• Published 7th Dec 2018
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Nutcracker Ponies and The 4 Realms - Wildcard25

Join the girls and Spike as they follow a girl into Four Magical Realms that're in grave danger. Only they and their allies have the means to restore order in the Realms.

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Mouserinks and Ratsputtle

As the group with their two new friends Clara, Captain Philip, and Jingles the horse, they continued their search through the spooky woods of the Fourth Realm in search of the two missing keys. Step by step they walked with extreme caution, not knowing what lies in the woods. Clara was riding on Jingles with Philip guiding the way.

“Seems I’m not in London anymore,” Clara looked around the woods.

“What is London?” Captain Philip asked.

“From what I learned from Sunset at Canterlot High, London is one of the biggest cities of her world,” Twilight explained.

“Yes. It’s my home,” Clara responded, “I suppose I will need to get back there somehow.”

“And we need to find our way back to our home once we obtain our key,” Twilight pointed out.

“The sooner we find those keys the better we leave this scary wood area,” Fluttershy shivered in fright.

“You don’t have to tell me twice,” Spike shares the fear with Fluttershy as they both clung onto each other.

“Stay strong, you two,” Applejack calmed them down.

Clara then took noticed of the Captain looking a bit nervous, “Are you afraid, Captain?” Clara asked.

“Me? No of course not, just being cautious and all,” the Captain responded.

“Pardon me, Captain,” Rarity cleared her throat, “I don’t wish to be rude but I must ask are there any other Nutcrackers in this world?”

“I’m afraid not, Miss Rarity,” Captain Philip responded, “I’m the only Nutcracker in the Kingdom.”

“Oh my, don’t you feel lonely?” Fluttershy asked in sympathy.

“Not really. I am quite happy with my place at my post,” the Captain responded.

“Lucky. I wish I knew my place,” Clara felt bad for herself.

“Why say that?” Rainbow asked as she fell over the group.

“I just feel like I don’t really fit in my world,” Clara explained, “I’ve spent way too much time in the attic instead of the reality, when really it just doesn't make any sense to me.”

“I know how you feel, Clara,” Chet spoke, “I use to feel that way myself in wondering how I fit in where I come from before I found out my destiny and knowing about Equestria and my friends. You might miss out on a lot of things out there if you keep isolating yourself form the world. You just might need to give it a chance once more.”

“Chet’s right, Clara,” Twilight vouched for Chet, “Even the friends that might be waiting for you to try and reach out.”

“Perhaps,” Clara spoke still feeling doubt.

“Ahem, so these keys we are looking for,” the Captain cleared his throat, “Are they really important?”

“Yes. I is imperative that I must get my key back,” Clara confirmed, "And my friends must get their’s as well.”

As Rainbow flew around the group, she took notice something crawling on the tree root and saw the two mice again, “Hey! There they are!!” Rainbow called out.

“They still got our keys!” Pinkie cried out.

“It’s Mouserinks and Ratsputtle!” Captain Philip state their names.

“So that’s their cute names?” Fluttershy asked.

“You know them, Captain?” Rarity asked as she was still disgusted by the two mice.

“Yes. Flithy little rascals!!” Captain Philip responded, “Those two and all other mice have been given the Kingdom trouble for years now.”

“Come on! Let’s get those little varmints!!” Applejack declared

“We must approach with extreme caution,” Captain Philip called out tot the group as they began to run after the mice. He then notice Jingles running off in the other direction.

“Coward!!” Captain Philip called out to Jingle,s as he followed the catch up with the others.

And so the group began chase once more as the two mice lead the group toward the dead tree stump and gave them the slip.

“BRING BACK OUR KEYS THIS INSTANCE YOU ROTTEN LITTLE MICE!!” Clara shouted through the stump hole as she tried her best to reach over to them, “I MEAN IT!!”

“Um Clara, I could be wrong but that’s not the way to bring the mice over to us,” Spike brought out the facts.

“Fluttershy, think you can use that there stare to convince the two to give us the keys?” Applejack asked.

“Oh no! I couldn’t. Not to sweet adorable Mouserinks and Ratsputtle,” Fluttershy politely refused.

“Fluttershy, darling, I’m afraid there is nothing sweet or adorable about those two filthy mice,” Rarity spoke in disgust.

Suddenly a mysterious figured started approaching the group from behind. Chet suddenly sensed its presence and turned around to see. What he saw was seriously shocking.

“Uh, guys,” Chet spoke, “I hate to interrupt you discussions, but I think we got huge problem!!”

Chet then pointed at the direction where the figure was coming towards them. It was a swarm of mice coming together as one gigantic mouse monster as it attempts to try and reach the group.

The group let out a scream and gasped.

“All of you run!!!” Twilight declared as the group made a break for it before the Mouse Beast could grab them.

Captain Philip not far from the group overheard that and ran towards the sound.

The group ran as fast as they could away from the giant mouse, dodging every tree obstacle with beast hot on their trail. It went around the tree bends and suddenly surprised Clara by swooping toward her and snatched her, carrying her away form the group.

“It’s got Clara!!” Spike cried out.

“Come on! After them!!” Chet ordered.

As the group was chasing the Mouse Beast, Clara struggled hard to get free from the monster’s grip while trying to not be scared of the mice crawling around her.

“Put me down this instant!!” Clara cried out as she noticed Mouserinks and Ratsputtle on top of the Mouse Swarm head.

The group got closer and closer until they saw Captain Philip coming their way.

“Captain!” Twilight called out, “That giant mouse has Clara.”

“I’ll see to that,” the Captain declared as he then reached for Clara’s hand and began to pull her out. He succeeded and got her out.

“I could use some assistance over here,” Captain Philip called out.

“You got it Captain,” Chet responded as he then drew out his katana swords and joined in the slice and dice. He then threw in a few fast snap kicks which also helped reducing the swarm.

“Come on! Let’s all help out!!” Twilight ordered as her friends nodded in agreement.

They then went to join the fight, with Twilight and Rarity blasting the Giant Rodent with their magic, Spike flying around and fire breathing the beast, Rainbow Dash flying around delivering hoof punches and kicks, Applejack lassoing the big brute and pulling the swarm apart, and Pinkie Pie started blasting the swarm with her Party Cannon. Meanwhile Fluttershy hid herself from the conflict trying not to get hurt. At first the group was getting the upper hand, but with each attack the Mouse swarm kept on regenerating and gained enough strength to push some of the group out of the way. Fluttershy horrified at the sight of her friends getting hurt, she decided she had enough but to stand against it. The Mouse Swarm then pinned Captain Phillip to the ground. As it was about to finish him off Fluttershy began shouting and used her stare.


Fluttershy continued to lash out the swarm as she then unleashed the stare upon them, while Clara seeing the distraction, reached for her slipper and aimed for the two mice on top.

Unfortunately the swarm seems to be immune to the stare, as in too many mice to stare, then slammed Fluttershy out of the way until Chet managed to catch her.

With the swarm not looking at her, Clara then threw her slipper at the head of the Mouse Swarm and knocked the two mice off there, thereby loosing control of the swarm. The group then watched as all the mice retreated back in the dark parts of the woods. The group then started to recuperate.

“They are gone,” Chet spoke as he sheathed his swords, "Vanished."

“Is everyone ok?” Twilight asked as everyone confirmed their responses.

“That could’ve gone a lot better,” said Spike brushing off the dust.

“This was my first time rescuing a damsel in distress,” Captain Philip felt pleased as he shed his sword.

“Didn’t I save you?” Clara asked in correction as she picked up her slipper and put it back on her foot.

“I think you both did,” Rainbow feeling annoyed by this little argument.

“No,” Twilight spoke up, “It took all of us to save each other.”

“What in tarnation was that big thing though?” Applejack asked.

“That was the Mouse King,” Captain Philip responded.

“MOUSE KING!!!” Rarity screamed as she jumped on Chet feeling scared.

“And here I thought I seen it all,” Chet points out as he gently put Rarity down, “But never have I seen a swarm of mice coming together to form a monster mouse king.”

“I know, I never even knew mice can even do that,” Fluttershy spoke and feeling depressed, “Much as I can’t even believe my stare has no affect on them.”

“You did the best you could, Fluttershy,” Twilight comfort her, “I think it was too many mice to try to stare all at once.”

The group then suddenly heard a neigh sound.

“Who goes there?” Captain Philip called out as he and Chet prepared to draw out their swords again.

The neigh sound however turned out to be Jingles coming towards them.

“Jingles,” Captain Philip spoke, “Good boy. It is not safe of any of us. We must leave at once.”

“I’m not leaving without my key,” Clara refused to go.

“Neither are we,” Rainbow refusing to run away.

They then heard a thunderous sound from behind them.

“WHO DARES ENTER MY DOMAIN?” The voice spoke loudly.

The group turned and saw what seems to be a giant mechanical female behind a few trees.

“Ok maybe it is time to leave,” Clara stated her second opinion as Philip got onto Jingles.

“I second that!” Rainbow agreed and do the rest.

“Chet, hop on!” Applejack called Chet as he then nodded, went to Applejack and got on her back.


Clara looked at that mechanical giant in confusion until Captain Philip called her and pulled her up on Jingles.


They all began to ride off away from the Mechaincal Menace as they heard her cries once more.


“Who was that?” Clara asked.

“That was Mother Ginger,” Captain Philip answered, “This is her territory and she doesn't like intruders.”

The group followed Phillip and Jingles away from the danger until they were out of the forest fog.