• Published 7th Dec 2018
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Nutcracker Ponies and The 4 Realms - Wildcard25

Join the girls and Spike as they follow a girl into Four Magical Realms that're in grave danger. Only they and their allies have the means to restore order in the Realms.

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Ballet Story

After meeting the regents, the group followed Sugarplum down the great hall while taking the admiration on some of the great portraits paintings.

“Forgive me, Sugarplum, for asking, but who exactly is Mother Ginger?” Clara asked in curiosity.

“Yeah what’s her problem anyway?” Spike asked.

“Oh, well you see Mother Ginger was once a regent like us and her region was once known as the land of,” Sugarplum paused and the whispered very low, ”Amusements.”

“But, now she’s banished,” Sugarplum spoke in her normal voice.

“But why was she banished?” Twilight asked.

“We had no choice. Alas when Queen Marie left us four in charge of the Realms, Mother Ginger tried to take it all by force and we have been at war with her ever since,” Sugarplum explained, “And with Queen Marie gone, things have gone from bad to worse for all of us. But with you here, Clara, and all of you, we can finally turn things around.”

Sugarplum lead the group in a joyful skip along the hall. She then lead them what seem to be a large room full of gears, grinds and clockwork parts. This pretty much lead the group once again in amazement.

“Look anything familiar, Clara?” Sugarplum asked

Clara looked around for a moment before responding, “These look like the same mechanisms from my Godfathers grand father clock, but it can’t be.”

“Come I’ll show you,” Sugarplum lead the group to the clock face platform. She had them all line up in one row and then pulled the lever. The platform began to move toward one of the door opening, “Stand very still and watch what happens.”

So the group stood still as the platform continued to move til the door opened allowing them to enter into another world. Within that the group took a gander what it could be. What they saw were giant forms of other human beings and dressed in suits and gowns.

“This is my Godfather’s mansion,” Clara realized where they were at and what was going on, “The party is still going on.”

“So this is your world, Clara,” Chet spoke, “I never actually seen more humans than I can count.”

“Oh, my!” Rarity spoke in amazement, “They all have such exquisite suites and dresses. Most of which I have never seen.They all have such fine taste in the fashion world.”

“This is amazing,” Twilight spoke in amazement.

“How is this possible?” Clara questioned.

“Your world moves a lot slower than in our world,” Sugarplum explained as they continued to move around.

“There’s my brother Fritz and my sister Louise,” Clara noticed them dancing and playing around before noticing her father, “And there’s father.”

Clara took noticed of him sitting there looking depressed.

“He looks so sad,” Clara spoke, “He looks.....lost.”

“Maybe it has something to do with your mother being gone,” Fluttershy spoke out of sympathy.

“Maybe,” Clara responded as they were coming through the other door back into the clockwork room and waited for the platform to come to a halt.

“Come friends, I wish to show you something else,” Sugarplum lead them to another clockwork room identical to the first one and like the first one, she had them stand on the platform and she pulled the lever.

It began to move with the door opening to another world. This time the group immediately recognized where they were at.

“It’s our home! My castle!” Twilight gasped in amazement, “Guys, we’re back in Equestria!”

The group smiled brightly and cheered as they then noticed everything was still the same as they left it

“Hey there’s my coat still hanging there,” Chet noticed before noticing something else next to it, “And there’s the box opened that had your gift Twilight.”

“Looks as if we never left long,” Applejack spoke.

“So this is your world,” Clara spoke and noticed the environment around her, “The crystal structure is beautiful. Your castle looks wonderful, Twilight.”

“Thank you, Clara,” Twilight respond with a smile, “But this is only the main entrance. It’s a lot bigger than you can imagine.”

The group then entered the other door back into the room once again and waited for platform to stop.

“Sugarplum, how is it you know of our world?” Twilight asked in wonder.

“You see it was long ago when we were visited by another unicorn. He had what seems to be a wizard’s hat, a cloak, and a very long white beard,” Sugarplum explained before Twilight gasped in realization.

“Starswirl the Bearded!” Twilight spoke out.

“Oh, you know him?” Sugarplum asked.

“He’s one of the legendary Pillars of Equestria. He and the other Pillars got stuck in limbo until we found a way to bring them back to our time,” Twilight explained.

“Yeah and it was not only them but we accidentally brought back the Pony of Shadows in during that event,” Rainbow pointed out while still feeling a bit shaken from that time.

“Buuuuut, he was also know as Stygian who felt a bit left out from the Pillars being praised throughout Equestria so that he took some of the artifacts and tried to make copies of them so that he would fight along the pillars side by side, but due to a misunderstanding the pillars banished him and then he came back all dark and shadowy and the pillars ended up trapping him limbo until we brought them all back and we realized it was all a big understanding and we somehow manage to separate Stygian from the shadow using the elements of harmony and the artifacts together and all was forgiven and forgotten,” Pinkie fast talked and finished with a bright squeak smile.

The group was left jaw dropped and shocked in seeing how fast Pinkie spoke and remember all of that event, even Chet and Clara were a bit surprised.

“My goodness,” Clara spoke, “And I thought Fritz was being out of control.”

“Ahem any who,” Sugarplum cleared her throat and continued, “When Starswirl came to our world he then shared information and ways of his world as we did for ours. In fascination, it was then that Queen Marie created something for Starswirl to use in case he decided to visit us again. An object that could open a gateway from Equestria to our Realms.”

“The key!” The Mane six, Spike and Chet spoke together.

“Gracious,” Sugarplum was surprised, “You do know everything then.”

Later on that day, Sugarplum escorted Clara and the Girls to the gown dressing room where she showed any different gown dresses for Clara to try. The girls were astounded with so many gowns, but not as much as Rarity who nearly fainted in all of the fashion excitement.

“Viola,” Sugarplum spoke and asked Clara, “Which gown would you like to wear for today?”

“Um, they’re all so lovely, but I'm not very good with dresses or doing hair,” Clara feeling a little embarrassed.

“I can help you with that,” Sugarplum offered, “Might I suggest this one.”

Sugarplum presented a white and gold gown with sparkle and shine brighten all over.

“As for your hair, I can certainly help you with that,” Sugarplum also offer.

“As will I, darling,” Rarity offered also,“ I do have a naturally taste in fashion hair style, dear.”

“Uh, no offense yer grace, but I don’t think these gowns will fit nicely on all of us,” Applejack.

“Oh, Applejack, nonsense,” Rarity giggled a little, “I have come prepared!”

With that Rarity levitated her bag over and got out six of the ball gowns that they usually wear at the Grand Galloping Gala back in Equestria, with some new improvements.

“Hey those are our gowns from our first Grand Galloping Gala together,” Pinkie noticed.

“Yes indeed, Pinkie, I knew these ones might due for such an occasion,” Rarity pointed out.

“I’m impressed, Rarity, that you came prepared for this,” Twilight commended as Rarity handed over the gowns to the girls to start getting ready.

Meanwhile a few doors down from the girls, Chet and Spike were with Hawthorn and Shiver as they were helping getting Chet and Spike all prepped up with their suits. Shiver was working with Chet and Hawthorn was working with Spike.

“I simply must ask, this Equestria world that you both came from,” Hawthorn spoke, “What’s it really like?”

“Well much like the realms, there are lots of things, mountains, skies islands, ocean, rivers, grass fields, towns, and even cities,” Spike explained.

“Does it have many types of flowers?” Hawthorn asked.

“More than you can count, sir,” Spike responded as Hawthorn got all excited..

“I hope one day I could see it for myself,” Hawthorn dreamed as he was about finished with Spike, “There you are, young sir.”

Spike then looked at himself in the mirror, checking himself out in wearing a snazzy green suite with a few flowers on his right side coat chest pocket, with nice dress pants, shoes and socks and on top he has a distinguished looking Hat with a rose and a feather on the side.

“Well, what do you think?” Hawthorn asked.

“Wow! I definitely look professional,” Spike responded. Spike then spoke in thought, “I just hope there isn’t any Dragon Sneeze on this outfit, I hate for it to be burned to a crisp,” Spike then spoke again as he smiled heavenly, “Rarity’s gonna go gaga when she sees me.”

“Right, I almost forgot you had a thing for Rarity,” Chet overheard the conversation while Shiver was putting the finishing touches on Chet.

“Master Chetgeki, I must ask you in your world do you get snowflakes and other winter events?” Shiver asked.

“Yeah I believe my first time seeing snow was when I first came to Equestria from my island. From what Twilight and the others told me is that in our world the Pegasus are in charge of all kinds of weather, including snow. Only occurs in HearthsWarming all the way to Winter Wrap up,” Chet explained.

“Very interesting your world sounds,” Shiver commended, "I do believe I might visit your world one day at your convince. There, all finished.”

Chet then looked himself in the mirror. He had on a nice brighten blue suite with snowflakes crystals on the sleeves and on the pant leggings. He had a snowflake piece on his right side chest coat pocket. Finally he wears on his head a snazzy white hat with yet another snowflake crystal on the one side.

“Well, what do you think?” Shiver asked.

“I look coooolio,” Chet responded as he struck a pose.

“Very good,” Shiver responded, “”Now then gentlemen, I do believe it is time to meet up with Sugarplum, Princess Clara and the girls so that we must begin the tour.”

“Lead the way, my good man,” Chet spoke as they then started to head over.

Back on the girls side, Rarity assisted Sugarplum with doing Clara’s hair.

“Did my mother ever talk about me during her time here,” Clara asked.

“Oh yes, most everything about you everyday,” Sugarplum responded as she was braiding a section of Clara’s hair, “It's like as if you are right here with us. You are every image of a mother's daughter.”

“Yes, I can definitely see the resemblance between you two,” Rarity commented as she used her magic to braid around another section..

“Now, I just need to close your eyes,” Sugarplum spoke, “Go on close them.”

Clara did so while Sugarplum and Rarity were putting on the last few touches

“Now open them,” Sugarplum instructed as Clara did so and looked at herself with her hair all braided and bunched up together on top of her head with a few golden bows tied on a few ends..

“Do you like it?” Sugarplum and Rarity asked din hope

“Like it? I simply love it!!” Clara admired the result as she looked at herself in the dress Sugarplum recommended.

“You look simply divine, darling,” Rarity commented as the rest of the girls came back in wearing their Grand Galloping Gala outfits and different hair styles.

“As I said once before,” Sugarplum spoke, “You are ever inch of a mother’s daughter should be. Now then girls I do believe now it is time to meet with the boys that we must begin our tour of the realms, And then we must attend to the Grand theater. A special play will commence.”

And so Sugarplum lead the girls outside the Palace. They soon met up with Shiver, Hawthorn, Chet and Spike who were waiting for them. They all looked at each other in awe and admiration.

“My my, you all look simply beautiful,” Shiver commended.

“And simply fresh and clean,” Hawthorn commented.

Chet and Spike could not help but stare in amazement with how the girls turned out.

“Rarity, you can never get anymore beautiful in my eyes,” Spike gleamed.

“Oh Spike, your such a flatter,” Rarity responded as she came to him and peck him on the cheek, this in turn made Spike stutter for a bit.

“Girls, nothing in mind can even described how beautiful you all are,” Chet shared his thoughts as the Girls giggled.

“Thank you, Chet,” Twilight thanked him, “And by the way you two are dressed, you both look cool and distinguished.”

The rest of the girls agreed at that response as they all begin to following Sugarplum, Shiver and Hawthorn on the tour.

All throughout today, each of the regent introduced their realms to the group in their own unique way.

Sugarplum took a the group in a hot air balloon with a spectacular view over the Land of Sweets. Pinkie Pie could not stop giggling and stuffing her face with all kind of sweet treats that the residents offered to the group.

Hawthorn escorted the group on a carriage ride throughout the Land of Flowers where the residents kept on hand Clara and Fluttershy some flower bouquets as they were riding through the town.

Shiver did the same with the group on another carriage ride throughout the snowy town in the Land of Snowflake. Rarity could not take her eyes off the snowflake crystal striation on the buildings and houses as everything continued to snow.

Finally after the tour was over, they all attended back to the Palace to the grand theater. Once inside they all were approaching the entrance with the trumpets sounding off and the presenter spoke out, “Presenting her royal majesty for the first time in many years, Princess Clara Stallabaum. Daughter of Queen Marie Stallabaum. And also presenting for the first time in years, from the land of Equestria, Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends.”

The audience applauded as the group started to walk in. Among the audience who stood waiting for them is Captain Philip who presented himself and bowed to the group. He went along with the group to their seats as the play was about to begin. The stage lights begin to shine on the stage as the orchestra got ready on their end as the Maestro prepared to lead them. The music began to play with the opening of a beautiful ballerina dancing forward as the scenery of the palace appeared.

“The Ballet tells the story of the Four Realms,” Sugarplum explained, “How your mother discovered our world. First the Land of Flowers.”

The first scene, then shifted to another with the opening of the Ballerina dancing to the land where prop flowers pop form the floor, trees popping out with pedal confides, a prop windmill running and other dancers dressed in flower theme coming forward to join Marie Ballerina. The scene was then shifted to another scene where it began to snow.

“Now the Land of Snowflake,” Sugarplum introduced the next scene.

The scene takes place in a more snowy mountain. Much like the Flower scene, Marie Ballerina danced over to the scene and the dancers dressed in wintry clothing came down and danced majestically as props from the scenery make it snow as it does in the Land of Snowflake. Then it was shifted to yet another scene. Where the sweet and candy props appeared

“And the Land of Sweets,” Clara spoke as Sugarplum smiled at her before continuing to watch.

The Sweet Scene follows the Ballerina Marie and the dancers with their candy canes and a prop that contains a mountain full of all kinds of sweets, from fruitcakes to ice cream to candy canes to lollipops, gumdrops, cotton candy, gingerbread and so on.

Finally the scene shifted to the last Realm that contained what seems to be a circus tent with an elephant in top front with a prop merry go round and a Ferris wheel.

“Now we finally come to the Fourth Realm,” Sugarplum spoke feeling uneasy, “Watch closely friends. This is where our troubles began.”

“You mean with Mother Ginger,” Chet responded as Sugarplum nodded.

Suddenly in the scene came out more dancers dressed in what seems to be mice.

“And the mice,” Clara spoke as Sugarplum took a piece of Cotton Candy Hair and began to much on it nervously.

“Beastly woman! There is nothing Motherly about her,” Sugarplum spoke nervously.

“Well judging by the way you much on that cotton candy, it must be serious,” Pinkie commented as Sugarplum once again nodded.

The Mice dancers wind up the others as they began to dance wickedly at the tone of the music thereby showing how much trouble they have caused in the other realms.

“Mother Ginger was the one who began this war,” Sugarplum spoke as she then turned to Clara, “I hope you’ll be the one to finish it. With the help of the rest of you.”

“What do you mean?” Clara asked.

The play came to a majestic end with all four scenery's coming together as the grand finale. With that the group and the audience applauded the performance.

Sugarplum then spoke, “Come with me and I will show you all more on how we can end the war.”

With that the group and Captain Philip followed Sugarplum to wherever she’s leading them to.