• Published 30th Mar 2019
  • 1,209 Views, 116 Comments

Dissonance: A Hidden World - Braininthejar

"That which can be destroyed by the truth, deserves to be." But does it always? And just what is the truth about the Elements of Harmony?

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Chapter 13: The Truth

"So, all we can do is wait?" said Twilight Sparkle, a slightly frantic undertone already sneaking into her voice.

“I’m afraid so, Miss Sparkle,” said a pegasus guard standing at the door. “The orders of the Princess have been very clear.”

Twilight turned with a groan, slamming the door in the guard’s face and trotting back into the large bedroom. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie looked at her with worry.

“I can’t just stay here and do nothing! Princess Celestia didn’t even tell me what startled her so much,” she said, pacing the room. “Our friends might be in danger. Equestria might be in danger!”

“You could take a shower,” said Pinkie Pie, scratching her chin.

“What!?” asked Twilight, much louder than she intended.

The pink pony smiled sheepishly. “Well, we’re all still sticky from all those things that happened in the changeling hive. And there is a bathroom here. So if you’re too nervous to sit and do nothing, you might just as well-”

“Not my point at all, Pinkie,” said Twilight. “We’re the the bearers of the Elements of Harmony. If there is something dangerous going on, we should be helping Princess Celestia.”

Fluttershy turned her head and sniffed under her wing. “We… really do need a shower,” she said.

Twilight looked from one of her friends to the other. Finally she hung her head in defeat. “Fine, I’ll go first.”

She was halfway to the bathroom when there was a knock on the door. She turned around, teleporting to the doorstep and opening them wide. “Yes?” she asked, a mix of fear and hope on her face.

The pony on the doorstep turned out to be another guard, although older and dressed more elaborately. He was a blue unicorn with dark grey mane and an impressive moustache. Though his armor covered his cutie mark, it was reproduced on his crest, a rose of winds.

“Captain North Star,” he said, nodding his head. “I’ve just come to see if you need anything. I was told you were getting restless.”

“Of course we’re getting restless,” said Twilight, pushing closer to the stallion. “Our friends are still missing, and all we’ve been told is we need to stay here until the princess returns.”

Captain North Star sighed. “I’m sorry, procedures are procedures, even for heroes such as yourselves. The town of Ponyville has been infiltrated by changelings, so we have to keep everypony under guard until their identity can be verified without doubt.”

Twilight nodded in understanding, then smiled. “Oh, is that the only problem? I’m sure the three of us can easily prove our identities, right girls?” she said, turning towards the room.

Fluttershy smiled and waved. Pinkie leaned against her party cannon and saluted.

North Star stared at Pinkie Pie. “How… did this thing get here?”

Twilight beamed at the captain. “See what I mean? Now, we’ll just need some birds from the palace gardens and anypony from princess Celestia’s school for gifted unicorns. Or Spike… Where is Spike?” she almost shouted into North Star’s face, her smile gone in a second.

The Captain blinked. “The little dragon? He’s in the Crystal Empire, with your brother. He moved there soon after you disappeared.”

Twilight calmed down, but only for a moment. “What about Owlowiscious?

North Star gave her a confused look. “Who?”

Pinkie giggled.

“Your owl still resides within Ponyville Library, Twilight Sparkle,” said Princess Luna, from behind North Star. The captain turned around rapidly and saluted, as did the other guard Twilight only then noticed standing next to the door frame. Luna nodded to the soldiers before walking between them and entering the room.

Please, leave us,” she said to the guards. “Actually, please send a servant for some carrot juice as you go. We have a lot to talk about.”

Her magic closing the door behind her, Luna looked at the three mares with a sad expression.

“I wish your return to us were a day of joy. Sadly it isn’t so. Celestia has told us that Equestria is about to face a great threat, one that you must be made familiar with.”

“Threat? What kinda threat?” Pinkie asked, hopping curiously up to Luna and stepping in-between her and Twilight. Part of Twilight’s mind was grateful for Pinkie obscuring the view of her face, which was quickly turning pale.

“You’ve met him, haven’t you? Obsidian,” Luna stated, grimacing as she pronounced the name. “The greatest villain in the history of Equestria has returned, finally escaping his prison after thousands of years.”

“The greatest villain? Worse than king Sombra?” Pinkie asked.

Luna nodded gravely. “We imagine you desire the entire explanation? We have time before Celestia returns. She has left to try to find your friends. Then we are going to work on preparing a way to defeat Obsidian once and for all.”

Twilight looked up dumbly. “...D-defeat him, Princess?”

“Indeed. Obsidian is the most fearsome foe you could ever encounter. Hopefully we can be the ones to face this challenge in your stead. But allow us to start at the beginning. It all began thousands of years ago, before even the two of us walked the world. When the founders of Equestria united in the Hearthwarming, they formed harmony that ended the conflict between the tribes and started the first great age of peace. If you have met Obsidian, you must have been to the Dissonance, the void beyond dreams where all the feelings of our hearts originate. This is where the Elements of Harmony were formed, coming to Equestria after the hearts of the good ponies called them into being.”

All three ponies were staring at Luna, absorbing her every word. Pinkie pulled some popcorn out of her party cannon to chew while she listened.

“But even if the most beautiful paradise, there is always somepony, who will not be satisfied, who always wants more. So it was that time. Two stallions, brothers gifted with great talent, but twisted with greed, saw the Elements and desired their power. They were Verba, the weaver of words and Obsidian, whose heart was black and hard as stone. Together they used treachery to murder the first bearers and steal the Elements, then began to work on subjugating their powers to their will.”

Twilight stared with wide eyes, her fear momentarily forgotten as she listened to Luna’s story. Subjugate? But that shouldn’t be possible... the Elements respond only to ponies who exemplify their respective virtues.”

“That is correct. The Elements would remain lifeless stones in their possession. But Obsidian and Verba were stubborn. They researched the most secret tomes of magic and delved deeper and deeper into arts most forbidden, until finally they found the solution they were seeking in the darkest evil - in ritual self-mutilation.”

A bit of popcorn fell out of Pinky’s mouth. Fluttershy gasped. Twilight looked at the princess in confusion. “How would hurting themselves help them control the Elements?” she asked.

“There is a lot to magical knowledge that has been forgotten in modern days,” responded Luna “but you, Twilight Sparkle have read enough to understand some principles. Emotions have power. Words have power. A written word can accumulate the energies of a wizard that writes it. Blood is the currency of the soul.”

She paused, letting the unicorn consider the implications.

Twilight Sparkle frowned. “So, they hurt themselves in order to focus their power... the runes!” She swayed on her legs as the full impact of what she had seen without understanding hit her.

“Yes,’ continued the princess, “the principles of magic brought to their logical conclusion, then twisted into their darkest possible form. Putting enchanted blades to their bodies, Obsidian and Verba covered their hides with runes of great magic. Using their blood and pain to fuel the casting, they invested all of their greed, hatred and pride into the symbols, binding and focusing their magic into a spell like there had never been seen before.

As you know, the power a pony can wield is limited by her ability to control it - the more magic, the more chaos to struggle with. The Elements create harmony, allowing you and your friends to tap into powers undreamed of without the risks of chaos. The runes solved the problem differently - they provided a constant, an eye of the storm. Obsidian and Verba could cast spells that would drive a pony insane, transform their minds and bodies, weave deceit so deep they could even fool the Elements into accepting them. Because whatever magic would affect them, the cores of their dark and twisted natures had been forever carved into their flesh.

With their newfound power, Verba and Obsidian named themselves the new bearers of Harmony. They used their talents for deception to seize power, then blame the deaths of their predecessors on foreigners and start a war of conquest, using the name of Harmony as an excuse for atrocities - thousands of ponies died in unjust war to fulfill the brothers’ desire to rule all they could see. It was a time of darkness like none before or after.”

Luna made a dramatic pause, waiting for the inevitable question.

“So...um... how were they stopped?” asked Fluttershy.

Luna’s face grew sad, her starry mane darkening around her head until it looked like a black hood.

“Nopony alive knows of how the two of us became immortal alicorns, but we will tell you now. Back in those times, we were mortal ponies, great heroes of Equestria... we were their best enforcers.”

“WHAT!?” The shocked voices of the three mares made the windows of the hall vibrate. Luna gave her listeners a moment to recover before returning to her story.

“Back then, we too were deceived by the brothers. We saw them as our caring leaders, and did our best to fulfill their orders, thinking it would be for the best for Equestria. We fought their battles of conquest thinking ourselves heroes.” Luna ground her teeth. It was clear that for her the story was much more than just some distant myth.

“We didn’t see through them until their corruption reached a point where it could no longer be concealed. Obsidian’s teeth grew sharp, and he developed craving for pony meat. And still his magic blinded almost everypony to his evil. Only the two of us and our most faithful companions saw through his ruse.

When we started looking for the truth, Obsidian and Verba tried to destroy us. In the end, we met in a battle, and they used the Elements to kill us all.”

“So, did you die?” asked Pinkie, shaking the empty barrel of her cannon in search of any stray popcorn left. Twilight glared daggers at her. “Pinkie... this is serious... very, very serious.” She turned back to the princess. “What happened then?”

“As it turned out, Obsidian and Verba overestimated their powers,” continued Luna. “At that point, we were the ones representing Harmony, and the Elements rebelled against their evil masters. Instead of dying, we were transformed, each of us in a different way. Though it initially seemed like we were killed, we all returned stronger for it. The greatest gift was bestowed on us and our sister - bound to the powers of Sun and Moon we became the immortal guardians Equestria needed. Our companions were empowered to lesser degree, each rewarded for their heroism in a special way.”

“As for the two villains, the Elements themselves punished their hubris. Obsidian was thrown into Dissonance along with his fortress, bound there by the magic he had tried to control. He was now a master of all he gazed upon - never to see anything outside his tower again. Verba was cast away along with him, his body destroyed as layers of lies were unraveled, until only his true nature remained, inscribed into his runes.”

“How come I haven’t heard anything of this?” asked Twilight. “I have read so many history books... was it all kept a secret?”

“Yes, and for good reason.” Luna had already calmed down, her starry mane returning to its original appearance. “While the Elements granted us great powers, it took a lot of time for us to actually return. Some of our friends were gone for centuries before we found them. In the meantime, the evil that Obsidian and Verba had wrought did not end with them. Despite being banished into Dissonance, Verba managed to contact some unicorn wizards and feed them with new lies. Though unable to ever return to Equestria, they still wanted to rule it. They designed a spell to send ponies into Dissonance so that any new pony who wanted to wield the Elements would be tested - those who would not buy Verba’s lies never returned. By the time we finally came back, the rule of Obsidian and Verba, and the misguided Element bearers under their influence had brought Equestria to ruin. Just like the harmony of the three tribes had brought the Elements of Harmony into being, the centuries of strife caused by the two brothers gave birth to Discord, spirit of Disharmony.”

“Celestia and I used our new magic to bind to the Elements, seal Discord away then cut Verba’s contact to Equestria. Without him, Obsidian would not be able to contact the world and cause any more evil. We also erased all signs of them from history, to make sure nopony would try to seek their prison, or attempt the madness they had. And even that proved not to be enough. As it turned out, some tomes of dark lore survived Obsidian’s defeat and found their way into possession of another unicorn greedy for power.”

“Sombra” gasped Twilight Sparkle. Her freshly regained calm was gone and she was now visibly shaking.

“Yes,” confirmed Luna. “King Sombra, the self-proclaimed ruler of the Crystal Empire, used Obsidian’s old magic to feed upon the anguish of his subjects, growing in strength until he could rival us in power. He was defeated, but not before banishing the whole city... and casting an insidious curse that poisoned our heart and transformed us into the monster you saved us from.”

Luna stopped, but no questions followed. Twilight just stood there shaking, an expression of utter horror in her eyes. “We let him out... he tricked Applejack and used her connection to Honesty to bypass the binding spell. I saw the teeth, and his cruelty... and I think I even saw the scars and I still let him fool me.The greatest villain in the history of the world is free and it’s all my fault!”

Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy stared in stunned silence. Luna walked up to the unicorn and wrapped her in in a wing-hug. “Do not blame yourself, Twilight Sparkle. You didn’t know, and Obsidian has great power over words, able to snake his way into the minds of those who would listen to him. We didn’t reveal this story to you, thinking the secret safe. But secrets are a double-edged sword. If anything, this is our fault for not preparing you for this.”

Just then, there was a knock on the door. Luna opened it, revealing North Star standing on the doorstep with a tray of glasses. He set them down on a nightstand, then bowed before the Princess. “Your Highness, I bring urgent news.”

“Very well, then. Speak,” Luna ordered.

Some minutes before...

Everypony paused at Obsidian’s words. The gathered mares looked at the stallion, then at the princess, just in time to see her pupils widen. Obsidian used the moment to walk forward and take the spotlight, the staff rising at his side, ready to defend him.

“Well, this answers some questions,” he said, “and poses some new ones. Tell me, why is it that whenever I’m told of some disaster, it always seems connected to one of you?”

The princess scanned the area, her eyes briefly stopping on the prone shape of Pierce on the grass behind Obsidian. She then glared at the earth pony, her aura intensifying into a burning halo. Everypony started inching away from Obsidian.

“So, it really is you, Obsidian! You took away the Elements of Harmony to poison their hearts with your lies?!” She didn’t shout, but her magic amplified the voice, causing Rainbow, Rarity and Applejack to flinch and the little fillies to cower.

Obsidian merely smiled, his staff drawing a circle in the air that filled with a translucent shield. “The bug ponies were not my servants. I only used the opportunity when Twilight Sparkle showed at my doorstep. Since there seems to be no sign of the ponies who helped me-”

“Silence!” boomed Celestia. “You may have broken free from your prison of madness, but your evil will never again taint this world! My ponies, please move aside. I’ll need to use all of my power to rid Equestria of this monster!”

She rose a bit into the sky, the light focusing in her horn. Sweetie Belle and Applebloom backpedalled away before turning around and fleeing towards the nearby bushes. The other girls increased their distance, but stayed around the stallion, Applejack and Rarity surrounding him from the sides while Rainbow Dash stayed behind him, standing protectively over Pierce.

“What’s she talking about, Obsidian?” asked Applejack, pointing a hoof at the stallion.

“She’s an old foe of mine,” said Obsidian, looking at her. “Back in the times-”

“You have been misled, my ponies!” started Celestia again, her voice drowning whatever Obsidian was about to say. “Obsidian is the single greatest threat Equestria has ever faced, his heart as black as his namesake! If you let him trick you, he will plunge the world back into the age of darkness!”

“SO. THAT'S WHY YOU NEVER LET HONESTY TRAIN!” said Obsidian, in a mocking tone, his voice magically amplified to the point that it make the hospital windows shake. “See, I can do that too. It’s rude to interrupt. Are lies and slander the best you can do? You think you can just hide your evil?”

Through that, the three Element bearers kept standing still, looking from Celestia to Obsidian and back. The princess glared at her opponent, but her aura seemed to subside.

“You will not be victorious this time, Obsidian. There is no ground for your lies to take root. After I purged your evil from Equestria, I built a thousand years of peace and prosperity. Whole generations of ponies grew up without knowing strife or hunger. I will not let you destroy that with your darkness. Do you think my ponies will be fooled so easily? You can’t conceal your monstrous nature. Tell me, did you enjoy your meal?”

This time it was Obsidian who hesitated. Celestia flew closer, her light growing brighter again.

“Did you think I would not smell the death upon you? Mere hours back in Equestria and you’ve already murdered another being!”

Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash gave frightened stares to Obsidian. The stallion sighed.

“Your ‘perfect world’ tried to eat me. I merely turned the tables. And speaking of wildlife, I have seen the tree. I know how you usurped the Elements.”

Celestia froze, but then her face calmed. “This just proves how little you understand true Harmony. The tree is the creation of the Elements themselves, a seat of their power. I will gladly show it to the girls once you have been defeated.”

Obsidian smirked. “Oh, I’m sure Twilight will be fooled at first. But she has been to Dissonance, and her power has grown. What will you do when she discovers the truth? When she sees you for the abomination you are? Will you murder her, like you did my disciples!?”

Celestia’s eyes blazed with golden light to match her horn and for a moment everything disappeared in a bright flash. Obsidian’s staff swung around, a bubble of force erupting around, him, but the blow didn’t come. When the light dispersed, Celestia was back where she had started, the limp body of Pierce in her telekinetic grip, along with a very confused Rainbow Dash.

Celestia looked down towards Applejack and Rarity. “Now, my ponies, run away! Take your sisters away from here! I will keep this monster busy!”

Rarity nodded, then turned and ran towards where Applebloom and Sweetie Belle were hiding. Applejack hesitated; Obsidian was standing in her way, so she would have to run in the opposite direction.

Obsidian smiled at Applejack. “So this is how it goes, isn’t it? History is written by the victors.”

Having recovered her sight, Rainbow Dash started flapping her wings. Celestia released her, now dividing her attention between Obsidian and Pierce. With another flash of her horn, the agent disappeared. “Now, villain, we can end this,” said the princess, pointing her horn at Obsidian. “The Elements were merciful when they imprisoned you. But now that you have broken free, I can end your evil once and for all.”

Obsidian looked around. Rarity had fulfilled the princess’ order to the letter, now galloping away from soon to be battlefield, the two fillies in tow. Rainbow Dash was still observing the situation, but was keeping herself above and behind the princess, ready to move aside as soon as spells started flying. Applejack was inching away from Obsidian.

“Are you satisfied with that, Honesty?” said the stallion with a small smile. “Will you accept whatever story is told when the dust clears, or would you rather hear the truth?”

“Applejack, get out of there!” shouted Rainbow Dash. Celestia started charging her horn, but did not shoot. The farmpony hesitated, ready to bolt, but still looking at Obsidian with an uneasy expression.

Obsidian drove his staff into the ground. The runes along the shaft erupted with blue light and a bigger bubble of force formed around him, engulfing Applejack as well. For a moment the sounds from the outside were muted.

Applejack looked around frightfully. “Hey, what gives? Let me out!” she said forcefully, fear in her voice.

“Just stopping the fight until you give me your answer,” said Obsidian. “Peace or truth? You’ve made a promise. Will you be able to sleep if you don’t see it to the end?”

A moment passed. Then Celestia’s spell hit the barrier, causing it to start to dissolve. Obsidian merely glanced towards the princess before focusing his gaze on Applejack. Finally the mare stomped her hoof, a determined expression on her face.

“Alright, I did make a promise. But I better get the whole story this time, you hear? If you’re lying-”

“I’m not,” said Obsidian. “Now, hold tight.” His barrier burst, dispersing into motes of light. Obsidian raised his staff in a protective gesture, but did not conjure another barrier, instead walking purposefully towards Applejack.

The time seemed to slow down. Applejack saw the princess prepare another shot, only to hesitate. Behind her, Rainbow Dash was shouting at Applejack to get away. For a second their eyes met, the farmpony looking at her friend with determination. The pegasus’ eyes widened in understanding. Then Obsidian touched Applejack and the world disappeared.

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