• Published 21st Dec 2018
  • 2,344 Views, 63 Comments

Canterlot High Days - James Pwyll

  • ...

Oh, right, that other stuff

"Oh my, just look at all the little moments of fun they're having down there!" Discord remarked with a gleeful smile.

His eyes darted over many of the images before him as he and Celestia continued to stare into the vortex.

"The Crusaders having a little moment of cooking with their new friend Cozy, and being utterly nonchalant about her having suspiciously good skills with knives. Twilight continuing to be unaware of her having a rather obsessive ex-classmate following her and Sunset around. Rarity and Applejack continuing to be, ugh, sweet with one another. It's just good stuff all around."

Celestia too smiled, taking another sip of her tea as she again regarded the vortex herself.

"Indeed. It has been quite an experience thus far. I must confess, I hadn't considered this to be as fun as it turned out to be when I first started."

Discord smiled back to her.

"You see? Didn't I say spying on the people would be fun?"

Celestia frowned to that, much to Discord's annoyance.

"Okay, fine, I'll downplay the whole 'spying' angle!"

A nod from the alicorn, and she soon sighed, looking down to the images of all these alternate versions of those she knew.

"I'm sure Luna would enjoy this also."

"Not as much as you, sister."

Immediately, both Celestia and Discord snapped around, seeing the rather stoic face of none other than Princess Luna staring back at them. Celestia was delighted to see her younger sibling, while Discord was rather more irritated by the notion.

"And just who gave you permission to come to my home, little Miss Moon? I recall asking only Celestia to come here!"

Luna frowned at him.

"Well, given how long you've been keeping her, I decided it was high time to come along myself to convince her to get back home."

Celestia giggled slightly.

"Oh, Luna, you needn't be so worried. A single evening with Discord is hardly going to turn Equestria inside out."

Luna raised an eyebrow.

"Sister...you've been here for three months!"

Silence passed, and Discord suddenly started to look very worried, like a schoolchild who'd been caught breaking one of the classroom windows. Celestia, her own face becoming utterly blank, looked to her sister in the vain hope that maybe she was joking about that remark. When it became clear that she was not jesting, her expression became one of irritation, and she slowly turned to her host.


Scratching the side of his face, the Draconequus sort of mumbled to himself.

"Hm? Oh, er, I may have sort of changed the flow of time in here to be a bit, well...different to what it is out back in Equestria."

He shrugged his shoulders.

"I mean, no harm done, right? Luna's been perfectly fine ruling without you, and hey, you just said you had fun here, right?"

It would have been completely understandable for Celestia to simply rage at her chaotic companion, but instead, the Princess sighed, setting down her tea and gracefully standing tall.

"Discord, I appreciate you wanting to set some time aside for me this afternoon...even if it was a rather longer afternoon than I realised...but I simply must return to my duties now."

Discord folded his arms, huffing indignantly.

"Okay, okay, you can go. Luna just had to come along and spoil things, didn't she?"

The moon Princess smirked to him.

"Oh, don't get me wrong, it was nice being the tallest alicorn in Equestria for a while, but, all good things must come to an end, so, here I am."

Celestia cast her a sideways glance after that, but soon giggled, letting the annoyance of the previous revelation wash away.

"Well, it's been nice, Discord, but I will be returning to Canterlot now. Do enjoy your vortex without me, won't you?"

Discord rolled his eyes, waving the two off. After exiting through his front door, he could hear them start to talk about all that had happened in Equestria during her absence, as well as everything Celestia had seen since arriving at Discord's home, but after a time, their voices faded away to nothing, and he knew that they were gone. Now alone, Discord's eyes drifted down to the vortex, and he suddenly lost whatever interest he had before in watching the antics of all those humans, however weird they might have been.

"Ugh, just not as fun without her."

He snapped his fingers, and the images faded from the vortex, giving him a chance to hop onto the nearby sofa and give himself a stretch.

"Well, it probably wouldn't have been all that interesting anyway..."

He paused, then re-opened his eyes with a look of curiosity.


Author's Note:

Well, this is a good place to put this story on hold for a while. As fun as it's been, I can't think of other chapter ideas right now, so I'm going to be easing back from it for the foreseeable future. Also, as you can imagine, the framing device of having Discord and Celestia watching the events unfold is now over, hence the events in this chapter here, so going forward it'll just be the characters on the EqG side of things, but again, I'm not sure when that'll be.

Also, please bear in mind that I might not write anything other than tiny snippets when the chapters start up again, unless I can think of any meatier stuff to put down. But for now, this story's on hold, and my other story, "Oh no they're Goddesses now" will be taking priority as my main story focus.

Hope you've enjoyed what I've put in this so far :twilightsmile: