• Published 7th Dec 2018
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Nutcracker Ponies and The 4 Realms - Wildcard25

Join the girls and Spike as they follow a girl into Four Magical Realms that're in grave danger. Only they and their allies have the means to restore order in the Realms.

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Order Restored

With the war finally over, all the residents of all the kingdom were united and together once more. All gathered at the Palace to help prepare the Grand Celebration. The news of this were spread all over, further from the kingdom as more came to embrace the moment.

Up near the Palace view terrace, Clara was wearing another on of her ball gowns, with the help of Rarity of course. She stood in front of her window waiting for the others while reflected on all that has happened. She wore at bottom of the gown alight pink dress with pearls and sparkles, top part light purple with sparkles, a wide white neck viser on back of her shoulders, a beautiful white crown, her hair little curled with pearls ribbons and sparkles, finally wearing around her neck was her mother’s special key.

Few moments later, she then saw Chet, Princess Twilight, and the others come in all dressed up in their outfits all ready for the festivities to begin as well. Chet Wiser and Spike each had on another dress suite with colorful bow ties, both similar to Grand Galloping Gala. And the girls they wore their outfits from the moment when Twilight was first crowned Princess. Around Twilight’s neck was her key gift from Starswirl. They too all reflected with Clara over all that has happened.

“Clara, darling, I just want to say how absolutely proud we are of you,” Rarity spoke.

“Much as you showing your strength from your friends by your side,” Applejack added

“Yeah you were awesome down there!” Rainbow commended.

“You really brought the happiness and smiles to all of the Kingdom!” Pinkie jumped up and down in joy.

“We couldn’t even be more happy for u bringing kindness back to all the Realms,” Fluttershy smiled.

“You’ve shown courage, sacrifice and loyalty to the Kingdom every sophistication and qualifications of what a true friend does for others,” Twilight spoke, “And we are proud to be friends with you.”

“As are we,” Chet put his arm around Wise as they both smiled.

Clara smiled brightly, “I should be the one to thank all of you. I wouldn’t be able to retrieve my key and save all the Realms if not for all of you. I’m also very proud to have you all as my friends.”

The group all gather round Clara for a big group embrace, just before Philip and Regents came in with their outfits on. Philip remained his usually wear but has a creamy yellow and pink stash with a medal of honor, Shiver and Hawthorn had their outfits from before, and Mother Ginger

“Everyone, we owe you all a debt of gratitude,” Shiver began.

“All the Kingdoms are united as well as reinstated the Fourth Realm as the Land of Amusements,” Hawthorn proudly spoke.

“Hey you finally said the name!!” Pinkie bounced in joy.

“And order has been restored as well,” Mother Ginger came in dressed up in her original true form before she was banished. She wore her big red dress gown, red pearl earrings, and her hair was all bunched up. She came to towards Clara and offered her hands to her.

Clara accepted them with her own, “All of this could’ve been avoided if I have just listened to you from the beginning Mother Ginger.”

“The same for us,” Twilight spoke, “We’re really sorry for thinking that you were behind this mess.”

The group nodded in agreement feeling a little sympathy.

“Yes. Apologies for the whole charging in your Realm deal,” Chet apologized.

“Oh it’s not any of your fault my dears. No one else believed me either,” Mother Ginger assured the group before giving a look to Shiver and Hawthorn whom looked a little embarrassed. She then turned back to Clara, “You’re mother would be very proud of what you have done for the Kingdom, wherever she may be.”

Mother Ginger then turned to Philip and Wiser and spoke, “Captain Nutcracker, as soon as the festivities are done, would you escort Clara, Twilight, Chetgeki and their friends back to their homes and in return you shall proceed with your new post as ‘Captain of the Guards!’ As for you oh brave Wiser, when you also return back here you shall have your new role as the Court Chancellor!”

The group gasped in excitement for the two’s new places of the Kingdom.

“I accept the new role your grace,” Philip spoke in pride.

“It would be an honor your excellency,” Wiser bowed to Mother Ginger.

The group came up to the two congratulating them.

Clara then spoke to Philip, “But what about your bridge?”

“Well, I think I will miss it. Besides I’m not alone anymore, I have friends now,” Philip motioned to both Mouserinks and Ratsputtle whom were on his shoulders and nuzzling him on the cheek, and to Wiser as he put his arm around him. Wiser smiled.

“Wiser,” Twilight began, “None of this was ever possible if you haven’t given the key to Starswirl who then gave to me. We couldn’t have save the Kingdom without you,” she then went over and embraced the old owl. He returned the favor and was soon found being embraced by the rest of the girls and Spike.

Chet came to him, “I must admit, you really have shown honor and loyalty out there,” he offered his hand as Wiser then accepted it and shook on it.

“The honor of experiencing this with all of you is quite all mine,” Wiser stated.

“There is one thing that still puzzles me,” Twilight spoke, “Wiser what exactly did you do with Sugarplum?”

“Oh my dear. She will be doing her time in the toy box to think long and hard over her actions. Until such a time when she is ready to return,” Wiser explained, “In meantime however, the Land of Sweets will be under new regent. May I introduce to you all Sugarplum’s sister, Sweetie Gumdrops.”

Entered the room was Sweetie Gumdrops, almost identical to Sugarplum but a slight change. She wore a more colorful gown with all colors showing in rows, Her hair was too made of of cotton candy but was in color white magenta and also have gumdrop jujubes all over, even on her gown.

“Hello, everyone. I am Sweetie Gumdrops, sister to Sugarplum. It is an honor to finally meet the saviors of the Four Realms,” Sweetie Gumdrops introduced herself before bowing, “I simply must apologize for my sister’s behavior and action. She was all so needy, no matter toy or life. I assure you that as regent I will do my best to protect my land at all cost as well for all the other lands.”

“The honor is all ours, Sweetie Gumdrops,” Clara bowed in returned as did the others.

Just then a servant entered and announced, “Your majesties and honored guests. It is time.”

The group nodded in response as the servant took his leave.

“Well then, it is time to put on a show and proceed with the festivities,” Shiver spoke as the group then began to head to the terrace deck.

The trumpets sound as the regents with addition of Sweetie Gumdrops entered for all the crowd to see, followed by Philip, Wiser, Spike, Chet, Twilight and the girls. Finally Clara entered as the crowd continued cheering over their saviors of Realms from all over.

Later on that day, the Grand Party was commencing with dancers dancing all over the dance floor. One by one all the delights of the land in turn shared their dances and with their own music number. The group decided to join in on the action as well.

From the Spanish Hot Chocolate. The music entered in such great beat and the dance was in full swing. In such grace, Chet, Twilight, Rarity, and Spike all jumped in and tap danced through the music rhythm. They finished with ease by the time the music stopped.

Next was the Arabian Coffee as in the dancer herself. Slow, soothing music played with addition of the chime bells in between the rhythm. Rarity in fascination of the Arabic dance decided to join in and dance the routine. Not wanting to go alone, she had Spike dance with her, much to Spike liking the idea of dancing close to his lover.

The third was the Chinese Tea, involving two China Girls dancers with fans, a China Man dancer and a Chinese Dragon. The three dance in a much honor fashioned. Chet intrigued with the Male dancer with his sword jumped in and drew out his sword as part of the act. Spike in fascination of the Chinese Dragon had to get in on the action with the two breath fire as part of the dance act.

Up next was the Russian Trepak Trios. Alot of kicking and arms crossed occurred during this routine. Rainbow, Applejack and Chet got a kick out of that dance as well while shouting “Hey” multiple times until the dance stopped.

Following next was to Marzipan and her Shepard girls. Their dance started slow with the flute sound and the dance all tippy toed in such grace and danced elegantly. Twilight and the girls in such move and mesmerized by the harmonic tune, joined in and danced in harmony.

Next was Mother Ginger’s Polichinelle Clowns. The clowns as usual rolled on in and being silly in their number. Pinkie getting all excited decide to hop in and danced around with the clowns as she wished. It ended when all the clowns rolled in and crashed into each other as part of their act. This in turn had everyone laughing at that entertainment, even Pinkie.

The next to last was Hawthorn with his Garland of Flowers. Much pedals spread all around and such elegance shown from the flower dancers. Fluttershy in fascination of the Flower dance decided to hop in and share her dance of the flowers, much to her being shy of everyone watching. Luckily, Mouserinks and Ratsputtle were with her to keep her calm and confident.

Finally for the grand finale, the music number Pas De Lux started to play as Clara and Philip entered and began dancing close together in such grace. Watching from the audience, Chet felt like he should share this with another. He looked at Twilight and decided to move in. He was a bit nervous and blushing at first but had to courage to nudge her and motioned her to this dance. Twilight caught on his move, smiled, giggled, blushed, and nodded her head yes. Chet then offer his hand as Twilight placed her hoof on his as the two proceeded tot he dance floor and danced right next to Clara and Philip. Spike and rarity noticed and decided to join it follow by the rest of the girls and Wiser as they all danced closely next to each other sharing the grand beat together. By the end of the music, the crowd appalled and cheered as they all continued to enjoy the rest of the celebration before the sun began to set.

After the grand celebration ended, Clara, wearing her same gown from Godfather’s party, Chet wearing his normal clothing, Twilight and the rest of the group said their farewells to the regents and set off through the Land of Amusements, and crossing the bridge to the Christmas Tree Forrest once again escorted by Philip, his horse Jingles, and Wiser. As they got to the other end of the bridge they soon came to noticed stuck inside the post were the two knucklehead guards, Harley Quinn and Caviler.

“Your majesties and friends,” Caviler shivered as he bowed, “And Brave Captain Nutcracker.”

“It is an honor to be serving at your post,” Harely Quinn shivering up in the cold as he and Caviler saluted.

“Keep up the good work men,” Philip saluted them as the group giggled and snickered before heading further into the woods.

With the group gone, Caviler spoke to Harley, “Alright on three. One….Two…Three!!”

Then the two tried a shard as they could to get out of the post they were squeezed in together but to no avail they remained where they are.

“Stop! stop!” Harley almost out of breath, “This isn’t working.”

“I’ll say it isn’t. You’ve really put on weight!” Caviler insulted.

“Me? You’re one to talk! For eating too much pound cakes!” Harley Quinn responded and suddenly felt a sneeze coming and accidentally sneezed on Caviler.

“Auuuuggghh! Next time just say it, not spray it!” Caviler spoke in disgust. The kept on arguing through their cold time in the bridge post.

Meanwhile the group arrived at the tree root hole where Clara told where she came from. She turned to her friends.

“I’m afraid this is where we must part ways,” Clara spoke as she looked at each of the group, “I simply can’t thank you all enough for all that you’ve done in helping me see this whole thing through.”

“We’re glad to have met you Princess Clara Stallabaum and to share this adventure in the Four Realms,” Twilight spoke with a wink as the group smiled.

Clara then went to each of the group, embracing and saying their goodbyes. Each of them were shedding tears, but they were joy. Clara then came to Wiser. The old stood in hesitation for a moment before speaking.

“It..was certainly…an honor to watch over you, Miss Clara,” Wiser held out his feather hand. But to his surprise he was taken aback by Clara embracing him and pecked his feathered cheek.

“You’ve done beautifully in watching over me. I will be sure to tell Godfather where you are and that you are safe and happy with your new position,” Clara assured Wiser whom smiled.

Clara came to Twilight and hugged her, both were in tears.

“It’s been an honor to have a pony princess for a friend,” Clara spoke, “Thank you for helping me see the light in my heart.”

“The same with having another Princess for a friend as well,” Twilight replied, “And the feeling is mutual. I wish you a Merry Christmas to you and your family in your world.”

Clara replied, “A Happy Heartwarming to you as well.”

Clara then came to Chet as they both smiled at each other and embraced.

“I want to thank you for understanding my situation and for believing in me,” Clara spoke as she then pecked Chet on the cheek.

Chet feeling blushed replied, “It was nothing really. I too want to thank you for understanding as well on my end.”

Finally Clara turned to Philip. The two eyed on each other for a bit before one of them spoke.

“Please come back to Realms one day,” Philip spoke.

“Of course I will,” Clara responded as she then took Philips hands and held on to them, “Maybe one day you will visit my world and meet my family.”

“Are they like you?” Phillip asked.

“They are different, but you would surely love them,” Clara responded.

Standing on Philip’s shoulder were Mouserinks and Ratsputtle, as they were waving goodbye to Clara. She smiled and used her fingers to rub on the mice’s head and backs.

“I will miss you two as well,” Clara spoke, “Take care of each other, all three of you.”

The two mice nodded as they once again nuzzled with Philip.

Philip hesitated for a moment before speaking again, “I’m going to miss you.”

“I will miss you too,” Clara spoke in return as she shared her words of wisdom, “When you think of the ones you miss, they don’t forget you. They remember you and have you find a way to smile when you see them again.”

“Truer words were never spoken,” Chet spoke as the group agreed.

Philip smiled a bit before saying, “Goodbye Clara.”

“Goodbye Philip,” Clara responded as she began to go in the tree stump. She stopped and paused for a moment. Then taken by the group surprise, Clara turned, rushed to Philip, and embraced him tightly.

“I’ll really miss you most of all!” Clara spoke as she then placed a hidden kiss onto Philip’s lips, much to his surprise.

The girls cooed and awed at this response.

“What just happen here?” Spike asked in confusion.

Chet placed his hand around Spike and spoke, “That my friend is a fellow warrior fallen victim to a True Love’s Kiss.”

“Yes. Quite right,” Wiser agreed.

After they broke, they smiled and giggled as Clara started to head through the tree stump. She waved farewell to her friends and then disappeared into the darkness. With that the group journey back to the area where they first arrived to the Christmas Tree Forrest.

By the time they arrived at the spot, the group looked around.

“Uh, just where exactly is the portal?” Rainbow asked as she hovered around.

“I’m not sure how actually,” Twilight began to ponder, “When we used the key on the keyhole of the main door of my castle, it opened the gateway to this place. But I don’t see any keyholes around here.”

“Oooo, maybe we just need to say the secret magic word to open the portal,” Pinkie suggested as she started to guess, “Let’s seem um Abracadabra! No no um Hocus Pocus! Um Open Sesame? Wigglawama Ding Dong?”

“Darling, I’m not quite sure if that obviously would work,” Rarity spoke.

“I believe there is another option Twilight,” Wiser began, “All you must do is touch the key and think of home. Only then will the gateway open.”

“It’s worth a shot,” Twilight, then placed her hood on her key and then thought of home in Equestria. Suddenly by surprise the key glowed and fired a beam toward a hug pine tree trunk and thus created a portal.

The group was then amazed at this phenomenal.

“Heh heh well by golly,” Applejack chuckled.

“Our ticket way home!” Rainbow shouted.

The group then turned to Philip and Wiser as they then said their goodbyes with hugs and tears of joy all around. One by one they each stepped through the portal.

Rarity still in tears running down her mascara, embraced Philip, “Adieu Captain and thank you for not leaving our side to the end.”

“Adieu to you Miss Rarity,” Philip took her hoof and placed a kiss on it, thus made Rarity giggle. She then step through the portal.

Fluttershy flew up to Philip’s shoulder where the two mice are and rubbed their little heads, “Take care you two and thank you both for helping us at the end.”

The mice squeaked as they nuzzled with Fluttershy. She then spoke to Philip, “Please watch out for them.”

“You have my word, Miss Fluttershy,” Philip replied as the two embraced each other. She then stepped through the portal.

Twilight walked to Philip and Wiser and embraced them both.

“Thank you for everything you two,” Twilight spoke, “It’s something I’ll never forget.”

“Neither will we your highness,” Wiser bowed as he said his farewell.

“And I’ll be sure to tell Starswirl you said hello as an old friend,” Twilight assured.

“That would please me much Princess,” Wiser smiled.

“Take care of yourself. Until we meet again, Princess of Friendship,” Philip bowed as Twilight returned the favor. She then went to the portal and stood waiting before entering.

Chet was the last one to say his goodbye as he offered his hands to Philip and Wiser. The two took them and shook on it.

“Take care you all,” Chet spoke as he bowed, “And Wiser thank you for your aid in the end. You were of great help to our cause my fine feathered friend.”

“Oh, it was the least I could do for you all,” Wiser smiled and bowed in return, “I hope one day we might come visit you in Equestria.”

Chet spoke again, “Perhaps one day if fate allows it, then we will return to the Realms for a visit.”

“We hope so as well, my friend,” Wiser responded.

“Yes indeed. It was an honor fighting by your side Master Chetgeki,” Philip spoke, “One swordsman to another.”

“The honor is all mine, Captain Nutcracker,” Chet responded as he saluted to him as Philip returned the favor.

Chet then went over to Twilight and the two step through the portal before it closed.

With that Philip and Wiser with Mouserinks and Ratsputtle went back through the Christmas Tree Forrest and the Land of Amusements alone as they return to the Palace to their new positions for the Kingdom.