• Published 19th Dec 2017
  • 881 Views, 19 Comments

Danger on the Tracks - Bookpony579

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Chapter 2

Early the next morning, as the sun was beginning to peak over the horizon....

Several students and teachers from Canterlot High were at the train station waiting to board the train. Most of them were either chatting with their friends, playing on their phones, or yawning due to having to get up at such an early hour.

Rainbow herself let out a ginormous yawn, "It should be illegal to get up this early."

Twilight looked up from the train schedule, "Well it was the only train we could get that could get all of us to Manehattan before it gets too late. It's a long way you know, and it has to make several more stops on the way."

"Whatever. First thing I'm doing when we get on is take a nap." Rainbow yawned again.

"Oh! And after that we can all have a super fun train party!" Pinkie cheered. "I've got all sorts of fun train games planned!"

"Speaking of fun train activities..." Twilight grinned and pulled out a travel guide."This is the perfect time to brush up on our knowledge of the city! Did you know that the city is one of the most important trading posts in Equestria? And there's a checklist of all the landmarks we'll be able to see along the way!"

Egghead... Rainbow rolled her eyes at her friends' geeking out and looked around the station. There weren't too many people up this early, mostly people who were packed for business trips and such. Suddenly, Rainbow noticed a figure moving through the crowd. She wore a purple cloak, a grey hat hat and red trimmed glasses. She clutched a briefcase to her chest as though her life depended on it. She seemed to be glancing around nervously and erratically, as though on the lookout for something...or someone. Before Rainbow could get another look, Principal Celestia called everyone to attention.

"Alright everyone! The train is ready to board! Stay with he rest of the class until the train leaves!"

They quickly lined up and began to board. Just before Rainbow got on she noticed the woman from earlier boarding the same train on a different car further down.


Soon everyone was on board the train pulled out of the station.

"Listen up everyone!" Celestia announced as the students were seated in once of the cars. "It will take us several hours to get to Manehattan. There are several other passengers so please be on your best behavior. Lunch will be provided in the dining car at noon until two. Dinner is from five until six thirty. The train will be making a few stops along the way and while you are free to step off and check them out, you must inform one of the chaperones beforehand and be back on the train by the time it leaves again. Once we get to Manehattan we will meet here again and get off together. Is that understood?" The students nodded their heads. "Alright then, enjoy the ride! We should get to Manehattan by seven tonight!"

Some of the students began to walk off to explore the train while others were looking for comfy places to catch up on some sleep.

"So, what do ya'll want to do?" Aj asked as the girls assembled.

Rainbow stretched and yawned, "Like I said earlier, I'm catching up on some Zs." She shifted, trying to get comfortable in her seat.

Soon the rest of the girls made their own plans and went on their way while Rainbow got her nap...at least for a little while.

A short time later, Rainbow awoke to the sound of a door banging. She looked around and saw that it was caused by the very same woman she had spotted earlier!

The woman looked around and, seeing as there were only a few people besides her and Rainbow, took a seat, still clutching her briefcase protectively.

Not that Rainbow got a better look at the woman, she couldn't help but feel she had seen her somewhere before. Well, no better way to find out than to ask!

Rainbow quickly got up and made her way directly to the woman.

"Hi! I'm Rainbow Dash!" The woman quickly turned and landed her eyes on Rainbow, revealing them to be magenta like hers.


"I'm sorry...but have we met before?" The woman's eyes widened in fear.

"Uh...nope! Never!" The woman pulled her hat over her face in an attempt to hide it. Rainbow could sense something was off about her.

"Are you sure? You seem familiar..."

"I just have one of those faces, you know?" The woman said quickly. She turned her attention to the rolling landscape outside the window in the hope that Rainbow would get the message and leave her alone. But Rainbow was either too stubborn or too dense to give up...or maybe a little of both. She did briefly consider going away and pulling out her Daring Do book....

...wait a minute...

Daring Do....

Rainbows eyes widened as the proverbial light bulb lit up above her head.

"Wait a minute! I know who you are!"

The woman turned back to her, a look of terror on her face, "Y-you do?" she asked nervously as she clutched her case even tighter.

"Yes! Your A.K Yearling! Author of the Daring Do books!" Rainbow said gleefully.

The woman blinked for a minute before responding, "Yes...that's me."

Rainbow felt so excited! The author of her favorite books was traveling on the same train she was! Rainbow took the seat opposite of her.

"Can I just say that I love your books? I totally didn't expect that twist at the end of 'The Emerald Necklace"...."

"uh-huh...that's nice.." Yearling seemed agitated and impatient as she listened to Rainbow to rant on. Just before she could say anything herself however....

The door on the other side of the car opened and her eyes widened at what she saw. Rainbow finally noticed Yearling's expression and turned towards the back.

Three men had just entered. Two of them were big, burly types with a few scars and such. The middle one Rainbow could tell was the leader of the group. He was tall and wore a pin in the shape of a golden skull with a single ruby eye.

Yearling gasped when she saw him.

"Oh no..."