroine to the floor.

"Helena!" cried Batgirl and Canary, before they shot glares at the man.

"I don't know who you are," Batgirl stated, "But nobody does that to my best friend!" She attacked the man, but just like before, he blocked her moves, struck her hard, and knocked her into Huntress. Realizing that fighting wouldn't work, Black Canary unleashed her sonic scream at the man. He was jerked back a bit, but then amazingly, he slowly began moving through the force of the cry. Canary was shocked! The only man who could withstand her scream was Steven Mandragora. She was so surprised by this, she stopped her cry and the man whacked her into her friends.

"Whoa! You're tough." Nightwing said, astounded.

"But let's see you take on two at a time!" Robin called, and pulled out his staff. Then he and Nightwing rushed forward and attacked the man too. And, just like before, the man blocked and countered all their moves before he jabbed Robin with his own staff and kicked him aside. Then he punched Nightwing, kneed him in the stomach, and elbowed him down to the floor.

Then the man turned toward the Dark Knight. He stared hard. Batman stared back. Both men stared each other down. After a long moment, the man finally spoke, "This is your only warning. Do not interfere with our work," While he spoke, Huntress got up and rushed at him again, her fist drawn back. But the man reacted fast and grabbed her by the throat. He turned his head toward her and unleashed the blades on his gauntlet, "And this is your only warning!" He made a small cut in her cheek and retracted the blades, "If you dare attack me again, you will die!" Then he slammed his fist into Huntress' gut, making her yell in pain, and knocked her to the floor again. But when she started to get up again, he stomped on her back, forcing her down. He turned to other's, who were also getting up "Cross us again and you will all perish!" Then he went out the exit, neither Batman or any of his teammates made an attempt to stop him.

After the man had gone, Batman went over and helped Huntress up, "Are you alright?" he asked her.

"I'm fine!" Huntress grunted, "If that guy thinks I'm gonna cave-in to his threat, he's got another thing coming."

"Who was that guy?" Batgirl inquired, as she helped Black Canary up.

"No idea," Nightwing said, "But the way he fought, reminded me of Slade. And someone else we know..." he looked right at Batman as he said that.

"We're not gonna really drop the case, because some metal samurai tells us too, right?" Robin asked, rhetorically.

"Obviously." Huntress stated.

"Whoever that man was, it's clear that's he's involved with these "Kraang," Batman noted, "And what's even more clear, is that he is highly skilled and deadly. So we must all provide extra caution, should we run into him again." Batman was interrupted by a beeping sound coming from his belt. He pulled out a small device, on the screen was a blinking bat symbol.

"The silent alarm on the Batmobile?!" Nightwing exclaimed.

"Someone's outside." Batman said.

Earlier, a manhole was lifted off, then Killer Croc, Scarface & Ventriloquist, and all their henchmen were tossed out, all were tied up, and Scarface & Ventriloquist were both gagged. Then one by one, the Turtles, Rainbooms, and their allies April O'Neill and Casey Jones climbed out, "You'll be hearing from my lawyer!" Scarface shouted through the gag, only for Pinkie Pie to whack him in the head, supposedly knocking him out.

"You talk to much!" Pinkie snapped, clearly still mad about the cupcake.

"Well, that's just great!" Raph said, sarcastically, "Not only do we have to find a new hideout, but we're nowhere near closer to stopping the Kraang and going home!"

"Calm down, Raph," Leo eased, "This is no time to rant on about it."

"Yeah," Sunset chimed in, "We're all not happy about being stuck here. But yelling about it won't help anything."

"We wouldn't even be in this dimension in the first place," Donnie said, before glaring at his younger brother, "IF MIKEY HADN'T MESSED WITH THE KRAANG PORTAL!" he yelled.

"Hey, how was I supposed to know this would happen?" Mikey argued, and his brothers all glared at him, "Okay, that was my bad... But the good thing is, the Kraang are stuck here with us!" he grinned, in satisfaction.

"And how is that great?!" Raph asked, rhetorically.

"Well, duh! That way, they can't cause any trouble back home."

"That's true, Mikey," Donnie said, calmly, before switching back to being angry, "Only now they're free -- TO MESS AROUND IN THIS DIMENSION!"

"Knock it off, guys!" April injected, "It could have been a lot worse. And like Sunset said, yelling won't help."

"And you can't blame Mikey for what happened." Fluttershy put in.

"Uh, yeah we can," Raph retorted, "It's his fault we got stuck in this dimension in the first- ow!" Fluttershy had elbowed him in the arm.

"If Mikey hadn't done what he did, then who know's where the Kraang would have sent us!" she said, sternly.

"Raph was right about one thing," Twilight Sparkle said, "We gotta find a new hideout. Especially now that the news knows about us."

"At least they don't know what we look like, thanks to me taking out the security camera at the Powers lab," Sunset Shimmer noted, "But our main problem is stopping the Kraang."

"Problem with that is, every time we try to stop them from stealing any tech, they sick their new weapon on us!" Donnie stated, "Just like they did tonight."

"You can say that again," Rainbow Dash said, "That thing sure gave us all a real beating."

"I'll say," added Casey "You, me, and A.J got the worst of it!"

"Probably because you three just rushed at it, without thinking." April noted, much to their annoyance.

"Yeah," Applejack agreed, rubbing the of her neck, "That weapon's gotta be the toughest thing we've faced, yet!"

"With that new weapon, the Kraang are more dangerous then they were before!" Donnie stated, in worry.

"Even more serious," Twilight put in, "If the Kraang finish building the portal and get back to our dimension, leaving us stranded here, they'll be free to take over New York again or even the whole world! We can't let that happen."

"We'll worry about all that later," Leo said, "For now, let's just get these guys to the police," he gestured to the bound and gagged men.

"What about the crocodile man?" Rainbow Dash asked, pointing to Killer Croc, "We can't exactly send him to jail, can we?"

"He makes Leatherhead look gentle." Raph stated.

"Well, actually, I read online about this place called Arkham," Donnie informed "Maybe we can--"

"Holy Chalupa!" Mikey cried, and pointed, "Dude's look!"

Everyone looked to where Mikey was pointing and saw a strange looking car parked close by. It was long and narrow, looked as if it could fit four people inside, and had four pointed rims in the back that made it look bat-like. Donnie, Casey, and Rainbow Dash stared in wonderment at the vehicle.

"It's beautiful!" Donnie marveled, and began overlooking the car, "Just look at it's shape and is that a jet engine?! Amazing! It looks like it could reach speeds at up to 50 miles per hour! So cool!" Then he had a look inside it, "And would you look at the interior! I can't even!"

Pinkie suddenly popped up in the driver's seat, "Hey, what's this do?" she pushed a button and a gun stuck out of the side and fired a small missile that blow up a random trash can. Everyone stared at the destroyed can for moment "Whoopsies!" Pinkie said, sheepishly.

Rainbow Dash finally broke the silence "That... was... Awesome!" she cried, in excitement.

"High tech gadgets?" Donnie squeaked, "Okay, this car is AMAZEBALLS!"

"A Totally Metal Ride, yo!" Casey said, and jumped in as he and Rainbow Dash stared looking at all the buttons and Donnie was still looking all over the vehicle, while Pinkie Pie was pretending to drive it.

"Cut it out, you guys," Leo ordered, but Donnie and Pinkie were too distracted, while Casey and Rainbow just ignored him, "Seriously, the owner of this car is not gonna be happy to find you poking around it."

"Uh, who would have car like this?" Raph asked, pointing at it.

Just then, Fluttershy backed up to them. A look of fear written all over her face "Um... maybe... HIM?" She pointed a trembling finger. Everyone looked and saw, staring down at them from the top of a building was a tall figure silhouetted against the sky. Then the figure jumped down and landed in front of them. They could see it was a man wearing a dark grey suit, with black gloves & boots, a long black cape attached to mask with pointed ears, and on the chest part of the suit was black bat symbol.

Everyone stared in shock and silence. Until Mikey screamed, and clung to Fluttershy, in fear "AAAHHHH! A GIANT BAT!"