• Published 6th Jan 2018
  • 18,205 Views, 69 Comments

Equestria Ninjas: The Movie - Wildcard25

The ninjas and humans of New York come together with their pony friends when the Storm King invades Equestria, and they must save it

  • ...

A Stormy Fight

Author's Note:

Happy Valentines day to all my friends. Hope you'r ready to the biggest throw down here. I'd like to thank my friends BozzerKazooers and jebens1 for giving me ideas to use here. Enjoy, my friends.

In Canterlot, where the Friendship Festival was meant to hold was now just a prison. All throughout the kingdom, every pony present for the festival was captured and locked in cages, were muzzled, and forced to work for the guards by pulling stuff for them or pamper them. In one of the cages was Songbird Serenade who was singing sadly.

Songbird Serenade: I am here and I see your pain

Through the storms, through the clouds, the rain

I'm telling you you can not escape

Suddenly one of the Storm Guards growled and banged on her cage to silence her. The pop star sighed sadly that she couldn't even sing for herself. Things got even worse when Songbird saw Tempest approaching and some captive ponies pulling a cart with Twilight still in a cage. The two ponies looked at each other sadly, but none was more sad than Twilight who felt responsible for not coming back with help all because of her desperation.

As Twilight was being taken away, the guards were unaware of a familiar ninja mutant who was sneaking around through the shadows. Leo poke his head up from behind a barrel before putting it back down as a guard approached. The mutant leader continued to sneak around before noticing one of the cages contained Starlight Glimmer and Trixie. He got closer and whispered, "Psst. Starlight! Trixie!"

The two unicorns looked and saw their friend, "Leo!" Starlight gasped quietly.

"Sorry we weren't here for you all. How're you holding up?"

Trixie answered, "It's been a nightmare. Everypony is locked up or forced to serve these monsters."

"And worse, they got Twilight now." Starlight added.

"I know. That's why I'm here." Leo assured.

"Where are the others?" Starlight asked.

Leo looked down and sighed, "They're not here."

"Not here?" Trixie asked in confusion.

"Why aren't they..." Starlight began, as Leo cut her off.

"Some things happened, and... Well, I can't go into full details. For now I need to get you two out of here." he used his swords to cut an opening in the cage allowing the two ponies to escape.

"Finally." Trixie said in relief.

"But they'll notice us gone. Luckily I can fix that." Starlight used a bit of her magic to project holograms of herself and Trixie inside the cage looking glum, and a hologram of the bars restored to keep them in.

"So what's the plan?" Trixie asked Leo.

"I have to go and help Twilight. You two lay low, until things look ok."

"You're going alone?" Starlight asked in disbelief, "Haven't your brothers told you going solo in situations like this is dangerous? Especially for you."

"I have to do this. If not, then Equestria is doomed." Leo said, seriously, as he trailed after his captured friend. Starlight and Trixie taking Leo's advice went to hide.

Inside the castle, Twilight was wheeled in and looked at her captured mentor and fellow princesses in horror. Her cage was placed in a fourth spot so all the princesses were facing the center. She watched as the two ponies puling her cart left with guilt stricken looks over what they were forced to do. Grubber closed the gates and laughed mischievously.

" Tempest, don't do this. Don't give the Storm King..." Twilight was cut off by the Commander.

"Your magic? Did you think you'd keep it all to yourself? Time to share. I'd love for everybody out there to know what I can really do."

"Ooh, fascinating!" came a voice. They looked at the throne and saw the Storm King enter through a back door, "What can you really do?" he asked suspiciously.

Grubber spoke up, "Your bidding, of course, Your Mighty One." with a pause, Grubber decided he didn't want to be present and ran out through the doors leaving the king and commander alone.

The Storm King spoke, "Bidding's good. I like bidding!" he turned to Twilight, "Um, what are you supposed to be?"

"I'm the Princess of Friendship!" Twilight answered while trying to be strong, but still sounded unsure.

The king just laughed, "Oh. That's nice," he turned to Tempest and spoke sternly, "Why is this one still moving?"

"She and her friends put up a bit of a fight, but she's alone now. She won't be a problem." she assured him.

Watching from the ceiling of the throne room was Leo who still stuck to the shadows. He looked in shock seeing not only Twilight captured, but the other princesses set up in a circle, 'Why're they set up like that? Is it some kind of ritual?'

Storm King spoke, as he walked past Tempest patting her head, much to her irritation, "Yeah. So, speaking of problems, this place, it seems a little too—oh, I don't know—cute!" he shouted, "I don't like cute! I never did like cute! Doesn't really go with my whole 'big bad powerful magic guy' thing, does it?! Deliver the punchline, Tempest, because this has gotta be a joke!" he grunted before sticking the staff he carried into the center causing the floor to glow around the four princesses.

They watched as the statues of the princesses started glowing and their magic from them and Twilight was being drained out of them, "No!" Twilight cried, while trying to resist/

The Storm King laughed, "Check out the light show!"

Leo watched in horror, "Oh no." he said to himself.

Outside, magic all around Canterlot was being drained and assimilated into the staff. When it was filled up, The king pulled the staff out and marveled, "Wow! Wow!"

Twilight gasped, as she slumped to the ground completely drained of her magic. Leo looked down at her in worry, "Twilight." he whispered.

"Let's get this storm started!" the king declared, "Ooh, hey, that's good. I should trademark that." he blasted a hole to the balcony and Twilight was blasted out of her cage and rolled across the ground.

Leo gasped, as he was eager to drop in and fight, but didn't want to act hasty without a plan. Storm King walked onto the balcony looking at the staff, "Not bad. Actually, kinda first rate. What else does it do?"

Tempest approached, " Your Excellency, you promised to restore my horn and give me." she was cut off by her boss.

"Okay. Hang on," he began using the power in his staff to move the sun and the moon switching it from day to night on and off, "You gotta be kiddin' me! I can move the sun?! A ha ha! Wow! Now this is what I'm talkin' about! Ha ha! Time to play! Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday! Day, night! Day, night! Day night! Day night! Day night! Sunrise, sunset!" he hummed with glee while dancing like an idiot. Twilight looked at Tempest as if asking if it's still worth it.

Tempest was having doubts about the king, but stuck to her word and went to his side. Leo came down from the ceiling, but hid behind the statue of Celestia. He watched what was happening and thought, 'Guys, where are you when I need you?'

Meanwhile outside Canterlot, a giant cake was being pulled on a cart by Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie, Sunset, Fluttershy, Karai, April, Casey, and Shini. On top of the cake was Spike pretending to be an ornament while spitting small fire to look like a candle. Walking in front of them was Capper wearing an apron and chef's hat. As they got closer, the two guards guarding the entrance stopped them.

Capper began speaking, "Uh, yeah, I got a delivery here for a Mister "The Storm King". I was given explicit instructions to bring this here cake to this here castle's throne room," the guards looked at each other before aiming their weapons at Capper. The cat however still remained in character and worked his charm, "All right, then. Look here. Could one o' y'all go be a pal, go tell your boss he's not gettin' his 'congratulations on subduing defenseless pastel ponies' cake? 'Cause I don't wanna be the one responsible for the big guy missin' his special dessert. You know what I'm sayin'?" he walked away to the ponies who looked worried, but Capper winked and started lowering his digits as if counting down. When he reached his last finger, the guards cleared way for them.

"Thank you kindly, fellas. I'mma be sure and put in a good word for the botha y'all." Capper said, as the ponies continued pulling the cake into Canterlot.

Karai whispered to April and Shini, "I can't believe it worked."

"So far at least." April whispered back.

As they continued forward, Applejack noticed Pinkie was smiling brightly, "Pinkie, quit lookin' so happy! Ya ain't foolin' nopony!" she whispered.

"Oh! Ok!" she answered quietly before putting on a sad face and whimpered.

"Why is it changing from day to night on and off?" Shini asked, as they saw the sun and moon constantly switching places.

Sunset whispered, "I think maybe we were too late to stop the Storm King from taking their magic."

"No." Rarity gasped.

"Don't worry. We always have another chance." April assured them.

As they reached the city square, they saw everypony captured, which left them speechless, "This is horrible, yo." Casey gasped.

"I wouldn't wish this on anypony." Sunset said in shock.

Grubber was trying some pies that were untouched by one of the stands, until he saw the cake passing by, "Oh, hello, cake!" he ran over to the back of it, "Ooh! Don't mind if I do!" he took a handful of cake and uncovered a big eyeball, "Mmm! That's some, gourmet thing!" he suddenly saw the eyeball gazing at him, "Who puts eyeballs in filling?" when the eye blinked, Grubber hyperventilated shouted, "Guards!" the arms of the mutant brothers reached out and pulled Grubber into the cake to keep him quiet.

Unfortunately, they were too late, as the guards had heard Grubber's cry. They surrounded the ponies, Capper, and the cart, "Uh-oh. Plan B?" the cat asked his friends.

"The jig is up!" Rainbow answered, as she used her back hoof to kick the cart as if signaling someone.

The cake exploded, as the mutant bros, Fugitoid, Blade, the Pirates, and Princess Skystar popped out, "Booyakasha!" they shouted.

Raph spoke, "Glad to be out of that thing."

"Yeah, it was getting cramped in there." Donnie added.

"Plus Michelangelo kept trying to eat the cake from the inside." Blade motioned to Mikey.

"It looked so good." he whined.

"Come on!" Captain Celaeno called, as the heroes engaged the Storm guards.

Skystar flew around picking one guard up and dropping him onto more. Casey flew around whacking guards with his bat before knocking exploding pucks that blew up in their faces, "Goongala!" he cheered.

The mutant brothers were using their ninjitsu to take out the guards, with Blade Swipe channeling his magic into his blade and released his shockwave pushing some guards back. April, Karai, and Shini, were galloping around using their ninja weapons against the guards. Shini was using her hypno ball to hypnotize some guards allowing Karai and April to take them down.

Fugitoid converted into anthro mode and started blasting at some guards, "Finally! Now this is a fight!" he cheered.

Applejack used he lasso to hogtie a guard, as three more were running for her only to be tripped by a long sash, which was used by Rarity and Capper to tie them up, "Lovely!" Rarity said as she tied it with a ribbon.

Pinkie popped up before a guard offering him a present, before zipping off, "Surprise!" He took the present and opened it to reveal Pinkie was suddenly inside it holding a cupcake, "Double surprise!" she pies him with the cupcake. She started pelting him with more like her arms were a machine gun.

Fluttershy was confronted by a guard who growled at her, but the pegasus spoke, "You seem tense. Do you wanna talk about it?" the guard looked confused.

As everyone was fighting, the brothers heard a voice, "Raph, Donnie, Mikey!" they saw Starlight and Trixie.

"Starlight!" Donnie gasped, as they went over to her.

"You two are ok." Mikey said in relief.

"Ok-ish." Trixie replied.

"You haven't seen Leo have you?" Raph asked hopefully.

"He freed us, but then he went to the castle to get Twilight back." Starlight explained.

"He what?" Donnie asked in shock.

Blade and Karai overhearing them were just as surprised, as Blade spoke, "Leo won't stand a chance against the Storm King and Tempest alone."

"We have to help him," Karai said, "Starlight, can't you teleport us to the throne room?"

"Being encased in that magic draining cage has left me weak. I have just enough to send two of you there."

"Then Karai and I will go." Blade volunteered.

"What?" Raph asked.

"You guys stay here and help the others. We'll aid Leo." Karai said.

Raph knowing there was no room for argument spoke, "Good luck."

"Same to you." Blade replied.

Starlight concentrated her magic on Blade and Karai and teleported them, before panting.

"Let's hope they made it to the right spot." Mikey hoped.

Blade and Karai suddenly appeared in the castle throne room, "We made it." Karai said in relief.

"Look." Blade spotted Leo hiding by the trapped Celestia.

"Leo!" Karai called.

Leo looked over and gasped, "Blade! Karai!" the two went over, "You two are ok."

"Of course we are." Karai answered.

"We were worried about you and Twilight." Blade answered.

"What's going on, where is everyone?" Leo asked.

"They're all fighting the Storm King's goons." Karai explained.

"Can they really take them by themselves?" Leo asked in worry.

"Don't worry. We brought help." Blade assured him.

"Help? From who?"

"Capper, the Pirates, Princess Skystar." Karai answered.

"What? They actually came?"

"Surprised us to." Blade admitted.

"Where's Twilight?" Karai asked Leo.

"There." Leo motioned to the balcony.

The two saw Storm King still playing with the sun and moon, with Tempest at his side, while Twilight laid on the floor weakened, "We have to help her." Blade gasped.

"Right. Follow me." Leo led the two closer.

Storm King stopped playing with the two celestial bodies, and sighed, "Well, that was fun," he turned to Twilight, "Now where were we?" he aimed his staff at Twilight who felt this was the end.

Until Leo jumped in and kicked the Storm King aside, "Back off, ya monkey creep." Leo warned him.

"Leo?!" Twilight gasped in confusion and relief.

The Storm King got up and looked at Leo, "Hello..., what is this? Another mutant pony freak?"

"That's right. And this pony freak's gonna show you what happens when you take my friend's magic!" Leo declared.

The Storm King just laughed, "You're joking, right?" he saw Leo arm himself with his swords, "Oh, you're not joking. Alrighty then," he armed himself with his staff, "Let's rumble!" he tried blasting Leo, but he dodged and knocked the king back with a double kick, "Oh, you're good." they clashed with their weapons.

Twilight struggled to get up, "Leo, you came back!"

"Actually I followed you all the way here, and waited for the right moment to jump in and save you," he told her, making Twilight blush, "And it's not just me, Twilight."

Tempest who was on standby felt a tap from behind, "Huh?" she turned around and got kicked away by Karai.

"Karai!" Twilight gasped.

Tempest groaned, as Karai stared her down and spoke, "That was for kidnapping my friend!" she smiled at Twilight who smiled back knowing she forgave her for her idiot plan to take the seaponies pearl.

Tempest got up panting, "So you want to dance? Fine. Let's dance!"

The two engaged in combat, with Karai dodging Tempest's magic shocks. They exchanged blows, before Karai shifted into snake form and used her snake strikes to attack Tempest who made sure to avoid the snake hand bites.

Karai shifted back to pony form. The pony kunoichi panted, "You're good, but I'm better!"

"So, you're smart enough not to hold back on your advantages. Good. Neither am I..." she blasted Karai with her magic.

The kunoichi pony groaned in pain, "You think a magic blast is enough to stop me?"

"No. But it will make it so much easier to finish you off." Tempest was about to blast her again.

"Good thing I brought a surprise for you then. Say hi to an old friend." Karai looked up.

Tempest looked up and saw Blade Swipe on the roof hiding in the shadows. He jumped down in front of her. The sight of him got Tempest angry, and she growled, "Blade!"

"Told you I'd be back, Tempest." Blade drew his sword, as the former partners engaged in combat.

Back in the town, everyone was still fighting the Storm Guards, as Rainbow came to Celaeno's assistance. The captain spoke, "Head for the castle! We'll hold them off!"

"Come on!" Rainbow called to her friends, as they hurried.

Fluttershy however was sitting next to the Storm Guard who was bawling up a storm from talking about his problems to the pegasus, "Let it all out." she soothed him.

"Fluttershy!" the group called.

"Oh! Sorry, our time is up. Buh-bye!" she left to join her friends.

"Goodbye!" the guard said sadly.

The ninjas, ponies, Capper, Fugitoid, and Skystar headed up the stairs leading to the castle, but saw some guards were after them. Skystar spoke, "Keep going!" she pulled out her two clam friends, "Shelly? Sheldon?" she threw them at one guard, as their mouths were clamping open and closed like wind up chattering teeth. They hit one guards eyes blinding him. The princess continued to hold the line allowing her friends to get ahead.

They reached the castle only to see more guards were waiting for them, "Uh-oh." Applejack said in worry.

"What do we do now?" Mikey asked.

Capper looked down at Spike, "Hey, ain't you a fire-breathing dragon?" Spike smirked, knowing they had a plan.

Spike was blowing flames out, as Capper held him like he was using a flame thrower while laughing, "Burn baby burn!" Fugitoid cheered.

April spoke to Sunset, "I think this whole experience is really changing the Professor."

"I know," Sunset agreed, "I kinda like it."

Back on the castle balcony, Blade and Tempest were exchanging blows. Blade grabbed Tempest's leg and threw her into the balcony rim, "Long ago, you betrayed my friendship and my trust, Tempest! Now, we're even. Huh?" he looked out over the balcony.

"What are you gawking at?" Tempest asked, until she looked down and saw the heroes defeating the Storm Guards, "What... How?!"

Twilight got up and gasped, "It's... It's the Magic of..." She was cut off by the Storm King who got between the two ponies, wrapping his arms around them.

"Yeah, yeah! Friendship, and flowers, and ponies, and bleh! I'm so totally over the cute pony thing. This... ends... now!" He aimed the staff to the sky releasing magic. The magic mixed in with the dark clouds that started coming together like a storm was forming.

The heroes who defeated the guards saw what was happening, and Capper gasped, "Uh-oh."

"What's going on?" Mikey asked, as wind started blowing.

"The Storm King's conjuring a major storm here." Blade answered in shock, as a twister was conjured.

"Move them hooves, ponies!" Capper ordered, as they hurried for cover.

They watched from shelter as the tornado started sucking in all of the Storm King's guards, "This is a very bad predicament." Fugitoid said in worry.

"You'd have to be flying faster than a speeding Pegasus to break through that wind!" Rainbow cried.

Pinkie suddenly gasped, as she dawned a helmet with goggles, "Excellent idea, Rainbow Dash!"

"I think she's got an idea." Donnie said.

"Then why am I afraid of what it is?" Raph asked.

On the balcony, the Storm King continued to harness the storm, "Now I truly am the Storm King! And the entire world will bow to my ba-ba-ba-boom, baby!"

Tempest spoke, "Yes, yes, you are every bit as powerful as I promised, Sire, now, restore my horn and I swear to use my magic to serve you!"

The Storm King just laughed and shoved her aside, "Who cares about your dinky little unicorn horn?!"

Tempest was in shock at this, "But... we... we had an agreement!"

The king replied, "Get with the program! I used you! It's kind of what I do!"

"Yeah, you've made that clear when you had me abandoned!" Blade frowned.

Storm King tried blasting Tempest who retaliated with her own magic. The force of the blast knocked both back. Tempest hit the rim and started getting sucked into the tornado's pull.

Twilight, Leo, Blade, and Karai gasped seeing the Storm King was down, but Twilight and Blade looked over at Tempest holding onto the rim for her dear life.

Suddenly Tempest lost hold and was about to be pulled into the tornado had Twilight and Blade not grabbed onto her hooves, "Hold on!" Twilight called.

"We got you!" Blade added.

Tempest looked at the two in confusion, "Why are you two saving me?"

Twilight answered with sincerity, "Because this what friends do."

"And you're still my partner." Blade finished.

Tempest looked at the two feeling touched by their kindness, before the two pulled her to safety. They looked over seeing Leo and Karai went to stop the Storm King by getting the staff, but even with their ninjitsu combined, the king had defeated them with his magic, "Awwww! Isn't that just so sweet!" he said in sarcasm, "Yeah. See ya!" he laughed while aiming the staff at the five.

Below the castle, the pirates and Capper had stood near a plunger detonator, as Gullet called to Pinkie who she and the rest of the heroes were crammed inside her cake cannon, " Just do it! Thank you! I'm excited! Who's excited?! Aaah! I've never been so excited!" she cheered.

"Will you just shut it?!" Raph snapped.

"I can't even understand how we all managed to fit in here." Donnie said in disbelief.

"I'm just as confused myself." Fugitoid admitted.

They activated the detonator and the group shot out of the cannon screaming, or in Pinkie's case cheering. They flew so fast they managed to break through the wind. Before the Storm King could blast them, "Mikey shouted, "Coming at ya, boy!" they collided with Storm King sending him flying back into the throne room. The staff however flew out of his possession and got stuck in one of the stain glass windows by the ceiling.

The group laid on the ground in a daze, as April spoke, "I'm seeing so many stars right now."

"You and me both." Donnie agreed.

"Bull's-eye!" Pinkie said weakly.

"Guys!" Leo called, as he ran over to his brothers, "I'm glad you're all ok."

"We're glad you're all right, Leo." Mikey said.

"What have I told you about solo hero acts?!" Raph scolded him.

"Not to do it." Leo answered sarcastically.

"As long as you remember." Raph smirked.

Twilight went over to her friends, " Pinkie! You all came back! I'm so sorry! I was wrong to-"

Pinkie cut her off by hugging her, "I'm sorry, too. Friends mess up sometimes, but we never should've—" Rainbow was next to interrupt the moment.

"Uh, make up later! This isn't over!"

They saw the staff was out of control and zapped the roof of the throne room destroying it. They were left exposed to the powerful tornado, "We need to get that staff!" Leo ordered.

Twilight spoke, "Only I can get control of it!"

Pinkie shouted, "Go! You've got this, Twilight!"

Twilight shook her head, "No. We've got this. Together." she looked at all her friends who smiled and nodded in agreement.

Applejack used her lasso on a boulder as an anchor, as every pony started linking up to form a chain. Twilight flew up allowing the wind to help carry her and the others.

"We're almost there!" Fugitoid called.

"We're going to get it!" Karai said confidently.

Suddenly the Storm King climbed up form the rubble looking angry, "The staff belongs to me!" he shouted, as he started climbing up the rubble and jumping from one spot to another.

"We gotta hurry!" Mikey cried.

Twilight stretched her hoof out for the staff, as the king bellowed, "No! That's my staff! Miiiiiine! Mine!" he jumped for it, but Twilight snatched the staff. The Storm King crashed through the window and got sucked up into the twister. Unfortunately, Twilight was also sucked into it as well.

"Twilight! NO!" the group cried.

Leo frowned, as he let go of Raph and allowed himself to be sucked into the storm, "LEO!" Raph shouted, "Are you crazy?!" Tempest watched from the ground what happened, and was once again in pure shock.

Inside the twister, Leo flew through the tornado avoiding any debris that was caught in it. He looked deep into the eye of the storm and saw Twilight holding onto the staff while fighting over it with the Storm King, "Give it to me!" he demanded.

"No!" she refused, as they fought over it.

Leo knew what he had to do and used the wind to fly himself right at them, "Booyakasha!" he shouted, as he punched the Storm King making him let go of the staff and get pulled further into the storm.

"Leo!" Twilight cried.

Leo held onto her and the staff speaking, "I thought I lost you once. I'm not letting it happen again. Friends don't quit." the two smiled as they held onto each other.

Back in the ruined throne room, the storm died down, but the group was saddened thinking they lost their friends, "Twilight." Sunset said sadly.

"Leo." the brother said in sorrow.

Pinkie started crying, as she held onto Applejack for comfort. Suddenly the sun's light shined down on them, as Twilight floated down with Leo holding onto her and the staff.

"Yay!" Pinkie cheered.

"Yes!" Casey and Blade cheered.

"Leo!" the brothers called, as their brother landed with Twilight.

"We thought you two were goners." Karai said in relief.

"We almost were." Leo answered.

"But we didn't give up on each other." Twilight finished, as the two smiled at each other.

"Group hug!" Pinkie called, as they all joined in.

Tempest watched feeling relieved they were ok, but still guilty about what she did. Feeling she had no place among them began to leave. Until she saw the Storm King climbing up the balcony. He had in his possession the same magic rock that turned the Princesses to stone. The King was about to throw it, only for Tempest to run for them with her magic ready. The ninjas seeing her thought she was going to attack them, and armed themselves. To their shock she jumped over them screaming, "NOOO!" she took the stone meant for them. As her body started turning to stone, she got close to the Storm King as the magic started affecting him to. Both turned to stone and were about to go over the edge.

The Storm King's statue plummeted to the ground, and upon hitting it broke into pieces. Tempest however was being levitated by Twilight and the others who all held onto the staff. They lifted her onto the balcony where she was safe, "Whoa! I can't believe she did that!" Rainbow gasped in disbelief.

Twilight smiled, "I can."

"And so can I." Blade agreed.

Using the magic from the staff they freed Tempest who was surprised she was released. She looked over at the others who smiled, "Now what?" Fluttershy asked.

Everyone turned to Twilight who smiled at Tempest who gave an answer, "Now... we fix everything."

"Sounds good to me." Raph agreed.

They went back to the throne room and stuck the staff in the same spot the Storm King jammed it in. Only this time, all the magic the staff assimilated was being released back to where it came from. Celestia, Luna, and Cadence were freed from their stone prisons, "Twilight!" Celestia cheered.

"Princesses!" Twilight cried, as she embraced the three, while everyone watched as the magic was restoring the castle.

"So pretty." April marveled.

"What a wondrous sight." Fugitoid added.

"That's what I'm talking about." Casey nodded.

The magic contained in the staff restored Canterlot, freed all the captive ponies, and the weather became clear again like it was before the festival was meant to kick off. Starlight and Trixie looked around and smiled knowing their friends succeeded.

Once the throne was restored, the staff was magicless and useless once again. Celestia turned to her subjects, "Thank you all. You've done Canterlot, Equestria, the world a great deal of service."

"We didn't do it alone, Princess." Leo answered.

"We did have help from plenty of allies." Blade added, while winking at Tempest who smiled.

Sunset spoke up, "One of them I was meant to introduce to you for the festival, but now is a good a time as any," she motioned the Professor to come forward, "Princess Celestia, meet Professor Zayton Honeycutt; the Fugitoid."

"An honor to finally meet you, dear Princess." Fugitoid bowed his head.

"The honor is all mine, Professor," Celestia replied, "Thank you for looking after my two students." she smiled at Twilight and Sunset.

"It was my pleasure."

Twilight sighed, "Though we did save Equestria, we did hit a lot of problems along the way. And I made a mistake by doubting my friendship with everypony," she looked to everyone with regret, "I acted rash and didn't think of the consequences of my actions. But not anymore. From now on, I'll always follow friendship no matter what!"

"True words spoken from the heart." a familiar voice said, much to everyone's confusion.

Then materializing out of thin air was the spirit of Master Splinter. The sight of him brought joy to his loved ones eyes, "Master Splinter!" Twilight and Sunset gasped in joy.

"Sensei!" the brothers cheered.

"Father!" Karai smiled.

"Who is that?" Rainbow asked the others.

Fugitoid answered, "That, Rainbow Dash, is Hamato Yoshi. Better known as Master Splinter. He was the one who raised the turtles and taught them ninjitsu, and Karai's birth father."

Splinter smiled, as his boys gathered around him, "It is good to see you my sons," he smiled at Karai who hugged him, "My daughter. And the rest of my family." he looked onto April, Casey, and Shini.

Celestia and her fellow princesses approached, as the monarch of the sun greeted him, "So you're Master Splinter? It is an honor to finally meet you, even if it is your spirit." she and her fellow princesses bowed their heads.

"The honor is mine, your highness." Splinter bowed his head back.

"I would like to thank you for taking care of my student in the other world." Celestia thanked him.

"You are most welcome."

Twilight spoke, "Splinter even comforted me when I was captured on Tempest's ship."

Tempest was curious, "I thought I sensed something on the ship."

Splinter approached the former captain and spoke, "Tempest Shadow."

"Um, yes?" she asked nervously.

"I have heard a great deal about you. You lost your horn at a young age, ran away from home, joined the Storm King's army, captured the Princesses, chased my family to the ends of Equestria, handed Twilight over to your master nearly resulting in the destruction of Equestria! And..." Tempest prepared herself for more guilt to be placed on her, until Splinter spoke calmly and with pride, "You have saved my sons and their friends. For that I am very grateful." he bowed his head to her much to her surprise.

"I-thank you." Tempest said with gratitude.

Splinter turned to Twilight, "I am also proud of you, Twilight. Though you made mistakes you still didn't lose hope in your friends, as they did not with you."

Twilight smiled, "Thank you, sensei."

Splinter addressed them all, "All of you continue to look out for one another through good times and bad. And always remember, Friendship is truly your greatest weapon." he levitated up and vanished.

"Goodbye, father." Leo bid him a farewell.

Twilight put a hoof on his shoulder knowing how much he misses him. Leo smiled, back before remembering, "Hey, aren't we suppose to be having a festival here?"

"Correct." Celestia smiled.

"So let's get this party back on track!" Pinkie cheered.

"Oh yeah, time to celebrate!" Rainbow cheered.

"You betcha!" Applejack agreed.

"Agreed." Rarity nodded.

"Yay!" Fluttershy said softly.

Leo addressed them all, "Well, everyone, let's celebrate!"

"BOOYAKASHA!" they cheered together.