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This story is based on characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic cartoon series. Characters which are under ownership of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. I claim no ownership of the original characters, nor is this a licensed work of either. This is a work of fan faction.

Story is created by Jimaza Dememder (c) 2011
My Little Pony is a property of Hasbro, originally created by Bonnie Zacherle (c) 1981
Friendship is Magic is created by Lauren Faust (c) 2010

This story is set after the events in Episode 2 of Friendship is Magic.

Rated TV 14
V: Intense Violent situations


My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic


It all seemed like yesterday, when all the dark thoughts crept into her mind. "They shun you, it's been so long, but still they do not love the night, yet the day is worshiped!" She fought them each time, but they grew stronger, as she grew weak. The words first spoke only of "the others" but soon it directed it's rage toward her sister.

"She is controlling you, you are the Moon, and she is the Sun. The Sun powers the moon, but the Moon can easily eclipse the Sun. Bring about a night, that will never end"

Soon, the words became visions, horrible visions of such twisted desires. Not merely taking over the land, but consuming it in blackness, and punishing those who dared shun her before. Turning the land of Equestria into a nightmare.

She was so young, so susceptible to her own sorrows, that it was only a matter of time, before she was herself, consumed by her very own nightmares.

It was all a blur, as she remembered, was she was alone, crying, when all went black... vague images came to her, visions of a battle, and feelings of hatred, and wicked desires. Pain, and suffering, she battled for control. She had one weapon, that seemed to give her some power, but the young princess, was trapped in her own living Nightmare, and could do not much more, than keep her from having full power.

What she now knew as the time that Nightmare Moon was sealed in the Moon, she was asleep, Princess Luna, imprisoned, in one who was imprisoned themselves. She had no concept of time here, only feeling the bitterness and rage growing with each moment. When things came to a head, and the Nightmare was free again, she felt the sensations all over again, reliving all those horrid dreams, and visions, of cruel intentions, and deeds.

Princess Luna, was filled with regret and sorrow, as the Nightmare continued to act against her sister, and their once shared domain. As she used memories against a small group of heroes who charged into the cause to stop what she was. She wished for death, for than she would feel she would do no more harm.

Only now, some Thousand years later, did she see, that all her pain and sadness, was foalish, and misplaced. She caused so much trouble, and was still causing it.

A surge of energy filled her prison, and she nearly lost consciousness from it. When she opened her eyes, real eyes, she was startled awake. No longer imprisoned in her selfishness, she was back in the living world.

She looked out at her saviors, six ponies, each embodying the spirits of the Elements. Her sister, her loving sister Celestia, was looking on her, not with the rage she should have, but with love. When she asked for forgiveness, Luna wanted to cry out her self anger, of how needed forgiveness, but didn't deserve it. But her sister's loving face, left her only wanting to be near her again, after so long.

Life would return to normal, The six ponies would return home to their Ponyville, as celebrities, and her Sister Celestia would be welcomed back, surely, since they loved her so much. Luna did not believe any welcome was for her, but as the ponies showed her that she was indeed welcomed back, even if none knew her, it filled her with some hope and joy.

The first night would come, and she was ready to pick up where she left off, and raise the moon as she had so long ago. She was nervous, but her sister came to her side, and added her in the task at hoof.

Understandably, Princess Celestia was worn out, and needed her rest. So Princess Luna took on the night alone, feeling confident in her ability to do what she had always done. Her sister assured her, that she would find that life in Equestria, had changed much. That she would not find her nights so lonely any more, and would be embraced by all the ponies.

The Princess of Night, a pony slightly taller than those of the rest of the land. Her coat was a blue like the Midnight sky, her mane a glistening blue. Her eyes, a icy blue, that held a light of the stars. She wore a crown of black, and a little chest piece of the same, with a crescent white moon. Each of her four hooves had glassy light blue shoes, that came only partly up from her hooves. Like her sister, Princess Luna was embodiment of the three species of Ponies. Body of an Earth, Wings of the Pegasus, and a Horn of a Unicorn. Her Cutie Mark was clear sign, she was the night. A white crescent moon, with a shadowy sky around it.

She sat on a throne, it wasn't her own, that was lost in Everfree, in the now ruins, of the Castle of the Royal sisters. Canterlot would grow to take her in, as it did Princess Celestia when she needed the new castle.

It was quiet, as much as she remembered it being before, but she wasn't worried. It was the first time back, and after such an eventful day, who would want to be up? She would surely be so tired herself, is she had not spent the last Thousand years asleep inside herself.

She looked out at the guards, several strong looking stallions, well trained to keep watch for any risk. They were focused, and proud looking. If they felt her gaze, they paid no mind, or showed no sign. Till one came up, a white unicorn, with alicorn of ebony. He was adorned in unique armor, telling he was not simply a guard, but a higher ranking pony of the court. His was not simple gold, but a fine silver with gold accents. His chest plate, wore the crescent moon proudly, like Luna’s own. Like most guards, his armor should keep distinctions covered, such as Mane, and Cutie Marks, but the former was not held down by a helm. Another perk of his rank, he wore his mane long. A starlight yellow mane, that flowed off his head and neck, like water.

"My Princess" He bowed, she found it so foreign to receive any such treatment, after so long. She bowed her head, a little rusty in the matters of Royal engagements. "I would like to welcome you back, some of forgotten the tale of our long lost Princess of Night, but my parents and their's, for many generations, have served the Night court. It was a tragedy to loose you, but a blessing to have you back" He smiled, genuinely.

His words caused her to react in a blush, and looking away a bit timidly. "Thank you, your legacy is known to me. I do recall your ancestors, your line being so unique with the famed Black Alicorn. I am pleased to see one of such a noble line, is still with us. A Knight, of Nights" She smiled, hoping to give back the compliment.

It did seem to work, as his kind smile, turned to one of pride, eyes lighting with the same energy. "Thank you my Princess, I hope to live up to what my family has place before me, and serve you as loyally"

"What is the name I should call one, who surely will be my Right Hoof?"

"Blackhorn" He paused. "Not the most cleaver, given I am the 13th to be given the name. Many call me Commander"

She smiled at him, feeling a bit more confident. "Sir Blackhorn, I think sounds far nicer"

The Unicorn was surprised, and looked embraced. "I am no Knight, my Princess"

Luna shook her head. "When I can, I shale remedy that. Till that time, I wish to call you as such"

He bowed deeper. "You honour me, my Princess. I will do anything, you would ask of me"

"Anything?" She leaned closer, whispering. "Even take over Canterlot?"

"Wh-" His eyes went wide, and he stepped back a bit.

She laughed playfully. "I am sorry Sir Blackhorn, I was only joking. I can have a bit of a dark humor" She stood back up. "My apologies for that" She looked more serious.

"I am only sorry, that you were not serious" He gave her a grin, then leaned closer. "I love a good joke my Princess"

"You will make a fine Knight, a fine one indeed" She smiled back.

Only the first night, and she had made a friend. It was already looking up for her.


It was getting a bit later, and Commander Blackhorn had to go on his rounds. Putting it off for too long. Enjoying his time talking with Luna, as much as she had with him. He was much like his great... she wasn't sure how many "great" to add, but she knew it was probably more than enough to take too long, but he was much like the same line that was by her side all that time ago.

Now alone again, she realized nothing had really gone on tonight. She tapped her hooves, thinking of what to do. She wondered if she could get a way with writing. She did love too before, and would some of those nights ago.

She attempted to talk with her guards, but they were too well trained, giving short and quick answers, or responses. So she returned to her seat, and thought about things. Her mind was drifting, as she noticed something forming in the corner of the room. None of the others seem to see it.

She Trotted toward it, as it grew more distinct. It was like a little cloud forming, made up of... Shadows!

Luna jumped back, and looked at it more, as it kept forming. She turned to look and call her guards, but they were all passed out. Her head whipped back to the sight, now taking the shape of a pony.

"How dare you enter my realm?!" She called, standing her ground to the figure forming in the misty shadows.

"Your realm? My dear weaker self," The voice was like her own, but older, colder, and laced with contentment. "You lost that claim. It is our Sister's Realm, we only watch over it as she sleeps so peacefully"

"No, this Night is mine! Mine to guard, watch, and it's citizens, who choose to be active, to serve!"

Now fully formed, a mare that looked more like her sister. Longer muzzle, and taller, with a thin build. Her coat was black as her heart, and a mane of deep night sky, moving like shadows, flowing as if it was alive. Her cold blue eyes, were slits, like a reptile, and the colour was not limited to the iris, but the full orb. It seem to glow beyond the boarders of his lids. She was dressed in armor more like the guards, but dark blue cold steel, helm looked almost as Luna’s mane did, doming her head, leaving the muzzle free to wear her cruelest smile, or furious sneer. Everything about her, was a wicked version of the young Princess.

Nightmare Moon trotted slowly around her. "Such foalish words. You are nothing but a pawn, your sister took you back, only because she was so worn from doing it all herself. She knew, once you were gone, that she needed you as her whipping mare"

"Silence!" She closed her eyes tight. She knew better than any, the tools of this demon.

Luna's head was compressed in the grip of a shadowy mane, squeezing her to the point of believing she would burst. "You dare be so insolent toward me?! I tried to help you, rescue you from that horrible life, you've trotted right back into! I sacrificed myself, so you would see what your sister would do when challenged by her own sister. This is my thanks? Demands of my obedience to a Thousand year old filly?!"

"You have no power, you were destroyed!"

"Was I now?" She released the Princess, taking slow trots away, toward the throne. Each hoof fall, seem to make the floor bleed shadows. They slowly crept out from their start, transforming the floor as this demon had done to Luna. She stopped at the steps, as the shadows spread, going up walls. The sleeping guards, became devoured by them, unprotected from them. Luna wished to help, but she couldn't get herself to move. Watching in horror, as the guards began to rot away, then come to some mock of life, standing up as animated corpses.

The wicked mare had found her seat, while Luna was still recovering. "If I am so destroyed, how is it, I am here now? Hmm? Rasing the dead, and keeping you so well placed? You make a fine statue, think this time around, I will keep you apart from me, just so I can have you as a conversation piece"

Luna struggled more, and found herself able to move, as she thought about the weapons she used. "Illusions! This is all in my head, all that I've gone through, my mind is play tricks on me" She started to move toward the other, who looked amused by her.

"Maybe, maybe not, but know one thing... She replaced you" She said it so slowly, and cruel, it cut into Luna, she couldn't move any more. "Mmm, so true. That student of hers, you saw her. Twilight Sparkle. She became our sister's favorite. A replacement for us, since we were too free spirited. I hear this Twilight, is very obedient. I wonder how long till she is made the new Princess of the Night. One Celestia can control"

The young mare's eye sealed, cemented by her tears. If anything, these words were true. She betrayed her sister, and so her sister found one who would never. Twilight was so loyal, and loving toward her sister, that she threw herself into harms way, to save her.

"I wonder, do you think she will take all her friends, and use them to recreate the Elements of Harmony? She'd hold it over us, so we'd obey her. We should get her first, join me, and help me kill her. In her sleep, she can not stop us sleeping"

Her plain, it sank in, not the idea of doing it, but the reason she wanted to strike in her slumber. All the suffering she was feeling, bled from the young Princess, and she stood with renewed focus, and determination. "Twilight was not my replacement! My sister saw her potential, and knew she would be the one to help destroy you! She may care for her, but she did not stop doing so for me. Even if I felt I deserved to be abandoned, returned to the Moon, to live out the rest of my long life a lone. She did not, she welcomed me back with no hesitation, and loved me no less than ever!"

She made heavy beats of her hooves, as she stormed toward the throne. As Nightmare Moon had before, now Luna's trots caused the floor to cleanse, an effect that was quicken, as her Nightmare was loosing it's hold on her. "You used fear to weaken my sister then, her fear of what you would do upon returned, allowed you to claim her yesterday, and you are trying to twist my emotions as you had long ago. You have no power, but fear!"

"You Foal!, I have more power than you know! I was going to allow you the chance to be with me, in my conquest of Equestria, but now, you will fall as all will!" She started to form her shadowy mane and tail around herself. "I will always be with you, and once your guard is down, you will be mine again!" She disappeared, and all returned to normal around her, even the decayed guards were alive and well.

She stood at her steps, with the two near the throne, looking at her. "Are you ok Princess?" One asked.

She climbed the steps, and took her seat. "I believe so, thank you"

She had no idea what happened. Was it real, or illusion? Clearly parts were, since the ponies guarding her, were not victims of Necromancy. She closed her eyes, and sighed. "So she lingers inside me... or in this world... I do not know, but I won't let her take me" She thought to herself, the guards probably worried enough, without her speaking out loud to no pony.

Looking at the sand timers, she knew the night was only partly over. She hoped the rest of it would be uneventful. As they use to be. A funny thought, it occurred to her after thinking it, that she was hoping for that.

"My Princess?" A pony came in, she gave him her attention. "A visitor. A Twilight Sparkle"

She looked at him curiously. "At this hour? Maybe my sister was right" She gave a soft laugh. "Allow her in"

She was interested in the meeting, she was feeling more hopeful in the future, if she had made a friend in Blackhorn, learned that her own demon had no power over her, and even was getting a visitor. Things were truly looking up.

A mare trotted into the room, a unicorn, with violet body, and dark purple mane, with a magenta stripe in the middle of the part the hung over her forehead, and the part the curled around her neck. Her eyes were deep purple, with a deep intelligence.

Twilight bowed to the sister of her mentor. "Princess Luna, if I may say so? It is wonderful to have you back. I do not claim to know much of you before, only learning of the Elements of Harmony, and stories of the Mare in the Moon very recently. I was afraid of your return, but I suppose, that was Nightmare Moon, not you"

Luna was a bit amused at how chatty and proper this pony was. She seemed very nice. “I came tonight, hoping we could become friends. I would have been here sooner, but given the events, I was worn out. I apologize if this is inconvenient"

Luna smiled, coming down the steps. "Not at all, I understand. You could have come another time, if you so needed rest" She laughed. "I am pleased to see you, though I know little of what has gone on the last few years, I do know how dearly you are to my sister. To have your friendship, would mean much to me"

Twilight smiled. "I am very happy to hear that"

-Continue in "Daymares"-