• Published 7th Dec 2018
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Nutcracker Ponies and The 4 Realms - Wildcard25

Join the girls and Spike as they follow a girl into Four Magical Realms that're in grave danger. Only they and their allies have the means to restore order in the Realms.

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Snowy Christmas Forest

As the group start their search for the gateway, placing the key into every keyhole of each door and every one of them in the castle did not seem to fit well. Quite a few hours has been spent as they grew closer to the last few doors. The group came to a halt at the main door entry. The group started to get a little tired out.

“This door better bring on the gateway,” Rainbow complained, “I don’t know how many more doors we have to go through.”

“It's got to be,” Applejack responded, “We come to the bitter end of this wild needle in the haystack routine.”

“Regardless of it, I’m not giving up this opportunity to explore new Realms, other than my time in the CHS world where Sunset and the Rainbooms are,” Twilight spoke in confidence, “Well, here goes nothing.”

Twilight then placed the key in the keyhole, and turned it. Finally they heard a magic click sound. The key started to glow and the doors open up revealing the special gateway. The group smiled brightly as they gazed at the portal with excitement.

“Well what do you know?” Chet rhetorically asked, “Right in front of us the whole time!”

“Alright! New adventure awaits us!” Rainbow declared.

“It l-l-looks sooo sc-sca-scary,” Fluttershy gulped and shivered.

“Don’t be afraid, Fluttershy dear,” Rarity calmed her, “It’s not like one of us is going on the journey alone.”

“She’s right, Flutters,” Chet spoke, “Nothing to fear.”

“Oooo! I’m so nervicited!!!!” Pinkie exclaimed as she bounced up and down non-stop.

“Oh boy! Oh boy!” Spike shared the cheer, “Another chance to see another world!”

“Well, YEEHAW!! Let’s get going y’all,” Applejack declared.

“Oh, hold it, I have to figure what to pack!” Rarity halted in realization, “Just be a moment.”

Rarity dashed to pack a few things and came zipping right back, “Ahem...Onward!!”

“Yeah I better go ahead and grab my katanas,” Chet pointed out, “Never know when I might need them.”

Chet dashed over to grab his swords and came back to the group, “Alright. Good and ready to go!”

“Everypony else ready?” Twilight asked as the group gave a nod in agreement, “Alright. Let’s go!!”

And so the group entered the portal together before the door closed behind them. The group was flying through the heartwarming color vortex, mostly screaming at the process as they were going through too fast. They saw a bright light at the end as they were closing in and entered through.

Moments later, the group woke up trying to regain consciousness.

“Is every pony ok?” Twilight checked on her friends.

“I’m alright,” Chet responded brushing the snow off his sleeves.

“Yep.” Applejack responded, shaking the snow off her hat.

“Yeah I’m ok.” Spike replied.

“Mmhmm.” Fluttershy responded.

“I’m quite fine, darling.” Rarity spoke as she shook the snow off her mane.

“Yeah I’m good.” Rainbow shook some of the snow off her ears

“Yepperooni!!” Pinkie beamed with a squeak smile.

The group then looked around to what seems to be a forest filled with many pine trees. Everything around the group was simply covered by huge blanket of snow.

“Whoa Nelly! Where in tarnation are we?” Applejack asked.

“This looks like a pine forest, but all covered in snow,” Twilight examined the area.

“This certainly does look like a peaceful forest, not at all scary as the Everfree Forest,” Fluttershy examined with a smile.

“I must say, this snow scenery is simply divine,” Rarity gazed at the winter landscape in awe.

“This might be even perfect for some fun!” Rainbow spoke, as she grabbed a snow ball and threw it at Applejack.

“Oh yer in for it now, Rainbow!!” Applejack declared, as she and Rainbow went at each other with snowballs.

“Whee! This is fun!” Pinkie laid on her back and started making snow pony angels.

Rarity, Fluttershy, and Spike looked at the icicles hanging mourned the branches in awe and wonder.

“Ooo! These icicles might make a great addition for new line up in Winter,” Rarity spoke in excitement.

“”Yeah they ought to be cool and iced!!” Spike joked as the two mare giggled.

“They are lovely,” Fluttershy commented, until she saw some of the woodland creatures coming out, “And so are the animals around here.” Fluttershy got down on her knees as the animals gather around her to greet her.

As everyone was enjoying themselves, Twilight and Chet stepped to the side and looked around more of the scenery.

“Who would’ve thought a magic key could lead to a winter wonderland.” Chet commented.

“I know that Starswirl said that this key is magic but I didn’t think it would be powerful to actually open a gateway.” Twilight levitated the key in front of them as they looked and wonder how could it be so.

Their curiosity was cut short as suddenly out of nowhere, a shadow of a small creature jumped and snatched the key from Twilight. The two looked over where the the creature landed and it turned out to be a mouse with the key in its mouth.

“Hey, you! Get back here with that key!!” Chet called out.

The two went after the mouse who scurried through the rest of the group.

“Stop, thief!” Twilight called out, “That mouse has stolen the key!”

The group gasped and decided to help with the chase.

All through the forest area the mouse was running through obstacles to try and shale loose them, but the group was still in hot pursuit. Chet and Twilight taking the lead to try and catch the mouse. Suddenly, something else caught their eyes ahead. They spotted another mouse with a key in its mouth was on the run, as it joined along the first mouse on the same pathway.

What wasn’t expected was that the group accidentally ran up to a figure who was chasing that second mouse and they all crashed into each other and landed in a snow pile. The group regained their conscience as they began to once again brush the snow off them.

“Oh my head!” Rainbow groaned, “What the pony feathers was that all about?”

“Not sure,” Twilight spoke, “I think we bumped into something.”

All of the sudden, the figure that they bumped into popped it’s head out of the snow and revealed to be a human girl as she shook the snow off her head.

“Not something. Someone actually.” the girl spoke in a distraught phase.

The group gasped at the sight of the girl as she got herself out of the snow pile and brushing it off her. She wore a nice blue/purple ball gown with a big bow tied behind her hair.

“A human? Here?” Twilight asked in shock.

“Whoa and I thought we seen most of them back in CHS.” Spike spoke in surprise.

The girl gazed at the group sharing the same shock and wonder.

“What in the world is this? Some little ponies?” the girl asked before getting a good look at them before gasping in realization, “It...it can’t be! Some pegasi? a Unicorn? And.....is that an...Alicorn?” looking at Spike and gasped, “Is that a baby dragon too? I’ve only read about you through bedtime stories and ancient mythology. I can't believe you’re actually real!”

The girl got all awed and wondered before she then turned to Chet, “And a reptile in a coat and hat? I must have hit my head too hard.”

Chet went up to her and place his hand on the girls forehead and spoke, “No, I’m afraid you have not. Otherwise I would felt that bump on your head.”

“Goodness you all are real then!” The girl continued to be amazed.

“As much as you are to yourself.” Pinkie gleamed at her side.

Rarity then cleared her throat, “Forgive me to interrupt your debacle, dear, but I think some introductions are to be lined up.”

“You're right,” Twilight cleared her throat, “Ahem. Hi my name is Princess Twilight Sparkle. And these are my friends. We all come from the magical land of Equestria.”

“Howdo sugarcube. I’m Applejack,” Applejack introduced herself as she tipped her hat.

“Um...hi. I’m Fluttershy,” Fluttershy greeted as she was drawing circles on the ground all nervous.

“Hi, I’m Pinkie Pie!! Certified Party Planner at your service! And I’m always happy to meet a new friend,” Pinkie spoke as she popped all over the place and embraced her new friend, despite the girl feeling a little bit squeezed.

“Hello darling, I am Rarity,” Rarity greeted before noticing the girl’s gown, “I must say you are certainly shining bright in that beautiful gown of yours.”

The girl took it as compliment fro Rarity’s critique.

“Names Rainbow Dash! The most awesome pony you ever met,” Rainbow zipped around as her way of greeting.

“And I’m Spike,” Spike introduced himself as he pounded his chest, "Coolest dragon around too!”

“The name’s Gecko. Chetgeki Chan Gecko. Chet for short. At your service my lady,” Chet greeted as he took off his hat in shivery and bowed.

“A pleasure to meet you all. My name is Stallabaum. Clara Stallabaum,” Clara intruded herself.

“The pleasure is ours actually,” Chet responded and asked, “So now we know each other by name, what’s a innocent girl like you doing out here in a snowy pine forest anyway?”

“Oh well I was at my Godfather Drosselmyer’s Party at his Mansion, looking for my Christmas present from my Godfather by following the string,” Clara explained.

“Uh what’s Christmas?” Rainbow asked in confusion.

“Christmas is a Holiday that the Humans celebrate, much like use celebrating HeartsWarming Day in Equestria,” Twilight explained before turning to Clara, “Sorry for interruption Clara. Go ahead.”

“Thank you Twilight. The next thing I know, I ended up in this snowy forest following the string which lead me to my gift, a beautiful key I was about to reach for it until a mouse came out of nowhere and snatched it,” Clara explained more.

“Did you say a mouse with a key in it’s mouth?” Chet asked.

“Yes,” Clara replied.

“What a coincidence cause a mouse snatched Twilight’s key as well,” Pinkie spoke.

“You have a key as well?” Clara asked Twilight.

“Yes. It was actually a gift from a very dear friend of ours, Starswirl the Bearded...” Twilight explained before she was cut off by Spike.

“I hate to interrupt your explanations here, but look there are the mice,” Spike spoke as he pointed the direction where the two mice holding the keys are standing.

The group gasped again seeing the mice.

“Come on after them!!” Twilight declared.

And so the chase was on again. They followed the mice through a frozen stream and few other trees Their chase lead them toward a frozen river where the two mice slide across the middle of the frozen river. They looked back at the chasers.

“BRING BACK OUR KEYS!!” Clara shouted at the two mice, who are then teasing the group showing off what they had in their possession.

Clara then tried to get on the ice and see if she can reach them but the ice started to crack as she then went back to shore.

“Filthy little mice,” Clara mumbled.

“Now now, Clara,” Fluttershy calmed Clara, “I’m sure the mice didn’t mean to cause us trouble. Maybe they just wanted to play.”

“Or could be for something else,” Rainbow not buying Fluttershy’s words.

“Hey look there y’all!” Applejack called out, “A bridge for us to cross.”

The group went over to the bridge end close to them but seems to be sealed off. What then gang then noticed was a figure right next to the gate, whom seem to be standing half frozen stiff.

“What is that?” Spike the dragon asked.

“Looks like some sort of solider guard. Notice the sword he’s carrying?” Chet shared his thoughts and pointed out the sword the solider is carrying.

Clara took a good look at the solider and in her thoughts, she remembered the same Christmas ornament she hung on her family Christmas tree years ago when her mother was still around and the same wooden Nutcracker toy her brother Fritz was playing, she spoke out, “Its not just any soldier. Its a Nutcracker Solider!”

“Uh….a nut what now?” Applejack being puzzled.

Twilight upon hearing Clara’s explanation gasped, “Of course! I read about them in one of my books in Ponyville. It says that the Nutcracker is a Holiday traditional antique used for cracking nuts with it’s teeth. Also it was used as a prop in the Holiday Ballet Story ‘The Nutcracker.’”

“Oooo I love that story! Especially the part with the land of Sweets!!” Pinkie excitingly jumped up and down while imagining sugarplums dancing in her head.

“Oh yes, my parents use to tell me and Zephyr that story when we were little,” Fluttershy pointed out.

“Not to mention he is quite a charmer. Oh I do adore the Ballet as well,” Rarity sighed heavenly.

“Hmm, this one is about our size and seems to be not moving much,” Chet pointed out while inspecting the solider.

“Well what’s he doing way out here half frozen?” Spike asked.

“Probably just been guarding the bridge and must have dozed off,” Rainbow responded.

Afterwards, the gang went to the gate and noticed the mouse is still on that frozen bridge with the key. They began to ponder on how to get through the bridge.

“We need to get Clara’s key back from that little mouse,” Twilight instructed.

“How are we going to do so when the gate’s blocking the way?” Rarity asked, “We obviously can’t just go through it. It just be plain rude and violating the principle”

“Duh we can just fly across,” Rainbow Dash

“I hate to be the bad apple of your idea Rainbow, but not all of us have wings,” Applejack spoke as she pointed out that she, Rarity, Pinkie, Chet and Clara don’t have wings, “I recon we could tunnel our way to the other side.”

“And get my hooves dirty or be frozen numb? I should think not!” Rarity argue with a huff, while trying to keep her fashion looks intact.

“Ooo I know, we could skate across the frozen river!” Pinkie pointed out another idea.

“Pinkie I don’t think I want to relieve that embarrassing skating moment,” Twilight shared her thought as she recalled her accidental skating moment back in Ponyville while trying to see which part to partake in “Winter Wrap Up.”

The gang continued to share/argue suggestions, while Chet, Clara and Spike stood and watch.

“At this rate, we’re not going anywhere if they continue to argue and probably going to freeze standing out here,” Clara stated while feeling a little cold.

“Hey don’t lose hope Clara. There must be someway to cross over without any problem. Besides, even if we are not going anywhere, we could have Spike start a little fire for us to keep warm,” Chet spoke as Spike nodded his head in response to the idea.

They then started to ponder more as Clara tried to find another way.

Fluttershy wanted to step away from the group bickering and get a good look at the Nutcracker once more. Only to her surprise, the Nutcracker’s eyelids flung open and began to breath. Fluttershy frighten, zipped over and hit behind Chet. Chet, Clara and Spike noticed. The gang noticing Fluttershy shaking scared, cease their bickering and went to her.

“What wrong Fluttershy?” Spike asked.

“What is it? You look like you just saw a ghost?” Chet asked.

“Th-th-the Nnnnu-Nutt-Nutcrack—Nutcracker. Bbbb-bri-bright eeeeeeeee-eyed,” Fluttershy shivering scared and not making sense to speak.

“There there. Calm down Fluttershy. Breath and speak calmly what’s the matter,” Clara instructed.

Fluttershy took a few deep breathes and calmed herself down. Before she could say anything, she noticed the Nutcracker standing right behind them and then pointed them to the Nutcracker while still feeling scared.

“Halt!” The Nutcracker spoke in a firm voice as he drew out his sword, “Who goes there?”

The group was then in shock in seeing that the Nutcracker Soldier has come to life.

“Whoa Nelly!” Applejack cried out.

“Oh, my gosh!” Twilight spoke in shock.

“It’s just us.” Clara replied trying to clam the solider down.

“State your purpose just us.” The Nutcracker ordered.

“No my name is Clara,” Clara corrected the Soldier, “And these are my friends.”

“At ease soldier! We’re just passing through,” Chet tried to explain.

“Impossible! Nobody crosses the bridge of the Fourth Realm without direct order from the regions.” The Nutcracker explained.

“Fourth Realm?” The group asked.

“Regions? Who are they?” Spike asked.

“More importantly where are we?” Clara asked.

“You are all in the Christmas Tree Forest. But that is the Fourth Realm which is currently at war with the other three realms,” The Nutcracker explained.

“War?” the group asked.

“That is correct Miss Clara Justus and Friends,” The Nutcracker responded.

“No. My name isn’t Clara Justus,” Clara corrected him, “It’s Stallabaum. Clara Stallabaum.”

“Before y’all go on arguing, I think some introductions are in order?” Applejack suggested.

“Right,” Twilight confirmed before clearing her throat, “Hello I am Princess Twilight Sparkle from the world Equestria. And these are my friends: Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Spike the Dragon.”

“They call me Gecko, Chetgeki Chan Gecko. Chet for short,” Chet introduced himself and then presented his two katana swords, “A fellow warrior and skilled swordsman like yourself.”

“So I see,” The Nutcracker examined, “A pleasure to meet you all, even you Princess Twilight Sparkle from the Land of Equestria,”

The Nutcracker then bowed to them before turning to Clara.

“Pardon my curiosity Clara, but are you in relation to Marie Stallabaum?” The Nutcracker asked.

“She is my mother,” Clara answered while nodding her head.

“Forgive me your majesty. I didn’t recognize you Princess Clara,” The Nutcracker got on one knee and bowed to Clara.

The group was in shock to hear of it as they looked at Clara.

“Princess?” Clara asked with a giggle.

“Captain Phillip Hoffman. At your service your majesty,” Phillip stated.

“Whoa whoa whoa! Time out!” Rainbow spoke, “Your saying that Clara whom we met moments ago is a princess?”

Rainbow then started to burst out laughing with Applejack chucking along with her.

“Now I’ve heard some tall tales in my time, but this one really takes the apple pie!” Applejack spoke in between laughs.

“Mmmm pie,” Pinkie spoke with thinking about cake having her mouth salivated.

Clara turned to the others and whispered, “Maybe I’ve been spending too much time in the attic. I must be dreaming.”

Spike then flapped up to Clara’s arm and gave it a pinch. Clara felt the pain and reacted.

“Nope, you're definitely awake,” Spike spoke up.

Chet spoke to Twilight, “Looks like you’re not the only Princess to be treated with respect, eh?”

“I guess so.” Twilight responded a sheepish giggle.

All that aside Clara cleared her throat and spoke up, “We need to cross over that bridge, that little mouse took something from me that my Godfather had me find.”

“Us too,” Chet motioned the rest of the gang.

“Are you certain, Princess Clara?” Phillip asked in concern, “The Fourth Realm is a very dangerous place.”

“Yes, I’m certain. But please call me Clara,” Clara assured Phillip.

“Very well then,” Phillip responded as he then went over to lift the lever and open the gate. This in turn left the group confused and dumbfounded.

“Come on then,” Clara declared.

“If I may, I wish to come along with you. You will need me to guide you through the Four Realms,” Phillip asked permission.

“Alright, you may come. The more friends the merrier,” Twilight responded as the rest of the gang nodded in agreement.

"Thank you," Phillip spoke before he went over to what seem to be a horse to wake it up from sleep, "Jingles. Jingles, wake you lazy horse!"

Jingles neighed in response as he was ready to go.

“Alright then guys, let’s go get those mice,” Chet instructed as the group proceeded on to the Terrifying Fourth Realm. Who knows what await them there.