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Chapter 18

Author's Note: Season 2 has come and gone, and man was it an awesome season! Just to let everyone know, a vast majority of Season 2 stuff will not be mentioned for a long time in this story. So just keep in mind this. Discord, the Changelings, and several other major characters from Season 2 won't have any 'screen' time until later on. That being said, enjoy this next chapter.

Chapter 18: The First Assignment!

Nearly two weeks had passed since the events that happened. Sky Fire and Rainbow Dash were now known as an official couple to the rest of the group, Sandra was fitting into her new found freedom quite well, and Luna's previous nightmares had ceased for the time being. It seemed so unlikely that they were at war.

That was the part that they were all nervous about. The actual battles that would follow. The waiting was a near death grip on the group. Each and every day felt like it would be the day they would go into battle against Storm Rider and Amducias. It was really bothersome for them. Sure the Mane Six had previous battle experience when they fought against the Changelings a year ago, but their new foes proved to be far most devastating.

Amducias and Storm Rider however were biding their time. For what, they could not say at the moment. But in their hearts they knew that whatever it was they were planning, they had to be ready for them.

In order to pass the time in the mansion without going insane, all the while awaiting orders from Celestia, the group would partake in training sessions with one another. It was during these sessions that each one of the Mane Six learned of their abilities as the Bearers of Harmony.

Applejack was granted incredible magical strength, allowing her to pull up large rocks from the ground and easily buck kicking them. Rainbow Dash's speed increased two fold, and was granted control over the wind. Rarity, being a unicorn, had an easy time learning her element's powers. Not only was she able to track down gem stones, she was able to summon them and use them as barrage weapons. Pinkie Pie's element granted her strange and random attacks, but they fitted her due to her element. Fluttershy, being the kindest of the group, learned how to use healing magic thanks to her element.

Twilight, who had more experience in magic than her friends, had the easiest time adjusting to her new found powers. Easily the strongest of the six, Twilight's magical abilities already granted her a number of unique spells.

As for the rest of the group, Sky Fire would spare freely with both Applejack and Rainbow Dash when they were in need of one. Sweetie would hold up targets, willingly, for her big sister, Applebloom studied under her sister for her family history, and Scootaloo continued to seek out her cutie mark. Spike and Luna however, were having the hardest time at figuring out why they were targeted. Although out of the two of them, Spike had a hunch for why he was a target.

Luna had the hardest time of the bunch. The nightmare from two weeks ago did not help her confidence. She was always afraid to fall asleep. Who could have blamed her though? She spent a thousand years on the moon trapped by her dark alter ego. Two years ago she wasn't affected by her dark ego, it all started when Amducias returned.

As for the group's newest recruit, Sandra, Rarity took it upon herself to make her forget the pain she went through. The diva pony would always schedule a weekly wash up for her. Sandra didn't complain of course. It helped let go of all the tension in her body as far as she was concerned. Today was no exception.

As Sandra walked into the small spa area, Rarity grinned happily.

"Ah, Sandra! You're right on time!" She said happily. "Fluttershy and I were just in the middle of preparing the tub!"

Rarity glanced over to the Diamond Dogs, who had brought in buckets of coals so that the water could be warmed up. Her eyes glinted dangerously as they looked at her dead on.


"Y-Yes Miss Rarity!"

Just as had they appeared, the Diamond Dogs vanished from the room. Sandra chuckled at the sight of the fleeing trio. Fluttershy trotted up gingerly at the Rarity's shout. A nervous smile on her face as she turned to her best friend.

"W-Was that really needed, Rarity?" She asked

"Oh darling, of course it was!" Rarity answered, "They would have stayed here and watch us if I hadn't told them to leave."

"Heh, well if you ask me it works like a charm." Sandra said with a smirk. "Nicely done, Rarity."

Rarity grinned at Sandra's approval. Gently leading her to the tub they had prepared. Sandra sighed contently as she stepped into the warm bath water.

"How long have you been um...um..." Fluttershy began to say. Not certain how to address what had happened to Sandra.

The pink earth pony just smiled kindly at her hesitation for the briefest of moments. Quietly she put up a hoof to stop Fluttershy from possibly making a mistake.

"It's all right, Miss Fluttershy." She said gently, "I've been trapped in that thing ever since that day one year ago."

Sandra sighed as she leaned against the wall of the tub, allowing the warmth to relieve any pain from her body.

"I'm just glad that it's over..."

"It...It must've been horrible." Fluttershy said meekly.

"You have NO idea." Sandra said with a slight hint of despair before turning to Rarity. "Rarity, right? You seem to know Sky Fire pretty well. How's he been doing?"

"Well..." Rarity hesitated for a bit, "He's been beating himself up for awhile now. The Scootaloo event didn't help and I'm sure what happened to was...something that he blamed himself for a long time." The white diva pony frowned as she glanced away from Sandra. "I'm sorry if it's too much to talk about."

"No, it's all right." Sandra said, looking down into the bath water. "I admit, this last year was pretty much nonstop pain." A small smirk forms across her face. "But I'm a tough girl. I don't break so easily, and Amducias knew it. He must've figured sending me against my former lover would finally do it."

"It's just really sad how evil the other Monsters Races have become..." Fluttershy said with a frown, "My father used to tell me how Equestrians and the other races once got along." Rarity also frowned ass he used her magic to make the bath water more comfortable for Sandra.

"Fluttershy, dear, that was a long time ago." She said, quickly deciding to change the subject as she turned back to Sandra. "I simply cannot imagine a day without a nice relaxing bath. And your poor neck! Scared by that knife!"

Sandra gave a slight chuckle as she placed a hoof on her scar.

"Don't worry about it. Aside from my voice being a bit softer, it doesn't really bother me." Her ears perked up a bit as she turned to them. "There's something I wanna know. Storm Rider...did Sky Fire or the Princess make that sonuvabitch pay?"

"Er..." Fluttershy cleared her throat a bit. "Actually, we're in the middle of fighting him right now."

"I see...well, it's about time if you ask me."

Rarity smiled a bit at Sandra's approval. Though a small piece of her couldn't help but feel a bit hesitant about this whole situation. Sandra was different from all the other mares, save for Rainbow Dash, that she knew. So eager to go into battle and wanting to know if their enemy was already taken down.

She really couldn't blame her though. She and Sky Fire had been fighting against Storm Rider in Rainyville longer than anypony else had. But the one thing that bothered her more than anything else was that Sandra was killed. Yet her she was before them, alive again.

Quietly she poured some bath oil into the tub. Her heart began racing as she thought on how to ask her next question without sounding offensive.

"What...what was it like?" She asked, a mixture of concern and nerves running through her. "You know to...to.."

"To die?" Sandra finished for her, offering a small smile. "Well, truth be told I'm not sure if I was ever 'dead.' At least by normal ponies' standards."

Sandra leaned against the rail of the tubs as she continued her story. Memories of Rainyville flashing through her mind.

"When Amducias slit my throat, I certainly FELT like I was dying. I couldn't move, could barely hear or see. But just as the metaphorical light hit me I just...stopped. I could hear and see, but I couldn't do anything else. I saw Sky Fire go berserk and fry the bastard, but after he left...I don't know what that undead scum's made of, but he just wouldn't die."

Sandra closed her eyes before clenching her teeth. Painful memories from the battle would no doubt haunt her mind for a long time to come. But still she pressed on with her story.

"He just got up as if nothing happened, carted me off to some lair place and...I think you can guess what happened next."

Rarity's couldn't have been in more shock if another story had been told. For a beautiful earth pony like Sandra to endure such pain and suffering. It had to be one of the most difficult things to go through! The diva pony's lip quivered as she gently nuzzled Sandra.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked it's just that..." She hesitated a bit, but found her voice again quickly. "Sky Fire is important to all of us, Rainbow especially, we don't want him to lose his cool again, you understand of course?"

"I can understand fully." Sandra smirked playfully. "I was happy that he went nuts on Amducias but...that rage...I had had no idea he was capable of that. It was kinda scary in hindsight."

Rarity decided not to push the subject more as she went to grab a soft towel for Sandra. What she or the others didn't know though was what Sandra truly saw when Sky Fire attacked Amducias in full rage. She only saw it for a brief moment, but when her former boyfriend attacked the vampire king, she saw something that scared her to the very core.

Sky Fire's normal emerald green eyes had turned into a dark shade of blood red.


During Rarity and Sandra's talk another conversation was going on at the same time. Twilight, Luna, and Spike sat together in the foyer on the couch. Luna had a kind smile on her face as she and Twilight finished reading a book on the monster races.

"To think that there are so many other races out there..." Twilight said in awe. "I can hardly believe it."

Luna chuckled a bit at Twilight's amazement. Aside from their race, the griffons, and the dragons, there were four other main races that dominated the world. With the exception of the now extinct humans, the remaining three were the vampires of the Monarchy, the Orc Tribes and the Goblin Cartel.

"Each one of them are different in their own way." Luna said, a tiny frown coming to her face. "It's just a shame the humans died out in the First Great War."

Twilight noticed the solemn look on her face. Quickly deciding to change the topic, she glanced back to the door where Sandra was being cleaned up at.

"She certainly is fitting in here, isn't she?"

"That she is." Luna's frown turned into a smile as she place a wing on top of Twilight's back. "You really went all out against the beast controlling Sandra, Twilight. I'm proud of you."

"I am too." Spike said, handing a glass of water to her. "I don't think you've cut loose like that since the Ursa Minor incident with Trixie or when the Changelings attacked."

"Well, I had to do something." Twilight said with a frown, "Something kept telling me that there was a trapped being in the body. I couldn't let a soul be tortured...though I wasn't expecting to unleash that much of my power."

"You're not the only one." Luna said, "Celestia and I both knew of the dark powers that some vampires have over death and darkness. And we knew that during the Great War that some, like Amducias, often created Homuncolus'...but that one...that was like nothing I've ever seen. Even in the Great War."

The princess of the night shook her head quickly. Banishing any thoughts she had of the terrible war that happened so long ago.

"Well...never mind that now. For now, we should all just relax and rest. We've all earned it." She gave a slight wink. "Especially you and Sky Fire."

"Heh...thank you princess." Twilight said before leaning her head down to Spike's level. "And thank you, Spike. For being there when those visions of Sandra started to show up at the dinner table."

"No problem. " Spike sheepishly said, scratching the back of his head while he did so. "Truth be told, I was pretty scared too. But I wasn't about to abandon you and our friends."

Luna chuckled slightly at the baby dragon's embarrassment.

"You two have a deep bond between each other. It pleases me to see that."

Twilight and Spike both chuckled a big as he hugged her neck. It was true, the two of them shared a bond deeper than either of them realized. As they talked on, Spike's cheeks puffed up before slightly belching green fire. A letter appeared in front of them. Twilight's eyes blinked a couple of times as she took the letter and began to read it. There was no doubting who it was from.

"I...I don't believe it." Twilight said in surprise. "Luna, our first assignment is tomorrow."

Luna glanced over the letter alongside her. True enough to her word, Celestia had an assignment for four ponies. The moon princess frowned as she turned to Twilight.

"I...I'm sorry Twilight. To have the first mission assigned is something that I hoped you would not experience."

"...No. It's all right." Twilight's eyes narrow, "Tomorrow during breakfast we'll tell everypony what we were told. Then we'll head out." She stood up from the couch, "Come on Spike, we got some studying to do before we turn in."

Without saying a word, Spike immediately got up and headed off to the mansion's library. Luna watched with a proud smile as the purple unicorn walked off. A slight giggle escaped her lips.

"Twilight...I can see why my sister values you." She said to herself, walking off towards her own room to plan on the day tomorrow.


Back in the rec room at the same time, Sky Fire and Rainbow Dash go over some plans together. Just like they used to do when they were planning the weather for Ponyville. At this point, both had gotten use to being called boyfriend and girlfriend at this point by their friends. Of course, Applejack took her time making some jokes about the two of them finally hooking up with one another. That didn't bug them though. As long as they were happy together, that was all that really mattered to either of them.

The two pegasai continued to read over each battle plan together. Some suggestions between the two seemed really good, while others were what Rainbow would call 'Needs to be twenty percent cooler.' As they continued working on plans, a thought hit her suddenly.

"You know, as happy as I am that this mess worked out great in the end...I can't help but wonder something." She mused. This earned her a quirked eyebrow from Sky Fire.

"What's on your mind?"

"Well...that paper said Sandra was the SIXTH victim, right? You...you don't think that the other five are trapped in those...Homcuwhatever the hell's too, do ya?"

Sky Fire went silent at that question. He honestly didn't think on the other five victims up until now. But she had a point, if Sandra was one of them, the other five could very well be trapped in their own forms. What they were and how they would free them though remained a mystery however.

"If they are, then we'll just have to free them bit by bit." He finally said, narrowing his e yes. "I'm not gonna let him get away with it ever again."

Rainbow smirked at her boyfriend before nudging him slightly.

"Now there's something we can agree on." She leaned gently on him a bit, another question eating her. "Hey Sky Fire, can I ask you a quick question?"

"Fire away."

"Well...how does it feel? Finding out that somepony who used to be your girlfriend is still...alive? I certainly didn't expect her to get up after that last attack of yours."

Sky Fire sighed as he closed his eyes.

"Truth be told, it's like a nightmare came to an end." He glanced over to her. "But as for my girlfriend? She's right here beside me, with her rainbow mane and all."

Rainbow smirked as she playfully punched his shoulder a bit. Sky Fire knew she hated it whenever he used that kind of talk with her. But she was starting to get used to it.

"You know, after that whole event with the Nightmare Moon clone, Sandra gave me a look at the dinner table. It...was a warm look. I think she's accepted you and me together."

Sky Fire gently wrapped one wing around her softly. At his touch she gently leaned onto him with a soft smile.

"I think she knew, even before she met you." He smiled at her, "She always was a step ahead of everypony anyway."

Rainbow chuckled as she closed her eyes contently. The looming war seemed so far away now. Course the two of them both knew that they would have to return to planning out what they would do when the war did arrive.


Back in the wash room, Sandra continued to dry herself off. With a grateful smile she looked over at Rarity, who was setting up towels in a nice orderly fashion.

"Say, Rarity?" Sandra asked, gently washing the last bit of water out of her mane. "Mind if I ask you something?"

"Oh sure thing, darling." Rarity smiled, turning back to her after sorting the towels out.

"It's about your sister. When I was inside that...thing and saw her I...I don't know I just saw SOMETHING about her. It was...soothing."

"Soothing?" Rarity blinked, "Well, she's a lil rough to deal with at times, but she can be a good joy of relief-"

A loud crash came from one part of the bathroom. Sweetie had tried to grab a bottle of lotion above as she stood on a countertop.

"Sweetie! Get off that counter top!"

"S-Sorry sis." Sweetie said, jumping off almost instantly. "I was just looking to see if there was shampoo for fillies."

This earned her a slight chuckle from Sandra.

"They're always so innocent at that age."

Rarity smiled a bit as she gently pulled her little sister into a comforting hug.

"Sweetie, I'll help you find some in a bit when it's not dinner time. Okay?" She turned her attention back to Sandra. "Ah, you look MUCH better now! We simply could not have you all dirty after that whole ordeal. What with reuniting with your best friend in such a way too."

Sandra was silent for a moment as she took what Rarity said. It felt like eons since she felt like her own pony again. And now, she was finally free. A smile grew across her face.

"I appreciate all this, really. It's just so...good you know. Just to be out of that body and free."

Fluttershy smiled as she placed a hoof on Sandra's shoulder gently. The Bearer of Kindness offering her a small hair band. Sandra grinned as she took the hair band from her, forming her traditional pony tail mane style.

"Don't worry, miss Sandra. You're in good hands here."

For the first time since she was freed, Sandra felt like crying happily. She shook her body as bit to get some last air drying in. Once she was completely dry, she gave a sigh of content.

"Man, I feel MUCH better now."

"Darling, I simply must say that you manage to pull off that wonderful combinatoin of pink and brown quite well!" Rarity said in awe.

"You think so? Guess that's why I was voted 'most beautiful' in my high school class." Sandra chuckled as she placed her towel on a roack. "Well, thanks for sprucing me up. I'd love to stay and chat some more, but I have to talk to the love birds for a bit."

"I can understand." Rarity said with a smile, "Catching up with an old friend who you knew for practically six years, it must be a dream come true." She chuckled slightly. "I can imagine the first meeting."

"Heh, you have NO idea. He acts tough, but the moment he sees someone he likes, he's a big ole softie."


Back in the their own room, Rainbow Dash was once again attempting to break the record for ball bouncing. She was getting close now. Today would be the day she would do it.

"Four hundred and fifty five, four hundred and fifty six..." Rainbow counted, but a knock on the door caused her to stumble and lose track of her place. "Oh for the love of-Er, I mean yeah?"

"It's Sandra. Can I come in?"

Rainbow blinked at the sound of her voice. She wasn't expecting her to come by. She still felt a little bit unsure about having her around Sky Fire since they originally dated. But Sandra constantly insisted that she wasn't upset about calling it off with him.

"Oh yeah, sure." Rainbow finally said. Sandra walked in quietly with a smile at the light blue pegasus. "How 're ya feeling?"

"Much better, actually. That Rarity's a wiz with caretaking."

Sky Fire, who was taking a slight nap, on the couch opened eye and noticed Sandra's form. A soft smile came to his face.

Hey there, Sandy." He stretched up from laying down, "You're looking much better now."

"Thanks, so are you." She took a seat herself, remembering why she came to them. "Listen, I need to talk with you. While I was in that...thing, I was able to learn some stuff you probably want to know."

Sky Fire quirked an eyebrow up at that statement.

"Information from their stronghold? I thought those that became those Necro things couldn't remember what happened before and after though."

"Well, I don't remember everthing that happened...hell, I can barely remember what I DO." She sighs, "Anyways, you probably already know this, but Storm Rider's right hand, Amducias? He's the guy who started the Great War 1500 years ago."

"Yeah, Celestia told us that." Rainbow confirmed. Just evening hearing about the first Great War made her spine shiver. Sandra gave a slight nod.

"Well, I don't remember the exact details, but apparently they're looking for...something. I'm pretty sure it's some kind of weapon from the War, possibly even before then. And apparently, the Elements of Virtue are the keys to finding it."

"Explains why they're after us." Rainbow said with an annoyed look.

"Wait, if it's some kind of weapon they want to use, why would they want to use Elements that basically are for the forces of good?" Sky Fire placed a hoof to his chin, "Unless they're not gonna use the powers for a weapon at least..."

"Well...like I said, I don't remember most of the details." Sandra frowned as she looked down at the ground, "I'm sorry...I thought I had remembered enough to help."

Sky Fire smiles as he gently nuzzled Sandra softly.

"Hey, don't beat yourself up, this actually does help us a lot in the long run, we know what they're up to at least."

"Heh, good point. You always did know best." She smirked a bit as she stood up, "I'd like to stick around until this whole thing is over. Afterward, I'll probably settle down in Ponyville. That ok with you

The two of them gave a nod. Neither of them seemed to have a problem with it. Sky Fire smirked a little though.

"Don't want to get all wet from Rainyville eh? That's understandable. That place was too wet for my tastes." He stood up himself now, noticing both of the girls giving him looks, "I'm not that tired, my legs can hold me up for a bit."

"If you say so." Rainbow said with a shrug as Sandra chuckled.

"Well, it's less because of the rain and more because I don't wanna start a ruckus when a girl thats been legally dead for six years is suddenly out and about."

Rainbow slanted her head before she began whispering over to her boyfriend.

"She's...awfully chipper considering everything that's happened."

"She's always been like that, it's part of her personality." He said before looking at Sandra, "Sandy, about...you know...me and Dash...I just..." he blushes some.

"Sky, like I said before, it's ok. You thought I was dead, and had every reason to. I don't blame you or mind a bit that you've moved on." She smiled warmly, "Besides...I can tell she'll be good for you. More than I could've been, even."

"Eheh...thanks, I think."Rainbow said with a blush. Sky Fire blushed some as well, but gently wrapped his neck around her's.

"You've been a true friend to me for the time I was in Rainyville...I'm really glad that you're back

"And I'm glad to BE back." Sandra said before looking down, "One thing though...I know you have a lot on your minds right now, but...as you probably realize, I wasn't the only one used to create Amducias' Queens. I have a feeling this little adventure of yours will take you all around Equestria and then some, so...if you happen to encounter the other five..."

Sky Fire's eyes narrowed with determination. Before she could continue he placed a hoof on her shoulder.

"If we come across them, we'll break the old Amducias has over them as well." He snarls some, "And I'll find a way to kill that immortal bastard, no matter what."

"Heh...now there's the Sky Fire I remember." Sandra said with a smirk before becoming more serious, "Just be careful. Vampires are notoriously hard to kill as it is, but Amducias...something's up with him. When I was in the Homuncolus, I was sometimes around other Vampires, and...there's something about Amducias that's just wrong. Like a cancer or something."

"Thanks for the heads up." Rainbow said.

"Don't mention it. I'll see you guys in the morning."

The two mares nodded to each other as she left the two of them. Sky Fire found himself smiling again, standing beside Rainbow as the door gently closed.

"She...deserves better than what she got...and probably a better Stallion than me too." He chuckled a bit.

"Hey, don't sell yourself short now. YOU'RE the one who ended up saving her." She said with a smirk.

"True, but I always had a feeling that I'd end up with one of you in the end." He opened one wing and placed it on her back, "If that's understandable."

Rainbow smiled as her own wing goes on him as well.

"You know...I think I actually DO understand it."


The Next Morning...

"Breakfast is ready!" Fluttershy said as she entered the dining room with Luna close behind.

The entire group smiled as they walked into the dining room. They had come to learn that not only was Fluttershy a good cook, but so was Luna. It was hard to imagine a royal princess herself taking the time to cook for them.

The last ones to enter were Applejack and Applebloom. The latter had a bag of ice over her head.

"Oh my head..."

"Well I told ya, don't have sugar before dinner. You know it gives you a headache." Applejack scolded, but not too loudly. The others chuckled a bit as the apple sisters joined them at the table. Rarity was the first to break the as she turned to Sky Fire.

"Well, we simply must get matching outfits for the both of you now." She said in a teasing song tone.

Both him and Rainbow blushed at her comment. It was getting more than obvious how close the two were getting to their friends. Twilight, however, was too busy reading a book that Spike got her.

"Advanced Spells for Ponies, Volume 3." She smiled before turning to her ward, "A very rare book to find, Spike."

"Yeah, I had to dig around in the older areas of this place's library, but I knew you'd like it." He said with a smile.

As the breakfast went on, the ponies told jokes and laughed along with one another. From the first glance, one couldn't even tell that there was a war about to happen. However, the happiness came to a stop when Luna pulled out the letter from the night before.

"This letter came to Twilight last night. I spoke with my sister afterwards." She said, "We got our first assignment today. Apparently Trixie discovered something in the study last night that's important. Only a few of us will head out, but we'll go after we're done eating."

Sky Fire raised an eyebrow at her.

"Wait, who will be going then?" He asked. Luna, using her magic, opened the letter up .

"Several of us shall remain here in case of future attacks. For this mission, Twilight, Sky Fire, Rainbow and myself will go. The rest of you shall remain to hold down the fort if anything happens."

Twilight frowned at the news. She didn't want to question her mentor's decision, but with only four ponies going, it sounded too dangerous.

"Four ponies might not be enough though. Why can't the rest of us come along as well?" She asked.

"Hmm...well, we do need a least two combat ponies here." Luna mused.

"I don't want to disobey your sister though..." Twilight joined in the thinking, flipping through the pages of her book. "Maybe I have some kind of healing spell that will help speed things up somewhere."

"I'll come." Sandra said, causing each of them to look at her oddly. "What? Amducias caught me off guard that day. I know how to take care of myself."

Sky Fire began coughing on the piece of pie he was eating. In between his coughs, he managed to get a few words out.

"Absolutely...not!" He said.

"Well what do you suggest tough guy?" Sandra asked, "A party of four isn't really that threatening. You know that as well as I do!"

For awhile, the entire room was silent. Applejack couldn't leave her younger sister alone since she had a sugar headache. Rarity probably wouldn't come if the mission involved getting dirty. Something she absolutely hated. Luna glanced over at Pinkie Pie. She wondered if the earth pony's crazy antics would be enough to make their party seem somewhat stronger. Just as she was about to ask though, a voice spoke out.

"I...I'll come too."

The sounds of spit took place all around the table. The one who spoke out was Fluttershy. Each of them gave the loudest 'WHAAA?' they could muster.

"But Fluttershy, you hate violence!" Rarity said in shock, "I can't imagine what we'd do if something happened to you!"

Sky Fire however didn't react badly. He walked over to Fluttershy, a sad frown on his face. He was concerned for her safety, but he had to see if she meant what she said.

"Are you certain, Fluttershy?" Is all he asked. For a what only lasted three seconds, felt like eternity as Fluttershy gave a nod to him.

"Yes. I know a lot about many forms of animal and plant life, and that could come in handy."

Sky Fire only nodded his head once at her. He could see that behind her eyes was a strong will. Stronger than she ever knew herself. Luna remained silent at the yellow pegasus' decision, but ultimately nodded.

"Very well, if that is your wish."

Rarity and Applejack frowned as they walked up to Fluttershy. Both hugging her very briefly.

"Be...careful...please..." Rarity said, her tone now hinting a great worry for her best friend.

"And let them do the fighting, okay?" Applejack added in. Fluttershy gave a tiny smile as she nodded her head.

"Of course."

Luna nodded as she placed the scroll away. She knew all too well what war made ponies do. Even shy and kind mares like Fluttershy were destined to change sometime.

"All right. Once breakfast is over, our team will be heading back to Ponyville for a debriefing." Pinkie tilted her head at this statement.

"But we don't even wear clothes." Rainbow face hooved hard at the earth pony's statement.

"She means Celestia'll tell us what we need to know."


As the breakfast slowly came to an end, the five ponies that were chosen to go gathered some supplies. Before heading out to the door though, Twilight turned to Spike. The baby dragon offered a small smile as he hugged her leg gently.

"Be careful out there, Twilight." He said, trying his best to hide the worry in his voice.

Twilight smiled as she nuzzled him gently.

"Of course, you be good now, understand?"

"Heh, you know it."

With that, Twilight walked out of the mansion with the others. Little did the group of five know what laid ahead of them for their very first assignment. For now, their imaginations were the only thing that would keep them guessing at how they would approach their assignment.

What laid ahead of them though, dwarfed everything they could have thought of.

To Be Continued.