• Published 10th Sep 2018
  • 1,085 Views, 4 Comments

Only You - Art Inspired

Trixie is a narcissist. That much everypony already knew about. What everypony doesn't need to know about is just how deep the love for herself really goes.

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Part One: Make This World Seem Right

After a long day of showing off to everypony and impressing them, only to take their bits, Trixie often retreated to her wagon in the woods every evening for some much needed rest and relaxation. As she periodically checked over her shoulder while going down the path she usually took, she smiled, and quickened her pace. She looked forward to an evening all to herself. That's all that mattered at the end of the day, is Trixie. Not even Starlight's company could improve the night she had planned out.

Underneath some shrubberies that grew tall enough, Trixie came up to her hidden retreat she had picked out just for herself, and checked her surroundings one last time in order to make sure nopony was around. To her relief, the coast seemed clear, and she went inside. "It's a good thing that nopony comes around here very often. It makes for a good place for Trixie to unwind..."

She laid down on her lavish looking bed, which had blankets with pictures of herself on them, and the pillows also all had Trixie's photo imprinted on them. She looked around the room, and smiled. It was all decorated with her dazzling image. Picture frames were utterly scattered about on all the tables, and her dresser. If one were to check the contents of said dresser, all anypony would find inside would be many blue shirts with Trixie's smirking face on them. Even the magnets on her fridge were made to look like Trixie.

She breathed all of this narcism in deeply, and exhaled slowly, savoring her surroundings. "Oh, that's nice... Trixie just loves herself. Why, Twilight and Starlight both can't compare to the marvel that is the Great and Powerful Trixie. The Great and Powerful Trixie doesn't even need to be an alicorn in order to be so great! She's already reached that status, and all on her own. Trixie does have to admit, though... It's too bad she doesn't have much going for her magic to back up all this flaring personality she's got already..."

She reached out a hoof, and sighed. "It's getting late... Trixie should eat."

She used that hoof to promptly get herself back out of bed, and lazily proceeded with getting something leftover from out of the fridge. "Mmh, here we go! Cabbage stew... It's still got a fresh smell to it, too..."

She took another whiff, and quickly had second thoughts. In little more than a few seconds, Trixie had to open up a window next to the front door. This was not only to eliminate the smell, but to also throw out the very thing that was causing such a foul stench in the first place. Afterwards, she would settle for some leftovers that were actually, truly fresh.

"Veggie Spaghetti! That's perfect," Trixie said merrily as she slowly began warming it up with her magic, and serving it on a plate. The plate also had Trixie's face on it, and now it was covered in spaghetti. All Trixie could do was lick her lips, and loftily trot on over to the table where she was planning to have the most relaxing meal of her entire day.

She sat down on a pretty, pink pillow, and the plate of food came wafting down slowly in front of her. It landed nicely atop a very small, and rather expensive looking glass table. The size of the table left a perfectly small gap between Trixie, and her very special guest. "But, wait! Who might happen to be Trixie's special guest tonight?"

"It's Trixie, but of course," Trixie said. It was her very own reflection in a mirror, staring back at her, giving her all the attention she liked. Not like other ponies that just simply aren't Trixie. "Most of them are jealous of you," Trixie told herself, pointing a fork. "Trixie knows that they can get on your nerves, and that sometimes... it's hard just being you, but hey..."

She looked at herself confidently, and said, "Nopony can do tricks like you can. No matter what, you've got a routine going. Heck, Twilight with all of her dumb books couldn't pull off most of the spells you manage to scrape together!"

She chuckled, and took a bite of her meal which had cooled off by now. "Oh, yeah, baby! Trixie knows already. Why're you giving her a pep talk? Ah-hah! She knows! Oh," Trixie hoofed to the mirror, carrying on the conversation all by herself. "She knows... Starlight's awesome, and Twilight's awfully brainy, but those two put together still don't compare to Trixie's magnitude of-"

She heard something outside, and gasped sharply. A noodle still hung from her open mouth. She slurped it up, and asked, "Err... Is anypony out there?" Walking towards the window, she looked outside only to see a raccoon trying to drag off what she had thrown out earlier. "Oh, it's just the wildlife..."

Twilight hid from Trixie's line of sight as best she could. She was right behind a bush which was directly to Trixie's right, close to where the cabbage stew had landed.

"I should probably close this window."

Twilight's quivering lip opened, her snicker going away, and some sweat forming on her forehead.

Trixie shrugged, and said, "Eh, what's the point? Nopony's even out there..."

Twilight breathed more frequently after holding her breath for such a long period of time, but not loud enough for Trixie to really notice anything out of the ordinary. As she sat back down, Twilight continued to peer in, a smirk forming once again upon her face. Twilight wouldn't normally be doing this sort of thing. That much is obvious, but Twilight just so happened to be walking by, and saw the stew being tossed out. She could also hear the way Trixie was going on and on about herself, and just couldn't resist the temptation to spy in on her. What a discovery it turned out to be for Twilight, too.

Trixie resumed talking to herself. "Anyways, my sweet, sweet me... How did you get your hair to be so fluffy?"

Twilight just couldn't contain herself much longer, and did her best to quickly leave before being spotted.

"And your coat! Rarity would probably just love to know your secret, wouldn't she?"


Twilight raced forth through the jungle, and she wouldn't stop, too. Not until she felt that she was a fair distance away from Trixie's wagon. Upon her reaching a clearing, Twilight checked behind herself. Amazingly, Trixie didn't seem to hear anything at all, and was probably still talking to herself inside her wagon.

"Oh my... Sweet Celestia, that's too funny! Hoo!" Twilight giggled, and laughed to herself while sniffling lightly. "I mean, I knew Trixie was all about herself, but... just, wow! How am I supposed to...?" She looked around, making sure she was still all by herself, and quietly asked, "Just how exactly am I supposed to keep this a secret, and all to myself?" She tightly closed her eyes as she giggled yet again, but her morals were quickly coming back, and she said, "It was wrong of me to-"

She broke out into a prolonged wheeze before she could finish, but soon recuperated.

"Okay, okay... It was, uh, wrong of me to even eavesdrop on Trixie. I can't tell anypony..."

While Twilight began headed back to the Castle for the night, Trixie was right in the middle of finishing her meal. If only Twilight had stayed for the best part. "This has been... scrumptious! Did you make it yourself?"

She hoofed, and said, "Actually, Trixie thinks she got it at... was it some restaurant? Eh, who cares? The point is, Trixie's all done with her meal, and she hasn't gotten a single kiss out of you all evening."

She made a welcoming face, and gestured with open hooves, "Come here!"

Slowly, her saucy muzzle met the cool surface of the mirror. Tenderly, she kept pecking away at her beautiful reflection, dirtying up the mirror even more as she went along. "Mmh," she sighed with pursed lips. "If only you were real. Perhaps someday, but then... the world might not ever be ready for such a lavish blessing."

She spun the summit of her hoof around in a circular motion, right up against where she could just barely see her torso, and finished this up with one last, long smooch. Parting with herself, she commented to the mirror, "Speaking of Twilight... Trixie wonders if Trixie should work up the nerve to ask her Highness out yet. After all, it's not like Trixie can truly date herself, now can she?" Before getting up from the table, she said, "Celestia knows she's tried."

Before hopping off to go do her chores, followed shortly by going to bed, the mare in the mirror asked one last thing. "Umm... Are you gonna be the one to clean all of this up, or do I have to do it?"

Meanwhile, within the castle of friendship, Twilight was justly going back to her bedroom for a good night's sleep when she noticed Starlight's bedroom door standing open. This didn't catch her attention so much as the pictures that she could see while looking through the crack. Most of them were of Trixie, and Twilight had started to wonder if Starlight even knew what Trixie did in her alone time.

"Umm, say, Starlight?" Twilight asked kindly while knocking on the door.

"Come in," Starlight greeted welcomingly. "What can I help you with, Twilight?"

Starlight watched Twilight as she glanced from one photo to another. "Uhh, so, Starlight? Something interesting just..."

Twilight couldn't contain her laughter. "What is it?" Starlight asked with curiosity.

"Okay, okay... Get it together Twilight..."

Starlight just stared at her friend with utter confusion. "Are... you alright?"

Twilight responded, "Yep! I'm fine... It's just, I was out taking a walk, and... to sum things up, I happened upon Trixie. She was-"

"Err... stop, please," Starlight said, turning back around to continue working on her kite. "I actually wouldn't really care to know. I can only take... so much of the Great and Powerful Trixie."

"But, you don't even know what I was going to say!"

Starlight gave Twilight a sideways glance, and said, "Oh, you were about to tell me more about how you've discovered her hidden ego that I already unfortunately knew about, but that I didn't really want to know about. Look, Twilight," Starlight said, finally looking Twilight in the eyes. "Remember a while back when Trixie and I got back from that long, and overly enduring trip together? Trixie calls it 'the road to friendship'. She even thinks it might've made our friendship even stronger than ever."

Twilight grimaced, and asked maturely, "You think otherwise?"

Starlight turned away, and said, "Don't tell anypony this. Especially Trixie, but... Well, we're still friends, but last time we were together for such a long period of time... she really got on my nerves. Although..."

Twilight came up next to where Starlight sat, and asked, "What's up?"

"I did manage to come across something about Trixie by traveling with her that you might be interested in."

Twilight's curiosity was getting the better of her, and she asked with a raised eyebrow, "And what might that be?"

"You saw all of those framed pictures? Pay attention closely to them. Who's mostly in them? It's not me, I can tell you that much!"

Twilight chuckled, not knowing what Starlight had meant. "Well, of course it's not you! It's Trixie."

Starlight shook her head, not sure if she had heard Twilight correctly. "Huh?"

"Yeah! That's what I was coming to tell you about, but you already know. Trixie had her picture framed, magnets, and... all sorts of things inside of her wagon. She was even boasting to herself in the mirror."

Starlight blinked a couple of times. "What?"

Twilight chuckled only once more, but then, she stopped. "You... didn't know about that part?"

Starlight frowned, and said, "I didn't really even need to know." She glanced away, and said, "Look, never mind, it's... It was probably nothing. Most likely, I was reading too much into what I was seeing."

Twilight questioned her some more, trying to get more info out of Starlight, but she just wasn't cooperating any longer. "But, who was inside of the other photos you mentioned?"

Starlight just rolled her eyes, and answered, "Just our friends... Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna, and all of the girls. It's just... you were in every single picture, but that's probably just coincidence."

Twilight sat there quietly after that, allowing her mind to process what she was hearing. Even so, she still wouldn't pursue this notion only because it barely had any merit to it at all. "Huh," Twilight sighed. "You're probably right."

Shortly after her conversation with Starlight, Twilight headed off to bed while still thinking about Trixie.