• Published 16th Jun 2018
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A Queen's Perspective - Correspondence - gerandakis

Having discovered the connection between the journals they hold as a way to communicate between worlds, Sunset Shimmer and Queen Twilight endeavor to remain in touch, these are the messages they exchange.

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Pies, Styles and Crusaders

Dear Twilight,

I have a suspicion of what might have happened with Pinkie that night, but if I'm right we'll know for sure soon enough.
Either way, give my congratulations to all your teams, the Equestria Games are a big event.
Amusingly it should still be almost a year for you until the Games take place and only about a month for me until the Friendship Games happen yet yours will happen sooner than mine. This differential is really messing with my head.

Take care,


Dear Sunset,

let me give you a piece of advice, if your Pinkie ever comes across someone named Cheese Sandwich, run!
Or at least that's what I got out of Rose's latest report from Ponyville. It seems this Cheese Sandwich is another party planner. And apparently he has something called a Party Howitzer. It seems he and Pinkie got into a sort of party planning contest. Needless to say things got out of hoof. Fast. I'm not entirely sure how they managed to reign the situation back in but given that there is no mountain of confetti I can see from Stripped Gear, I assume Ponyville is still intact, more or less.

Hoping you can stop your Pinkie if she ever runs across a Cheese Sandwich,


Dear Twilight,

thank you for the warning. A Cheese Sandwich actually came to town today, thanks to your warning I managed to keep a close eye on the two and deescalate before they got too far, they're actually friends now. I suspect if I hadn't had your warning I wouldn't have seen the signs in time.

Once more, thank you,


Dear Sunset,

I suddenly think I know what your suspicion was, and if it actually was that she had found a stallion and, you know, did what a mare and a stallion tend to do when they are drunk and alone, then you were indeed correct it would seem. Pinkie just sent a letter, she is pregnant. And no, she still can't remember who the father is, but knowing Pinkie that won't stop her.

Hoping this is one of the things your world won't mirror anytime soon,


Dear Twilight,

you guessed correctly, that was my assumption. So in less than a year your Pinkie will have a foal of her own, huh? Give her my congratulations.
I can put your concerns to rest, so far I have seen no indication of my Pinkie mirroring this development. I assume your Pinkie can handle foals as well as mine can children. Then again if she can't I'm sure you can give her some pointers, you have some experience on the topic, I seem to recall.


Dear Sunset,

given what the letter I just got from Rarity and Applejack said, today was one of those days that always make me wonder if I'm the normal one in my circle of friends. And I'm a changeling queen.
It seems today’s events were caused by a visiting fashion scout? style guide? what exactly do you call that?
Anyway, his name was Trenderhoof, he makes reviews of things he considers stylish and quite a few ponies apparently follow those reviews. It seems he visited Ponyville and found inspiration at Sweet Apple Acres, including a massive crush on Applejack as it seems.
Now given what he does, of course he is the kind of pony whose approval Rarity would want. But he kept ignoring her. This lead to Applejack mimicking Rarity's high society style while Rarity was mimicking AJ's 'simple ways'. In the end neither one got what they wanted and they decided that Trenderhoof was only one pony and his opinions about them weren't really something they needed to worry about. I think the way they put it was that trends come and go, but friendship is forever.

A good thing to learn from these events, I suppose,


Dear Twilight,

I think those kinds of people are called Style Scouts. Given everything I know, I can absolutely see that happen here as well. I'll keep my eyes peeled. Maybe this Trenderhoof exists here too. Other than that, nothing much has happened here but it's only been two days since we've last written.

Take care,


Dear Sunset,

somehow I keep forgetting about this differential. That aside, I got a letter from Fluttershy today. It sounds like she joined the Ponytones. She had some stagefright issues at first but it seems everything worked out in the end. Something similar might happen on your end, but definitely not like it did here. (Poison Joke was involved.)
In other news, the CMCs are coming to Stripped Gear. They'll be here in two days to see the hive and meet my kids.

I can't wait to see their reactions,


Dear Twilight,

what exactly is Poison Joke? The name sounds vaguely familiar but I can't place it.
Hoping you have fun with the CMCs,


Dear Sunset,

Poison joke is a plant that grows in the Everfree Forest and the sole reason for all the warnings to stay away from blue things while in there. A few hours after contact with this flower its innate magic plays some kind of trick or joke on you. It's effects vary greatly from pony to pony and unless you've been affected before there is no way to know how it would affect you.
I've seen effects from altering a ponies voice, to inhibiting innate racial magic in various ways. Trust me on this, walking around the Everfree without access to your magic is not a fun experience.

Be glad you don't have to deal with that plant on your side of the portal,


Dear Sunset,

it's been a fun three weeks with the CMCs at the hive. I don't even want to know where they managed to get tree sap in Stripped Gear, there are no trees in the hive and they promised they didn't go out into the Jungle (No they were not lying, I checked. How you ask? Pinkie Promise. I'd elaborate but given you have a Pinkie of your own, I doubt that's neccesaiy).
Anyway, I think they really seem to enjoy our engineering, especially Applebloom, Scootaloo did spend quite some time watching the drones on their flight training regimen Rainbow put together. But I'm especially proud of Sweetie Belle, I've been helping her practice her magic. When she came here she could barely manage basic telekinesis, now she can actually maintain a shield barrier strong enough to withstand a few simple mana bolts or a shot from a pistol, only one mind you, but still quite impressive.
I'll be accompanying them back to Ponyville and spending some time there, Pinkie wants to introduce us to her sister. If she is anything like she is over in your world, the girls are in for a surprise.

Take good care,


Dear Twilight,

first of all, yes I am familiar with the Pinkie Promise, but that aside:
Are you serious?! Sweetie Belle blocked a shot from a Pistol?! I know your family line was good with shields so you could probably give her a few pointers, but still. I'm also specifically choosing to ignore the fact that you were willing to have one of your drones point a gun anywhere near a twelve year old.
Sincerely hoping you didn't point the gun at her,


Dear Sunset,

No of course I didn't point it at her, I'm not insane. I showed her how to invert the polarity on her shield and had her fire the gun from inside the shield. And, yes, that means she can now create a rather powerful shield barrier and handle a gun. This is not a twelve year old you want to cross.
That aside, The girls were happy to have the CMCs back and meeting Maud was rather fun. Of course none of the girls had any idea I already knew Maud from your side of the mirror. I basically had a small copy of me in a linkscape giggling uncontrollably all the time, so I could keep a straight face in the material world. The girls' faces were priceless.

Give my greetings to the Maud on your side,
