• Published 25th Mar 2018
  • 874 Views, 11 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - A Flutter of the Heart. - Rixizu

A Galaxy Ranger story. Fluttershy realizes she has feeling for Trixie, the leader of the Galaxy Rangers and wants to confess how she feels. If only things were that simple...

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Chapter 1

A Flutter of the Heart
Chapter 1
by Rixizu

Fluttershy hummed to herself as she walked home from the market carrying her groceries. She made sure to avoid any puddles that came across her path on the road and get mud on herself. They had a tremendously scary storm last night and signs of it were everywhere. She frowned when she spotted a poor tree the wind had broken almost in two. Still, she knew it would become home to many animals, so it wasn’t a waste of life. That’s what she liked about nature, it had a balance and good things could come from bad ones.

She remembered how much Mr. and Ms. Gopher complained about their home getting flooded the poor dears. Thank Luna, they had found refuge in her house last night. Oh, why must the weather ponies insist on creating such big storms? They create such problems for everypony and animal.

Fluttershy jumped when she heard somepony yowl. She looked around worried. That scream sounded painful. She didn’t like being around ponies all that much, but she couldn’t ignore a hurt pony in need. It didn’t take her long to find the pony in question. It was Trixie of all ponies!

“What the hey?” Trixie said groaning. She laid flat on her face in the road with her red cape draped over her.

“Oh my gosh Trixie, are you okay?” Fluttershy asked rushing to her aid.

“I’m fine.” Trixie got to her hooves and dusted herself off picking her hat from the ground and putting it back on.

Fluttershy let out a sigh of relief. She would hate to see anything bad happen to Trixie. She had a bad scrape on the middle of her head and it bled a little down her face. Not serious, but still painful looking.

"Stupid crack," Trixie grumbled, "what the hay are you doing in the middle of the road?"

"Let me help you with that," Fluttershy said. She pulled out an antiseptic wipe from her saddlebags. She always kept basic first aid with her in case something like this happened.

“I’m fine.” Trixie waved the wipe away.

"Okay," Fluttershy said looking down. She'd been looking forward to treating the mare. Well, she supposed it was just a scrape and nothing to worry about.

“Carrot Top!” Trixie yelled. Work ponies could be seen all over the carrot farmer’s house doing various tasks working on the final touches of the building.

Fluttershy didn't have all the details, but according to the news, some bad ponies from the Night Court destroyed it. She shivered. It was scary to think of those beasts coming to a small lonely town like Ponyville. It made her a little nervous to the honest. She came to Ponyville in the first place to get away from them believing the town too small and insignificant to gain their notice. Still, it was nice to see their misdeeds undone for once. The workers were being loud, but Trixie had impressive lungs and could be heard over the racket.

“Trixie?” Carrot Top asked coming around the other side of her house. Her eyes widened when she saw the nasty scrape on her friend's head. “Are you okay?”

"Just some stupid random large crack in the middle of the road," Trixie replied, "I will have to get a work order to get it filled in."

Carrot Top let out a nervous laugh. “Yes, you probably should.”

“That doesn’t matter!” Trixie said. “Something terrible just happened!”

Fluttershy and Carrot Top’s eyes widened at this news. They listened with rapt attention for what the mare would say next.

“Corona’s reformed!” Trixie proclaimed.

Carrot Top blinked. “What?”

“I know! Isn’t it horrible?” Trixie replied.

“Um, yes?” Fluttershy had no clue what Trixie was talking about.

"How about you start from the beginning?" Carrot Top as Trixie explained her trip to the moon and how they came across Corona's castle. She told just what she thought of Corona's so-called reformation.

“Come on. You can I both know Corona’s up to no good right?” Trixie asked looking at her teammate with hopeful eyes.

Fluttershy felt conflicted. Part of her wanted to accept the princess’s turn of heart, but she knew how cruel and evil some ponies could be. A sudden turn around like that seemed unlikely. Not like her opinion mattered or anything. Why was she even getting involved in this? She stayed silent as Carrot Top took in the Red Ranger’s words. She didn’t want to get in the way.

Carrot Top cursed and kicked a rock away into the grass. “You’re probably right. Ponies like her don’t change.”

“Finally, a pony that sees sense!” Trixie raised her hooves in triumph. “Everypony acts like I’m a paranoid foal who jumps at her own shadow!”

I don’t think that. Fluttershy thought. You’re the smartest pony I know. Well, besides Twi, but you’re almost as smart as her. You were trained by the princess after all.

Carrot Top smirked. “You have overreacted sometimes before.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Trixie waved a dismissive hoof.

“We should at least come up with a plan in case she is lying.” Carrot Top said.

“Great idea!” Trixie looked at the sun calculating the time. “We will have a group meeting at lunch to talk about this.”

Carrot Top nodded. “I’ll be there.”

“If you would excuse me, I still have to get Twilight.” Trixie sighed. “Apparently she’s locked herself in for an experiment and won’t come out.”

Fluttershy smiled. That was so like her friend. Whenever Twi got get her mind on an experiment or project, she let nothing get in her way. She also forgot to take care of necessities. Twi once mentioned in one of her letters a time she focused so hard on a project that she almost went an entire two weeks without food and almost no sleep.

Trixie turned to leave and Fluttershy coughed. Trixie seemed to have forgotten that she was still there. Ponies did that sometimes. She could be in a room, and nopony would even notice her until she spoke up. Sure she didn’t like being around ponies, but it was still annoying.

“Yes?” Trixie asked.

Fluttershy opened her mouth and found she couldn’t speak. She had many things she wanted to say. She was so sorry about what happened in her house a few months ago and wanted to apologize. Vicereine Puissance and her thugs had attacked Trixie and Twi and the only thing Fluttershy could do was run in fear and shame. She’d never forgiven herself for running out on them even if she couldn’t do anything to help. Fluttershy tried and tried to get the words out, but it only came out in an almost inaudible squeak.

Why can’t I say what I want? Fluttershy thought in dismay. She was so hopeless. Trixie shifted from hoof to hoof. Almost three minutes had passed without Fluttershy saying anything and the situation was getting awkward.

Desperate to fix the situation, Fluttershy said the first thing that came to her mouth. “Good luck Trixie.”

"Sure, thanks," Trixie said awkwardly.

She left and Fluttershy looked down in shame. Why did she tense up so much around Trixie? True she was nervous around other ponies, but Trixie was a friend. It made no sense. She wasn’t like this around Twi or Ditzy.

If only I could be as cool and strong as Trixie.

Fluttershy sighed and trotted back home dejected. Her spirits lifted a little when Mr. Bluejay flew up to her to cheer her up and it raised her spirits. She swore next time she would get the nerve to confront Trixie. Next time for sure.


"I'm glad to hear you're doing well Twi," Fluttershy said, "I was so worried after you know what happened."

Twilight sunk in Fluttershy’s couch and sipped her tea. It was so nice to able to have her favorite pen pal over. Twilight had been over at her house at least twice a week since moving to Ponyville. Twi found a nice house to rent on the outskirts of town close to Fluttershy’s house. It gave her enough peace and quiet to do any experiment she might cook up. Fluttershy felt safer knowing a strong pony like Twi was around with all the craziness that been happening in the last few months. They didn't talk about anything in particular as usual. Fluttershy enjoyed having somepony around she could just talk to and not worry about offending them or saying the wrong thing.

“So, how’s Trixie doing lately?” Fluttershy asked with as much casualness as she could. She hadn’t seen Trixie for a few days and wanted to hear how the mare was doing.

Twilight made a vague gesture with her hoof. “The usual. She’s been making all these crazy plans and even I’ve given up trying to make sense of them.”

“What do you mean?”

“Ever since she learned about the possibility of changelings, she made us memorize this crazy passcode to prove we aren't an imposter. Would you believe it involves dancing of all things?"

Fluttershy blinked. “Really?”

“I’m wondering if the stress is getting to her.” Twi hesitated. “Though with Trixie, it’s a little hard to tell.”

“Oh dear.” Fluttershy filled with concern. Poor Trixie.

"And that isn't even the start of it!" Twilight said. "According to Pinkie, she's stocking up supplies in hidden bunkers all over Ponyville and the Everfree Forest!”

“For what?”

“A worst case scenario in case Corona takes over Equestria." Twilight explained. "She wants to make her own resistance group and those supplies will help if they ever need to hide out or launch covert attacks against Corona’s oppression.”

Fluttershy was impressed. Trixie really thought all this through.

“She already has gotten a few recruits.”

“Like who?”

“Trixie said its best nopony knows, and she’s made sure even the other members of her resistance force don’t know everypony involved.” Fluttershy nodded in understanding.

"Corona hasn't even done anything yet and Trixie assumes it's the end of the world!" Twilight threw up her hooves. “Typical Trixie.”

“You don’t think Corona’s up to no good?” Fluttershy asked curious.

Twilight scowled. "I bet she is, but we don't have proof yet. Ditzy says I should and forgive her, but how can I after what she did to me." She regained her composure. "Still, she might be genuine, we will have to wait and see."

"For her sake, it better be genuine," Twilight muttered under her breathe.

"I'm sure Trixie will fix everything," Fluttershy said. That was the Red Ranger's job after all. It was the reason Fluttershy didn't run from Ponyville the moment monsters first attacked the town. She felt safe knowing Trixie worked hard to protect them all.

“That’s what I’m worried about.” Twilight sighed. “She’s been a nervous wreck since Corona made her announcement. That and planning for the big show she’s doing for the opening of Carrot Top’s new house next week. She likes to put a lot of responsibility on herself. ”

An idea hit Fluttershy. Wonderful idea that might solve two problems at once. Fluttershy hated that bird analogy.

“How about we plan a spa date with Trixie?” Fluttershy asked. This way she could help Trixie and get her apology out. It was the perfect plan. Fluttershy loved going to the spa. Lotus Blossom and Aloe knew exactly how to melt her pain and anxieties away. Trixie needed a little getaway and Fluttershy couldn’t come up with a better spot.

“That’s a great idea!” Twilight clapped her hooves together in delight. “How about tomorrow at noon? Trixie probably won’t be busy then.”

“It’s a date.”


Trixie was more than eager to go on a spa date and she met them in front of her house. They caught her in the middle of her giving orders to her new assistant, Moondancer, for several last-minute chores she wanted to be finished. The assistant was a yellowish gray unicorn with a long stylish amaranth mane with purple and violet highlights. She mare had a thin elegant body and moved with a natural grace. She looked more suited to a modeling role than an assistant.

“After you’ve got the paperwork filled out I want you to get takeout for dinner," Trixie said holding a notepad to remind her of tasks that needed doing, "my favorite of course."

“Yes, mam," Moondancer replied, all business.

“Then I want you to pick up some new quills from Quills and Sofas. We’re low on them again, and I better not find out you’ve gotten us a new sofa. The last time Pokey went shopping there, the shopkeeper somehow convinced him to buy one. They have a no return policy. I don’t want another sofa we don’t need.”

“I won’t.”

“Then I want you to talk to Mayor Rich about my new proposal.” Trixie continued. “And tell him I’m serious about banning pranks in town. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie have gone too far this time and something needs to be done!”

Fluttershy gasped. “Oh my, did something happen?”

“I found my bed perched on top of a cloud a few days ago and almost drowned when I fell into the lake after I rolled off it in my sleep! And guess who giggled when I finally surfaced? Those two.” Trixie said those last few words dripping with venom. “Some greatest fan.”

Fluttershy decided she would have a long talk with her oldest friend about this. What she did was not nice and Trixie didn't deserve it one bit.

“Anyway, I also want you clear out the basement.” Trixie continued. “Find a good place to put the boxes. Just make sure they are out the way. Do an inventory of what’s in them. I’ll figure out what to throw later. Most of that stuff is junk, anyway.”

“You’re doing something with your basement?” Twilight asked.

Trixie shrugged. “Not sure yet. I’ve been meaning to do it for a while.”

Moondancer sighed, not sounding happy at all having to do this truckload of work. “I will have it done right away.”

“If you would excuse me, I have a relaxing date at the spa!” Trixie proclaimed and turned towards her friends. “Shall we get going? I can’t tell you much I need this. My neck has been bothering me for days.”

Moondancer scowled and her right eye twitched, but she did as instructed and entered Trixie’s house saying nothing. The group made their way towards the spa.

"That wasn't nice of you," Twilight said.

"That’s why I pay her," Trixie replied, "it’s her job after all. It's not like I don't give her days off. She's got plenty of time to go to the spa on her own time."

“I guess.” Twilight relented.

"I almost never get a day off," Trixie said, "if it's not training or my Night Court duties, it’s dealing with one crazy crisis or another. She’s lucky!”

"I don't think she sees it that way," Twilight replied.

"She'll get over it," Trixie said, "she hasn't complained once." She sounded disappointed for some reason.

“It sounds like you want her to complain," Fluttershy said surprised.

“Whenever I gave Pokey a ridiculous task, he would always complain about it and make snide comments.” Trixie made a wistful look. “Those were the days.” She seemed to fold into herself.

Fluttershy exchanged a look with Twilight. Her heart went out to the mare for her fallen friend. She tried to think of anything to raise Trixie’s spirits. “I’m sure she’ll soon start complaining and you’ll be bickering in no time!”

“Right!” Twilight said in a little too high tone. “I’m sure it won’t be long until she bites your head off and starts calling you the worst boss ever!” She made an awkward smile.

“Maybe.” Trixie sighed. “It just isn’t the same.”

“Here we are!” Twilight proclaimed trying to change the subject.” We’ll be relaxing in no time!” She laughed and stopped when she noticed nopony laughed with her and rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment.

They entered the spa and thankfully only Lotus Blossom and Aloe were there to greet them. Fluttershy was worried the spa might be packed with ponies. Even with Trixie and Twilight there, she wasn't sure she could deal with that.

“Twilight!” Aloe greeted. “So good to see you again! And I see you’ve brought some friends!”

The sisters’ smile was warming and benevolent. It put her at ease and Fluttershy already felt her fears and worries melt away.

"The full treatment please," Trixie said, "for all of us."

“Right away Miss Lulamoon!” Lotus said. Trixie flinched of their use of her last name. According to Twilight, Trixie hated her last name and got really annoyed when anypony addressed her by it.

"Just Trixie please," Trixie said, "no need to be so formal." She forced a smile fighting back a scowl.

“Of course Trixie!” Lotus replied. “How silly of me. Right this way.”


“Ah yes!” Trixie moaned as she dropped herself into the hot tub. “I so needed this!” She relaxed against the edge and closed her eyes.

“Nopony or thing trying to kill me. No disaster I need I solve.” Trixie let out a sigh. “This is the life!”

Twilight giggled. “We haven’t even gotten started yet.”

“I can’t wait!” Trixie replied. “I am so glad you talked me into this.”

Fluttershy beamed proud of herself for coming up with the idea and sat next to Trixie. She was surprised how hot she felt suddenly. She looked at Trixie and gasped when she noticed how close she was to the mare almost to the point of holding hooves. Fluttershy blushed and scooted away and thanked Luna Trixie didn’t notice this.

Stupid Fluttershy. What were you thinking? She berated herself for invading Trixie’s personal space. There’s a huge tub and you pick the spot right next to another pony. You’re being so rude. She didn’t understand it. It was so not like her at all. She hated being near ponies ever since she was little.

“Move aside Fluttershy.” Twilight flopped into the water right next to her and Fluttershy was forced to sit right next to Trixie again. The pegasus broke out into a luminescent blush again.

Is the water too hot? Fluttershy thought. It feels like I’m burning up.

Somehow her face burned even hotter when she accidentally brushed a wing against Trixie’s leg.

What is wrong with you today? Still, Fluttershy had to admit she liked being close to Trixie. It was nice.

After a nice relaxing soak in the tub, they dried off and moved on to the massage. A large white pegasus with bulging muscles and a blonde Mohawk with terrifying red eyes greeted them as Aloe led them into the room. He loomed over them almost three times her size and she fell to the ground in fright. This pony would give them their massage?!

“Greetings!” The white pegasi yelled at the top of his lungs. “I will be giving your massage for today! Yeah!”

Fluttershy winced at the loud sound and covered her ears. It didn’t seem possible this pony could get even scarier. Nope. She would not do this. This pony was too terrifying! Before she made any move to escape, Trixie did something unexpected. Not intimidated even a little, she plopped on one of the message tables exposing her back to the Pegasus. Fluttershy gapped. Did this pony have no fear?

"I didn't realize you worked here Snowflake," Trixie said with the utmost casualness.

“It's my part-time job!" Snowflake replied again speaking far too loud for Fluttershy’s liking. “I’m trying to save up so I can afford special flying classes so I can attend the Wonderbolt Academy!"

Fluttershy stared and blinked in utter disbelief. The Wonderbolt Academy? With wings that tiny?

“Really?” Trixie said in wonder and smiled. “Good for you!”

Snowflake smiled down at Trixie. “Thank you!”

"Well come on," Twilight said urging Fluttershy on toward the tables.

“I don’t know.” Despite how friendly this giant pegasus seemed, Fluttershy still had reservations.

“This guy?” Trixie laughed. “There’s nothing to worry about. He wouldn’t hurt a fly! He’s a real softy at heart. Trust me.”

Urged on by Trixie’s words, Fluttershy laid down on the message table. It turned out Trixie was right. Snowflake treated them like a real gentlecolt with hooves that melted their muscles into hot butter. She loved every minute of it as every drop of tension in her body seemed to disappear. Dear Luna, why didn’t she do this every single day for the rest of her life?

The rest of the spa date went wonderfully. They got their manes and hooves done, relaxed on a bed with a face mask, and enjoyed time in a steam room. As Fluttershy left the spa, she couldn’t think of a time she felt more rested and relaxed. Best yet, she had a nice chat with Trixie. Trixie loved to talk about herself and told Fluttershy so many things and she soaked in every word. Fluttershy barely had to say a thing to egg the other mare on. The princess's student talked about her life in the palace in Canterlot, her studies under the princess herself, and her adventures as a Ranger. She even made little illusions with her magic to recreate her previous battles.

It was mid-afternoon when they left the spa. Fluttershy marveled at how much time had passed. She needed to get back home. Mrs. Owl had an appointment about her injured wing at four and she couldn't bear the idea of keeping any of her patients waiting.

"Sorry, but I need to get going," Fluttershy said, sad to leave her friends.

Trixie waved a hoof. “Go on. I have like a million things I need to do. I really hope Moondancer got the basement cleared out. I’ve gotten tired of the mess down there.”

"Maybe we might, um, do this again sometime?" Fluttershy asked hoping beyond hope.

"I don't see why not," Trixie replied and Fluttershy’s heart skipped a beat.

“Later!” Twilight waved as Fluttershy made her way back home.

Fluttershy hummed to herself as she walked. She replayed her spa date with Trixie and Twilight in her head several times. She laughed at a story Trixie told about the time Luna tried to learn how to rollerblade. To this day the moon princess forbade any talk of it in front of her on the threat of banishment. Already Fluttershy looked forward to her next spa date with Trixie. The mare had so many stories and always knew how to make her laugh.

I sure am happy whenever I’m around Trixie. Fluttershy thought. I don’t know how the mare does it. Maybe it’s her skill as a natural performer?

Fluttershy froze when she hit on a horrifying realization. She forgot to apologize to Trixie for the running off when Vicereine Puissance attacked her house! She slumped. How could she forget that? She had hours with the mare for Luna’s sake.

Oh well. I will just tell her next time.

The thought of seeing Trixie again brightened her mood, and she didn’t feel as bad anymore.

I’m sure thinking a lot of Trixie lately. Well, Trixie was a wonderful mare so how could she not?

Fluttershy saw in a passing window she was blushing. Why was she blushing? Because of Trixie? Nah, that couldn’t be it. Trixie was just a friend. A friend she found to be the most wonderful mare in the world and loved being around.

Could I have a crush on Trixie? Fluttershy wondered. She wanted to deny it, but the more she thought about it, the more everything clicked into place.

Fluttershy’s blushing intensified and felt like she would explode from embarrassment. This was all so alien to her. Not once in her life had she ever had feelings like this for another pony. She had no clue how to react.

It shouldn’t have come as a surprise. She had always known she liked girls far more than boys. And Trixie was a very attractive mare so how couldn’t she fall for the mare?

“I need to lie down.” This was all too much for Fluttershy to handle.

Author's Note:

Note: Snowdrop is the Lunaverse's name for Bulk Biceps.