• Published 19th Dec 2017
  • 881 Views, 19 Comments

Danger on the Tracks - Bookpony579

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Chapter 1

On a lone moonlit night, a figure in a cloak sped through the shadows avoiding the light and any chance of being seen. When she finally reached her destination, she pulled out a grappling hook and climbed onto the roof. She walked over to a skylight and looked through to make sure no once was there. She then opened it and climbed through with a rope.

She sneaked through the halls. Dark corridors and rooms flew by until she finally came upon her destination. She was now in the catwalks of an abandoned ware house. A single light was on, illuminating the large area far below her. Down there, there were several tough looking goons either eating, playing cards, or guarding the pedestal in the center of the room. In the stand on the pedestal laid an a light blue crystal that appeared to be wrapped in vines.

This is what she had come for. She was examining to room, trying to come up with a way to get it when another figure walked in. He was a tall man with grayish brownish skin, green eyes and dark hair with streaks of grey. He quickly gathered his minions attention.

"Well mi amigos! The Jewel of Flora is now ours!" The minions cheered but quickly settled down again when he continued to speak. "All we have to do now is deliver it to Ahuizotl, and we'll be rich enough to retire in paradise!" The goons cheered again, excited at the prospect of spending their days at a tropical beach with no responsibilities. Everybody quickly went back to what they were doing before and the man chatted with some of them.

The woman suddenly had an idea.

A few minutes later, the light suddenly went out, making everyone groan.

"Oh great..a power outage." The man complained. "Someone go resent the circuit breaker!" A few moments later the light came back on, but something was different.

"The Jewel! Where is it!?" The man shouted when he saw the empty pedestal.

"Look! Up there!" someone pointed to high above the pedestal. Hanging from a rope was the woman with the Jewel in hand.

She lifted it up and smirked. "Looking for this, Dr. Caballeron?" she asked mockingly before swinging gracefully back to the catwalk.

The Doctor was furious, "Get her you fools!" He ordered his minions and they immediately went after her, but she was too fast and had too far a lead. The Doctor and his minions made it to the roof just in time to see her jump off it to a nearby roof and get away.

Dr. Caballeron vowed to get the jewel back and shouted into the sky: "Curse you Daring Dooooooooo!"

Daring Do escaped into the night, her prize in hand.

All she had to do was get this to Manehattan and she would be all set.

It was a bright sunny day at Canterlot High. It was the time of day every student loved just before the final bell: lunchtime. Inside the cafeteria, students sat with their friends and ate and hung out with their friends. At one particular table sat a group of seven unique young women. Most of them looked like they were enjoying themselves all except for the girl with rainbow hair...

"What's the matter Rainbow?" Pinkie asked, concerned about her friend.

Rainbow looked up from her pouting to glare at the pink girl. "What makes you think something's wrong?"

"Well you have been kind of grumpy and moody lately, not to mention the narrator herself said you weren't happy."

The rest of the girls, though a little confused by Pinkie's statement, nonetheless agreed with her.

"She does have a point darkling. You have been sullen for quite a while now. And I'm not guessing that...it's...ahem...your time...?" Rarity blushed as she struggle to get it out. Rainbow herself turned tomato red when she realized what it meant.

"N-No! It's not that!"

"Then what's wrong?" Sunset Shimmer asked with concern. "We're your friends Rainbow, you can tell us."

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "And how do you expect me to be happy when I still don't have my power?" The other girls either sighed or rolled their eyes at this.

"This again. Your still upset about it?" Aj was getting tired of hearing her friends constant complaints about not getting her power.

"It's just not fair! Most of you girls have your powers already! I don't want to sit to the sides while you girls get to enjoy them!"

"If it makes you feel better I don't have my power either." Twilight pointed out. "It's like Luna said: Magic sometimes works in mysterious ways. You can't force your power to come sooner any more than I can force mine. All we can do is wait and when the time comes, they'll arrive."

Rainbow groaned. "But I hate waiting! It's so boring! Almost as much as waiting for the next Daring Do book to come out!"

"Hey, at least you won't have to think about it for the next few days." Sunset pointed out, causing everyone to get excited.

"I can't believe the trip to Manehattan is already tomorrow. Oh! I'm so excited!" Fluttershy said softly.

"Oh I know! The sights! The sounds! The fashions!" Rarity squeed.

"AT least the trip will give ya a little bit of a distraction." Aj said.

"I guess." Rainbow said hesitantly. As much as she had been looking forward to this trip, she still could get her unknown power out of her mind.

Finally the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch and the return to learning....or at least day dreaming and pretending to learn.

When Rainbow returned home after basketball practice, she found her parents excitedly awaiting her arrival.

"There's out little champion! How was your day?" Her father, Bow Hothoof asked from the kitchen as he prepared dinner. He was ruggedly handsome middle aged man with pale, grayish blue skin, yellow eyes, and a constant 5 o'clock shadow. Like his daughter, he shared the same distinctive rainbow hair.

"Good." Was all Rainbow had to say while she went to put her stuff away.

"I got your suitcases all packed!" Her mother, Windy Whistles, informed her excitedly. Looking between the two women, it was easy to tell they were related as Windy looked very similar to her daughter aside from the freckles and her short, striped orange hair. Like her husband, she thought the world of her only child and they took every opportunity to show it....whether Rainbow wanted them to or not. "Oh! It's going to be so much fun! Your going to have a blast in Manehattan!"

"Uh..thanks mom." Rainbow quickly rushed to her room and shut the door. She loved her parents, but even she could admit that they could get a little...overbearing. She fed Tank and then pulled out her guitar for a solo jam session.

All she needed to do now was eat and get some rest. The train left early tomorrow and there was no way she was going to miss it!

Author's Note:

And a new story pulls out of the station! (Ah the puns...)

Man, I'm on a roll tonight!

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