• Published 25th Mar 2018
  • 872 Views, 11 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - A Flutter of the Heart. - Rixizu

A Galaxy Ranger story. Fluttershy realizes she has feeling for Trixie, the leader of the Galaxy Rangers and wants to confess how she feels. If only things were that simple...

  • ...

Chapter 4

A Flutter of the Heart
Chapter 4
by Rixizu

Fluttershy’s mouth stood agape. Moondancer is a spy for Vicereine Puissance! Oh, no! What should I do? This is terrible, horrible! Poor Trixie! I have to warn her!

Fluttershy took deep breaths to calm down. Panicking would help nopony. Her eyes widened in fright as Puissance moved to look in her direction, she quickly ducked to avoid being seen.

“Well!” Moondancer said getting into her boss’s face. “How long?”

"Hmm," Puissance said distractedly before looking back at Moondancer, "as long as it is required obviously."

Moondancer gritted her teeth. "Do you have any idea what is like to work under that mare?" She spat the last word.

Puissance gave a cruel smile. “If you aren’t up to it, somepony else could always do your job.”

"I'll do the job," Moondancer replied, "I'm a professional. I do as I am told."

“Then quit whining already.”

Moondancer’s eye twitched, but she bit back a reply. “What are you doing here, anyway?”

“Not that it is any of your business, but I have matters I need to discuss with Representative Lulamoon. She doesn’t appear to be home. Pity.”

Moondancer raised an eyebrow. "And you came in person to this small no-name dirtball?"

“What is this? Twenty questions? I don’t have to explain myself to you.”

Moondancer growled under her breath but again bit back another angry retort.

"Just tell Lulamoon I want to see her as soon as possible," Puissance said, "you can handle that right?"

“Yes.” Moondancer’s voice was tight.

“That’s a good girl,” Puissance replied. Fluttershy wasn’t sure it was possible for somepony to be more condescending. Puissance whistled and a golden chariot piloted by two pegasi in neat green suits flew from the sky. The old mare entered it and Fluttershy scrambled out of sight as the old mare flew her away, and with that, she disappeared into town.

Fluttershy laid there on the roof trying to calm her breathing. Moondancer is a spy for Puissance. What was she to do? The thought of confronting Trixie again after what happened in Sugarcube Corner hurt. It was too soon, and the wounds were too raw, but she needed to do something. Trixie was counting on her. Who knew what does two were up to? It was too dangerous for Trixie not to know about this.

I need to this, for Trixie’s sake. She closed her eyes and swallowed the pain. No matter how much it hurts.

Would Trixie even believe her? Moondancer was her assistant. She's just some random mare with a crush. Fluttershy stomped her hoof off the ground. She would make Trixie understand the truth even if it killed her.


It took a painfully long time for Trixie to get back home. It was almost dark by the time she arrived. Fluttershy spent the entire time hiding in a bush not wanting to hunt all over town again to find the mare. Still, it wasn’t all a waste. She’d had a nice conversation with some bunnies that hopped her way and later when some worms crawled out of the ground.

I really need to stop hiding in bushes and spying on ponies. Fluttershy thought. It might send a bad message about me.

It relieved Fluttershy to see that Trixie was in high spirits. Twi’s apology must have gone over well. In fact, there was a slight wobble in Trixie's step. Did the two go out drinking?

"Oh, you’re back," Moondancer said as she exited Trixie's house. "Where have you been? You still have all this paperwork that needs your stamp of approval."

"Just out for a few drinks," Trixie said. Her voice was steady, but a little slurred. "Not enough to get wasted sadly. I got too much responsibility." She looked downtrodden as she said this.

“I’m sure you do.” Moondancer did little to hide her sarcasm.

"Don't know when some random crisis will strike," Trixie said not noticing Moondancer's tone. "did anything happen when I was out?"

“Vicereine Puissance asked to meet with you," Moondancer replied her face impassive.

Trixie cursed. “She didn’t happen to have a retinue of thugs with her did she?”

“Not as far as I could tell.”

Trixie sighed. “This can’t be anything good. I didn’t drink nearly enough to deal with that old harpy. Fine, I’ll see what she wants in the morning.”

“Very good ma’am.”

"Oh, and by the way," Trixie said almost off hoovedly, "I'm letting you go."

Moondancer spluttered and stared in shock. “What?”

What? What is going on? Fluttershy stared at the scene stunned.

“I’ve been thinking this over, but sorry I'm just not feeling it," Trixie said nonplussed, "I don't think it’s working out."

“But I do everything you say! To the word!” Moondancer cried out in outrage.

“True.” Trixie nodded. “That is why I will recommend you to the princess’s secretary. I’m sure she will be able to find you a position better suited to your talents.“ As if the situation was concluded, she trotted to her house.

“You can’t fire me!” Moondancer spat the words and glared.

"Uh, yes I can," Trixie said, "I'm your boss."

“I’ve done everything you’ve said.” Moondancer was yelling now repeating her point. “Everything! To the letter!”

"Yes, and that is why I am helping you get a better job," Trixie said this like she was talking to a small foal.

“You can’t do this to me! Not after everything!”

“Just go.”

Moondancer let out an ear piercing scream of rage. “You and everything you love will burn for this! Burn!” With that, she stomped off.

“You aren’t exactly helping your case!” Trixie yelled back. “Dear Luna. No wonder I had some bad feelings about her. Some ponies!”

That was not what Fluttershy expected. I should’ve known things would’ve worked themselves out. Still, that Moondancer mare frightened her. That explosion of anger was something else.

It doesn’t matter. Moondancer had left and was no longer a problem. She thought about warning Trixie about her ex-assistant being a spy but decided against it. It could wait. She had no desire to confront Trixie at the moment.


“So, why do you want to see me?” Trixie asked eying her guest warily.

Vicereine Puissance was sitting on the chair in front of Trixie’s desk posed and elegant as she sipped her tea. Trixie couldn’t help looking around the room expecting goons to jump out at her at any moment. Her guest, on the other hoof, remained calm and unperturbed. As usual, there was an air of smug satisfaction to her. "I have a project I want to propose," she said, "it is one that would bring more traffic to this little town of yours."

“Go on.”

“I want to restore the Castle of the Two Sisters,” Puissance replied. Trixie gapped at her.

“Really?” she said not believing her own ears.

Puissance smirked. “The castle is an important piece of Equestrian history. You can see the benefits this would provide to Ponyville. The tourism alone would boost the town’s economy greatly. It will become much more than a little farming town in the middle of nowhere.”

“But, how?” Trixie asked. “It’s in the middle of a deadly forest full of timber wolves, sirens, zomponies, giant spiders, manticores, and who knows what else."

Puissance raised an eyebrow at the mention of zomponies, but stood up straight and proud. “We are ponies. A superior indomitable species that can and will overcome anything. I will enjoy bending the Everfree to my will.”

Dear Luna, she is serious. Trixie had heard of Vicereine Puissance’s ambition and guts, but never dreamed it could go this far. She felt a tiny bit of admiration for the old hag.

"Okay, I don’t see why not," Trixie said, "I will bring this to Mayor Rich and the town council at the meeting today.”

Filthy Rich was the one that took Mayor Mare's job after it turned out that she was super corrupt and tried to frame Trixie for her various crimes. So far Trixie liked the new arrangement. They got along well and he had a good head for the job.

At least today’s meeting won’t be as boring as the others. She already had enough talk of zoning to last several lifetimes.

Puissance inclined her head. “Inform Mayor Rich I wish to speak with him as soon as he is able. I plan to be in town for a few days and want to speak to the town council myself. ”

Trixie gave a grunt of acknowledgment. Puissance stood deciding the meeting is over and started for the door.

“One question.” Puissance froze at the door her hoof of the handle. “What exactly do you get out of this?” Trixie said with suspicion. Puissance had to have other motives. She wouldn’t help a small town or anypony out of the goodness of her own heart.

Puissance chuckled. “At least you are putting some thought into this. There might be hope for you yet. The Night Court needs this.”

“What do you mean?”

“Thanks to those buffoons Night Light and Greengrass, any goodwill the public has towards the Night Court has evaporated. Its public approval rating is the lowest I've ever seen. I will not stand for it.”

And considering you’re like a thousand years old, that’s an impressive feat.

“This project will be the first step to help improve our relations with the public. I wish to prove not all Night Court members are corrupt and self-serving. I plan to pay for everything in this project. It will be an impressive act of generosity and it will help poor little Ponyville.” From the sound of her voice, it didn’t sound like Puissance cared about Ponyville at all.

“And I personally plan to help Princess Luna crack down on the corruption of the Night Court.” Puissance continued.

Trixie stared at the Vicereine like she grew a second head. “What?”

“Alas, I have become derelict in my duty in protecting the Night Court from its more unsavory members. A mistake I plan to make amends for.”

"I bet." Trixie didn't hide her sarcasm. Of course, she would do this. She saw an opportunity to boost her popularity and planned to take advantage of it for everything it was worth. Never mind the fact Puissance was probably the most corrupt of them all. Even though it was never proved for sure that she was behind Dinky’s foalnapping a few months ago by a bunch of mob goons, Trixie knew for sure she was guilty as sin.

“Besides, when Princess Celestia proposed the project to me, it intrigued me.”

Trixie’s heart dropped. “Corona?”

Oh crap, she’s involved with this? I should’ve known.

Puissance nodded. “Restoring a castle to its former glory is an exciting prospect. A challenging project like this exactly what I need at my age. Opportunities like this are rare and I plan to conquer it. Like everything else.”

A chill went down Trixie's spine and she wasn’t sure why. The look Puissance gave unsettled her to the core and Trixie fought back a shutter. Puissance left without saying another word.


"No, I'm fine Angel," Fluttershy said slumped over her couch. Her pet bunny patted her on the back and she gave him a grateful smile.

Trixie’s rejection hurt more than she expected. She didn’t have much energy to do anything. Just thinking about the mare made her heart ache. Angel did his best to cheer her up, but he could only do so much to get her out this depressed slump.

Trixie, why do you have to be the way you are?

It turns out she didn’t know Trixie as well as she thought now that the dust had settled and the evil of Moondancer gone. Their entire conversion in Sugarcube Corner played through her mind in an endless loop. Trixie was a caring loving mare but didn't think through her actions. Why did Trixie have to be such an idiot when it comes to love? Trixie just had to say the most stupid and hurtful thing possible. A wave of self-loathing and bitterness flooded over Fluttershy.

This is what I get for reaching out to other ponies I guess.

Angel patted her on the hoof and promised to make her some tea and she gave the little bunny a grateful smile and he bounced away. She wondered if it would ever stop hurting. Fluttershy slapped herself on the face.

Get a hold of yourself Fluttershy. Don’t let Trixie get you down.

She winced when she realized that she still had business with Trixie. She still needed to tell the Red Ranger about Moondancer being a spy for Vicereine Puissance and who knew what that old Viper was up to. That old hag was without a doubt the most dangerous member of the Night Court. Her aunt told her many scary stories about the mare. Still, she was not looking forward to confronting Trixie.

Does Trixie even feel guilty about what she did I wonder?

Fluttershy told herself enough with the pity party and angst. She looked herself in a nearby mirror.

You can do this Fluttershy, now get out there and confront that Trixie!


"So, what can I do you for?" Trixie asked. "Would you like some tea? I'm not the best at making it though. Moondancer had to be let go, so it’s just me doing everything." She laughed, and it was obvious how forced it was. Fluttershy got a distinct impression that the mare didn’t want to be here.

An awkward silence passed between the two of them. It stretched for forever and neither wanted to start the conversation. Trixie fidgeted in her seat and tried her best not to look at her.

Come on, say something, pleaded Fluttershy internally But Trixie continued to say nothing, and the silence continued.

After what seemed like a long agonizing hour, Fluttershy forced herself to say something, anything to get this conversation going.

“Birdsong sure is pretty isn’t it?” Fluttershy blurted and pointed to some robins singing on a nearby tree.

"They sure are," Trixie replied, but didn't elaborate and said nothing else afterward.

Fluttershy wanted to put her face in her hooves. What kind of conversation starter was that? Now nopony was saying anything again.

After several more agonizing minutes, Trixie found her voice. “Look, I, well, I’m sorry.” She had a pained expression on her face. "I'm a dumb mare," Trixie said continuing, "I shouldn't have said those things. It's like whenever love comes up; my mouth automatically says stupid crap. I didn't mean to hurt you. Never. You're a sweet pony and a thousand times better a pony than me."

Fluttershy could tell the apology was genuine. In fact, Trixie looked almost to the point of breaking into tears. Fluttershy’s heart went out to the mare.

"I forgive you," Fluttershy said. Her voice was quiet but strong and resolute.

"Thanks," Trixie replied a weak smile on her face, "we can still be friends right?"

“Absolutely.” Fluttershy nodded.

Again, this reminded Fluttershy why she loved this mare so much. There was something cute about her vulnerability. It reminded her that, despite being a beautiful, cool, and powerful superhero, Trixie was still just a pony. Fluttershy stared into the Red Ranger deep violet eyes and blushed.

Darn it Fluttershy, you’re supposed to get over your feelings for Trixie. Why does the heart have to be so complicated? Try as she might, she couldn’t fight back the love she had for the mare. She looked at Trixie’s lip and fought back the urge to kiss her.

No, bad Fluttershy. That would just mess things up.

Maybe if she stayed friends with Trixie, someday the mare might develop feelings for her. It was possible. Hope bloomed in Fluttershy’s heart. Her romance with Trixie might not be doomed after all. It was a silly desperate thought and it might not even happen, but Fluttershy didn’t want to deny it.


Fluttershy’s heart soared as she left Trixie's house and headed back home. As usual, they had a wonderful chat. She coerced Trixie into revealing some of her foalhood adventures with Elle her toy elephant. As expected, the two got into all sorts of mischief much to the princess’s exasperation. There was this one time Luna guilt tripped Trixie into behaving by making her think she almost started an all-out war with the Zebras with a prank she pulled on the Zebra ambassador. Or at least that was what Trixie claimed. She said she had nightmares for months afterward about it.

It warmed her heart to know how comfortable Trixie was opening herself up to her. Fluttershy wasn’t sure why, but Trixie liked confiding to her and relaxed around her. Maybe it was because Fluttershy would never judge her? Regardless, Trixie valued her as a friend despite not knowing her long.

Fluttershy blushed. Maybe just maybe one day Trixie would open her heart to her. Deep down, Trixie was a lonely pony that wasn’t good with other ponies and needed somepony like her to stand by her side and comfort her. And what was a better treatment for a wounded heart than love?

Fluttershy hummed to herself one of her favorite songs as she approached her house. She froze when realized something. She forgot to tell Trixie about Moondancer being a spy! How could that slip her mind?

Stupid Fluttershy forgetting the most important thing Trixie needed to know.

“I’m glad you didn’t tell Trixie about me, it makes this so much easier.” A voice said behind her.

Fluttershy shrieked and turned around. Behind her with an evil grin on her face was Moondancer.

“W-what are you doing here?” Fluttershy’s voice shook as she spoke.

Moondancer’s grin widened. “You’re exactly what the boss needed to get back at that Corona cursed mare Trixie.”

Fluttershy backed away trying to any to escape. Moondancer seemed to loom over her and her face transformed into something grotesque. It was hard to describe. Her eyes were wider and her face shaped differently somehow. The eye color was the most unsettling thing of all. They were two different colors. One a sickly orange and other was a bright purple. What was this thing? She needed to get away and warn Trixie. She had to get to safety.

Fluttershy beat her wings with everything she had in her desperation to escape. To her, she didn’t seem to move. Moondancer seemed more amused at Fluttershy’s attempts to escape than worried. If only she wasn't such a pathetic flier. She wasn’t ever far off the ground when a bolt from Moondancer's horn hit her. Every muscle in her body stiffened and she fell to the ground like a statue. Try as she might, it was impossible to move a single inch and her eyes darted back and forth looking for someway anyway for her to escape.

“Yes, you are exactly what I need to make sure Trixie pays.” Moondancer’s voice said seething with hatred. “And she will pay that I guarantee you.”