• Published 25th Mar 2018
  • 872 Views, 11 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - A Flutter of the Heart. - Rixizu

A Galaxy Ranger story. Fluttershy realizes she has feeling for Trixie, the leader of the Galaxy Rangers and wants to confess how she feels. If only things were that simple...

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Chapter 3

A Flutter of the Heart
Chapter 3
by Rixizu

Fluttershy walked up to the mirror and took in a deep breath. She read the book again making sure she was doing the instructions correctly and straightened her posture making it more confident and self-assured. She wasn't going to just confess her feelings; she would announce her feelings to the world with the ferocity not of a lion, but of a dragon. No, on second thought, Fluttershy liked the lion analogy better. Lions were cute. Dragons were something not even to be considered.

Sure enough, the Fluttershy looking back at her seemed like a completely different pony. This pony took charge of her destiny and didn’t care what other ponies thought of her. She backed down from nothing and made herself the master of all aspects of her life. This pony wouldn’t shy away from telling the most special pony in her life how she felt.

She deflated and sighed. It was one thing to talk big about becoming self-assured and confident, and another to make yourself become like that. Self-confidence wasn't a switch you turned on and off at will. Yet, this book told her different.

Well, I might as well go ahead with it. Despite her misgivings, she wanted to at least try. What was the harm, right? And didn’t Twi say this worked for a friend of hers? That had to be proof that this method worked.

Fluttershy spent the next hour screaming at a mirror in her most confident pose how she felt about Trixie and how she wanted her share her life with her. Her voice hurt by the end of the session, but Fluttershy felt more confident. Her doubts melted away replaced with iron and steely resolve. She could do this. No, she had to do this. She wouldn’t let little doubts and fears impede her love.

She smiled. Yes, tomorrow would be the day for sure when she finally confessed to Trixie. Failure was not an option.


The next day Fluttershy woke up nice and early sooner than she usually awoke, but her anxiety made a nice night of sleep impossible. When she got to Trixie’s house, she found the love of her life already awake and guiding her assistant Moondancer as the latter moved several heavy boxes to the trash. The poor dear floated them in her magical aura while Trixie stood in the back doorway doing nothing to help, sipping some orange juice from a straw. Fluttershy hid in a nearby bush to watch. She kept Angel home this time. She wanted to conquer this by herself.

With a pained grunt, Moondancer placed the boxes down near the trash. She almost collapsed from exhaustion. Sweat dripped from her brow and her usual meticulously styled hair was in a tangled mess.

"Moondancer, I want you to carry these three boxes to the trash too," Trixie yelled from the doorway. She grunted in annoyance as she read through some papers in her hooves and threw them into an open box and closed it. “Did Duke Blueblood keep every paper that came his way?” she said. “Half of this box is just old credit card applications he got in the mail. And do these ten boxes too. Junk, all of it.”

Moondancer hissed under her breath and her eye twitched. “Yes, ma’am.”

“Good.” Trixie yawned. “All this work is making me tired. I’m going out for a quick stroll and get myself a quick snack too.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Moondancer’s voice was stained and her eye twitched more violently as Trixie left her sight.

Poor Moondancer, I will have to talk to Trixie about treating her better. Still, this gives me the perfect opportunity to confess my feelings.

“This is great. She’s alone now giving you the perfect opportunity to confess your feelings!” A voice said behind Fluttershy almost giving her a heart attack.

“Twi! What are you doing here?” Fluttershy whispered.

“Well, after I gave you that book, I spent all night thinking about your confession. So, I spent the whole night researching love confessions. Isn’t that great?” It didn’t look like Twi had gotten any sleep last night. She had deep back bags under her eyes behind her thick black glasses. Despite that, she looked eager and full of energy.

Fluttershy opened her mouth to protest Twilight’s appearance but decided against it. It would be mean to turn her friend away after coming all this way to help. And she made excellent moral support.

“Okay. Let’s go.”

They followed Trixie through town as the Red Ranger did mundane errands, but it soon became clear that Trixie was just making excuses to see her friends while trying to not make it obvious. While sweet, this made it difficult to find a good opportunity to be with her alone. Still, Fluttershy refused to be deterred, and she followed behind like a hawk ready to strike at any moment.

Fluttershy was too busy with her task trailing her quarry to notice that their surroundings were becoming familiar. Twi nudged her with an elbow and she took her eyes off of Trixie for a moment. She gave Twilight a questioning gaze and stopped when she noticed they were in front of Fluttershy’s house. Trixie walked up to it and gave the door a rhythmic knock.

Oh my gosh, what could Trixie want with me? What should I do? Should I sneak back into my house and greet her at the door? Or should I walk up to her? Oh, my. So many decisions. So many choices. What if I get it wrong? No silly, you are overthinking this. Walk up to her and ask what she wants, then invite her in and bam you have the perfect chance to confess. Just do what Iron Will told you. Face her like a predator stalking her prey. Trixie will like that approach.

“Are you going?” Twi asked and Fluttershy responded with a nod. “Then get going.”

Fluttershy stomped toward Trixie making every step pound the ground with as much force as she could muster. Well, the truth was it wasn’t all that strong. The mere thought of hurting the grass made her ill, and she might accidentally stomp on some bugs! So it came out more like a gentle trot, but it was good enough.

“What do you want?” Fluttershy made her voice growl and added some huskiness and suggestiveness to it, both imposing but alluring.

“There you are.” Trixie turned around and froze when she saw the look Fluttershy was giving her.

“What do you want?” Fluttershy repeated this time becoming more aggressive showing she wasn’t some little filly that could be walked over. She straightened and loomed over the object of her affection.

“Um, well, I wanted eels, I mean, electric eels for a show, and er. It’s nice to see you Fluttershy, and…” Trixie said babbling nonsense.

“Cat got your tongue, Trixie?” Fluttershy scoffed and flicked her hair. “Whatever, come into my house and we will discuss this.” It was more of a demand than a request that left no room for disagreement.

“And who knows.” Fluttershy flicked her head gave her most seductive look. “You might get something interesting out of it.”

“I gotta go!” Trixie announced and disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

Fluttershy gapped as Trixie galloped at full speed away from her and put her face in her hooves. How could that of go so wrong? She did everything the book instructed her. It promised this assertive attitude would be both dominating and enticing. It didn’t appear to the case. No, it only made Trixie scared of her and the mare fought monsters for a living! She hung her head in shame.

"That's not what I was expecting to happen," Twi said dumbfounded, “I don’t get it. It should’ve worked.”

Well, it didn’t. Fluttershy said in her head angry and frustrated with what happened. She took out Iron Will’s book and glared at it then let out a sigh. It wasn’t the book’s fault she was so incompetent.

“Let’s just get out of here.” Saying nothing else, Fluttershy made her way to her front door.

"Now hold on," Twilight said getting in her way, "we can't give up yet. Let's try one more time."

“What’s the point?” Fluttershy shot back.

“Are you really going to let a small setback stop you?” Twilight asked pleading with every part of her soul. “You love her Fluttershy, and love is about taking risks and putting yourself out there. Are you telling me you’re happy with Trixie not knowing how you feel?”


“Exactly!” Twilight said. “I know you’re scared, but you need to get out there and take charge of your destiny. Fluttershy, you are a much braver pony than you know and have a heart of a lion. Don’t let these setbacks hold back your happiness.”

"Alright," Fluttershy said relenting, "I will try one more time."

“Yes!” Twilight almost jumped from the ground in excitement. “Let’s get out there and track her down.”

One more time. Fluttershy looked at the book by Iron Will. She appreciated what it was trying to do, but she realized it pushed too far and made her too aggressive. She would just have to change its advice somewhat. It obviously wasn’t the type of tactic that would work on somepony like Trixie for whatever reason. She would keep the confidence, but not be so scary. It was worth a try. Reining in her fear and worry, she followed Twi into town.


Fluttershy had no clue how the pink, cute, and funny building of Sugarcube Corner could be so intimidating. It seemed to loom over her in the bright warm cloudless day somehow. Fluttershy shook her head. She was just being silly now. She straightened and walked into the front door. Twilight gave her an encouraging smile, and it warmed her heart and gave her strength. Their quarry had finally stopped to rest and Fluttershy wasn't going to give up this chance.

You can do this Fluttershy!

She gasped when she saw the interior of the building. She had heard about it being remodeled after a monster attack, but she hadn't imagined this. The bakery had a built-in gym now with exercising equipment, a dojo, and even a pool. A pool! Who had ever heard of a bakery with a pool? She wondered how the heck they got the money to pay for all of this. Was the insurance money that good? She put aside her thoughts, for now, she looked for Trixie.

Trixie sat at a table eating a cupcake with her dutiful assistant Moondancer standing nearby. Fluttershy brightened. What a perfect opportunity to have a one-on-one chat with her crush. She approached carefully and quietly to not startle Trixie. Twi gave her a reassuring smile and Fluttershy pushed on. Neither Moondancer nor Trixie noticed her as she approached.

“Um, Trixie, I was wondering if we might have a chat.” Fluttershy’s unexpected appearance made Trixie jump. She gave Fluttershy a nervous look like she might attack at any moment.

"I guess," Trixie said her voice uneasy and worried.

"Alone," Fluttershy said.

“Okay. Moondancer, could you, I don’t know, clean the chimney in my house, please? Yeah, that's it! I've been putting it off, and why not? This is the perfect time to do it. It’s a nice day.”

“What?” Moondancer exclaimed and glared at her boss. She composed herself, clinched her teeth, and nodded though not happy one bit. “Yes, ma’am.” She left them alone.

“Trixie, I'm sorry for the way I acted," Fluttershy said looking down ashamed, "I didn't mean to scare you."

Trixie looked at her surprised. “It’s alright. You just started me.”

“I was trying to be more assertive. It, um, didn’t work out that well.”

Trixie thought about this. "It wasn't a horrible attempt. Just don't look like you're about to bite somepony's head off."

They laughed at this and Fluttershy felt better. She was glad to learn Trixie wasn’t mad or angry at her.

“Truth be told, I was trying to become braver to tell you something important.” Fluttershy thought about Iron Will’s book again and how it told her to be bold and loudly declare how she felt and she planned to do just that.

Trixie eyed her curious. “Like what?”

"Trixie, I…" Fluttershy froze as she stared at Trixie beautiful violet eyes. “I really like you.”

Trixie’s head tilted. “Okay? I like you too.”

Fluttershy blinked her hopes rising like a wave. “Really?”

“Sure, you’re pretty cool.”

“I don’t know what to say.” Fluttershy blushed. Her heart soared to heights she didn’t believe were possible.

“I don’t know why you had to go to all this trouble just to ask if I wanted to be your friend. Aren’t we already?”

Oh crap, she misunderstood what I meant.

“Um, that’s not quite what I meant.”

“What then? Please tell you’re not going to tell me you’re in love with me or something? You know I don’t care about that nonsense.”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened in shock and horror. She tried her best to control her racing heart. “You don’t.” She said weakly.

Trixie snorted. "Of course not. Who do you think I am, Lyra? I couldn't care less about that loovy doovy nonsense. I am perfectly happy with where I am. Besides, love is just dumb.”

“I see. It’s a good thing that wasn’t what I wanted to say at all.” Fluttershy said, sagging in her seat.

Trixie wiped her brow. “Phew, that’s a relief. I was worried for a second that love letter I got was from you. I really didn’t want to tell you I wasn’t interested. That would just be awkward.”

Trixie waved at Pinkie at the counter. “Can I get another cupcake? Oh, do you want anything?”

“Sure.” Fluttershy had to force the words out. “A normal one would be fine.”

Trixie nodded and repeated their order. “Okay, so what did you want to tell me then?”

Fluttershy’s mind raced on how to cover this. A confession of love was out of the question. She wanted to break down and cry, but not in front of Trixie. Anything but that.

"I, um, well I was wondering if you would like to go on weekly spa dates? I, um, had fun hanging with you and it would be nice to have a weekly time for us to meet up.

Trixie brightened. “Oh, so that is what this is about? Sure, I would like that. I can’t tell you how much I need a need a weekly spa session. Things get so stressful around the office and this Corona reform nonsense isn’t helping.”

“Yes, how wonderful.” Fluttershy’s voice sounded hollow to her ears, empty of any emotion. Her conversation with Trixie was dull and muted. She just nodded to everything said to her too depressed to pick up anything that was being said to her. Fluttershy gave her goodbyes and left, or at least she thought she did.

“How did it go?” Twilight asked as she left Sugarcube Corner.

Fluttershy muttered something inaudible. Tears gathered at the edge of her eyes. She felt the sudden compulsion to give Twi a hug and cry in her chest. The sudden embrace surprised Twi, but she softened and stroked Fluttershy’s hair and whispered comfort at her.

“It’ll be alright.” Twilight soothed. They stayed like that for several minutes. Fluttershy took comfort from her friend’s embrace and felt not as horrible as before.

“What happened in there?” Twilight scowled. “You would think Trixie would have put your confession down with at least a little finesse. I am going to give that mare a piece of my mind. She shouldn’t have treated you like that.”

Twilight let go of Fluttershy. “Wait here.” She stomped towards the entrance of Sugarcube Corner.

Fluttershy realized that Twilight was about to do and cried out for her to stop, but it fell on deaf ears.


"Oh hey, Twilight." Trixie grinned as her friend approached. "Hows…" Whatever Trixie was about to say was lost after Twilight slapped her in the face. She flew off her seat and crashed into an empty table behind her, snapping it in two. Nearby ponies screamed in shock and backed away from the enraged Twilight. Pinkie yelled about no fighting in Sugarcube Corner.

“How dare you do that to Fluttershy?” Twilight’s voice roared in outrage. “You are such an insensitive jerk you know that? Do you have any idea just how much you meant to Fluttershy?”

Trixie winced and rubbed at her jaw. She looked at her attacker in complete confusion. “What?” She eeped and ran behind a nearby table getting some distance away from her attacker.

“Poor Flutters tried so hard to confess to you. She put her heart into telling you how much you meant to her, how much she loved you. You should be ashamed of yourself!” Twi pointed an accusatory hoof at Trixie.

“Fluttershy, what?” Trixie looked at Twilight baffled.

Fluttershy put her face in her hooves. Of all the ways she wanted Trixie to learn about her feelings, this was not it. Could this day get any worse?

"Let's get out of here Fluttershy," Twilight growled grabbing Fluttershy with her magic before she could protest.

"Hold on a minute," Trixie said trying to get their attention, but Twilight was already out the door.

Twilight grumbled to herself as she stomped through town with Fluttershy floating behind her. “Stupid Trixie. You’re too good for her Fluttershy. She doesn’t deserve you at all.”

“Um, please put me down?” Fluttershy really didn’t like being treated like she was luggage and flying in the air without her wings was disconcerting.

“Oh, sorry.” Twilight floated Fluttershy down to the ground.

“Thanks.” Fluttershy relished having the pavement back under her hooves.

Twilight grabbed Fluttershy by the shoulders. “Don’t worry about Trixie. You didn’t need somepony like her, anyway. There’s always more fish in the sea. Don’t let a jerk like her get you down.”

“Um, well.” Fluttershy had no clue at all how to fix this misunderstanding and worried this might have broken Twi’s friendship with Trixie. She didn’t like what Trixie did, dismissing her feelings like that, but the mare didn’t deserve to lose a friend over it.

Fluttershy tried a different approach. “You didn’t need to hurt her. That wasn’t a good thing you did.”

“Well.” Twilight hesitated. “I hated how she made you cry. Only a total monster would do that.”

Fluttershy resisted putting her face into her hooves again. She hated how everypony and animal treated her like she was a delicate flower that would break at the slightest touch. Even her own parents treated her like that. Yes, Trixie’s rejection hurt, but she was a big filly and could handle her own problems thank you very much.

Do I really appear so weak to everypony?

Maybe she did. Throughout her life, she had always avoided any conflict and tried to appease everypony. She ran away from Canterlot to protect herself from Night Court politics. She hid in her home avoiding ponies. Fluttershy felt like such a coward. But maybe she could change, or at least stop this situation from escalating even further. This needed to be put to a stop right now. She would not let Trixie lose a friend regardless of what happened. She recalled everything from Iron Will’s book she could remember and put forth all the assertiveness she could muster.

“Hitting Trixie like that wasn’t right.” Fluttershy’s voice was strong and commanding.

“But she…” Twilight looked at her confused by this sudden confidence.

“No, Trixie didn’t deserve that.” Fluttershy floundered as she tried to come up what would be the best thing to say next. “She did nothing wrong. She rejected me, and I took it a little too hard. That’s all.”

Twilight looked like she wanted to argue, but Fluttershy’s glare made her reconsider. She sighed relenting. “You’re right. I overreacted.”

“You should apologize.” Fluttershy almost exploded in giddiness. This was actually working.

Twilight nodded and looked down in shame. “I’ll do it right away.” She teleported away.

I did it! Fluttershy wanted to jump up and down in the air. Instead, she thrust her hoof into the air. “Yay.” It wasn’t a very loud victory cry, but it did its job.

She still didn’t feel all that great as she walked home. Trixie’s rejection still stung, there was also a sense of accomplishment too and she took pride in how she handled the Twilight situation. She would be okay.

Fluttershy froze as she came to Trixie's house. She saw a very unhappy Moondancer cover in black soot on the roof her perfect coat and mane ruined by black grim. She held a chimney sweep brush in her hooves. Fluttershy turned red at the rather colorful words Trixie’s assistant was using most of which were directed at Trixie.

The poor dear. Fluttershy thought. I should fly up and give her some encouragement.

It surprised Fluttershy that Moondancer was nowhere in sight by the time she flew up there. Confused, she peered down to find any sign of the mare. She brightened when she saw Moondancer in the backyard.

Moondancer let out another curse as she violently opening a tool shack and threw her brush inside. Fluttershy was about to fly down and met her, but a familiar voice froze her in her tracks. No, it couldn’t be. Not her again. Fluttershy’s blood turned ice cold.

“Having a bad day?” An elderly mare took in Moondancer’s dishevelment with private amusement and a cruel smile tugged at end of her mouth.

“Shove it Puissance," Moondancer growled turning to face the mare, "how much longer do you expect me to play spy for you?”