• Published 8th Aug 2012
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Bonds Beyond Worlds - dbzponyninja

Several cartoon and video game worlds plus Dragon Ball Z merge with Equestria.

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Episode 3 Silly Hazama Trix Are For Kids

Bonds Beyond Worlds Episode 3 Silly Hazama: Trix Are For Kids by Evan Carlton Written on ‎September ‎14, ‎2012
Last time on Bonds Beyond Worlds Rainbow Dash, Rarity and the Transformers Prime version of Arcee were visiting New York City to hang out with their friend Spiderman when they came across a epic battle between Spiderman and Venom, Optimus Prime (Transformers Prime version) and Megatron (Transformers Prime version) and Iron Man vs. Living Laser. While trying to hit Living Laser with his wrist missles Venom got in the way and his symbiote was splattered all over Rainbow Dash and Rarity's fur coat. They were then taken over by the symbiote and merged into one giant symbiote. Thanks to Spiderman a.k.a. Peter Parker telling them not to let the symbiote control them and to remember who they are Rainbow Dash and Rarity ripped the symbiotes off their bodies but then the symbiote fled underground. What happens next let's find out right now?

Relius Clover told Hazama a.k.a. Yuuki Terumi "we need her, if we harnessed and took control of her immense magic we could take over all of Kagutsuchi, the multiple dimensions and universes and the world."

Hazama told Relius "let's do it let's kidnap or in this case I guess ponynap Twilight Sparkle."

Meanwhile in Canterlot in the land of Equestria Princess Celestia just received a letter from her faithful student Twilight Sparkle only this time it wasn't a friendship report telling the alicorn princess with a white fur coat and a long flowing wavey mane and tail what she or any of the other five members of The Mane Six had learned about the magic and wonders of friendship.

Before picking up and reading the letter with unicorn telekinesis Princess Celestia asked her younger alicorn sister Princess Luna "hey Luna I just got a new letter from Twilight but this time it doesn't look like a friendship report do you want to listen as I read it anyway?"

Princess Luna told her older sister "sure" and then Princess Celestia read the letter it read "dear Princess Celestia this is not a friendship report but from now on I wanted to let you know when I use my portal spell to go to other worlds especially if you feel like joining me, my friends, Spike or The CMC (Cutie Mark Crusaders) sometime later before I return home to Ponyville in the land of Equestria. Anyway that is all signed

Your Faithful Student Twilight Sparkle. P.s. today i'm going to Kagutsuchi i'm sorry I forgot to mention that anyway bye."

Anyway all six members of The Mane Six and Trixie who followed her rival all went to Kagutsuchi but just moments after arriving in Kagutsuchi Hazama mistook Trixie for Twilight and grabbed her instead of Twilight.

Trixie woke up in a machine designed exclusively for draining the magic out of a unicorn's body and adding it to the giant laser above the machine she was trapped and tied up in.

Trixie opened her purple eyes and said "what... wh- where am I?"

Hazama told Trixie "wait a minute you're not Twilight
Sparkle who are you?"

Trixie told Hazama by talking in third person like she does "how dare you mistake or even compare Trixie to that miserable excuse for a unicorn, I don't know who you are but let Trixie out right this instant you ugly human."

Hazama then looked at her data and said "actually you might not be the unicorn pony I was looking for but I could still use you plus if you give me some of your magic to power my laser we could use it to destroy Twilight and her friends."

Trixie told Hazama "fine but after this is over give me back my magic and send me home."

Hazama told Trixie "i'm a man of my word now let's get started."

Meanwhile Makato Nanaya and her half Saiyan half squirrel beastkin son Megeta was hanging out with her long time human friends Noel Vermillion and Tsubaki Yayoi who were also hanging out with The Mane Six.

Rainbow Dash and Rarity were telling Makato, Noel and Tsubaki about what happened when they went to visit New York City with Arcee last week and the two human women and the half human half squirrel woman asked Rarity and Rainbow Dash "wow it sounds like the two of you had quite a adventure last week what did it feel like when that symbiote attached itself to your fur and took over your mind and body?"

Rarity shuddered before telling them in the trademark British accent that she talks in "I never felt so dirty and unclean in my life that symbiote might have been a black alien but it felt and looked like it was made of tar."

Rainbow Dash told them "yeah I don't usually care or obsess about getting dirty as much as Rarity over there but just like Rarity upon returning home to Ponyville the first thing I did was fly up to my cloud home and take a shower."

Just then Rachel Alucard, Taokaka, Carl Clover, Hakumen and Ragna The Bloodedge were magically teleported in front of all six members of The Mane Six, Makato, Megeta, Noel and Tsubaki.

Rachel told all of the people and six ponies in front of her after taking a sip of tea prepared by the immortal vampire's immortal werewolf butler "all of you must follow me to the roof of the NOL (Novis Orbis Libraium) immediately a blue unicorn mare has been kidnapped or I guess in this case ponynapped and her magic is being used to power a giant laser that I fear Terumi is somehow planning to use to either destroy or take over Kagutuschi as well as all the other worlds that you talking ponies have traveled to including your world."

Applejack said in the trademark southern accent that all members of the Apple family talk in "I don't much like or care about Trixie but we still gotta save her."

Twilight told Applejack "you're right Applejack come on let's save Trixie."

Rainbow Dash asked Twilight "do we have to Trixie's just a arrogant show off and a bragger plus she humiliated me and shocked me in the flank with a lightning bolt from a magic cloud that she conjured up."

Twilight told her blue pegasus friend with a rainbow colored mane and tail that has shades of blue, green, purple, orange, red and yellow on it "yes Rainbow it's the right thing to do plus if we don't save her there's no telling what that Terumi guy might do with that laser of his plus if he destroys Equestria you'll never be able to join The Wonderbolts."

Rainbow Dash then told Twilight "you're right Twilight let's save Trixie even though I really don't want to."

Twilight told everybody "grab on to me i'll teleport all of us to the roof of this NOL place."

Rachel told the lavender unicorn mare with a mane and tail that has shades of pink and purple on it "that won't be necessary everyone stand next to me I shall teleport all of us."

However before Rachel teleported herself, Taokaka Carl, Hakumen, Ragna, Noel, Tsubaki, Makato, Megeta and The Mane Six to the roof of the NOL Makato told Rachel "wait a second I need someone or somepony or whatever to watch him for me."

Rachel then called her werewolf butler who was in his normal everyday old man form and not his werewolf form "Valykenhayn I need you to watch this squirrel beastkin child please."

Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie also volunteered to help and Rachel told them "very well now the rest of us let's hurry."

Anyway shortly after everybody was teleported to the roof of the NOL building Twilight said "Trixie we have come to save you."

Trixie told Twilight "Trixie does not need saving Twilight Sparkle, this man might have taken Trixie hostage by accident but now that his laser is at full power we can use it to destroy all of you."

Rainbow Dash told Twilight "I told you we shouldn't have saved her she doesn't even want to be saved anyway come on let's go back home."

Twilight ignored Rainbow Dash and told Trixie "Trixie don't you understand that he's going to destroy Equestria with that laser of his, he's going to destroy your home."

Trixie told Hazama "you lied to Trixie, give me back my magic right now i'm going back home now."

Hazama told Trixie "first of all stop talking about your self and talking in third person you're starting to get on my nerves second of all I lied when I said i'd let you go, i'm going to keep you as a pet."

Trixie told Hazama "I am not a pet, set Trixie free now."

Anyway after he got done talking to Trixie Rachel, Taokaka, Noel, Makato, Carl, Hakumen and Ragna all distracted Hazama while Twilight freed Trixie and then Trixie and all six members of The Mane Six returned home to Ponyville in the land of Equestria. The End. Next time on Bonds Beyond Worlds shortly after all six members of The Mane Six, Applejack and Applebloom's older brother Big Macintosh, Twilight's older brother Shining Armor and all three alicorn princesses are inducted into and become members of The Justice League Spike and all three members of The Cutie Mark Crusaders get superpowers and join Young Justice but when several members of The Justice League get mind controlled by Mad Hatter (Batman villain version not Alice in Wonderland version) and are pitted against Young Justice could this be the end of Young Justice or will they be able to return The Justice League back to normal and put The Mad Hatter in Arkham Asylum find out the answers to all these questions and more on the next exciting episode of Bonds Beyond Worlds Episode 4 Mad Hatter's Plan Justice League vs. Young Justice.