• Published 29th Apr 2018
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Equestria Ninja Girls: Wanted Bebop and Rocksteady - Wildcard25

The Turtles and Rainbooms must take on Bebop and Rocksteady who've allied themselves with an alternate Shredder and Krang

  • ...

Looting the Earth Protection Force

As the Ninja teams were down in the lair coming up with plans to stop Shredder and Krang, up on the surface, Karai, Shini, Adagio, Aria, Sonata, and a few Foot Soldiers were out on patrol. Karai looked through binoculars to see the entrance of China Town, until Shini spoke, "Karai, no sign of the Purple Dragons, the streets are quiet."

"Too quiet." Aria added.

"Face it, girls. We haven't spotted anything for weeks." Sonata sighed.

"I'm afraid Sonata is right, Karai. There hasn't been any crime activity in the city as of late. At least nothing major." Adagio explained.

"I guess you're right," Karai agreed, "I guess we can call it a night, girls."

"Great. Let's head back to base, get dressed up, and have a girls night out." Sonata suggested with a smile.

Before anyone could agree, Karai spotted something around a corner. It was Bebop and Rocksteady leading a bunch of ninjas in purple and black uniforms, "Hold up, look."

The group each pulled out binoculars and saw what Karai spotted, "Bebop and Rocksteady?" Adagio asked.

"What're they doing here?" Aria asked, "I thought they skipped town like Xever did."

"And what's with those bulbous headed foot ninja?" Sonata wondered.

"I don't know, but there's no way a bunch of dummies like them could put a crew together without some help." Karai answered.

"What're your orders, Karai?" Adagio inquired.

"Should we take those silly freaks down?" Shini suggested.

"No. Shini, you gather the rest of the Foot Clan. The Dazzlings and I will follow Bebop and Rocksteady to see what they're up to."

"Of course, Karai." Shini nodded, as she vanished with the Foot Ninja.

Sonata spoke to Karai, "Karai, if Bebop and Rocksteady are involved, don't you think we should let certain others know about this?"

"Way ahead of you, Sonata." Karai pulled out her phone.

In the Turtles lair, the ninjas were suiting up, as Leo addressed everyone, "Ok, team, here's the plan. We head below and cover the Technodrome. We'll wait for Bebop and Rocksteady to leave..." Leo was suddenly interrupted by Leonardo.

"On whatever mission Shredder and Krang send them on..." then Michelangelo interrupted.

"Then we stop at Antonio's for more pizza, hit the arcade, and party on dudes. Yeah!"

"Dude, that's the greatest plan ever, brah. Give me some love!" Mikey said, as the two fist bumped.

"So what do you think those two morons will be after?" Rainbow asked.

Donatello answered, "Shredder and Krang will need some kind of transmat chip to open up a portal to Dimension X."

"Then we stop them before they get a chance." Raphael added.

"So let's get going." Keno said, as he dawned his Night Watcher garb.

"Onward!" Pinkie declared, until Leo's phone rang.

Leo checked the I.D, "Karai?" he answered the call, "What's up?"

Karai spoke, "Leo, you're not going to believe this. The Dazzlings and I are at the waterfront. We followed Bebop and Rocksteady they got a bunch of weird looking Foot Bots with them. They're targeting a secret military warehouse, I'm pretty sure belong to the Earth Protection Force."

"Stay where you are, and don't do anything. We'll be right there." Leo answered, before hanging up.

"What's up, Leo?" Twilight asked.

"Karai and the Dazzlings spotted Bebop and Rocksteady breaking into an EPF military warehouse."

"You don't think that's where the chip is, do you?" Fluttershy asked.

"It's a high possibility Fluttershy." Fugitoid confirmed.

"So what're we waiting for?" Casey asked rhetorically.

"Yeah. Let's go up top and kick some butt." Rainbow added with excitement.

"Team, let's move!" Leo ordered, as the group headed up for the surface.

Meanwhile, Bebop and Rocksteady after infiltrating the EPF warehouse had to dodge lots of security before entering their secret vault. The two looked at the various artifacts that were stored there, such as a glove with knifes attached to the fingers and hat, a space-looking visor, a robot-like helmet, and even a teddy bear.

When the two mutants stopped and looked at one case containing a pony toy that looked like it was from the 80s, they looked at each other in confusion before shaking their heads and continued on. Bebop used his goggles to search around, until he picked up a signature coming from one vault. He opened it and saw the chip they were looking for. He let out a squeal of joy, "We did it, dawg. For once. The Transwarp microchip thingy." he took it.

The two danced in victory while whooping, "Raise the ceiling home skillet! Can I get the 'What-What'?" Rocksteady cheered.

"Whoo!" Bebop cheered.

Outside the warehouse, Karai and the Dazzlings waited patiently for backup, until the Dazzlings got bored, "How much longer?" Aria groaned.

"By the time they get here, those two will be long gone." Sonata told Karai.

"Can't we just go after them on our own?" Adagio asked, as she started to get impatient as her sisters.

"No. You heard what Leo said. We wait until they arrive." Karai answered, until they heard someone drop in behind them, "Guys, Bebop and Rocksteady are still inside. We've got to..." The four turned and came face to face with Leonardo and the other alternate turtles, "What the?" she asked in shock.

The others landed, as Sonata looked at the alternate turtles, "Whoa. Cool."

"Guys, who are these goofy bug-eyed turtles?" Aria asked.

The alternate turtles scowled at the insult, as Raphael answered, "Well, nice to meet you too. With friends like these who needs enemies?"

"Raphael!" Fluttershy spoke up sternly, "Does some turtle need a time out?"

Raphael sighed, "No, Fluttershy."

"Hey, Karai, how's it going?' Sunset asked.

"What perfect timing to have you girls here." Karai said in relief.

"Nothing was going on back home so we decided to check the city out." Rainbow explained.

"Same here. This break in has been the highlight of our nights." Adagio said.

"Hey, look!" Aria motioned to the warehouse.

They saw the door open, and the two mutants came out with their prize, "They got the chip." Fugitoid gasped.

"Team, move in." Leo ordered, as they got closer.

As Bebop and Rocksteady were still dancing in victory, they were startled by a manhole popping up and releasing steam. Climbing out was Raph, and the two noticed the rest of the ninjas coming out from hiding places to surround them, "We busted, Bebop!" Rocksteady gasped.

"All right, you two varmints. Give up that chip!" Applejack ordered.

"We gotcha completely surrounded." Keno warned them.

Rocksteady whipped out a blaster, as Bebop answered, "We ain't going out like that, dawg."

Raph spoke, "I was hoping you'd say that." suddenly the other turtles emerged from their own hiding spots and called, "Go Green Machine!"

"Green Machine?" Keno asked, as he and Casey laughed.

Suddenly the Foot Bots appeared along with Shredder. The sight of him got the Dazzlings, and Karai in shock, "No way." Sonata gasped.

"Is that..." Aria trailed off as Karai finished for her.


"Holy chalupa!" Mikey gasped, as the Foot Bots armed themselves.

Shredder called, "Foot Soldiers, attack!"

"Let's do this team!" Leo ordered.

"Turtle Power!" Leonardo called, as they went on the attack.

As the fought the Foot Soldiers, Sunset threw a kunai at one making it explode, "Wow, they really are robots."

"Yeah. Exploding robots!" Pinkie added, as she destroyed one.

Leonardo confronted Bebop, "Hand over the chip, Bebop!"

"Catch me if you can, son." Bebop used an energy Mohawk to knock Leonardo back.

Raphael picked up two trashcan lids, "Time to take out the trash!" he threw them like disks, only for the two Foot Robots to catch or slice them in half, "Or not." he shrugged.

"Let me show you how it's done, Raphael!" Rarity used her magic to throw magic diamond disks at the two Foot Bots destroying them.

Donatello used his bo-staff to propel himself off a fire hydrant and was prepared to attack Rocksteady, "Cowabunga!" he ended up running right into Rocksteady's fist.

"How you say, weak sauce?" the mutant Rhino asked.

Suddenly more Foot Bots appeared and surrounded them, "Where do these guys keep coming from?" Keno asked.

"I know totally bogus!" Michelangelo complained.

Before the robots could attack one got nailed in the head with an arrow. Soon more arrows were fired from atop a roof and down nailing the robots. Jumping onto the scene were more Allie Foot Ninjas and Shinigami, "Someone call for back up?" she asked.

"Good timing, Shinigami." Karai commended her.

"You the witch, girl!" Pinkie cheered.

They resumed fighting, as Sunset spoke to the alternate turtles, "Remember all we taught you! Use it now!"

The other turtles squinted their eyes as a look of determination grew on their faces, "She's right. Remember our training!" Leonardo called out, "Turtle's fight with honor!" The turtles started fighting just like their other selves causing more damage then how they were used to fighting. After destroying some robots with his swords, Leonardo gasped, "Wow! That was violent!"

"Feels good, doesn't it?" Rainbow asked, as she was using her speed to run around Foot Bots destroying them.

"It's got my heart pumping." Donatello admitted.

Shredder just stood around laughing regardless of how the fight was going, until Karai dropped in, "Shredder, you're not getting away from me this time!"

Shredder looked at Karai oddly, "What're you talking about, girl? I don't even know you." Karai fought Shredder and easily knocked him to the ground.

"Stand and fight, Shredder!" she ordered.

"I will not fight a girl!" he answered.

The Rainbooms overhearing that felt insulted, "What's the matter afraid you'll lose?" Rainbow mocked him.

"No! I just feel like I shouldn't have to dirty my hands," Shredder answered, "Foot, get rid of her!" he muttered to himself, "She's a bit too tough."

As the ninjas fought, Rocksteady was charging right for Casey, "Casey, look out!" April cried.

Casey saw Rocksteady was about to ram him, until Keno tackled him away. Rocksteady's horn ended up piercing right through a tanker truck of chlorosulfonic acid. When he pulled his horn out, some acid started pouring out of the truck. Bebop seeing this fired an energy mohawk at the tanker.

"Everyone, clear out!" Leo called, as they took cover, as the tanker truck exploded. Shredder rolled in atop a tank, with Bebop and Rocksteady catching a ride, "We got the chip. Let's bounce, yo!" Bebop called.

The tanker rolled down the street, "We can still catch them!" Raph called, as he Leo, Fugitoid, and Sunset ran after them, but the tank unleashed propellers to fly away.

"They're getting away!" Sunset gasped.

"Ta-ta Terrapins!" Shredder mocked, as they flew off into the night sky. The four sighed at their failure.

They regrouped on top of a roof, as Donatello spoke, "After all that and they got the chip."

"Yeah, and we almost had them." Pinkie pouted.

"What now, dudes?" Michelangelo asked.

Leo answered, "We're going to stop those four morons once and for all."

"That's right." Twilight agreed.

"We're with you guys all the way." Leonardo agreed.

Raph spoke to the other turtles, "You four stepped up big time."

"Ya really made us proud." Applejack agreed.

"But you could still use some more training." Rainbow put in.

"How're we going to get that chip, anyway?" Karai asked.

"Yeah. Where'd they even go?" Sonata asked curiously.

"Back to their Technodrome." Fugitoid answered.

"No sweat. We already know where it is." Mikey said.

"We totally got this!" Pinkie added, as she and the two Mikey's high fived, "Cowabunga/Booyakasha!"

At the Technodrome, Krang inserted the microchip into a slot on the control board, "There. Now we only need one last element to power up the ship. Kraang Crystals! They will allow us to power up the Technodrome to one hundred percent capacity. And then I will unleash my ultimate plan."

Rocksteady answered, "The turtles and Rainbooms will come for our zhopas!" everyone looked at him oddly, before he continued, "That means, butts."

"Yeah, boss-man, they know where we are!" Bebop gasped in worry.

"Not anymore! Unleash the drill!" Shredder ordered. A drill came out from the bottom of the Technodrome and started drilling a hole below them. As it drilled the Technodrome started sinking, while Bebop and Rocksteady clung to each other with Bebop squealing in fright.

Suddenly they stopped moving, much to their confusion. The Technodrome had drilled it's way down even further into a cavern deep beneath the earth's crust. Krang spoke to Shredder and his two hench mutants, "There's no way those stupid filthy turtles and those Rainboom girls will find us now!" the two laughed evilly, while Bebop and Rocksteady tried joining them.

Rocksteady spoke to Bebop, "What're we laughing about again?"

"Who cares?" Shredder answered, as he and Krang continued to laugh evilly for no apparent reason.

Author's Note:

Hope you all liked it. What I didn't like about the original episode was Casey getting injured and had to pull out from the plot. And Karai and Shini just up and vanished even though they were still in the game. But in my take all three of them are seeing this thing through.

And for those who've seen this episode and recalled how Rocksteady and Bebop infiltrated the EPF warehouse vault, could've spotted some 80s Easter Eggs from other pop culture of that year. Such as Freddy Krueger's hat and glove from A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987), Geordi's visor from Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987), a Teddy Ruxpin teddy bear from The Adventures of Teddy Ruxpin (1987), Robocop's helmet from Robocop. For an added bonus I was requested to add an old My Little Pony toy from the first generation series into the vault.