• Published 10th Dec 2011
  • 4,522 Views, 96 Comments

Ever Watching - Redback Spino

In the dark of the Everfree Forest, something stirs. Something ancient, cruel. And Hungry

  • ...


The colt swept his stringy, brown hair out of his eyes as he watched his comrades busy at work. The last remnants of the bandages on his leg lay strewn about his hooves, his formerly bandaged hind leg quivering a little. Being off it for so long had drained it of much of its strength. But the excitement he felt and the adrenaline pumping through his body and mind kept him standing. After so long, after almost a year of preparation, the final touches to the ritual were falling into place.
He and his fellow masked compatriots stood in a wide clearing, deep in the Everfree Forest. A perimeter of torches illuminated the clearing, as well as deterring any potential predators. The ground had been cleared of all debris, and two of the ponies were marking out an enormous geometric design into the earth, digging a furrow with their hooftips. Yet another piled kindling and dry grass in the centre of the clearing, with smaller fires dotted around the edge of the circle.

The pony, a young mare with a curly dirty-blonde mane, looked up from her work, calling to the brown-haired colt.

“Um, Sir? Can I ask you something?”

He nodded as he moved to stand by her, assisting in the packing of kindling and grass.

“Well, this ritual we’re preparing…I don’t quite understand why all this is necessary.” She muttered, slightly timidly.

“Necessary? What do you mean?”

“Well, think about it, sir.” She continued “Before, when we were feeding The Mighty, we simply attained some food and led Him to it.”

“Yes, that’s true...” Said the colt.

“So, why do we need all this stuff? The fire, the circle, all that stuff; is there some reason behind it?”

He smiled under his mask. “Of course!” Waving a hoof over the ritual circle “This design on the ground is an old form of magic He taught me about. It’s to keep any foreign magic from interfering. The last thing we need is some wandering unicorn stumbling on our work and trying to interfere. Plus, our guest won’t be able to magick her way out of it either. This way The Mighty can enter and have his final feast with ease.”

The mare nodded “I guess so…but what about the fire, and the ropes and the knife and stuff? What’s that for?”

“Well, the ropes are necessary to make sure our guest stays put while He has his way with her. As for the fires and the knife, we need emotions running as high as possible for this ritual to work. The more heightened emotions going around, the more Vita energy He will be able to dine on.”

She cocked her head as it struck her “So…they’re basically to create a creepy atmosphere?”

He paused. He then chuckled as he looked back on just how silly it sounded “Heh, yeah I guess so. Still, we need everything playing in our favour if this is going to work. We only get one shot to bring Him into the world permanently, so we gotta get everything right. After all, nothing spells success like excess, right?”

The mare laughed obediently at her leader’s little joke before getting on with maintaining the fire.

The masked colt returned to his spot in the centre of the ritual circle, where he could oversee everything going on. The preparations were almost complete for the ritual, and the last piece should be arriving any moment now. He chuckled at the ingenuity of his trick: It played on Miss Sparkle’s greatest aspects, and her greatest flaws. She’d be here like a shot if she thought on of her friends was in danger.

Fluttershy half-heartedly went about her work in her cottage. Every now and then she would stop a moment to sniffle or wipe a tear from her eye. It had been a few days since Twilight’s last visit, and the blow of having her best friend shout at her still stung her. She hadn’t seen her that angry and agitated since the whole incident with the Princess’ letters and the Smartypants doll. And even then she had generally been angry and frustrated at everypony, rather than just her. Fluttershy felt hurt from her friend’s words, but deep down among the hurt, she knew that she was overreacting.

It wasn’t as if Twilight had said that she hated her, or insulted her! She had just yelled at her and told her to ‘stay out of this’. But it still stung her just the same, and that made it even worse. Why do I have to be so weak sometimes? My best friend shouts at me, and I’m acting like she doesn’t want to see me again, her inner voice told herself.

“Pathetic…” she whimpered to herself.

“You say something?”

She jumped as she heard her guest’s reedy voice call to her from the living room “Oh…no, nothing…” She returned to the living room as she dusted the shelves and cabinets that lined the walls, taking care to not let the masked colt see her face. She did not feel like facing anypony at the moment.

“What’s for dinner?” he asked after a few minutes of silence.

She quietly cleared her throat “I-I was thinking…a stew would be nice tonight. It’s a bit warm for it this time of year, but…It just feels like a good idea.”

She heard him chuckle “Sounds good to me. You think you could throw in some extra carrots? I used to love my stews with plenty of carrots…”

He could not see, but this comment made a small smile creep onto Fluttershy’s face. Really, it was so strange to be talking about something like this with a pony who is essentially a prisoner.

“Heh, it really is kind of strange, talking about something like this with the pony who’s holding me captive!”

She paused for a moment. Did I say that out loud?

She giggled a little in reply “Oh…yes, I suppose it is. But the way I think about it, you’re not my prisoner really. Twilight Sparkle is the one who wants somepony to keep an eye on you, so I guess she would be more your captor. To me at the moment, you’re just a pony who needs healing.”

She heard movement on the couch. Probably just settling a little or turning over. “That’s really sweet of ya, Fluttershy. I couldn’t have hoped for a lovelier carer.”

Her cheeks flushed pink as she hid a grin, busying herself cleaning up a spilled packet of animal feed.

“Which makes me hope all the more that you’ll cooperate.”

Fluttershy froze. He sounded far closer that time.

She turned around to see the colt standing up, slightly off-balance due to the bandage on his leg. His masked face stared straight at her, his lank brown hair hanging over the eyeholes. She took a step back.

“Um…wh-what are you…doing?” she stammered. “You shouldn’t b-be up on that l-leg yet. P-please, sit d-down…”

“Just stand aside, Fluttershy.” He said flatly “Stand aside and let me leave.”

“I c-can’t…Stop this, p-please…”

“You can tell them I attacked you.” He reasoned, stepping closer.

“Get back, please…s-sit back down…I can’t let y-you…”

He was standing almost snout to snout with her “Please don’t make me do this…I don’t want to have to hurt you, but I will if I have to. Now, I’m going to ask you one more time…” He looked straight into her eyes. For the first time, she could see his watery eyes, a tiny black pupil surrounded by a grey-green iris. “Stand aside.”

She looked down at the ground, her nerve failing. It was just like those days in Flight School, those days she wished she could forget. But she had been a complete pushover in those days. Not anymore. Even she could grow a spine in that time.

“I’m sorry,” she finally muttered, her voice quiet but firm “But I can’t let you leave.”

She looked up again at the masked face of the colt. His grey eyes were just visible through the shadowed holes, before he sighed and looked away. For a moment he was silent, but then something caught his eye. He waved a hoof as he looked

over Fluttershy’s shoulder. “Oh, hello again, Miss Sparkle!”

Fluttershy looked over her shoulder, expecting to see her unicorn friend, “Hmm? Twili-“


Without so much as a squeak of surprise, she crumpled to the floor, a red mark on the back of her head where the colt’s forehoof had made contact.

He gritted his teeth as his striking-hoof throbbed with pain. “Sorry it had to come to that…Give you some credit though,” he said to nopony in particular, stepping over Fluttershy’s unconscious form towards the front door “If yer skull were any harder, it could be used as a cannonball!”

With his other forehoof, he pushed the door open and stepped out into the garden. He sniffed the clear afternoon air, and caught a familiar scent. Following it around the side of the cottage, he found himself face to face- or rather, mask to mask- with his three cohorts.

“Right on schedule” he said, smiling. They nodded in reply as the shortest of the three spoke up.

“Glad to have you back sir…how’s the leg?”

He looked down at the bandage-wrapped limb “Eh, it’s nearly recovered. I’ll be fine. Now, shall we get to work?”

“What about the Pegasus? What’d you do with her?” the middle pony, the mare, asked.

He looked back towards the front of the house “I left her out cold inside. She wasn’t being cooperative.” He added with a grin “She won’t be a bother.”

“Maybe not,” the mare replied “But her friends might. Granted, the unicorn is vital, but we don’t need her other friends snooping about and interfering with our plan.”

The short colt spoke up “So, what do you propose then? What do we do with her?”

There was silence for a moment as each pony thought of a way to keep the unconscious Pegasus out of the way. Beneath his mask, the lead colt grinned evilly as a lightbulb went off inside his mind. He had an idea; an absolutely sick, twisted and malicious idea. He loved it.

Not long after, he was patting the dirt down on a freshly dug grave, and its prematurely buried resident. “That ought to do it.”

“You’re a sick pony, you know that?” the mare said as she scraped the loam off her forehooves.

“You betcha.” He said with a satisfied smile. Nothing spells success like excess, after all.

That same satisfied smile still played across his face. He strode across the consecrated ritual space to the massive tree that stood at the far end of the clearing. It was an ugly thing, twisted and gnarled, with sickly pale bark that stood out among the other trees. This unhealthy colour, combined with the notable lack of leaves or buds, made the tree look dead. To most ponies, that is exactly what it was: an old, dead tree. But he knew better.

The tree sat at the base of the design that was carved into the ground, inbetween the two points of the pentagon that formed the centre of the circular design. From this point there was a clear view of the entire space. He chuckled lightly as he saw the piles of kindling that sat at each point of the pentagonal design flare up into flames. The five fires cast a yellow glow over the circle; the shadows making the deep dug furrows stand out even moreso.

Excellent, he thought. We’re all set. Not long until sunset now, then we can advance to the Albedo stage. Now we just need…


Four masked heads turned to see a familiar unicorn skid to a halt as she came into the clearing. Twigs and brambles clung to Twilight’s mane and coat, and her breath was coming in ragged gasps. On her face was the most terrifying look of pure, undiluted rage imaginable.

Right on cue “Ah, Miss Sparkle, so glad you could make it!” he called as he trotted towards her.

She took a step back, stomping a forehoof on the ground “Don’t come anywhere near me! What have you done with Fluttershy? Where have you got her?”

She glared daggers at the masked colt as he nonchalantly approached her, unaware of the three other ponies who were now closing in on her. “Miss Fluttershy? Why, she’s back where you left her…she was being a bit of a hindrance to our plan, so naturally, we needed her out of the way.”

Twilight’s eyes widened “…You didn’t…”

“Oh no, of course not!” He replied “She’s alive, though how long she stays that way is another matter. But anyway, shouldn’t you really be worrying about yourself? I mean, you do realise where you are, don’t you?”

For the first time, Twilight took a glance around at the clearing. She saw the fires that were lit all around her, as well as the strange arcane design carved into the ground. She recognised the design from one of her books. She also remembered the intended use of it.

“Oh horseapp-“

But before she could continue, her legs gave way beneath her as the other three ponies leapt at her, forcing her to the ground. Twilight struggled under their weight, but her limbs, head and tail were all pinned down. She then felt something wrapping around her legs, pulling them together. As the mass of bodies moved off her, she looked down and saw that she now lay hogtied, on her back.

She squirmed and stretched, trying with all her might to break through the ropes that held her trussed up like a turkey, but physical strength had never been her strongest point. She did not even bother using her magic; she knew that the arcane design that surrounded them would deaden any attempts to use magic.

The masked colt watched as Twilight writhed and squirmed in her bonds “There we go. Now you just sit tight…Knife, please.” He said to the mare, who obediently nodded.

Twilight strained her neck as she watched the mare move to pick up a small knife that lay near one of the fires. Against the fear and panic that played through her mind, part of her half-expected something a little more…interesting. Whenever
she had read about such a ritual in a story, the author would always go into great detail describing bizarre ornamental
daggers that would be used, with great curved blades and jewels set in the handles. But this was nothing of the sort: just a simple, straight iron dagger, with a wooden handle and a grip wrapped round with twine.

The mare placed the dagger on the ground before the colt, who gazed at it for a moment “We still have a short while before He arrives, so let’s make the most of this.”

He picked up the knife in his teeth, the grip just fitting in the mouth hole on his mask. Twilight felt a cold chill as she watched him lean closer in, dagger glinting in the low light. “Wh-what are you-?“

But she choked on her words as she felt the sting of the blade swipe across her side, leaving a thin cut from ribs to flank. Tiny beads of blood began to form and run down her side as she gritted through the pain.
He raised the dagger again and took another swipe at her, cutting a shallow cut across one her forelegs. She squeaked in pain again, her limps seizing up. Over and over again he brought the dagger down on Twilight, each time cutting a thin, shallow cut on her skin, not quite deep enough to damage any organs, but just enough to be plenty painful.

She gritted her teeth, refusing to give him the satisfaction of crying or shouting. At first she thought he had just been delusional or misguided for trying to help the Slendermane, but now she was certain: He was insane. Straight up sadistic, psychotic, bake-your-flesh-into-cakes-and-make-your-skin-a-dress insane. Her body tensed up again as she felt the knife slice at her thigh, the warm blood trickling down her leg. I won’t…I won’t give him the satisfaction… He won’t make me scream…Don’t scream…

“Pinkie! Slow down!”

Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash sprinted down Ponyville’s main street, as Pinkie Pie bounced ahead, faster than ever before.

“No time to slow down! My Pinkie Sense is going off! Quivery hoof, quivery hoof!” she shouted back as she bounced along, all the while trying to steady her shaking forehooves. Finally, the quivering got the better of her and down she tumbled head over hooves. The others skidded to a halt as they helped her up.

“Quivery hooves? What in the hay does that’n mean?” Applejack asked.

Pinkie held up her shaking forehooves as she explained “Quivery hoof means that somepony I know is in pain! I was just following the quivers, and they were getting really strong if I went that-a-way.” She pointed a shaking hoof down the road.

“Why, that’s the road that leads to…Fluttershy’s house…” Rarity trailed off. Fear and realisation was etched into the faces of the four ponies as, without another word, they sprinted through the streets towards the edge of the Everfree Forest.

Rainbow Dash was naturally the first to arrive. She landed on the path that led to the front door as she waited for the others to catch up. Moments later, Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie were there by her side. Applejack looked to her pink friend.

“Got any idea where Fluttershy might be?”

Pinkie shook her head “N-nope, b-but my ho-o-oves-s t-tell me sh-she’s here s-s-somewhere!”

Applejack nodded “Fan out, y’all. Look everywhere, and give a holler ifn’ ya find anythin’.”

The four ponies spread out across the small patch of land, searching high and low. Rainbow Dash took the front yard, Applejack took the cottage interior, Rarity looked around the surrounding area, and Pinkie took the back yard. She scoured the entire enclosed garden, looking for anything that might be out of place.

The shaking in her forehooves told her she was close now, so close. She called out “Hey, Fluttershy! Come out, come out wherever you aaAAAAAGGGGHHHHH!”

The other ponies came running into the back yard where they found Pinkie frantically digging at the ground.

“Pinkie?! What’s u-?” Rainbow paused mid-question as she saw exactly what was up. Sticking up through the loosely packed dirt was a single yellow hoof.

Without another word, the four ponies set about digging. Luckily the soil was still loose from the burial, and with every second they dug, more of Fluttershy came into view. First her foreleg, then her shoulder, then the tip of her mane, dishevelled and caked with dirt and mud. With one final effort, they yanked her out of the shallow grave, careful not to injure her further. Rarity gently levitated her out of the hole and laid her on the ground. She was truly a pitiful sight.
Clumps of loam and rocks clung to her coat and mane, staining it an ugly earthy brown colour. On the back of her head, her mane was stained a dark red, and further examination revealed a scabbed cut on the back of her head under her pink mane.

“Oh no, no no no…Fluttershy, c’mon, wake up!” Rainbow Dash muttered, patting her friend’s cheek, desperate for some sign of life. Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie gathered around her, fearing the worst.

A few tense moments passed as they waited upon their friend to come to. Applejack hurried to the back of the house and found a small overturned bucket. Filling it with water from the tap inside, she returned and began to gently wash the muck from Fluttershy’s face and body.

“Please…c’mon Fluttershy…please don’t be…”

But as her hoof wiped a clump of dirt from her snout, she felt the tiniest of twitches. Slowly, agonizingly slowly, Fluttershy opened an eye and peered blearily up at her friends.

“Uhhh…Wha…” she muttered weakly

“Oh, thank Celestia!” Rarity cried as she leaned down to nuzzle her weak friend. Tears of relief began to form in her eyes, as well as the eyes of the other three.

“Y’all really had us worried there, sugarcube…”

“But what happened? Why were you underground?”

“I know, right? I mean, I knew you’d like to be a tree, but this is taking things a bit far, don’cha think?”

“Pinkie!” Applejack scowled back at Pinkie Pie, who muttered a hasty apology “But what did happen? Who did this to ya?

Fluttershy blinked slowly as she looked around with a single eye. She reached out a forehoof to touch Applejack’s cheek “…M-mask…Tried t-to leave…W-warn Twi…Twilight…”

But her injuries caught up with her, and she slipped back into unconsciousness.

Applejack got to her hooves and instantly took command of the situation “Alright, I got no clue what in the hay is goin’ on here, but first things first: Rainbow, y’all are the fastest of us when ya fly, so you take Fluttershy here and get her down to the Emergency room at the Clinic, pronto!”

The cyan Pegasus nodded as Rarity levitated the prone form of Fluttershy onto her back. “What about you guys?”

“Well, she mentioned Twilight before she passed out, so I reckon she’ll have some ideas about what’s happened. So the three of us will head on over to Talisman’s house. She’ll probably be there doin’ research o something’. If she ain’t there, we’ll try the library. So once you drop of Fluttershy, come and find us.”

Rainbow nodded one more time before flying off into the evening sky, ensuring that her flight is as smooth and level as possible so as not to hurt her passenger.

Talisman paced back and forth in the cluttered lounge of his house, muttering to himself as he went. Twilight Sparkle should have turned up by now. She’s always over here like clockwork to continue with their research, “Something’s wrong… something’s happened to her…”

His thoughts were cut short as there came a loud banging at the door. It sounded urgent, so he hurried to open it. Ah, there she is. Sounds like she found out something pretty…

“Hiya Talisman. Is Twilight here?”

That’s not Twilight…

He pulled the door open and found himself face to face with Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie. “Oh…h-hi girls…Twilight hasn’t been here all day…F-funny, I was just wondering where sh-she could…”

Rarity cut him off “Well, whenever you see her next, could you tell her to find us? Something very strange and possibly dangerous has come up…”

She’s only just realising that now? “W-what do you mean?”

He held the door open as the three ponies entered. He was unnerved by the serious expressions on all their faces. Even Pinkie Pie only briefly flashed him a smile, which he briefly returned. “Well, we were just at Fluttershy’s cottage…”
At just those first words Talisman tensed up. Have they found out?

“…And the place was a mess! We found Fluttershy there, but she was…erm, badly injured.”

“Was there anypony else there?”

The three mares were taken slightly aback by how strongly and suddenly he spoke “Erm…no, I don’t think so. At least, we didn’t see anypony else round there…”

That was the clincher. Talisman’s eyes grew wide as his limbs began to shake. He sat down on the floor, shaking his head “Oh no…oh no, no no no…Not good, not good not good….”

Pinkie stepped apprehensively forwards “Erm…Tally? What’s up?”

“This is bad, this is really really bad… sooner than I expected…They’re makin’ their move…” He muttered, rocking back and forth on the floor.

The three mares shuffled awkwardly as they watched Talisman quiver and mutter to himself. Applejack ventured forwards to place a comforting hoof on his shoulder. “It’s alright, sugarcube…”

“No it’s not alright!” he snapped back, causing her to recoil. He put his hooves over his face “I didn’t think things would start this soon…not ready, no ideas…we’re done for.”

There came a fluttering at the doorway, and moments later Rainbow Dash joined her three friends in the hallway. “I just got Fluttershy into the clinic. They say she’s stable now…what’s going on in here?”

“Twilight’s gone after those masked ponies…”

All heads turned to Talisman as he muttered through his hooves. “Y’see, we caught one and were holding him at Fluttershy’s house while we tried to get some answers outta him…”

“Fluttershy’s house?!”Rarity shouted “What were you thinking?!”

“I know, I know! Stupid idea, never a good idea…But anyways, I think I can guess what happened.” He paused as he got up “The masked pony we were holding hostage overpowered Fluttershy and got out…How was Fluttershy when you found her?”

There was an awkward silence as nopony wanted to say it. Finally Applejack muttered “She’d been buried…a-alive…”

Talisman appeared unfazed by this disturbing fact “Huh, that’s creative of them…Hmm…ah, now I get it. They buried Fluttershy to get her outta the way, then ran off. Twilight comes by, finds both Fluttershy and the masked pony gone, thinks they’ve kidnapped her. So off she goes, into the Everfree Forest to find them...”

“And right into their trap!” Rainbow Dash finished, realisation dawning upon her.

“We gotta go help her! C’mon!” Rainbow shouted as she turned to leave the house.

But Applejack barred her way “Woah, hold up now! We can’t just go barging in there, we’d be sittin’ ducks!”

“She’s right!” Rarity chimed in “Who knows what those masked fellows could have waiting for us?!”

But Talisman disagreed “Well we can’t just sit here! They’ve got Twilight in there, and who knows what they’re doing to her!”

“Woah!” Pinkie Pie suddenly cried out as she stumbled to the floor, her forehooves shaking like jelly. “Quivery hooves, there it goes again!”

“Twilight must be hurt! We gotta go find her!”

“But how do we know that that’s Twilight? Pinkie knows everypony in Ponyville, it could be any-“

But Applejack’s response was cut short as the air was rent in two by a long, earsplitting scream of agony, coming from the direction of the Everfree Forest. The scream rang out for a good few seconds, then fell silent. The silence was echoed by the assembled ponies in Talisman’ house. Only when Rarity spoke up were they all snapped back to reality

“No question about it. That was Twilight.”

Without another word, the assembled ponies spilled out of the doorway into the street as they rushed down the road in the direction of the Forest. As they ran (Or flew, in Rainbow Dash’s case), there came a single cry from the group, shouting out in unison:

“We’re coming, Twilight!”

The masked colt panted slightly with exertion as he dropped the dagger, not dripping with blood, and let it land point first in the ground. “There we go…I knew we’d get to you eventually.”

He looked down at the shaking, weeping form of Twilight. She had tried her best to resist, but the endless onslaught of cuts and slices at her body finally broke through her barrier and extracted from her a scream of pain and agony, long and loud. Incredible pain wracked her body, each of the minute cuts on her body stinging like mad. She was too exhausted to move or even try to force her way through her bonds. She just lay there and wept silently, her stamina and willpower spent.
The colt felt a cold breeze in his mane and looked to the sky. Under his mask he broke out into a twisted and gleeful grin.
Grey clouds were gathering over the forest and the sky was beginning to darken. Looking to the west, he watched the sun sink below the horizon. “And just in time, too…He comes…”

The colt turned and walked towards the other end of the clearing, towards the twisted and gnarled tree that stood on the rim of the circle. Twilight strained and raised her head, watching him through teary eyes. She felt her stomach turn over as she watched.

The tree’s twisted and knotted branches began to move. Writhing and twisting this way and that, the entire trunk of the tree began to suddenly shift and move, its curled form slowly straightening up. The entire tree creaked and groaned as it moved like some primordial monster from the deepest seas.
Suddenly, the tree fell silent as it came to a standstill, tall and straight as any of the trees that surrounded the clearing. The colt watched as something on the front of the tree stirred: A tiny knothole on the face of the tree near the top began to stretch and expand downwards. The slit went further and further down the trunk of the tree, until the trunk of the tree was split right down the middle.

Twilight gulped in fear as she saw movement inside the slit. She watched as what appeared to be black smoke emanated from within the trunk in tendrils that searched through the air, before becoming more substantial and solid, like tentacles of pure shadow. These tendrils of darkness gripped the sides of the slit, pushing outwards and forcing the opening wider and wider. The bark gave way as if it were rubber or flesh, and not wood at all. Then, there emerged a pale shape. Squeezing through the widened opening, there emerged the pale, featureless head of the Slendermane.
It strained and pushed its way through the narrow opening in the tree, first the head, followed by the narrow neck, and the black jacket and blood-red necktie that draped over its skinny body. With one final heave, It freed itself from Its arboreal prison and stood tall above the clearing, nearly as tall as the trees that surrounded It.

The masked colt tentatively stepped towards It “My Master…”

It turned its faceless head down at the colt who approached him and slowly, Its legs shrank down, until It stood little taller than one of the Princesses. The colt bowed down before him, uttering in hushed tones “My Master…your final feast awaits.”

The Slendermane turned Its head to peer over the clearing. It saw the other masked ponies who now prostrated themselves before It. It appeared to sniff the air with unseen nostrils, sensing the auras of Vita energy that flowed through the clearing like thick smoke. Its attention was drawn to the centre of the circle, where the greatest source of Vita lay.
It stepped over the masked colt, who turned and watched his Master stride gracefully through the clearing, until It stood over the quivering form of Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight looked up into the pale, blank visage of the monster that stood above her. Fear mixed with pain and exhaustion held her rooted to the ground. She watched as Its back began to ripple and shimmer, and a small, black tentacle of shadow emerged. It stretched and writhed through the air, slowly growing closer and closer to her face.

As it wriggled just inches away from her face, Twilight lowered her head to rest on the cold ground, and closed her eyes.