• Published 6th Aug 2012
  • 2,525 Views, 58 Comments

The Lost - Lux

A student, two teachers, romance, a forbidden transformation, betrayl, and a little chaos

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First Lesson

Chapter 4 – First Lesson

“The first few days were spent for him getting used to the castle and to us,” Princess Luna said as the scene faded out again, “I didn’t want to thrust him into his studies while he was still trying to find where things were. Celestia and I would take turns spending time with him during our busy schedule. Being that he was a colt, he didn’t need too much help doing things, but knowing that his entire life was without those to care for him save the staff at the orphanage, we felt that we owed him our time. Of course, by getting to know him, we hoped to establish a trust which would aid in his studies.

“Meal times were the most interesting times for us. Usually this time was reserved for Celestia and I to take a break from the rigors of royalty and talk about our day. We wanted to be sure that no matter what happened in Ponytopia or Equestria, our sisterly bond would remain. Even with Twist there, we still used that time to talk about our day. He didn’t mind. In fact, he liked just listening to the two of us talk and laugh. It made him realize that we were sisters first and princesses second when he saw us converse. This was how we hope all ponies, even today, would see us as.

“After spending a few days getting acclimated to the castle, it was time to start teaching him. The first week, my sister and I decided to run some tests to see where he was, both in his general knowledge and magical ability. We found that he had a good general knowledge of subjects thanks to the teachers at the orphanage. Magically he had the power, but we found that it was uncontrolled, even should I say, chaotic. We believed that this was due to not having a pony to adequately teach him. You see, Twilight, magic is raw power that is harnessed to a particular need. Without a mentor like a parent or in your case, Princess Celestia, to guide a unicorn in controlling their magic, they can either have ineffective spells, or worse, spells that can backfire. This was the goal of deciding to teach him, so that he could learn to expand his abilities while controlling them.”

“I will now show you my first time teaching Twist magic. You have to realize that there was no school, no classes, no way to assess progress, and only a few books available about magic theory and technique. Basically, it was just me teaching him based on what I knew and my sister’s insight into magic. The first class was about magic itself.”

A new scene appeared before the two Princesses and Twilight. They were back in the room set aside for Luna’s magical training. Twist was sitting on a chair while the younger Luna was standing next to a chalkboard. Twilight noticed that Twist had a focus on Luna’s studies that reminded her of when she first was being tutored by Princess Celestia. The similarities were so uncanny it made her shiver, knowing that this seemingly innocent pony in this memory studying under Luna would one day become Discord.

“Now, magic is made up of three parts: the intent, the desire, and the energy.”

To add emphasis, she levitated a piece of chalk and wrote the three words on the blackboard.

“The intent is what you want the spell to do. This is achieved through studying a spell and through concentration. When using a spell, you must clear your mind of anything else and have a clear goal in mind. If ones mind is flooded by too many thoughts, the spell will not work.”

“The desire is putting your entire will, heart, and passion into the spell. If a pony only half wishes for a spell to happen, he or she will either not get the results they wanted or the spell might not work at all.”

“Lastly you have the energy. Magical energy is within us all and it is found throughout nature. When we cast a spell, we tap into this arcane energy. This can also be said for Pegasus ponies with the weather or earth ponies with the land.”

Luna’s face then turned serious as she erased the board with vigorous strokes using the eraser.

“Now there is something else that is very important that I must tell you before you cast a single spell. That is magic is neither good nor evil but neutral. How a pony uses magic is what determines its alignment. It can be likened to fire. Fire can be used to provide light and warmth, but it can also be used to destroy and harm. A pony must therefore be mindful when casting a spell of both who is affected and how it will affect them. They must also be ready to accept the consequences of their actions. The main thing is for everypony, whether they are a unicorn, pegasus, or earth pony, is to strive for harmony as much as possible. Do you understand what I have told you?”

“Yes, Princess Luna,” replied Twist..

“Twist, you’re my student,” the younger Luna said with a smile, “you don’t have to call me Princess. Luna will suffice.”

“Ok Princess… I mean Luna,” Twist said.

“Now you seem to possess the raw energy to cast magic, so I think if my sister and I can hone that magic with control, then we can help to then increase your abilities. Now, let’s try a test of control.”

The younger princess then moved the blackboard and other furniture to the far wall, leaving only her, Twist, and a wooden ball in the middle of the room.

“Now I’m going to stand at one end of the room, and you’ll stand at the other. I’m going to toss the ball to you with my magic and then you’ll catch it with your magic and toss it back.”

Twist nodded and headed towards the one side while Luna made her way to the opposite end, the ball floating by her.

“Ok,” she said, “We will start slow and then pick the speed up as we go. Are you ready?”

“Ready,” Twist said with a smile, eager to play this magical game of catch.

The younger Luna the sent the ball towards Twist which he stopped with his magic a few feet from his face before tossing it back to Luna. After a couple of times passing the ball, the speed was increased gradually. Soon Twist was able to send the ball back without having to catch and hold it for a long period of time.

Suddenly, Twist wasn’t watching where he was going when Luna threw the ball at him.

“Twist! Look out!”

She tried slowing it, but the wooden ball at that speed would still do some damage to him if it hit him. Twist quickly turned and without thinking his magic activated and the ball turned into a pillow right before hitting him in the face. The force of the impact however took him by surprise and sent him and the pillow crashing against the wall.

“Twist,” the younger Luna shouted as she ran to the other end of the room, “Are you ok?”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” the colt said as he removed the pillow.

“Sorry about throwing the ball too hard.”

“That’s ok,” Twist said getting up, “sorry for not paying attention.”

“Well, I think that’s enough practicing for today. Let’s go to lunch then, and after you will be meeting my sister for her lessons.”

“Ok then,” Twist said as the two exited the room and the scene dissolved into blackness.