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Chapter 10

Chapter 10: Moving to The Mansion

Back in Town hall, during the same time of Rainbow's lecture to Sky Fire, the other ponies were slowly getting ready for the day tomorrow. It was going to be a big change for many lives. For one pony in particular, she couldn't help but wonder on one subject she dreaded about. War. If things continued to go badly like today, could there be war in the peaceful Equestria? If it did, it would come from one pony's actions.

Storm Rider.

Twilight's body seemed to tense at the very thought of his name. Who wouldn't be tense? He was once the greatest war hero Equestria had known. Now he was the very enemy they were facing. To make matters worse, another foe, Amducias, had made himself known. She knew very little of them both, having no knowledge on Amducias and only small bits and pieces of Storm Rider.

She turned to Princess Celestia, who was talking to her younger sister. A sad smile came to Twilight's face. She didn't want to, but she had to know more about who they were facing. Even if that meant having her teacher reach back into past memories. With a heavy heart, she approached the royal sisters, bowing politely to her teacher.

"Princess Celestia?" She asked, "I hate to interrupt, but is there anything that you can tell me about Storm Rider?"

Celestia sighed deeply. After a brief glance from her younger sister, the ruler of Equestria just smiled politely. Though Twilight could tell that it was a forced smile.

"Yes, you deserve to know." Celestia said, closing her eyes. "You see...before that terrible night where Luna turned into Nightmare Moon, one man united the Monster Races under a single banner in an attempt to seize control of Equestria...his name was Amducias."

Twilight's stomach tied into a knot. The vampire king's name alone was enough to make her body shudder. Luna frowned as she placed a hoof on Celestia's shoulder.

"So he's...he's been around for a thousand years as well?" Twilight asked.

"Yes...and far more than that. In fact, he's almost as eternal as me and my sister. However, while he was a charismatic speaker, Amducias lacked the skills of a true leader, a true 'king', so his army was quickly defeated." She hesitated, "We...we thought him dead."

Celestia shook her head a bit before continuing.

"A-Anyways, Storm Rider was a major ally during that war. We...became close..."

"Celestia..." Luna said, looking at her sister with sympathy. Twilight frowned, reaching a conclusion.

"You admired one another...oh Princess, I-I d-didn't know that..."

Celestia reared her head back up to wards the sky. Forcing away the memories from the past again. She had to be strong, Equestria needed her to be.

"It is in the past now. His crimes in Rainyville and now here are bad enough, but to ally with one of Equestria's greatest enemies...his is not the Storm Rider I knew..."

Twilight took noticed of Celestia's voice nearly cracking at the last part. They were much closer than just being friends. She bit her lip, wanting to cry for her teacher. Celestia shook her head before turning her attention back to her student.

"You should all get a good night's rest. You'll be heading for the Mansion tomorrow morning." She said. The other mares bowed their heads out of respect for Celestia as she left. Luna looked down at the ground, looking sad as well.

"I...I knew her feelings for him, but I didn't realize they cut her that deep..."

Twilight looked down as well. Part of her felt really guilty now. Celestia obvious was more hurt than anypony about what was happening. That was perfectly clear now.


In the dark castle, Storm Rider was having his wounds tended to by clumsy goblins. They were not the most reliable of minions, but they were all they had on hand for now. He growled in pain as one tightened a bandage on his leg. In his rage, he kicked the goblin in the face in anger. His stormy gray eyes turned towards the other goblins.

"You're dismissed." He said, his voice shaking the room with power. As the goblins scattered away from him, he turned his attention back to his second in command. "Remind me, why do I keep IMBECILES like them around?"

"Until my flock has fully destroyed the barrier between Equestria and the Monster Lands, my lord, they are all we have to spare." Amducias sighed, "Well, them, the werewolves and ogres, but they are in short supply."

The vampire king smirked however. Taking a small vial from his cloak. Storm Rider quirked an eyebrow at what he held in his hands.

"But, in the meantime, I have come up with an...alternative means for us to obtain the manpower we need for this operation." Amducias grinned darkly.

"..Explain your plan, vampire." Storm Rider ordered, folding his wings back in, "Remember that it was I who freed you from your prison that my future Queen sealed you in after the Great War."

"But of course, my lord." Amducias turned to two lesser vampire guards, "Bring it in."

The two guards bowed quickly to their king and hastily made their exist. The dark grey alicorn watched in curiosity as they brought in a table. One one side of the table is a ripe apple. The other is a cage containing a frightened parasprite.

"Great One, as you know, you and I are capable of spells that can both enlarge any animal and increase its ferocity a hundred fold." Amducias explained, "However, after extensive research, I have discovered a spell that can do MUCH more than that."

Storm Rider said nothing as he watched the parasprite carefully. A part of him remembered the tiny creatures before. A thousand years ago when he was...

"Gck..." He flinched, shaking his head back and forth a couple of times.

"My lord?"

"...It is nothing." Storm Rider said, "Just some..resistance that I can handle."

The stormy grey alicorn turned his attention back to his right hand man. Truth be told, the vampire king could see that every day there was some sort of resistance raging on in his master's body. Still, they had to consider themselves lucky for being able to find a vessel like his.

"Tell me, Amducias. How does one harmless parasprite turn itself into a beast of our own control?" Storm Rider asked.

"You shall see in a moment, my lord." Amducias smiled darkly.

He pulled the cap on the vial, revealing it to be a syringe which he injected into the apple. Storm Rider watched carefully as Amducias placed it into the cage. As expected, the parasprite instantly devoured the apple whole. It didn't take much to see that they starved the poor insect on purpose. One of the lesser vampires watched in confusion.

"Um, your Grace...nothing is happening." He said. Amducias just smirks.

"Wait for it."

Just then, the parasprite suddenly started to twitch lowly as a small dark glow surrounded it. The parasprite began to whimper in pain as the glow intensifies and it raises into the air. The parasprite let out a shrill cry that gradually grows more deeper and more guttural. On the walls, shadows show the creature growing and expanding until the cage bursts apart. One part of the cage nearly hits a werewolf in the head.

Whatever the creature is, it is no longer a parasprite. As the dark aura around it glowed brightly. Amducias gives a confident smirk as a roar is suddenly heard. Storm Rider grinned evilly at the new monster.


"Pinkie, will you hurry up?" Rainbow asked in annoyance, "How much stuff could you possibly have?"

In the early hours of the morning, the group began to gather their belongings to head towards the mansion the dogs had made. Twilight had brought some of her favorite books. Rarity had some of her favorite fabrics. Applejack had multiple bags of apples and Rainbow had brought a lot of her favorite work out materials. Out of all of them, Fluttershy packed the lightest.

Pinkie merrily hoped out, carrying a suitcase strapped to her back. It seemed like it was about to blow with each hop she took though.

"What took ya?" Rainbow grumbled.

"Welllll, I figured we'd be gone for awhile, so I had to make extra special preparations!" Pinkie said, her usual grin on her face. Rainbow rolled her eyes as she facehooved.

"I don't even wanna know..."

"Will you two stop your arguing?" Applejack asked as she tied an apple sack, "It's not going to be a trip that we should take lightly, and neither of us should be at each other's throats."

Rainbow sighed. She hated to admit it, but Applejack had a point. Guess that was one of the reasons why her element was Honesty.

"Yeah, you're right."

The six girls went to the Princesses' tent. Inside, Celestia and Luna awaited them. They quickly bowed to them as the two sisters noticed their approach. Celestia smiled.

"Good, you're here. I've already set up the portal." She pointed towards the portal she had opened, "The Diamond Dogs will fill you in on the Mansion when you arrive. They were suppose to be here in person, but they...insisted that it wait until after you arrive."

"Can't possibly imagine why." Rainbow chuckled. Rarity just gave a smug smile.

"Well, they must have learned their lesson quite easily if you ask me."

Twilight giggled some before turning to Spike. Concern still in her eyes as he walked up to her.

"You sure you're ok with this whole thing, Spike?" She asked.

"Don't you worry, Twilight. I'll be right there if you need me." Spike said, saluting some.

As the mane six continued to converse amongst each other, the three Cutie Mark Crusaders hid behind a barrel. Scootaloo, trying to listen in the best she can. A confident smirk grew across her face. Applebloom and Sweetie seemed reluctant to follow though.

"Look at the bright side, girls, this might just lead us to our chance!" Scootaloo said.

"Yeah, but Scoots, are you certain that we should be following them? I mean, it'd be better to stay somewhere safe instead of going into a-"

"And just what do we have here?" A new voice said, picking up all three fillies by their tails.

"Oh, hey Sky Fire!" Scootaloo beamed. Sweetie gave a nervous smile.

"We're just a little nervous. How long are you guys gonna have to stay there?" She asked. Sighing with relief as he placed them down.

"Until this whole thing blows over." He said, tapping his hoof, "You girls know that this is too dangerous for you to get involved in?"

Both Applejack and Rarity brought their heads up. Applebloom and Sweetie gave cheesy smiles as they noticed the disappointed looks their sisters were giving them. Twilight just smiled lightly as she shook her head.

"Looks like we got a couple of stow aways with us, girls." She said. Celestia however just chuckled lightly.

"Actually, they're suppose to be here, Twilight. All six of the ponies the monsters attacked will be joining you for their protection." She smirked lightly, "Well, those who can't defend themselves of course."

"Ah com on, sis." Luna giggled.

"Wait, what about Spike?" Twilight asked, "He was attacked too and he's not a pony."

Rarity quickly examined Spike. The baby dragon's cheeks went to a rosy pink as she did so. A slight smile came to her face as she patted his head.

"Are you sure, Twilight? Cause it looks like he's gonna grow a mane sometime soon the more he hangs out with you."

"Rarity, quit making the boy blush now." Applejack said, glancing back to Sky Fire "We don't another oblivious one."

"What the hell is that suppose to mean, AJ?" Sky Fire asked.

Everypony but Sky Fire, Rainbow, and Twilight get the joke and laugh slightly. Celestia cleared her throat some, the group quickly turned back to their princess. She smiled softly again as she gestured towards the portal.

"Your safe mansion awaits. When you arrive, be sure to ask for the Diamond Dogs to show you the finer points of the mansion." She said.

Quickly bowing one last time, the group headed into the portal one by one. The last one to reach the portal was Luna, who quickly turned to her sister one last time. A soft frown had replaced her smile from earlier.

"Sister...I know how much he meant to you..." She said, gently nuzzling Celestia's neck, "I promise, if there's a way to save him..."

"I'm sure there is." Celestia said, fighting back a tear, "Don't worry about me, Luna. I'll be all right."


Celestia smiled again before nuzzling her little sister softly. The portal behind them starting to shrink somewhat. Reluctantly, Luna turned back to the portal and took a step into it. Once she was completely in the portal alongside the other ponies it closed up slowly.

It took every ounce of Celestia's strength to not break down crying. She had to look strong for her faithful student and subjects. But the truth was that she was hurting much more than she let on. Celestia turned to a small portrait she had of her and Storm Rider from a thousand years ago. Before Luna became Nightmare Moon, but after dealing with Discord after the Great War. The two looked so happy together. Celestia placed her hoof over his face. Tears flowing from her eyes now.

"...I'll bring you back somehow...my love."

To Be Continued