• Published 7th Dec 2018
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Nutcracker Ponies and The 4 Realms - Wildcard25

Join the girls and Spike as they follow a girl into Four Magical Realms that're in grave danger. Only they and their allies have the means to restore order in the Realms.

  • ...

The Tin Soldiers

After a successful attempt to retrieve the keys the group passed through the Fourth Realm gate and back across the bridge toward the palace. After reaching and entering the gates, Clara, Captain Philip, and Chet dismount the two horses and Applejack. After a brief relief of the journey, they then heard a cheery voice coming from within the crowd was Sugarplum.

“Everyone! Everyone!” Sugarplum came running to them.

“I’ve got my key!” Clara shared her excitement.

“And I got mine back as well!” Twilight smiled brightly.

“We also met a new friend along the way,” Chet spoke as he was about to introduce Wiser but was interrupted.

“Oh, bravery to you all! I’m afraid that will have to wait. Come to the Engine!” Sugarplum declared as they all hurried along to the Palace basement.

After running down the long circular stairs, they made it to the engine. Sugarplum got onto the Engine Control platform.

“Clara, the key please?” Sugarplum asked as Clara then handed the key over to her, “Oh how I’ve waited for this moment.”

Sugarplum then placed the Clara’s key through the lock as a perfect fit and turned it. The system gears finally started to move thus conducted the power to turn the Engine on. By that result everyone was astounded by the results with the “oooing and the ahhing.”

Afterwards Sugarplum turned to her guards and ordered, “Bring out the Tin Soldiers!”

“Tin Soldiers?” Captain Philip questioned, "But these soldiers are mindless and no will of their own.”

“Oh, they will after I give them life,” Sugarplum assured him.

Captain Philip being concerned turned to to Clara, “Are sure about this?”

Clara seem to question in thought the same thing as well before speaking, “She needed to defend the Realms somehow.”

"Yes, a perfect simple way of doing so," Sugarplum spoke.

Meanwhile, a guard went up with stairs to the top on the Engine with a box full of Tin Soldiers and dropped them on the top Engine floor.

“Ready? Steady? Here we go!” Sugarplum pressed the button to activate the Engine.

The Engine magnifying blaster unleashed the power stream on the Tin Soldiers as they began to grow into human size. Afterwards they began to move and to stand up.

“Hello, boys,” Sugarplum greeted.

"They're huge!!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"I know!" Sugarplum spoke with excitement, before turning to the group, “Watch what happens after I give word.”

Sugarplum then turned to the Tin Soldiers, “Soldiers, Attention!”

The Tin Soldiers got up and stood in focus position.

“Report!” Sugarplum ordered as the Tin Soldiers started to march down the stairs.

“Prepare to march on the Four Realm!!” Sugarplum ordered leaving the group in surprise.

“March on the Fourth Realm?” Clara asked, “But I thought they are suppose to be defending the Palace.”

“And they are a defense to the Palace under my orders,” Sugarplum assured, "Imagine the perfect solider under my command.”

“But my mother wouldn’t want this,” Clara responded in concern.

“I don’t care what your mother wanted!” Sugarplum replied out of not caring. This in turn left the group even more surprised of this event.

Clara not liking what she was hearing ordered, “As Princess of the Palace I demand you stop this!”

“You commanding me? Well, well, well. Finally ready to be queen are we? Too Late!!” Sugarplum teased and revealed her true self, “I only needed you to bring me the key. Now that I have it, I have no further use for you. Soldiers seize them!”

The Tin Soldiers came toward Clara and grabbed her.

“I order you to release her!” Captain Philip spoke to the Tin Solider who has hold of Clara but was then graved by other Tin Soldiers who then took his sword.

“Hey let them both go!!” Chet called out before he was grabbed by another Tin Solider. The rest of the group were then grabbed by more Tin Soldiers, as they started to squirm around.

“Hey let me go!!” Rainbow cried out.

“Unhand me you big brute!!” Rarity called out.

“I'm terribly sorry,” Sugarplum giggle in a sinister tone, "But I gave them life. They'll only listen to me!”

“Traitor!!!” Captain Philip called out.

“Sugarplum, why are you doing this?” Twilight asked in concern.

“Why?” Sugarplum asked as she began to feel angry and miserable, “Queen Marie abandoned us! What then? She expected us to carry on and play nice, well I don’t want to play nice!!”

Clara upon realizing what Chet and Twilight were discuss before about Mother Ginger not putting up a fight and showing sympathy toward them then spoke, “Mother Ginger never did anything wrong did she? You...you lied to us!! You've lied to everyone in the Kingdom!!”

"I knew something was wrong when Mother Ginger wasn't really being the villain!!" Chet confirmed his theory.

"You were only playing us from the beginning!!" Twilight shouted, "You're the wicked one!! Not Mother Ginger!!"

“Very persistent you all are. And I have special plans for her, the Four Realms,” Sugarplum paused for a moment and spoke in more tense, “And even your worlds!!”

“WHAT?!?!?!?” Then group spoke in shock.

"Watch this," Sugaplum replied and she went back to her innocent mode, "Oh, guard, would you stand over the platform pretty please?"

The guard carried out the order, as Sugarplum then pressed the button and the Engine activated firing the beam off the guard and cause him to shrink to toy size. The group was shocked at the result of it.

"Funny thing though," Sugarplum spoke with a sinister grin on her face, "There is one perk to your Mother's invention. It works both ways!"

“Solider, bring me that other key,” Sugarplum ordered as the Tin Solider holding Twilight snatched the key from her and gave it to Sugarplum.

“No!” Twilight called in shock.

“You can not do this, Sugarplum!” Wiser spoke as he was trying to struggle, “Queen Marie entrusted me to give that Key to Starswirl, which I done so. And when he finds out what you’re doing he will....”

“Oh, go ruffle your feathers, you old bird!!” Sugarplum interrupted out of annoyance, "You have also been a thorn on my side since you been hiding from me for so long, trying to avoid my grasp for the keys"

Sugarplum then faced the group and spoke.

“Since I also have the key to Equestria, I have the capability to enter your worlds with my army and not just rule one, but three worlds!!” Sugarplum explained with a sinister look on her face.

“You’re horrible!!” Clara spoke out of anger.

“How dare you speak to your Queen that way!!” Sugarplum shouted before turning to the Tin Soldiers and ordered, “Soldiers, take them all to the tower and lock them up!!”

The Tin Soldiers obeyed that command and taken the group up to the tower. The group continued to struggle and shouted to be released but no avail.

“You won't get away with this Sugarplum!!!” Chet called out, still struggling to get free.

Sugarplum watched her prisoners being taken away while placing the two keys in her side of her Cotton Candy Hair, “On the contrary my friend, I already have!!”

Sugarplum laughed all sinister once more as she then order the soldiers to continue to build up her army to march on the Fourth Realm.