• Published 7th Dec 2018
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Nutcracker Ponies and The 4 Realms - Wildcard25

Join the girls and Spike as they follow a girl into Four Magical Realms that're in grave danger. Only they and their allies have the means to restore order in the Realms.

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Mother Ginger

Through the hole tunnel a swarm of mice still carried Clara, Chet and Twilight as they held onto each other while trying to brush the mice off of them. Eventually the swarm went up and they all popped out of the ground and landed on their backs, Then the mice disappeared. Just as they were regaining conscience and try to get up, a giant mechanical hand reached for Clara and picked her up by the collar of her battle uniform and lifted up toward the face of Mechanical Mother Ginger. At the sight of it up close got the three startled.

“Well if it isn’t Princess Clara Stallabaum,” said the mechanical beast, “I’ve been expecting you!”

“I’ve come to reclaim what you stolen from me and my mother!” Clara yelled, “My key!”

“Please come in,” Mechanical Mother Ginger spoke and then tossed her through her giant gown dress.

Clara landed flat on her front on the floor. She regained her conscience yet again and looked around. She realized she was in some sort of a circus tent. What she saw next was the face of a Polichinelle Clown all smiley in which startled Clara at first. As music was playing, he then got up, began to dance and laugh silly before opening his gut to reveal another Polichinelle chucking, that again had Clara disturbed. The second Polichinelle popped out and again open his gut with another one popping out. The process kept repeating least four more times in a circle around Clara as they all then began to dance around her silly, laughing, singing and taunting.

“Clara Stallabaum! Welcome Clara Stallabaum!” the first Polichinelle sang as he did that creepy head body twist. As did the others.

“It’s our Princess Clara!!” another Polichinelle sang.

“She looks so cute!!” the third Polichinelle sang and clapped.

While Clara wasn’t looking, one of the Polichinelle playfully bumped her from behind and cause her to fell flat on her front again.

“What a clumsy thing she is,” one of the Polichinelles commented as he opened his gut again, but this time in opposite direction, making him appear to be walking on fours. Once again started Clara as she backed away. What she didn't see was the smallest Polichinelle was right behind her.

“Look ouuuut!!” The little Polichinelle called as he playfully trip Clara, falling on her back. The other Polichinelle joyfully laughed at the misfortune.

Clara un-amused by this while the little Polichinelle wasn't looking, kicked him to the big Polichinelle as she then got up and tried to escape for the exit. Unfortunately, two Polichinelles blocked her her way.

“Where are you going?” One of the Polichinelles asked playfully, “Leaving so soon?”

All the other Polichinelle gathered around Clara as they all then bounced around her in an escort to a seat in the middle of the circus tent.

“Step right this way,” one of the Polichinelles spoke, “We have a surprise for you!!”

They all cleared the way for the little Polichinelle to perform his roll bump. Clara caught on but was too scared to move. By the time the little Polichinelle bumped into her, the impact pushed her to the seat.

“Have a seat!” one of the other Polichinelles pulled a lever as it started to go upwards to the very top, “Bon Voyage! Adios!”

By the time she got to the top, the music then stopped.

Meanwhile while no one was looking, watching all that was going on from a hole of the tent gown was Chet and Twilight who too were being disturbed by the Polichinelles and their silly game.

“And here I thought Pinkie was being the funny goofy one,” Chet whispered.

“Yeah. I thought I seen it all,” Twilight whispered, “But we gotta get in there and help Clara. But how?”

The two started to ponder out ideas until they heard something.

“If it's ideas we’re up for the job!” said a voice coming from behind them. They turned around and saw Pinkie’s head sticking out of a hole. She, Captain Philip and the rest of the group came out.

“Pinkie! Captain! everypony!” Twilight cheered as she ran to her friends, “Thank Celestia you’re safe!”

“We’re just glad we found you two,” Applejack spoke, “We were so worried!”

“Wait a moment, where’s Clara?” Captain Philip noticed Clara was missing.

“In there,” Chet pointed them inside the Mechanical Mother Ginger, in which appeared to be immobile, “The real Mother Ginger must be inside pulling the strings. We must get in there a save Clara!”

Chet turned to the others, “Think you all can keep Mother Ginger’s minions busy while Twilight, the Captain and I make an attempt to get Clara away from Mother Ginger?”

“Aye Aye, Sir!!” Rainbow Dash saluted as the others agreed.

“Y’all can count on us!” Applejack declared.

“Please be careful, those round clowns can be tricky” Twilight warned them.

“Mother Ginger’s Polichinelles,” Captain Philip spoke in dislike, “Crafty clowns!”

“Clowns you say?” Pinkie spoke with a sly grin on her face, “I know how to handle clowns!”

“Oh, dear,” Rarity gasped.

“Oh, boy,” Applejack spoke in shock.

“She’s got that look in her eyes,” Spike feeling shuttered.

“I’m scared,” Fluttershy whimpered.

“No time for that now,” Chet ordered, “Make the distraction happen. Let’s move!”

The group proceeded in one direction while Chet, Twilight and Captain Philip went around behind the gown tent for the plan to carry out.

Back on top of the gown tent, Clara was searching around the room she was in and spotted two familiar objects hanging on the chandelier, the two keys that were stolen from her and her friends. She tried to reach for them until a voice startled her.

“Hands off!” A voice spoke who stepped out of the curtains. She wore ragged clothing, her hair was messy, and her face was a little bit broken.

“You’re Mother Ginger?” Clara asked in shock.

“And you’re Queen Marie’s Daughter apparently,” Mother Ginger replied as she pulled the switch release the two keys as they both fell into her hands.

“Yes,” Clara replied as Mother Ginger started to walk towards Clara as she started to step back.

Meanwhile back down below, the Polichinelles stood waiting for more orders from their “Dear Mother.” That is until they heard voices from behind.

“Could I have your attention PLEASE!!” Called the voice as the Polichinelles turned and seeing the group coming in all dressed up as Clowns.

“You clowns want to play?” Pinkie asked as she was giggling silly, “Well, bounce on over here to this party group.”

And so the Polichinelles bounced over all giggling and chuckling to play with the group. Just like that they took the bait. They all started to act silly and bounce like crazy.

“This is so embarrassing!” Rainbow complained as she danced around with one Polichinelle.

“Come on now. I always wondered what it would be like to be a rodeo clown,” Applejack chuckled as she swung dancing with another Polichinelle.

“Not really my style, but perhaps I could work something more with it,” Rarity critiqued her outfit.

“I for one think you’re great,” commented another Polichinelle.

“Please, darling, your too kind,” Rarity responded, “I must say your design is unique.”

The Polichinelle giggled in response.

Another Polichinelle was bouncing around as he was holding onto Fluttershy and Spike.

“Oh dear, I think I’m gonna be sick,” Fluttershy not looking too well.

“That....makes....two of...us,” Spike feeling sickish also.

While the distraction going into play, Chet, Twilight and Captain Philip sneaked around the other side of the Gown Tent without anyone noticing.

“Alright, Captain, you ride on Twilight up to the top. I will climb my way up in a stealth sneak attack,” Chet instructed as the two nodded their head, as they then carried out the plan of rescue.

As the three made their way to the top they can see and overhear Mother Ginger continuing to question Clara with her business in Mother Ginger’s domain.

“Now what business brings you to the Fourth Realm?” Mother Ginger asked in curiosity, “Don’t you know it’s dangerous here?”

“I’ve come to get what belongs to me and to my friend,” Clara stood her ground, “Those keys.”

“If those keys belong to anyone,” Mother Ginger pointed out, “They both belong to your mother and Starswirl the Bearded!”

“No she left her key to me,” Clara corrected her, "And Starswirl gave his key to another, Princess Twilight Sparkle from Equestria.”

“Princess Twilight Sparkle? I have never heard such a princess. I was only aware of two princesses,” Mother Ginger spoke the fact before asking again, “And why would your mother give the key to you?”

“My mother,” Clara began, “She passed away.”

A moment of silence was placed upon Mother Ginger as she was then stirred by the grave news of Marie.

“Queen Marie is dead?” Mother Ginger asked in shock and surprise.

“As if you care?” Clara spoke in disbelief, “You're trying to destroy everything my mother created!”

Mother Ginger regained her senses and asked, “Is that what Sugarplum told you after she alone banished me from the Palace? I much sure it was the other way around.”

What do you mean by that?,” Clara confused by what was said.

Mother Ginger tried to approach Clara but was sudden stopped by two throwing stars on the wooden bar. And then from from the hole was Chet as he front flipped between the two and drew out his swords. Twilight flew in from above with Captain Philip getting off of Twilight, drawing his sword and got in alongside Chet.

“Get away from her!” Captain Philip called.

“Give it up, Mother Ginger,” Chet spoke, “We got you surrounded!”

“Clara, are you alright?” Twilight asked as she stood in front of Clara with her horn lit up with Magic and ready to blast.

“Yes I’m fine,” Clara spoke.

“You’re all making a big mistake coming up here,” Mother Ginger warned the three.

“No, your mistake was taking our keys and having your mice kidnap us,” Twilight talked back.

“No, I mean the platform cannot hold us much longer!” Mother Ginger pointed out but it was too late the floor gave way as the five came tumbling down to the ground with a thud. By all that commotion, the group and the Polichinelles stood in shock in seeing what happened.

“Mother!!” The Polichinelles called as they rushed to her.

“Guys!!” The group called and rush to them as they helped them up as they regained their conscience.

Clara noticed the two keys close to her and quickly snatched them, “I’ve got the keys!! Let’s get out of here!!”

With that the group scrammed out of the gown tent.

“No! Wait!!” Mother Ginger tried to call out but it was too late, the group already escaped. They all ran away from the amusement park and back into the woods.

Mother Ginger went back up to the top of the tent and muttered, “Foolish girl!” She then noticed Mouserinks and Ratsputtle scurrying up to her, “Our fate depends on that girl. Quickly you two to the Palace!”

Mother Ginger opened the small doorway for the two mice to skedaddle over by her order.

Meanwhile, as the group came to a stop near a few blossom trees, they all caught their breathes in relief.

“Thank goodness! We’re all safe and sound,” Twilight panted.

“I can’t believe we all made it out alive!” Fluttershy panted and cheered.

“I can’t believe we haven’t played with the Polichinelle a bit longer,” Pinkie sadden as the group glared at her, “What?”

“It was great that our attempt was success, despite that fall from the top,” Captain Philip rubbed on his back, “But more importantly, we got back the keys!!”

The group cheered at their victory.

“Although from overhearing the conversation between Mother Ginger and Clara, something kinda threw me off,” Twilight spoke, Have you noticed there was some sympathy and concern from Mother Ginger?”

“Yeah now that you mention it, when we swooped in, Mother Ginger gave the impression of not wanting to fight us, but tried to warn us about the floor breaking?” Chet asked, “A villain would never try to warn us or be concerned for safety of others. Something just doesn’t feel right. I’m getting a feeling there’s more to the story then what we know of.”

The group was confused and pondered on that before Clara spoke, “That can wait. Right now, there’s something I need to do.”

Clara went over to a rock and sat down.

“Now for the answers I seek,” Clara spoke as she got that egg shape gift from her mother and her key. She place it through the lock and unlocked it. She opened it and all came out was music playing. The group caught on the sound of it and were in awed.

Clara confused of this questioned it, “This can't be it! It’s....it’s just a music box.”

“Clara, what’s wrong?” Chet asked.

“My mother told me in her letter that “Everything I need is inside.” I thought by finding my key, I would find the answers. Find if it would make sense. But there's nothing,” Clara looked disappointed as she closed the music box.

“There’s music,” Captain Philip pointed out.

“And it sounds quite lovely,” Rarity marveled at the music rhythm and sighed heavenly, “Simply divine!”

“I even find it calm and peaceful,” Fluttershy smiled.

Clara felt she was back to square one. She went to the Captain and handed him her key and spoke, “Take the key to Sugarplum.” She then began to walk away.

“Uh, Clara, where are you going?” Applejack asked.

“I’m going home,” Clara spoke in depression, giving the other s shock look.

“But you can’t leave,” Captain Philip spoke, “We need you.”

“No. You need my mother,” Clara corrected him, “ She was the queen and I'm not.” Clara started to shed some tears feeling more lone than ever.

“I know how you feel,” Captain Philip said, “When I was assigned to my post in the Christmas Forrest, I knew my place and I was happy. But then, when you all came and wanted to go in the Fourth Realm, I knew right away I must go with you. I saw confidence, courage and determination.”

“I don’t feel confident,” Clara spoke in despair, “I feel more lost than ever.”

“You led an entire quadrant of soldiers into the Fourth Realm and took back your key and Twilight's key from Mother Ginger. You’re not lost Clara,” Captain Philip comfort her, “Your place is here with all of us.”

“He’s right, Clara,” Chet vouched before he let it slipped his past, “How did you think I felt, when I lost my parents. I felt the same thing as you. There is an old saying, “Every Cloud has Silver Lining.””

“What’s that got to do with anything?” Rainbow questioned Chet before she was shushed by the group.

“The point is, when I lost my parents, I have also gained something more. Not just my father’s swords, but also a new family,” Chet motioned Twilight, Spike and the girls who were cooing and awing at his words.

“Your mother would be very proud of what you are doing for all of us in the Kingdom,” Captain Philip spoke in truth.

Clara gave some thought of what was passed from her friends. She smiled and whipped the tears off her face, “Thank you, Captain. And thank you all.”

“Oh, that is the most touching moment I have ever experience,” called a voice which startled the group as they looked around until they saw up in the tree was the same owl that was at the tower last night. It flew down and morphed into a more humanoid owl with a cloak and reading glasses.

“Who are you?” Clara asked.

“Oh, forgive me, your highness, I always forget my manners. My name is Wiser Dros, a loyal friend to your Godfather,” Wiser introduced himself with a bow, “And the key deliverer to Starswirl the Bearded.”

“You were that mysterious figure that Starswirl mentioned in his letter?” Twilight asked in shock.

“Correct Twilight Sparkle,” Wiser spoke as he then began to flap his wings, “But more on that later. Right now I am here to escort you all back to the Palace. But for u Clara and Captain Philip, I believe you will do well with them getting you over to the Palace.”

Wiser then pointed over to where Jingles and Clara's Horse stood waiting.

“Right then,” Captain Philip declared, “It’s time to save the kingdom.”

The group feeling confident and determined agreed with the Captain as they began to follow their new feathered friend out of the Fourth Realm Woods.