• Published 2nd Oct 2018
  • 2,746 Views, 56 Comments

Celestial Wings - Ahrazell

A young colt is taken in to a new family, one where he is the love able black sheep. How so? His siblings are Celestia, Luna, and Discord.

  • ...

Prismatic Spirit

It didn't take long for Rainbow dash to catch up to the ancient stallion. There he was, trotting along with his cloak pulled tight, as if the earlier conversation never even happened. "Hold it right there!" The prismatic mare shouted as she landed in from of the stallion. "What the buck was that about huh? You expect us to just believe that crap and let you walk away?!"

"Yes."Ethereal said flatly, stunning the mare. "You believe the crap Celestia feeds you on the daily and don't go after her when it slips out, why should I expect a different result?"

"Why you-"

"I expected better of you all. An Angelica, a Prisma, a Vatis, a Alicorn, and the other two and yet none of you show a spine." Ethereal said in a disappointed tone. "None of you question your leader, your past, even what you are. A Earthpony defying reality, a Pegasus able to quell even the worst of creatures, Another Pegasus able to create rainbows to enhance their own speed, a unicorn acended, a Earthpony who has the power to know honesty, and a Unicorn who has a eye for detail, and none of you noticed the holes and lies placed before you. Why is it that Celestia would write her own sister and brothers out of history? Nightmare was just a children's story before she arrived. Discord might as well not exsisted until he broke free. And then there is me. I don't exist in any pages of history even though I was there for all of it. I was there at Faust's fall. I was there when Sombra was corrupted. I was there when Tirek broke free. I was there when the changelings were driven to endangerment. I was there when my sister gave into greef and became the Nightmare. And I was there when Celestia covered it all up, year after year, until everyone forgot about everything we had done, even forgot everything but our mother's name."

Rainbow stood still, almost frightened by all this stallion implied. "I have been a soldier in wars not my own. I have watched as mother's cried over their children's lifeless corpses. I have been stabbed, shot, burned, blasted, exploded, electrocuted, and tortured. I have gifted great gifts to this nation, nay, this world, and yet only a small handful know who I am, and only three of the six believe me, and the others are family that either try to forget or think I have died."

Ethereal sighed heavily. "But this is not your fault. You should not feel guilty for things out of your control, expecially when you are not to blame. I forget sometimes what it was like to wield Loyalty, that undying conviction, that eternal need to protect even if it doesn't truly need it or if it wrong."

At this, Rainbow looked up. "Wait, you once wielded the Element of Loyalty?" She asked, her voice having lost its edge.

"Yes, once. Then my loyalty was shaken. I could not be loyal to anyone but myself and a few others anymore, not after all that has happened." The silver stallion said with a soft sigh. "Good times those were. Good times."

"What were those things you called me and my friends? A Prisma, a Vatiz-"

"Vatis, and it saddens me more, to think that knowledge too is lost." Horizon stated. "There are more types of ponies besides the three tribes. Subspecies if you will. The Prisma are Pegasi who are blessed by the Wing, All of whom are known for the trails they leave behind them when in extreme speeds. Most noticeably when preforming what has been dived by the first as a Sonic Rainboom." Ethereal looked at the cyan pegasus's eyes, the matching eyes staring back at one another. "They were ponies whom I blessed back when that power was available to us.... The most potent being that of my bloodline...." He said, trailing off before turning around. "I will speak more of this later. For now know this- your achievements are still your own. Not every Prisma can preform the feats you do, infact most never achieve it. You are talented Rainbow Dash, and a far the best flyer of this day. Having a natural advantage does not lessen that one bit." He said before casually walking away, leaving the Rainbow mare in the streets with more to ponder and a different look on everything she had accomplished in her life.

At a tree just outside the town is where Ethereal stopped to rest. With a sigh he payed at it's base, and looked up in time to see the changing of the day, another blink and the stars were out. "I will see you soon Lulu and Discord. Meanwhile Celestia... I hope a thousand years of peace hasn't dulled your blade too much. Wouldn't be any fun if I beat you down after all these years without a fight."

Luna sighed as she looked out into the night sky, her sky. Her sister had forbade her to ever mention Discord's relationship with them. Indeed, after a trip to the library she found nothing of their history before the era of peace save for a few heartwarming tales. Nothing of their mother, nothing of Discord or herself... And no sign of Ethereal. Not even a legend or story like with discord and nightmare, nothing. Her brother might as well as not exsisted.

"Where are you, Little brother..." Luna sighed before steeling herself for her nightly duty. It was time to monitor the dream realm, and as it is she could already feel a powerful nightmare being made.

With a tired sigh, she casted her spell and soon was greeted by the familiar orbs of the dream world. Finding that nightmare would have been hard, had it not been so powerful. Like a beacon, Luna followed the trail only to be confused by the dream. No one alive should have knowledge of the old kingdom, yet there it was, the castle of her childhood standing like a sentry over a forest of old magics. Following the sound of laughter she was surprised by what she saw. There, in a clearing was her family. Her mother was there, sitting, watching as Celestia, Discord, herself and Ethereal all played and laughed like they used to. Back when the world was bright a pure, before... Before...

The the nightmare started. Ethereal ran up to Faust only for her to smile, and the scenery to change. The forest was on fire, blood soaked the floor and Faust laied there in Ethereal's arms, said Pegasus now covered in armor and scars. Faust's lifeless eyes opened to black pits. "It's your fault. You killed me."

"N-no, no I-I didnt-" Ethereal said, afraid.

"We were happy before you came. You brought the pain. You brought HIM."

"I-I'm Sorry!" He shouted only for a familiar golden glave to Pierce through him. "Celly?"

"Don't call me that, monster! You killed her! It is your fault she is dead you hear me?! Your fault." The mare shouted in a voice no one today would ever know.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! It's my fault! I'm sorry!" He cried, breaking down as he slumped over the weapon, snobbing.

"Enough." Luna said, making the dream fade away, leaving a broken Pegasus she though she would never see again. "Ethereal?"

"Hey sis." The Celestial Wing said softly.