• Published 2nd Feb 2018
  • 270 Views, 0 Comments

Bia Brandy's Origin - ShinxX

A story about gaining an unlikely sister, forming an unbreakable bond, losing that sister and searching endlessly for her.

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Chapter 3: unthinkable sibling

Corn Graze sprinted down the stairs faster than ever before. He had hoped and prayed that nothing happened to Bia.

When he got downstairs, to his relief, she was only looking out the window to what happened outside. When she realized he was there, through her stew covered muzzle, she said, “Paw Paw look! A pony fell outta the sky!”

Corn Graze felt confused by the statement. Though it could mean a Pegasus crashed in their farm, but how did it shake up the house so much? He decided to take a peek himself.

All he could see through the window was a small crater with smoke coming from it. Whoever.. whatever it was, they took a hard landing. He backed away and trotted to the door. As he left, Hazel Crop took a look at what it was through the window.

“You two stay here! Ah’ll investigate.” Corn Graze said as he ran out of the door.

As he approached the crater, he started getting the smell of ash and smoke. When he got close enough to the crater, he could make out the shape of a full grown Pegasus pony in the fetal position, looking as if they were protecting something.

He went with his gut instinct and dragged the pony out of the crater. As he grabbed them, he noticed that their fur felt off, as if it were almost artificial. As he brought them into the light, their bright blue fur was covered in blood stains and was split in some areas where they'd been cut.

The only thing he could tell about the Pegasus was that it was a guy, he was a light blue and his mane was gray with a pink accent. His eyes were closed and he was holding onto something small to where Corn Graze couldn't see what it was.

He stopped dragging him about 10 meters from the crater and checked his vital signs. They were weak, but there, in odd ways Ron Graze couldn't describe. They felt normal, but they seemed different at the same time.

“Partner, can yah hear me?” He asked, nudging the stallion. He didn't budge and wouldn't wake up. Then Corn Graze tried to pry the stallion's hooves away from whatever he was holding. That woke him up.

The pony jumped up and opened his wings as wide as he could to make himself look bigger.

“Stay back!” He yelled, turning his body to protect what he was holding. As he did though, he fell to the ground again. The pain from the fall was overwhelming him. “Gah!”

Corn a Graze walked over to the pony, “don't worry, ah’m not gonna hurt yah. Just wanna make sure you're alright. Yah musta took a nasty fall.” The pony then looked around at his surroundings. He seemed to somewhat recognize where he was.

“I-is this the home of Corn Graze and Hazel Crop?” He asked, looking up with his one eye that wasn't swollen shut.

“Why I'm Corn Graze. How'd you know who we were?”

“Oh thank the lord.” He said, relief flushing through his face. “You brought in a zebra from the destroyed town of Zville, correct?”

“Y-yes, but try an’ keep it down bout that. We don't want Bia to know how bad of a death her real family had.” He said.

“My apologies.. though, if you were to accept, I'd ask you to do the same with her.”

“What are ya getting at?”

Just then, the pony revealed what he was holding. It was a filly. Though not an ordinary filly.

“What the?! A changeling?!” He took a step back after seeing the sleeping, infant changeling.

“Please don't panic! You'll bring the rest here!” He sighed and looked down. “Look,” he then began to glow a bright, lime green. Before Corn Graze’s very eyes, the pony went through the transformation of turning back into a changeling. His blue-green eyes looked back at the farm pony with a mix of hope and worry.


“A changeling.. yes.. listen, I'm not like the others. I don't want to hurt ponies for food and love. I wanted to get it naturally, and I wanted it for my sister too.” He looked down at the infant changeling again, “she deserves to gain love the right way, not by taking it. When I heard you took a young orphan in, I got hopeful that you might be willing to.. take my sister in.”

Corn Graze looked at the changeling with disbelief. There was no changeling on record that wanted to stray from the hive.

“Where yah get the scars? Leaving the hive?”

The changeling nodded, “they had found out about my plan to escape and tried to restrain me. I managed to keep my sister from being harmed, but at the cost of my health.. I'm afraid I don't have long left. They're still looking for me, but they don't know she's here.”

Corn Graze looked at him suspiciously, “how do we know yer not faking the injuries with yet changelin magic?” He asked.

“Because they can fake bruises and cuts, but not broken wings.” They both looked behind Corn Graze to see Hazel Crop walking toward them.

“Darlin, I thought I done told yah to stay in the house with Bia!”

“He won't harm us, dear. Look, changelings can't fake any broken body parts, look at his wing.” She pointed to his left wing that was bent in two different directions.

“I.. honestly didn't notice my wing. Must be why I couldn't fly anymore.” The changeling said.

“Darlin, can we talk.. alone?” Hazel asked.

“Pardon us.” He said as he turned to his wife.

“That's fine, just please don't be too long. I don't want them to know I was here.” The changeling said.

The couple grouped together for a discussion.

“Hun, I don't know about this. It's a changeling.” Corn Graze said, worried.

“Look, we know he ain't lyin’ an’ he's got a baby with him. Plus this is our chance to give Bia a sibling. I know it's not ideal, but we took Brandy in when she needed someone, why not this little filly? Sure she's a changeling, but a young one and she don't know she's supposed to be evil.” Hazel argued.

Corn Graze sighed, “I guess yer right. He does seem desperate.”

“Then we agree?”

“Eeyup,” they both turned back to the young changeling who seemed very nervous. Corn Graze continued, “we've decided that we'd be happy to take er in.” Suddenly, relief seemed to flood the changeling and he relaxed.

“Thank you so much! You have no idea how much this means to me.” He sat down and lifted his little sister up and rocked her back and forth. “Don't worry, Niridia. You're gonna be just fine.”

The little changelings eyes slightly opened from her slumber, “brother?” She mumbled in her squeaky, infant voice.

“Everything's gonna be alright, Niridia. Everything will be alright.” He nuzzled her as she fell back asleep. He began to tear up as his last moment with his sister was upon him. He continued, “her.. her name is Niridia.. she's two years old, and she loves flowers.” Tears streamed down his face as he handed her over to the farmer couple. “Please don't tell her what happened to me..”

“Don't worry, we won't.” Hazel Crop comforted, patting his back.

“We’ll take good care of her. Make sure you live so she can see you again one day.” Corn Graze said.

With a sniffle, he said with a bit of doubt, “I-I'll try.. thank you.” He looked at Niridia for another moment, then ran off in the direction of the woods, using his Pegasus disguise again.

The couple watched him go, “what a sweet boy. He reminds me of Bia’s sister..” Hazel Crop said.

“He does, maybe that means they were.. destined to be siblings.” He said.

Hazel Crop nodded, they looked down at Niridia and smiled.

“Cmon there, Niridia. Let's go meet your sister.” Hazel said.

“Bia, cmon out! We have a surprise for you!”