• Published 7th Dec 2018
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Nutcracker Ponies and The 4 Realms - Wildcard25

Join the girls and Spike as they follow a girl into Four Magical Realms that're in grave danger. Only they and their allies have the means to restore order in the Realms.

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The Regents

After escaping the danger lurking in the fourth realm, Captain Philip lead our heroes to the fourth realm entrance and what lied ahead was the grand castle in what seem to be at the grand center in the great big pond. What was also there were three other great realms in the likes of which the group never seen before. The group was taken in amazement in knowing how big the world is they’re in.

“And I thought Equestria was big,” Rainbow Dash commented.

“You haven’t seen nothing yet,” Captain Philip responded.

As they made their way toward the Castle gate, they were halted by two solider guards, one largely wide and one rather skinny carrying what seems to be an evaluation sheet.

“Halt!” The guards called out

“State your purpose for leaving your post soldier,” The large solider stated.

“This is Captain Philip Hoffman and I demand you let us all through,” Captain Philip ordered.

“Oh, demand is it?” Skinny soldier asked.

“Demand oh Captain of the famous Hoffman is it?” Large soldier asked with a chuckle.

“If we known you were coming, we would have rolled out the red carpet!” Skinny solder mocked,

“Booked the trumpeters “Captain Hoffman has arrived!”” They both laughed.

The group gave the two solider a dead face look at the sight of the two laughing at them.

“Man, can you believe those two?” Rainbow Dash asked the group.

“I know, how rude,” Rarity responded in disgust.

"And here I thought Snips and Snails were annoying," Spike spoke with a deadpan look on his face.

“As if they’re the ones to be guarding the post bridge in the Christmas Forest,” Applejack commented.

“For goodness sake!” Captain Hoffman spoke before mentioning Clara to them, “She’s a princess!”

“And so is our friend here,” Pinkie referred Twilight to them before showing off Twilight’s wings, much to Twilight’s irritation, “She’s got these to prove that.”

“Well, we all said that these days,” Skinny soldier spoke in disbelief, “Wishing don’t make it so my loves.”

“Overindulging fathers,” Large one spoke, “That’s what I put it down.”

“Would it help if I told you that her name was Clara Stallabaum, daughter of Queen Marie Stallabaum?” Captain Philip brought up that fact.

“As well as you’re in the presence of Twilight Sparkle, The Princess of Friendship from the land of Equestria? The same for her friends and myself,” Chet brought up the fact to the guards.

The two guards stood in shock at hearing the news to them.

“Or unless you need to jot that down on your list,” Rainbow Dash flew to their faces and give them a smug look, “The hard way!”

The guards stood still and was still in shock. One of them finally broke silence.

“J-J-Just a few questions your highnesses and you all will be on your way,” the large one spoke.

“This is ridiculous,” Captain Philip spoke in disbelief.

“Indeed,” Rarity agreed.

The Skinny one cleared his throat, “Have you all had any contact with mice or mouse-like entities recently?”

“Well we were in the Fourth Realm...” Clara spoke before she was cut off.

“Thank you,” Skinny soldier spoke again, “Do you have any cheese or based products on our value person?”

“Uh...”Clara tried to speak but was cut off again.

“Thank you,” Skinny Solider spoke again, “And how would you describe your sympathies towards rodents in general?”

Clara paused for a moment before speaking, “Well...”

“Thank you,” Skinny Soldier cut her off for the third time, “Good. Right well that is the survey completed.”

“There’s no ink coming out of the pen!” The Large one spoke while the Skinny one tried to write it all down, “You may all pass. Attention!! Lower the gates!!”

The gate was then lowered down allowing the group to pass.

Rainbow turned around and spoke to the guards, “Just remember who you're dealing with next time”

The guards resume their duty while still feeling a little embarrassed from what has past.

And so the group entered the palace, they were amazed with the courtyard and the residents walking about. Many of them gazed upon the group that was coming in, but not as much more than they gazed upon Clara. As the group made their way inside, the trumpets sounded off announcing the group’s presence.

“Make way for the Princess and her friends,” the announcer spoke.

“Oh my!” Rarity being astounded by such praise and the residents bowing to them, “Such chivalry.”

“For land sake, Rarity,” Applejack whispered, “It ain’t the first time. We get that in Equestria all the time.”

“I know,” Rarity whispered, “But I don’t wish to be rude to them and not accept their grace.” Applejack rolled her eyes as the group continued walking.

As they walked, they all took in awe and amazement at the structure of the Palace layout.

"Whoever lives in this palace ought to give Princess Celestia and Luna a run for their bits," Chet spoke too Twilight.

"Yeah, I never would've thought such a palace would be as great as Canterlot Castle," Twilight agreed.

Clara took noticed of a portrait with a familiar looking female wearing a gown and a crown.

“Mother,” Clara recognized her right away.

“That’s your mother?” Twilight asked

“Yes,” Clara, “I know her face anywhere.”

“Who would've thought your mother’s the queen of all this,” Chet spoke to Clara who smiled.

As the group kept walking, they came upon the throne room with four thrones where three tyrants sat at there own. The first tyrant was dressed in green suit with flowers all over and even as hair. The second tyrant wore a blue suit with icicles for fingers and hair as well. Finally the third tyrant was a female all in pink/purple gown and has cotton candy for hair.

Captain Philip stepped forward to the tyrants and cleared his throat, “Your excellencies, may I present you Queen Marie’s daughter, Princess Clara. Along with her friends from the land of Equestria, Princess Twilight Sparkle, Chetgeki Chan Gecko, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Spike the Dragon and Rainbow Dash.”

The three tyrants got up and greeted the group in surprise and excitement.

“Oh! Never thought I live to see this day. I am Hawthorn, Regent of the Land of Flowers as you may have guessed,” the first one known as Hawthorn spoke.

“My name is Shiver, the Regent of the Land of Snowflake,” Shiver greeted with a bow to the group, “And may I present the Regent of the Land of Sweets, Sugarplum Fairy.”

The female Tyrant known as Sugarplum bowed in grace and excitingly rush to the group, “Oh such wonderful news to hear of your coming. And to know from stories about your land, Equestria! A real pleasure to make your acquaintances Princess Twilight and friends,” Sugarplum then turned to Clara, “Please tell us, how is our Marie?”

Clara stood in shock for them not hearing the grave news, “You don’t know?” Clara paused for moment before she spoke again, “My mother......has died.”

A gasp ran across from the group and the regents of the horrifying news.

“Oh Clara,” Twilight spoke in sympathy, “I’m so sorry. We didn’t even know that it happened.”

“You poor darling,” Rarity spoke as tears ruined her mascara.

“I can’t really imagine losing a mother,” Fluttershy spoke in sobs.

“I can,” Applejack spoke as she recalled her parents loss.

“So can I,” Chet spoke in thought out of sympathy.

There was a moment of silence before it was broke by Hawthorn.

“Oh poor Queen Marie. Do have died so young!” Hawthorn grieved

“This is terrible!” Shiver spoke, “With Marie gone, we are in a shiver of trouble.”

The tyrants then show Clara and the group towards another room that also had a throne, but was covered up in Queen Marie’s absents. The servants took the cover off.

“This was your mother’s throne your grace,” Shiver pointed out

“Yes,” Hawthorn nodded in agreement.

“Have you and your friends come to save us, Clara?” Sugarplum asked in hope.

“No,” Clara responded as the tyrants felt sadden, “I’m sorry. I didn’t even know this place existed before today. You see I was looking for a Christmas present from my Godfather.”

“I love Christmas!” Hawthorn spoke in excitement before he whispered to Sugarplum and Shiver, “What’s Christmas?”

“And then I ran into this horrible little mouse who stolen something from me,” Clara continued explaining.

“Mouse?” Shiver asked in shock.

“And along the way is where I met my friends,” Clara motioned the group.

“Yes. We too had something that was stolen by another little mouse who met up with the first mouse that stole from Clara,” Twilight explained.

“And boy did those two ever gave us a wild goose chase,” Applejack stated.

“And then afterwards, we all met the Captain,” Clara motioned Captain Philip who then stepped into the throne room.

“If not for the help of my friends, we would not escape from Mother Ginger and the Mouse King,” Captain Philip stated.

“Yes, the Mouse King Swarm that was controlled by the same two little mice, Mouserinks and Ratsputtle, truly gave us a challenge but we wouldn’t have manage to chase it away if not for Fluttershy standing up to it with her stare and Clara with her slipper throwing,” Chet commended, earning a smile from both Fluttershy and Clara, “And then, we managed to escape the Fourth Realm before Mother Ginger got to us.”

“You all met Mother Ginger?” Sugarplum asked in shock, “Oh my dears! You’re all lucky to be alive.”

“You must all promised never go back to the Land of Amusements,” Hawthorn informed the group.

“Doh, Hawthorn!!!” Sugarplum exclaimed.

“It’s title has been rescinded!” Shiver spoke in anger

“Oh oh of course. I meant the Fourth Realm. Apologies,” Hawthorn apologized, “I’m just so upset Forget I ever mention the Land of Amu.....”

Hawthorn was cut off by Sugarplum and Shiver by warning him never to say it again.

“Um, excuse me, but what is the reason the Fourth Realm is forbidden?” Twilight asked in curiosity.

“And what do you mean that “it’s title has been rescinded”?” Spike asked.

“All in due time, friends,” Shiver responded as they exited Queen Marie’s throne room, “But right now we have other matters to discuss. With Queen Marie gone, we cannot afford to lose you, Princess Clara.”

“And with all that has happened today, in your honor Princess Clara, we must prepare a celebration party and festivities of you and your friend’s coming,” Hawthorn shared out the facts.

“As well as a tour of the the other Realms,” Shiver pointed out.

“Oh this is so exciting!” Sugarplum excitingly spoke before her Fairy wings emerged and flapped with excitement, “I do love a good party!”

“Oooo me too,” Pinkie spoke as she share the moment with Sugarplum. The rest of the group also got excited of the idea.

“That’s sounds lovely but I do need to get back to my Godfather’s Christmas Party,” Clara spoke.

“And we need to figure out the way back to our world as well,” Twilight spoke up the fact, leaving the group a little dismantled.

This got the Tyrants chuckling and laughing.

“What’s so funny?” Pinkie asked.

“Whatcha laughing about?” Rainbow asked.

“They don’t know,” Hawthorn chuckled.

“Time moves differently in our world,” Shiver said.

"Very," Hawthorn confirmed.

“Come, I’ll show you all,” Sugarplum suggested.

“Clara and friends, I will be returning to my post now,” Captain Philip spoke.

“You will not leave our side,” Clara whispered as she denied that idea, “That’s an order.

The group who overheard nodded in agreement. The Captain not refusing to the order also nodded in agreement. With that, Sugarplum lead the way with the group following.